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New "Priest" Warframe is offensive to my Catholic faith


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Guys, this thread is really a good feeding ground for trolls!

Let me insert my coin here - in my personal opinion all religions are just a bunch of fairytales(as none of them has logical proof jus like fairytales).

We should have respect to all people(no matter what they believe or dont believe at all) but not to religions themselves.

And before getting triggered you should first see the story and description of frame - maybe it is not what you think right now after seeing just an image on devstream.

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23 minutes ago, (PS4)SB-PHUNKS said:

i cant take into account other deities because its not something i believe in. i have my own religious creed that i must follow. that doesnt mean i will bash other people because they follow other religions, thats their free will to do so. best i can do is pray for them and hopefully they see the one true light one day. 

It's still special pleading, and ergo, invalid. You have every right to be offended, but try looking from someone else's perspective, i.e. someone from an Asian religion, or a Norse background. 

Also, proselyting on an online game forum is quite the interesting choice of venue.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)SB-PHUNKS said:

As part of the Catholic faith,

i want to express my dissatisfaction with this new priest warframe that has alleged abilities and appearance that mock the Roman Catholic Church. I understand DE wants to make cool, new, and exciting warframes but this warframe crosses the line by having a "Priest" like appearance and alleged powers such as self sacrificing like Jesus. Not to mention the Thurible/Censer that is used by respected members of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy. Priests are well respected and shouldn't be represented by killing aliens and shooting guns. This specific warframe is different from a nezha or an oberon in which they are mythological creatures and not religious figures. Please take this warframe off the roster or re-create it in a way that doesnt make a mockery out of my religion. Thank You

If you think that just because something draws inspiration from Christianity, or a religious institution, and one person is offended, then DE should scrap their plans for a new frame? By that logic, if anyone spoke out about being insulted by Inaros being based off of Egyptian myth, which is the old world equivalent of religion, or using Chinese gods for Nezha and Wukong, then the frames should have never been made available. If you have a problem with a frame drawing inspiration from your religion, then don't use it.

25 minutes ago, BeardyKyle said:

This is preposterous. As someone who grew up in a Muslim family, went to catholic school throughout primary and high school, studied religion and ethics for 4 years, became an atheist then discovered through spiritualism that there is a greater power in the universe. I'd just like to say that if you squeeze a little bit of lemon juice and mustard on some fried fish it tastes really good.

If DE made a frame that could someone a plague of locusts, or part a group of enemies like Muhammad (Moses) parted the red seas, then would the game suddenly see an outcry from the Muslim members of the community?

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2 minutes ago, TaurusDeRoma said:

If you think that just because something draws inspiration from Christianity, or a religious institution, and one person is offended, then DE should scrap their plans for a new frame? By that logic, if anyone spoke out about being insulted by Inaros being based off of Egyptian myth, which is the old world equivalent of religion, or using Chinese gods for Nezha and Wukong, then the frames should have never been made available. If you have a problem with a frame drawing inspiration from your religion, then don't use it.

If DE made a frame that could someone a plague of locusts, or part a group of enemies like Muhammad (Moses) parted the red seas, then would the game suddenly see an outcry from the Muslim members of the community?

Uhh...guys.. my post was about good tasting fried fish. 

and also...Inaros

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1 hour ago, (PS4)SB-PHUNKS said:

which figures in particular? read The Catholic Nicene Creed

You, sir, disgust me. Giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming you're not trolling, what you are doing is grasping at straws for the sake of foisting your cult upon us.

Plus, whenever we take you cultist types seriously, it always ends up becoming some kind of holy war, and I'm not even referring strictly to the crusades or the inquisition, though Catholicism was the one behind those messes. "Manifest Destiny" propaganda touted that it was god's will that white men should rule over all of North America, and you wouldn't believe the magnitude of the resultant Native American suffering. It really puts your bellyaching over a freaking videogame into perspective to know that the churches are all for genocide if it suits them, not to mention how they freak right the hell out when any truth comes to light which contradicts their dogma and start burning books and even people.

So don't you dare presume to come in here and throw your book around as if it means anything more than pain and suffering for those whom your cult doesn't approve of.

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Oh god... *FacePalm*  sigh... Look, I used to be catholic, but what you are saying OP it's just stupid / $&*&*#(%&.

The new warframe is in NO way, shape or form mocking the church or it's teachings...

<<<First lets have a look at the warframe in question>>>

WarframePriestFrameHeader-664x335.jpg  Looks badass in my opinion

WarframePriestClericFrameRender.jpg   Here is the Model


<<<< What he Actually Looks Like >>>>

he_egy_big.jpg  Looks more like an old Egiptian Priest with extra clothing


latest?cb=20130908003619  As for the incense it's something out of a Diablo game.


DSCF0017.jpg  Or something from the WH40k Universe


<<<< The Warframe Lore it's for the RedVeil >>>>

If anything since the RedVeil are dark fanatics, the warframe in question would be more of a dark priest than anything.

This warframe isn't the only character in video games or themes that would make a dark priest.


Adrastus_preview.jpg  Dark High Priest

latest?cb=20141207180742 Even Funny games take the stile of evil in a way (SR3 Night Blayde Lore)

If Anything the reason I joined the RedVeil it's because it reminds me of the fanaticism of the WH40k lore of doubting of everyone and all could be traitors.

Also Cleansing by Fire.



Last but not least..... You dare to call your self catholic and yet you never complained that we have a warframe literally called Trinity....



Now don't be a party popper and enjoy the game or just uninstall the game. You are one of the many reasons I stopped being Catholic.

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There's not even any confirmation that this warframe will be a priest warframe... As someone already said, this is more of a red veil dark cultist warframe, and his apearence (this might just be me) can only resemble any sort of priest or catholic figure in his concept art with the animations, not in the 3D views that were also shown during the devstream. Also I am a Catholic and have 0 problems with this... Also have you ever played any RPGs? A large majority of them have some sort of Priest class.

Edited by TRRAMSEY
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2 hours ago, Magneu said:

So Nezha/Wukong as deities is ok?

Special pleading detected.

In any case, why is a priest Catholic only? Could just as easily be Lutheran or Protestant.

EDIT: Even though I went to a Catholic high school, I have no idea if Lutherans or Protestants use the same imagery. Just the title of "priest" seems to be a link to me.

Actually to further your point just because it's a priest doesn't mean it needs to be any of those whatsoever. For all we know it could be based off of something else entirely.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)SB-PHUNKS said:

As part of the Catholic faith,

i want to express my dissatisfaction with this new priest warframe that has alleged abilities and appearance that mock the Roman Catholic Church. I understand DE wants to make cool, new, and exciting warframes but this warframe crosses the line by having a "Priest" like appearance and alleged powers such as self sacrificing like Jesus. Not to mention the Thurible/Censer that is used by respected members of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy. Priests are well respected and shouldn't be represented by killing aliens and shooting guns. This specific warframe is different from a nezha or an oberon in which they are mythological creatures and not religious figures. Please take this warframe off the roster or re-create it in a way that doesnt make a mockery out of my religion. Thank You

2 hours ago, Magneu said:

So Nezha/Wukong as deities is ok?

Special pleading detected.

In any case, why is a priest Catholic only? Could just as easily be Lutheran or Protestant.

EDIT: Even though I went to a Catholic high school, I have no idea if Lutherans or Protestants use the same imagery. Just the title of "priest" seems to be a link to me.

I always thought that a Priest is just a part of the hierarchy in any religion, rather than being locked as a term for Catholics only.


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1 hour ago, (PS4)SB-PHUNKS said:

i cant take into account other deities because its not something i believe in. i have my own religious creed that i must follow. that doesnt mean i will bash other people because they follow other religions, thats their free will to do so. best i can do is pray for them and hopefully they see the one true light one day. 

I can only take this as willful and offensive ignorance. You've seen something that you've taken to be distantly related to something very important to yourself and made this thing all about yourself when it is very much not.

Saying you can't take others into account because you don't believe in those faiths IS bashing them. You're explicitly stating that their entire worldview and opinion is invalid. You'll have to hold your light somewhere other than directly in your face. You can't see the world past it until you do.

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I would like to add a couple other things real quick here, even though someone may have mentioned some of them already. 

1) The devs never said this was a "priest" frame, the players did. 

2) Lots of religions call their basic rank of holyman "priest", it is certainly not exclusive to Catholics. 

3) The thurible/censer thing that you see the warframe holding, is also not unique to Catholics. Many religions have utilized such a tool for ceremonies, including both Chinese and Middle Eastern traditional religions. 

4) Useage of the term "priest" and the useage of incense and censers goes back much farther than the Judeo Christian religions. 

5) If you were such a devout and smart Catholic, you would know this already. OP called themselves a "B - Catholic". At least they are honest in their grade, because they certainly don't get an "A". 

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Why is there even a discussion about this. There's nothing confirming him as being an actual priest or in any way affiliated with religion. Even if it was, so what? Its not making fun of anything at all? And even if it did make fun of priests, religion or whatever, so what yet again? Why should religion get a free pass?

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So using deities from other religions or beliefs is okay, but HOW DARE YOU TOUCH THE VERY IDEA OF A PRIEST, SOMETHING THAT ISN'T REALLY EXCLUSIVE TO MY RELIGION AND EVEN EXISTED LONG BEFORE IT, BUT I FULLY BELIEVE IS TARGETING MY RELIGION AND BELIEFS BECAUSE... REASONS!!!!111one! Nevermind any other game that has a priest or cleric type character. This is pathetic. The finest example at wanting special treatment for your beliefs or ideas. The sad part being I'm not even an atheist, but this is just pathetic. Leave, never come back.

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Why are you lying to stir up trouble? This isn't funny. It's embarrassing. I won't even bother to argue, because it's not like you don't know this imagery doesn't belong to the Catholic Church, or that the things you're dismissing as mythology are or were also other people's religions. You know. Stop lying.

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3 hours ago, (PS4)SB-PHUNKS said:

As part of the Catholic faith,

i want to express my dissatisfaction with this new priest warframe that has alleged abilities and appearance that mock the Roman Catholic Church. I understand DE wants to make cool, new, and exciting warframes but this warframe crosses the line by having a "Priest" like appearance and alleged powers such as self sacrificing like Jesus. Not to mention the Thurible/Censer that is used by respected members of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy. Priests are well respected and shouldn't be represented by killing aliens and shooting guns. This specific warframe is different from a nezha or an oberon in which they are mythological creatures and not religious figures. Please take this warframe off the roster or re-create it in a way that doesnt make a mockery out of my religion. Thank You

I'm offended that you believe in a thought-process that is a pathogen that infects peoples brains. In that, they believe a city in Italy run by a male figure/figurine who is holy, supposedly, gets to rule the world and parade around in a bullet proof golf cart. If we called it Pope, you'd be offended. How can a person from a belief system that believes a zombie brought everyone together in the year BC under roman rule even play Warframe at this point? I'd like to know.

In Warframe, we have themes of resurrection, transhumanism, lost civilizations, archaic weaponary from by-gone era, bio meta human manipulation. I'd just like to know, how a man of individual freedom of choice can actually engage in a repetitive missions and still remain supposedly remain holy in their own view.



Edited by Kinjeto
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20 minutes ago, Dovahren said:

So using deities from other religions or beliefs is okay, but HOW DARE YOU TOUCH THE VERY IDEA OF A PRIEST, SOMETHING THAT ISN'T REALLY EXCLUSIVE TO MY RELIGION AND EVEN EXISTED LONG BEFORE IT, BUT I FULLY BELIEVE IS TARGETING MY RELIGION AND BELIEFS BECAUSE... REASONS!!!!111one! Nevermind any other game that has a priest or cleric type character. This is pathetic. The finest example at wanting special treatment for your beliefs or ideas. The sad part being I'm not even an atheist, but this is just pathetic. Leave, never come back.


He's already shown that he doesn't give a S#&amp;&#036; about other religions. To him, he gets to determine what is mythology and what is religion. He doesn't understand that to some people, this MYTHOLOGY IS RELIGION


2 hours ago, (PS4)SB-PHUNKS said:

i cant take into account other deities because its not something i believe in. i have my own religious creed that i must follow. that doesnt mean i will bash other people because they follow other religions, thats their free will to do so. best i can do is pray for them and hopefully they see the one true light one day. 



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