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Oberon Feedback 20.3.1 and beyond


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16 hours ago, Music4Therapy said:

People that have trouble with Oberon's energy fall into one of four categories:

1) They place too much emphasis on Strength and not enough on Efficiency.

2) They keep Renewal toggled on for too long (you can turn it off prematurely and still benefit from Iron Renewal)

3) They keep Renewal toggled on because of Phoenix Renewal and there is a Nekros in the party (Guardian Derision helps with this by pulling aggro to yourself and allowing you to stay topped up via Rage) This problem also doesn't exist if you have Arcane Energize, but its not necessary.

4) Similar to the first, they are modding Oberon incorrectly. Vitality+Primed Flow+Rage with max efficiency will allow you to stay topped up in energy. Add in Phoenix Renewal for a 90 second safety net (keep in mind that once every 90 seconds if you die you come back to life with essentially max health and energy)

that how oberon need to be build... negative efficancy    is terrible idea wen eximus starts to pop up even trin will not help them

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37 minutes ago, achromos said:

Eh, it's just the fact that people don't know.  I mean it's not like Oberon is the most played frame.  Most people (at least at this time) don't know that they just have to have his carpet down and as long as renewal is up and targeting a team-mate they can and will be buffed once they touch the carpet (aka hallowed ground).

That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about Reckoning spammers.

33 minutes ago, ashrah said:

that how oberon need to be build... negative efficancy

This has literally never been a good idea. Not only was it only effective if your allies went down but if you do it now you will have zero energy.

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12 hours ago, P0Pz said:


Because, there will be time you want to shoot at the direction that is blocked by the bubble, same for your teammates. If their bullets are trolled by your own bubble, they ain't gonna  be happy.about it. Plus, there are times you just want to have it go kaboom to deal damage instantly but instead, you have to wait for like 10 seconds of  frustrating. 

Making manual detonation available would encourage people to add more duration to their builds. At the moment, I rarely see anyone put heavy duration on Mag because they know that the enemy will die by their team  wayyyyyy before the bubble explodes, making her 2 redundant and if not worse, troll teammate's line of fire.

Testing stuff in the simulation isn't always going to be 100% true to real mission btw.

PS: I guess Polarize will be much more useful as a defensive ability when shield gating comes out

Edited by Windy_Wind
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1 hour ago, (Xbox One)YummyYummYum said:

 Try getting fleeting expertise with streamline for 175 efficiency. Strength will take a sizeable hit but abilities won't cost very much.

Yeah I build for 299%+25% power strenght for the most amount of healing + armor.  I play him purely as a support buffer.  I can't afford to throw the powers more then to buff unless its really high lvl when energy is easier to get from behing hit with rage.

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Health orbs instantly revive dead pets and you can pick them up when your pet is dead even if you are topped up in health. 

It fits his theme perfectly.

And before I get hit with the "pets suck" argument, maybe DE should buff pets instead of removing synergies frames have with them because "they're bad"

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13 minutes ago, Darkvramp said:


Oberon does too little for too much energy

Nice comparison. But I think that's what DE want him to be, a "balanced" frame. He cant be a better support than Trinity or a better DPS than Mesa or a better CC than Vauban or a better tank than Chroma, otherwise those other frames will lose their jobs lol

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1 minute ago, Doomerang said:

Nice comparison. But I think that's what DE want him to be, a "balanced" frame. He cant be a better support than Trinity or a better DPS than Mesa or a better CC than Vauban, otherwise those other frames will lose their jobs lol

except what he does now is sooooooo much lower than any other frame which is some serious bull

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Just now, Doomerang said:

Yeah it's a sad news that even after DE gave him multiple buffs, he still doesnt have anything outshine other frames beside his armor stripping.

and even that is soooooooo not worth it because of the energy cost


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10 hours ago, Windy_Wind said:

Because, there will be time you want to shoot at the direction that is blocked by the bubble, same for your teammates. If their bullets are trolled by your own bubble, they ain't gonna  be happy.about it. Plus, there are times you just want to have it go kaboom to deal damage instantly but instead, you have to wait for like 10 seconds of  frustrating. 

Making manual detonation available would encourage people to add more duration to their builds. At the moment, I rarely see anyone put heavy duration on Mag because they know that the enemy will die by their team  wayyyyyy before the bubble explodes, making her 2 redundant and if not worse, troll teammate's line of fire.

I see your point "why you want it".  I support it but for another reason. It makes it more flexible.

Did you watched the very first video link from my post above?

It directly shows and explains why you NEED TO GO for duration if you focus Mags 2.

Positioning, is the keyword. You got several ways to still do what ya want without leaving your mates unable to hit targets "directly".

Go up on a rock or object, pull once, cast directly 2 on the first incoming flying target and throw direct 3-4 pox shots. Your bubble is now in the air or at least most part of it, the ground is free to aim for your mates if they do not like to have a save zone. Now pull again and foes flying up to you entering the bubble insta die.

I dunno where you get the impression that only the detonation at the end does high dmg. And i tell ya NO they wont kill targets faster just with your their guns. The reason is simple: any shots/bullets on or within the bubble continue to do dmg. While without the bubble every 1 shot ENDs to do dmg after it hit.

Once 1 bullet hits, it hits again. And not just 1 target..several targets. While you and your team continue to "feed" the bubble with dmg that continues to do dmg...if you crit..your critting bullet will also perma fly for the hole duration within the bubble. Targets steping 1 foot inside the bubble, insta die most over and will die insta after reaching point of dmg within the bubble.

Procs? Any shot that procs, continue to proc for the hole duration.. thats why 2 pox shots is already enough to let a lvl 145 bomber getting all armor stripped away INSTA. Just 2 shots. Watch the video for better explaining than mine sry.

Even if your teammates shot on your bubble theire bullets will still DO theire dmg BUT each bullet will ON TOP circle nonstop within the bubble for the hole duration of it.

The only negative for them is they can't aim for HS and the dmg dealt counts only to Mag. This 2 last reasons are the only negatives, while the "dmg done" statistic should be ignored since everyone "should know" its splitted by all or at least a part of it counts to everyone.

You can directly "close" gates/doors to rooms with her 2 up to 4 bubbles at the same time. While your team mates can handle other gates/doors.

Casting a 5th bubble while 4 bubbles are already up, lets the first bubble you casted end the duration and explode. But you do not want to cast 4 times 2, just to let your first bubble detonate. Waste of energy, therefore i support this idea. <~

The explostion dmg done IN THE END is not only the dmg shown in your ability screen at arsenal. It adds and collects any dmg done by targets within the bubble to the detonation dmg. So..the longer the duration, the more targets within, the more dmg the targets do,...the more detonation dmg is done in the end. <~ high duration !

Just the detonation dmg in the end can do millions of dmg to everyone within the AoE. Thats why i would not let it detonate faster. I wish i could let it collect even longer. So i can pull more foes in, to insta die or getting in the AoE range of detonation.

Btw..my Mag's Bubbles duration is 15,x sec with 2,8 multi range of 15m. Thats a pretty great security & DD area. Esp doing a chain of 3 bubbles does 15+15+15 meters = 45m secured/DDing, traped, and on detonation will do great heavy dmg to any surrounded targets also. 😎

My current Mag Layout:

Pox: Corrosive + Blast (100% status

Torid: Viral + Radiation

Melee: Mios or Hirudo or Orthos Prime

Companion: Prisma Shade or Kavat Adarza for the critbuff every 10sec.

Focus: Zenurik bc RIP energy 😉



Testing stuff in the simulation isn't always going to be 100% true to real mission btw.

This is true. Thats why i went 2h/3h... survivals solo/friends with Mag. Ezy. Esp dealing dmg is with Mags 2 just epic. Survival is a bit tricky since you have nothing but your bubble to help ya out. But u can use it to cast step by step your way to secure every move out of a bubble to be in another bubble. (Like in the video above).

Or you search for a room with a just 1 door and if possible with a longer tight waypath to it oooor a corner short before the 1 door to the small room. When u want to move save to extraction point use ur bubbles like explained. 😉


PS: I guess Polarize will be much more useful as a defensive ability when shield gating comes out

Indeed. Thats why i do not want to add to it on top -50% or -80% shield/armor debuff. Max -15% armor/shield debuff instead the flat debuff numbers (which would be already -30% deffstats debuffing). Mags 3 is already strong/good as it is with a very great range on 80m (high duration!).

Not every skill needs to be OP or epic imo.

Mags4 needs a tweak.

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2 hours ago, Doomerang said:

Yeah it's a sad news that even after DE gave him multiple buffs, he still doesnt have anything outshine other frames beside his armor stripping.

I mean if you really want to be fair and count Rhino's Augments, why not add Phoenix Renewal?  Oberon (and all allies effected by Renewal) get a free revive, and as long as they don't go down within another 90 seconds they get another.

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15 minutes ago, achromos said:

I mean if you really want to be fair and count Rhino's Augments, why not add Phoenix Renewal?  Oberon (and all allies effected by Renewal) get a free revive, and as long as they don't go down within another 90 seconds they get another.

That 90s CD...

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All he needs is simply a way to get energy back. That is absolutely it. Also, if the prime is now released, that doesn't mean he won't get buffs or so on. It's just that the prime will now be looked at from both stat wise and feeling wise.

I propose that he regains energy every time he hits with radiation procs. So abilities and weapons could work wonders with this. If this happens then he would have the energy sustain he needs to be good and a real jack of all trades that has a bit of everything in medium portions.

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2 hours ago, MarrikBroom said:

Preferred stances?
I have the following Pallets:
Saturated Classic





Good alternitive to Storm's rose-gold?

Regarding Stances, I personally stick with the designated Noble for every frame, call it a day from there.

As for colour...hoo...I'm going to base my suggestions off of a Colour breakdown I made for the palettes, due to the lack of interior labelling in game. It's not exactly glamorous, it's not exactly thematic, but it sort of does the job? Colourblindness makes being fabulous hard...

Saturated Classic: Personally, the main thing I use from here is the White in cell x5 and y16 (counting down from the top and across from the left). However, the blue in x4 and y5 is nice.

Grineer: Not sure. There's apparently some nice greens in there, but I tend to neglect using greens due to getting them mixed up with everything else. Some of the darker, bark like browns could work, depending on what you're looking for?

Ki'Teer: I don't have this one. Which means I need to acquire it to add to the breakdown list...ugh. Wonder when that'd turn up again.

Halloween: This is a good palette if you want some strong red or orange colours, and the gold in x1 and y7 is really nice as either an Energy colour or as a tint for metallics.

Shamrock: Oranges and greens mainly, but they've got some real nice deep blues in the mix. If you're looking for some accent work, a strong blue works well against whites or oranges, depending on how you order it. Experimentation does wonders.

Apologies for a somewhat lacking offering. Colour is a difficult matter when not working with labels we can all access instantly.

So far as palettes go, I think Corpus or Orokin might have decent rose golds? Can't be too sure, either way.

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Yeah. It's disappointing that DE hasn't addressed the last bit of nudges he clearly needs. The armor and energy buffs on prime are definitely welcomed, if still underwhelming, but...

  • Smite still has issues with P.Strength
  • Reckoning's orb drop is still a gimmick that rarely gets triggered, and is also redundant with Renewal
  • Renewal still costs obscene amounts of energy compared to other channeled skills, with a healing potency that doesn't justify the cost
  • Hallowed Ground is still a bizzare shape
  • The base ranges of his skills are still bad
  • Passive is still trash for the majority of players
  • Hallowed Ground still looks like garbage, and has rendering bugs


It's nice that he's not absolute garbage now, but come on, DE...

Edited by Alusdrann
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27 minutes ago, MarrikBroom said:

OK I did a thing i don't normally do and rush built Oberon Prime.


Am I alone in not having any good idea how to color him?

I'll be using the same aesthetics that I do with non-prime Obe. The prime skin looks hella weird to me.

Tried to base mine off of Skyrim's spriggans, but it's really hard to get natural-looking browns and greens on metal. This is what I'm currently settled on. Maybe I'll find better color options later.





Would be nice if at least one of the base captura scenes had decent lighting. Or if there was at least a captura mode in your ship.

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This is to cut Oberon ties to being a paladin and embrace his true Cleric self.

I'm serious, he has all the qualities of a Cleric but everyone that sees his first abilities name automatically assumes he is something he is not, this change is supposed to stop this confusion from happening, also the name Guiding bolt is a much more appropriate name, Smite is supposed to be an incredible Burst damage abilitie with little to no utility, when you say that you will "smite your foes" is to say that you will not leave them a chance of fighting back, however, Oberon's first has much more utility than damage to offer, knocking down and applying radiation on them.Guiding Bolt, however, is something that still does damage but is utility based.

All in all, Oberons signature weapon being a Mace should have been a dead giveaway and Oberon prime weapon being a Mace and Shield easily puts him in the war cleric category.

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These are ninja robots, not DnD characters. Fantasy tropes are used in the creative process and help people understand things more easily, but that's as far it goes.

No offense, but Guiding Bolt sounds like a electric-based power designed to show allies where to go. What is it guiding?

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2 minutes ago, SenorClipClop said:

These are ninja robots, not DnD characters. Fantasy tropes are used in the creative process and help people understand things more easily, but that's as far it goes.

No offense, but Guiding Bolt sounds like a electric-based power designed to show allies where to go. What is it guiding?

Why would it be an electric power? I could argue that it guides enemies into firing at the targeted enemy

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How would you guys feel about Oberon's passive being something along the lines of: "Pick up health orbs gain x(leaving that number up to DE) amount of energy... so that way it kind of pacifies both sides of the Oberon fan club... the Reckoning dropping health orbs vs energy orbs, personally I still think it should x% chance on hit rather than kill, because frankly, Reckoning ain't killing anyone over lv.50.

This is assuming that there may be one more patch coming for Oberon. He quickly went from a frame I didn't even own, to one of my current most played with this rework. It's amazing how much more fun, and better he is because of it. My only gripe now is, for those of us who prefer a  high power strength build get punished soooooooo heavily for modding that way while still trying to be a team player. I frequently find myself running to the other side of the map to guarantee that no one gets Renewal except for myself... and that's kind of sad. Lol😂

               - Which brings up another point!

has anyone noticed that other players will be well, well out of range of Renewal and then randomly at some point after casting they will end up with the Renewal heal buff? I don't know if that's a bug, but I hurts my selfish play style(kidding, just wanted to point out a potential bug). The real reason this is such an issue, is because when you're trying to stay as far away as digitally possibly from a Nekros and his heal jacking squad of reverse energy vampires, even with the new change the drain caused by those NPC's is outrageous. Please remove this.

And finally, again, will we ever see the energy leeching by enemies removed while channeling Renewal? Because wow is that freaking stupid. 

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1 minute ago, Dwolfknight said:

Why would it be an electric power? I could argue that it guides enemies into firing at the targeted enemy

Well if we're calling the power a bolt, what else would it be apart from a thunderbolt? That's just what it sounds like to me. And I guess you could argue that, but is that what you meant? Did you mean "guided", as in "auto-targets to enemies"?

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11 minutes ago, SenorClipClop said:

And I guess you could argue that, but is that what you meant? Did you mean "guided", as in "auto-targets to enemies"?


Exactly, it's an ability that homes into several enemies.(smite is supposed to be single targeted)

11 minutes ago, SenorClipClop said:

Well if we're calling the power a bolt, what else would it be apart from a thunderbolt?


Bolt is actually a projectile (Firebolt, Crossbow Bolt, Lighting bolt is definitely the most "related" to but it is not a rule) also in a lighting bolt if bolt meant and electric attack it would be a redundancy.

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11 hours ago, Doomerang said:

That 90s CD...

Yea, not the best but consider that if a oberon is in your team and you have the sentinel mod that lets it explode to revive you AND Primed Regen, you'll all be pretty sturdy unless you play like potatos.


Granted I'm just trying to say it's not that bad...  I'm trying to say look at the bright side... but im hard pressed to say he is much better then Hydroid, Zephyr or Atlas.

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