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Oberon Feedback 20.3.1 and beyond


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I love the new Renewal change. The armor stays as long as the synergy was done once and Renewal is channeled, it still goes on a timer if Oberon needs to toggle 3 off, and the best part is that you can group up once to buff then everyone can go off far from each other.

It feels so good as a support power, like Oberon is keeping his team together with his buffs.

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8 minutes ago, 1tsyB1tsyN1nj4 said:

Agreed but it still needs more work.

Yes he could use more work but then so could everything else.  And as people that respond to tweaks always bring up" that frame is in a good spot, there are priorities and hydroid needs a rework more". 

That aside, don't ask "why cant my 1 kill a lvl 1 enemy?  Ask "what can X frame do with 250 extra armor, 50 heath regen/sec, free revive, surrounded by punctured/confused enemies?

Edited by robbybe01234
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16 minutes ago, robbybe01234 said:

Yes he could use more work but then so could everything else.  And as people that respond to tweaks always bring up" that frame is in a good spot, there are priorities and hydroid needs a rework more". 

That aside, don't ask "why cant my 1 kill a lvl 1 enemy?  Ask "what can X frame do with 250 extra armor, 50 heath regen/sec, free revive, surrounded by punctured/confused enemies?

Not disagreeing, not one of those people either, but his initial rework still feels rushed. I know they are still working on it and all, but his passive is definitely in a worse place now. And then we have all these salty whiners who either never used Oberon or just don't know how to use a frame properly

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Overall I love the oberon rework. He was my favorite frame before the rework and he will definitely stay my favorite now. 

The one issue i have with today's hotfix is that the energy drain per second per target healed does not scale. So while i can drop the 2 energy per second drain down I can't change the 3 per second drain which can stack multiple times which defeats the whole purpose of building duration and efficiency to scale the cost down, I really don't want to be draining 9 energy per second (assuming my own character does not draw energy when being healed which i haven't tested yet) that i can't do anything about. That's worse than it used to be with max efficiency and super negative duration which was how i used to run oberon for 4 spam and the drain then was about 8.5 or so which is not sustainable for any reasonable amount of time.

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6 hours ago, NeonNemesis said:

Blessing was nerfed in range because it was flat out overpowered, it gave instant full hp and dmg reduction (more like damage imunity) regardless of where you were, there simply no comparison to an ability that needs to travel to the target and applied a small instant heal and a HoT for the rest of the duration that sometimes didn't even healed fully. About the swat example I saw some years ago a hostage situation where the 2 snipers neutralized the 2 guys at the door of a building, 1 was killed instantly the other got hit on the shoulder and was about to react when the intervention team entered the building and disarmed him, are you telling me that the snipers weren't a crucial part of the team in there? If they wrren't there chances are the 2 hostages with guns pointed to their heads would be dead by now.

Also IRL there is no way to heal like WF and in battlefields snipers sometimes do need support, if someone reaches or aim at the the snipers position they are done for take for example the Private Ryan where the others couldn't hold back the Tank and it blew up the sniper. 

Blessing needed a nerf but they did that in a way that promoted staying together, they also nerfed it's DR so that the Trinity had to work on monitoring peoples' HP more than just giving them 99% DR. Note that they introduced Tenno Affinity at the exact same time and had Blessing's range work off of it, Tenno Affinity is designed to promote sticking together. In fact, even if Renewal kept its infinite range, you wouldn't want to be far from your team anyway, because of Tenno Affinity. 

That sniper analogy implies that a) that was the 100% only way they could have shot two guys and b) that splitting up from your team in Warframe actually gives you any advantage whatsoever. It dilutes spawns, part of the affinity isn't coming to you, and even if you do have an infinite range heal, Renewal took time to get there, and if they died anyway you still have to go over and get them up, with the commute there putting their life at risk. Really SWAT snipers or whatever don't translate to anything in Warframe, SWAT teams don't have energy shields and magic parkour, SWAT's enemies don't come in waves of 100, and SWAT guys can't actually harness Void energy through the power of a child that is remotely controlling them and using the energy to cast basically-magic-spells. As you even say, IRL there is no way to heal like in WF so the idea that SWAT snipers can be compared to healing team mates far away has no common ground for comparison.

6 hours ago, NeonNemesis said:

Are you serious about the Trials and Kavor? It seems to me like you are trying to play dumb on this, Law of Retribution especially nightmare is almost a must to have EV Trin on the team, try to make a team without it, 9/10 of the times people will ask for trin and will leave if there's none, it's more certain than trying to take an Oberon there. On the Kavor for people that wanted max score for the clans all runs were filled with 4 EV Trin because energy never ended and Kavors were fully healed everytime. If you havent faced these situations it means you have been away from the game for a long time.

Ah my mistake I assumed you were talking about Oberon being brought to stuff.Trinity has healing as her specific skillset; she's a favourite pick for coordinated teams, but a team with a coordinated set of builds probably won't ever need to bring an Oberon because 4 people with synergetic Warframes won't need an all-round Frame, especially not in a Trial with 8 people. with 4 different people choosing a team, you can bring Trinity for healing, some CC like Nova/Nyx/Loki, for Trials you want specifically Frost in LoR and Nekros in JV, and then really just another Trinity and more CC. You don't ever NEED an Oberon, and if he's in a coordinated team which has already filled its specific requirements for CC and healing then an Oberon isn't going to fill in the missing links in a team, and that's the point of him. That means that he's never going to be a top pick, but players can pick him and do alright with him if they want to.

7 hours ago, NeonNemesis said:

Then you can compare him to Equinox, Deals damage, has CC, has buffs, has debuffs, has healing much better than Oberon. you can also compare him to Nehza, also has buffs, debuffs, stat and CC removal, much better CC, heal, teleport.

People treat Oberon as the only Jack of all trades, he isnt, and these nerfs only make him lose ground to other frames.

Also he is in such a wonderfull state that you can see happiness radiating on these forum about how bad he is and how horrible this rework was.


Forget about HG toggle, my bad, I had Hallowed eruption equipped that made it look like it was a toggle.

However I found out that the bleedout extension got removed.

Equinox has lots of stuff, but Oberon's healing applies directly to him straight away, and he can get armour and such, while Equinox's healing requires her/him to first cast Mend, build up damage, then activate it later to heal, and her/his hard CC for protection is only an area target, not full AoE around them. Also, Equinox's big damage ability doesn't allow him/her to heal while it's up. Basically, Equinox is much squishier without map lockdowns, while Oberon lacks power play but can keep himself alive without too much effort. He's an all round frame that quickly deploys his abilities, while Equinox is an all-round frame that deploys stuff slower and with less immediate danger removal. 

The big argument is over whether it's even a buff, which it really seems to be to me, but overall Oberon will never be as powerful as any other frame at specific things, so making him worth playing is always going to require the player to specifically enjoy his playstyle and abilities, not just that he's an all rounder.

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8 minutes ago, LokiTheCondom said:

It does actually, you need higher power strength. Max power strength (without Energy Conversion) needs like 4-5 casts

That means that the Armor Shred takes off a percentage of the target's CURRENT armor. I am confused why not total ??

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Just now, Phalian said:

That means that the Armor Shred takes off a percentage of the target's CURRENT armor. I am confused why not total ??

Unfortunately yes, that's true. If a target has 100 armor and Reckoning+HG strips off 81% of the armor, that leaves you with 19 armor. Cast Reckoning again it'll strip off 81% of 19 and you get 3.61. Rinse and repeat till you strip off armor completely.

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interesting, I can run renewal almost continuously without much problem at all. I drain .5/s and I'm working through a forma I just put on. Duration helps with energy drain, so perhaps instead of doing this negative duration thing people keep refering to try giving a high duration. I started at 0 and ran a mercury survival 30 minutes without a problem. by the time I hit level to have renewal I never had to turn it off.

to me its these special builds people keep trying to use that are the issue with trying to balance anything. People get locked into a mindset and so judge the performance of a frame or weapon on that basis. there is far more to be done with it than a singular build on any frame or weapon. 

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Oberon's smite takes the health from enemies and then the orbs deal 20% of that targets health each. This is not good damage It can't kill anything whether it is level 100 or 1 why? 2 reasons

1. It does not account for armor which adds resistance to the damage enemies take to their health so no matter what no an armored enemy will survive.

2. The orbs deal radiation damage. Most infested and some shields resist radiations damage. So the orbs don't deal full damage

So smite deals no damage no matter the faction you are fighting.

DEmegan posted that they are aware its not doing damage so they are adding more damage to the initial hit and taking shields into account with this change oberon "might" kill corpus enemies but it will still not work against grineer infested.

And yes alloy armor is weak to radiation damage but unless they take armor into account it won't matter passed level 30. Even if it did enough damage to kill the enemy it hits the orbs will home in on enemies around them so it may proc radiation but it will not effectively kill.


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6 minutes ago, (PS4)bullet1351 said:

Oberon's smite takes the health from enemies and then the orbs deal 20% of that targets health each. This is not good damage It can't kill anything whether it is level 100 or 1 why? 2 reasons

1. It does not account for armor which adds resistance to the damage enemies take to their health so no matter what no an armored enemy will survive.

2. The orbs deal radiation damage. Most infested and some shields resist radiations damage. So the orbs don't deal full damage

So smite deals no damage no matter the faction you are fighting.

DEmegan posted that they are aware its not doing damage so they are adding more damage to the initial hit and taking shields into account with this change oberon "might" kill corpus enemies but it will still not work against grineer infested.

And yes alloy armor is weak to radiation damage but unless they take armor into account it won't matter passed level 30. Even if it did enough damage to kill the enemy it hits the orbs will home in on enemies around them so it may proc radiation but it will not effectively kill.


maybe they should just use ehp instead of total health and total shields 

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It does 35% of the max health+max shield of the enemy, with that it can kill lvl20 enemies easily. Maybe they can throw it something more to the formula so it can be a bit like iron jab(skill 1) of wukong, that does a lot of damage. But he is not a killer frame and his 1 applies debuff, the projectiles apply perforation status chance which reduce the enemy attack, maybe they can do that more effectively.

Edited by chofranc
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2 minutes ago, (Xbox One)RPColten said:

It can also easily trigger radiation status affects. Half of the ability isn't kiling, it's confusing and sending them into a frenzy.

Abilities can be good even if the damage they deal is minimal.


But here's the thing, radiation sucks.  A.  Unless there's a group of enemies it does literally nothing.  B.  Even if there are other enemies half the time they'll still attack you anyway, because radiation doesn't make them friendly, it just makes them attack "everything" (IE: you because you're the closest thing or they just picked you anyway for inexplicable reasons)  It's just not good enough to be building skills around it.

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1 hour ago, InsanityKey said:

But here's the thing, radiation sucks.  A.  Unless there's a group of enemies it does literally nothing.  B.  Even if there are other enemies half the time they'll still attack you anyway, because radiation doesn't make them friendly, it just makes them attack "everything" (IE: you because you're the closest thing or they just picked you anyway for inexplicable reasons)  It's just not good enough to be building skills around it.

Yep, radiation sucks they only don't attack you if you aren't in their line of sight or if they hit an enemy.

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36 minutes ago, RottedApples said:

Overall I love the oberon rework. He was my favorite frame before the rework and he will definitely stay my favorite now. 

The one issue i have with today's hotfix is that the energy drain per second per target healed does not scale. So while i can drop the 2 energy per second drain down I can't change the 3 per second drain which can stack multiple times which defeats the whole purpose of building duration and efficiency to scale the cost down, I really don't want to be draining 9 energy per second (assuming my own character does not draw energy when being healed which i haven't tested yet) that i can't do anything about. That's worse than it used to be with max efficiency and super negative duration which was how i used to run oberon for 4 spam and the drain then was about 8.5 or so which is not sustainable for any reasonable amount of time.

Dont worry, its actually a UI bug  on the extra drain while healing. It is correctly aplying efficiency. 

*We are aware of a UI bug where the Arsenal stats for Renewal show that Energy per target is not affected by Efficiency/Duration Mods. A fix will come at a later date- we wanted to get this out ASAP! 

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