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Oberon Feedback 20.3.1 and beyond


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4 hours ago, Lord.Kaho said:



  • Orbs now proc Chaos and slows enemies.
  • Augment no longer gives additional Radiation damage. Instead, it now provides a base 250% additional damage boost from all sources.


  • Deals scaling damage-over-time & slows enemies.
  • Energy is now gradually restored while stepping on it and works while Renewal is active.
    (Also works with Sound Quake, Mend&Maim, Pacify and Provoke, World on Fire, Exalted weapons and other toggled abilities.)
  • Casting Renewal while under it's effects provides a protective armor buffer with 1500 base health similar to Iron skin.


  • Is now back to being global range.
  • Provides a base 90% damage reduction instead of armor.
  • Heals over time consuming 0.25 energy per second.


  • Enemies killed with Reckoning heals allies and give a flat 300 armor boost. 
    Surviving Enemies are:
  • Now disarmed upon slam.
  • Stripped of armor.
  • Blinded with base duration of 30 seconds.
  • Also has 80% chance to get a Viral status effect.

this seems quite an overkill, also theres a reason why they nerfed trinity blessing. i would take that 90% out or just make it something small after all is just a 3.

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3 hours ago, Hopakkiin said:

Am I using all my frames equally? Nope. Am I using all my weapons equally? Nope. There is a thing called preference and choice. If you are trying to point out, that Oberon sucks because ..., then you should go away. It is like complaining to a person that their music taste is bad, while constantly whining about it. Also. You can't freeze bread.

Look at my avatar. I love Mag. I take her to a bunch of missions I probably shouldn't. I build and forma weapons just to use with her. But she's not in a good place and needs a second look. There are a lot of frames better than Mag right now. I've made a couple of threads about her. I've even made a reddit post titled "DE must really hate Mag". Just because I like her doesn't mean I'll overlook her problems. 


Music is subjective, a frames' usefulness is not. 

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3 hours ago, AlphaTheFinalBalance said:

Gamming term: CC -->> Generally applied to anything that *Aherm* fudges anyone over by causing said target or targets to be left unable to preform a multitude of actions based on the effect applied for a duration of time.

Examples of CC's: Silences, slows, stuns, knock-backs, knockdowns, sleep, paralysis, snares, roots, etc.


Most common terms derive from somewhere from some game; but do fancy me what do you call a stun in general terms that being the stun in question could be able to stun multiple targets or one target without specification.


CC means crowd control. A single target stun is just a stun.

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6 hours ago, Jobistober said:

I feel most of the arguments against Oberon at this point are pure hyperbole.

Hallowed ground grants status immunity or major resistance from elemental and physical damage procs, knockdowns and grapple pulls. It even completely negates ancient auras. Sounds pretty useful to me in most situations. People say he's garbage and totally overlook these qualities... I just don't get it.

I think it's important to ignore statements that immediately show bias without any further support to their argument, so in this light, i agree that calling something "garbage" is completely hyperbole and should be ignored. However, I also believe that just because a large number of people are expressing their opinions/complaints they should not be immediately labeled as "crybabies" (or whatever is currently being said about Oberon mains these days) just because they are unhappy about what is happening, as there is almost always a reason for said complaints.

Now, I'm glad you presented a valid argument in your statement (status immunity, knockdowns, ect.) But i would have to disagree that Hallowed ground is fine as is with only these qualities.

Firstly, since hallowed ground requires range to control the angle of the ability. Players only receive half the coverage of most stationary AoE abilities (frost's snowglobe, vaubaun's net, limbo's cataclysm, etc.) At base since hallowed ground isn't naturally a circle. On top of the fact, that in order to receieve a true 360° HG a player has to sacrifice power strength, which is arguably Oberon's most important stat (smite's damage/CC, Hallowed ground's status chance, renewals armor buff and heal, and reckonings damage and more importantly armor debuff) and although this normally wouldn't be a problem in most frames cases, Oberon is supposed to be able to utilize all his abilities to be at his most effective state, that's his intended "playstyle" as I've come to understand. Now, I'm not saying that the status effects aren't useful or anything like that (in fact it's what makes Oberon unique as a support and vital to the team) but it's very inefficient to cast the ability twice in order to make a full circle in order to provide a substantial amount of coverage for ones team (when other frames do so with one ability cast). The range penalty also does not synergize with reckoning like it's supposed to since reckoning casts in front and behind Oberon. In a hypothetical scenario where an equal amount of enemies were surrounding Oberon on all sides and Oberon was already standing on hallowed ground, only half of the enemies would receive the extra damage (and more importantly armor stripping) hallowed ground provides when reckoning is cast. Which means that in order to debuff and damage all enemies around Oberon, he must cast Hallowed ground twice before casting reckoning which isn't a problem until you run into higher level missions. The likely scenario here that would allow Oberon to survive that amount of damage (even with renewal on) would be casting hallowed ground first then reckoning for emergency CC, then hallowed ground again to the other side then reckoning AGAIN for around 300 energy cost (if efficiency was not added). This isn't even accounting for how renewal's non flat rate is constantly ticking away at Oberon's energy based off of the damage his teammates are receiving. Now I understand that this scenario is fairly unlikely and maybe even excessive, but I mention it because of how the forced synergy between reckoning and hallowed ground could quickly be worked around if hallowed ground was a circle at base.

Secondly, Hallowed ground is a stationary ability, but in order for teamates to get the full benefits of renewal, all players have to be stationary on it as well. Although this is partially alleviated by the aforementioned status immunity, it is not conducive to the standard gameplay of warframe. This argument is somewhat negated because of defense missions where the objective is to hold ones ground, however, we must separate what the ability is designed to do and how it is implemented. Frames previously mentioned with hard defensive abilities (frost, limbo, vaubaun) are able to hold the objective single handedly while teammates contribute to that with CC around the objective. This generally means that teammates are fairly spread out in order to cover the circumference around the objective and not all located in the same spot. Currently, Oberon is forcing all teammates into that one small area in order to get the full benefits of one of his abilities (which helps support the team immensely) which breaks the flow of the game since players are forced to regroup and wait. Even though it's a small amount of time for the team to wait to receive large benefits, if an Oberon continues to run out of energy the ability must be recast again and again, thus continuing the requirement for teammates to bunch up and wait. It's a small issue, but an issue that deconstructs Oberon's usefulness as a support as teammates are more often than not, less willing to stop what they are doing in order to gain noticible benefits. 

Finally (and this has been touched upon previously I'm just elaborating), the fact that all of Oberon's abilities rely on hallowed ground makes his synergy fairly clunky and keeps him from standing out among other frames that provide tankiness, CC, heals, armor debuff, etc. I don't think Oberon should be able to do everything that any other frame can all at the same time (for that would make him far too OP) but players should be given the opportunity to mod in a variety of ways to make Oberon fit the role that the team needs. As it stands, Oberon is very versatile and even tricky to mod at times, but it's because of this that he should be far more valuable on a team than he is, and I believe that is in part because of all of his abilities being dependant upon a stationary "carpet" to get the most out of them when hallowed ground itself isn't powerful enough of an ability to constitute such a vital role in Oberon's kit.

I could go further into detail on why I think Oberon is just a bit flawed right now (because i only covered hallowed ground) but I think the point has been made (and if anyone wants me to PLEASE do, I want to discuss this topic as much as possible so that some sort of agreement between players is met). I'm very glad you commented, I hope future discussion and argumentation is encouraged in a mature manner that you have displayed.

Edited by Oni_Spartan4
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Make Oberon's #1 like a giant shotgun, spewing out those bolts of doom, which then split up into more bolts of doom and just bounce around and cause hella bunch of damage each.  Let him clear entire areas like some Warframes do...walk in, entire blobs of 100 mobs drop dead....

#2: Make it deadlier and stay longer.  Make it stay like Frost's snow globe, being just a carpet of FIRE, not radiation damage.  Have it stay for like 1 minute base, dealing a bunch of damage and stripped away armor as well as burning the enemies. 

#3: Put the armor buff on this, and make it where as allies enter the Tenno Affinity range with Oberon, they gain the buff, and if they leave, it stays on them for like 30s and then poofs.  Rather then now, where I gotta hope my allies are near me when I gotta recast #2 and then recast #3 and well, they arent near me by that time.....so the team aspect of this ability is kinda wasted.  Its great for solo play though, Oberon+3+rage=god mode?  Almost....atleast until I play something a little more serious, like that high lvl daily alert thing, then it doesnt matter..4 shots and down I go anyway.  .

#4 increase the base range on this thing......I took off my stretch to make room for more pwr strength and dayum, the range on this #4 is atrociously short.....I used to be able to fly over mobs and #4 and gather up groups, but wow, without range, dear god, it doesnt reach past the ends of his arms...

This new Oberon is a very tanky frame if your solo, but his other abilities I basically made take a backseat to conserve energy to maintain the heal on myself......I dont see any reason to use the other abilities really.  I use 2, then 3, and then go about my business with my Soma Prime. 

Edited by KnightCole
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2 hours ago, MarrikBroom said:

I'd love to hear your thoughts on Renewal, or even Reckoning. Renewal to me is actually in a good place beyond costs and its forced dependance on hallowed ground for the iron renewal buff (Yes I would like its range to extend to 'affinity range' with range modification affecting how fast the heal wave goes from oberon to edge of affinity. However i do not see Scott doing that.)

I'll take it an unasked step further and talk about all his abilities.

2 hours ago, MarrikBroom said:

Smite i feel is in a workable place, though I wish it both had the initial target generating aggro for everything around it, and each of the feeder orbs doing 5% initial target's health + fixed damage value (fixed value modifiable by strength) rather than splitting 35% of initial target + fixed value among ALL secondary orbs as this punishes high strength builds, and as you mentioned Oberon NEEDS power strength. Oberon LOVES power strength.

I find smite to be good as is personally, but that's just me. It feels like a total boss slayer and I love that, its totally unique and name appropriate. I also think the % damage can be worked around by setting priority targets (ones with higher health) to be hit by it. Though I like your suggestion and honestly think it would make the ability work smoother, the changes they made are decent (but the secondary orb number scaling with power strength makes very little sense to me and I have no idea why that's a feature. maybe more of a boss killing thing like I use it for? I really am kinda lost on that one).

2 hours ago, MarrikBroom said:

either axe dependance or make it so the thing i can control (me) is what needs to be on hallowed ground and it will be far less headach inducing. ALso please. PLEASE fix the visuals. It looks like a toxic sludge pile that's hard to see with a hard to figure out edge.

Renewal... is largely in a good place as far as I can tell in regards to armor/health given.

Reckoning has the most problems after Hallowed Ground. IT's an ult that frankly feels less like an ultimate ability and more as a panic button. Admittedly it has use, but it does little damage in high levels/sortie and above, its CC is based on radiation which sadly isn't reliable, blind is very minimal to the point of almost being done by the time casting animation is finished and you can move again. Two things would help it greatly. Make its armor strip based off of total armor as opposed to current armor of a target as well as armor stripping irradiated enemies (since that's actual synergy since I can smite or hallowed ground to irradiate, or team members can irradiate with weapons,) and make the health orb drop mechanic be an on-hit kill this guy within x seconds (modified by duration) you get a coin flip on if a health orb drops. The point at which the damage stops being reliable is right around when you'll want those health orbs, so putting a mechanic to increase survivability behind a mechanic that requires murder from a power that just doens't have murder capability (and frankly shouldn't since that would turn reckoning into a boring nuke and we don't want that I believe) is frustrating.

I could talk about hallowed ground for days so I'm going to save that for later plus I already talked about it a bit in my previous comment.

Personally I agree with you on Renewal being in a good place. It's a fairly decent range but I completely agree with you on the affinity range. If range scaled the way you proposed it would allow Oberon to "compete" better with Trinity (who has a similar range mechanic as far as I'm aware unless they nerfed it) and give another reason to pick the super niche vazrin focus school (with the increase in base affinity range). I also am of the firm belief that as long as Oberon is standing on Hallowed Ground, iron renewal should apply at least 50% of the armor buff to allies (while anyone standing on HG receives the full buff) regardless of where teammates happen to be (this would be even more applicable with your affinity range proposal). This would take the pressure off of Oberon having to corral people to a waypoint just to make two of his ability casts justified and also negate some of the false synergy he has currently. Overall, Renewal is okay, I still can't believe the allied units problem still exists (I legitimately thought it was a bug the first time I encountered it) and it should definitely be changed to a flat rate over what it is now as its simply not practical to have renewal toggled on above level 60-80 (depending on build). Though a lot of players would disagree with me, I think renewal should remain a channeled ability like it is now for a few reasons:

  1. The way iron renewal currently works encourages players to always keep Renewal up at all times.
  2. Phoenix renewal exists.
  3. As long as teammates receive the heal they maintain the heal no matter how far they go which is extremely important for HoT playstyle

One thing that i find is holding renewal back however, is the lack of reliable energy regeneration. currently, nearly every Oberon build utilizes Rage (which, besides the fact that it is a rare "late game" mod and most early players who pick up Oberon won't have come in contact with it) which is not reliable energy restoration. Its dependable, since at some point or another you WILL be taking damage, however it is not reliable since damage is what kills you. It has been suggested (by me and many others, https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/68xd6f/the_oberon_rework_he_deserves/ check out my extended thoughts here if you wish) that Hallowed Ground have some sort of mechanic that restores energy to compensate for this to which i whole heatedly agree. This was however, before his recent energy buff which in my opinion was a nice addition, but simply a bandaid to Oberon's energy consumption. 

As far as reckoning goes, I never thought of it as being a damaging ability in the first place, so I don't necessarily mind the damage being as low as it is. The armor strip, when I initially heard about it, got me HYPE though, but sadly, it did not live up to that expectation at all. Number one, just like you said, it NEEDS to be additive. There is no good reason for it being multiplicative in the first place especially when nearly every pub match you join you'll find at least one person using corrosive projection. Though some would argue that I should just 'git gud' and use CP anyway, I raise the question: why would i have an armor stripping ability if I didn't utilize it at all (and) wouldn't the very ability allow me to bring a more useful aura so that I'm not restricted in build versatility? So yes, the fact that other frames can do this job far better than Oberon is upsetting and further infuriating is the fact that most of these frames have armor stripping capabilities as an afterthought (rather than what their intentional playstyle) and still out preform Oberon at his own game. On top of it all Oberon needs to fill a condition in order for armor stripping to occur (hallowed ground) and as I felt I explained in a coherent matter, this can only be done at half efficiency and strength (not in stats just in practice) since HG doesn't cast in a circle (AND would get penalized by overextended on top of it all)! In order to solve some of these problems I agree that there needs to be an innate armor strip effect on cast, maybe only half the strength it would be on HG but it needs to at least be somewhat noticeable. On the other side of the spectrum, I agree that the orb drop is pointless (as already stated, its not supposed to be a big damaging ability) but i would go further in saying that the health itself is pointless. I'm using renewal and getting (?)HP/sec, instead of asking why I would need that, when would i need that outside of high level content (furthermore, if I just retreat for a couple seconds 25 health wouldn't add too much anyway compared to around 60-80 health a second)? I think this can be solved by making it a 20% chance on hit to drop an energy orb. This would, in some ways, compensate for the cost of Reckoning to be cast and allow Oberon to compete with Octavia for her energy regen support capabilities (Now I could see this being spammed so maybe the specific drop chance could be changed, but regardless, the way it is now is completely useless). I think the blind is a nice and unasked for addition, so I really don't care too much about it. buffing it to a base of 8m and 8sec would help a tremendous amount though. Overall the range should scale directly with HG as well and maybe get that sweet spot 18m buff everyone wants. 


I completely agree that Oberon is in a better spot it just makes me really upset the community division and developer disconnect that it has caused. I still like playing him, he's still my main frame, but the touch up they gave him just feels so rushed and uninspired, and honestly I don't Disrespect DE because of this ya know? They got a production line going and they really need to set priorities and deadlines, its just really sad to a guy who mains a rather unpopular frame when it gets a reasonable buff but remains flawed. DE had a really big opportunity to clean Oberon's kit up a bit and I'm still hopefully that they read these comments made by the community with a desire to help them and everyone enjoy the game a bit more because of it, but man... I hope they don't forget about Oberon


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8 hours ago, malekas said:

Look at my avatar. I love Mag. I take her to a bunch of missions I probably shouldn't. I build and forma weapons just to use with her. But she's not in a good place and needs a second look. There are a lot of frames better than Mag right now. I've made a couple of threads about her. I've even made a reddit post titled "DE must really hate Mag". Just because I like her doesn't mean I'll overlook her problems. 


Music is subjective, a frames' usefulness is not. 

Well, usefulness is still a matter of playstyle and therefore a matter of opinion. In my opinion and in the way I use him, Oberon is a fine frame, since I first got him. And I do think, that he is not the most specialized frame out there, but for me he is the most flexible.

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11 hours ago, HolicErsa said:

lol this zeclem dude, he is arguing with something he agrees on jesus... and he keeps boasting about his inteligence and cannot comprehend that he is arguing with nothing.

"you cant say a frame is a tank just cus of its mods cus the mod applies in some proportions to every other frame"

"4. You don't seem to understand what "proportional" means.  So let me try to help you with a simple math problem. If I have a 1:4 ratio, and I increase both numbers by 100%, that gives me a 2:8 ratio.  What does that break down to?  Wow.  1:4.  They're both PROPORTIONALLY the same.  Yes they're bigger but as far as determining what role each frame fits into, it's not going to change."

"I know, and I'm not saying you're not allowed to use mods or whatever.  But you can't use them to say your frame is a tank, because then I can slap them on every other frame and they're all proportionally the same as they were without the mods.  The point of tanks is that they inherently have the ability to stay in the fight longer."

all he is saying that no matter if you equip a squishy frame with tank mods is not going to make them into tanks.

and he is not wrong to say that mods affect the frames in the same way.

15x2.1 = 31.5
600x2.1 = 1260

both frames are affected by the same multiplier.

except it does. read my example:valkyr without steel fiber is squishy, with her shes an excellent tank. there are frames who dont need it to tank at all as well. so by that logic valkyr isnt a tank cus shes squishy cus of her low hp. 

and then there is unconventional stuff like using qt on volt prime with energy pads. without it, hes very squishy, but with it he becomes really durable cus of his extremely high energy pool, enough to be one of the games best melee frames thanks to that and his ridicilously great attack speed buff.

i cant stress this one thing enough:mods can change a lot about how a frame/weapon plays. people just cant shake off the mentality that every frame must be played in ways that majority plays them. dont do this. 

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Smite: No comment as don't even like single target ability.

Hallow: still bad, just purely DoT with radiation proc's, not much use.

Renewal: heal over time, OK. slow bleedout, doesn't seems to work. Increase of energy per second per heal target, BAD. Ability need to be map-wide aura, that only heals players & their pets, not abilities. (like how Trinity' Blessing dont heal Frost' snowglobe.).

Or better, remove the increase of energy per second per target healing. But shift it to increase of energy per target downed per second. While 'slowing' their bleedout.

Reckoning: Don't use it at all.

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oberon is viable enough. i rather have them look on other frames like hydroid and zephyr. while zephyr has some useabilitiy with her 3, hydroid is nothing but nekros booster.

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5 hours ago, MarrikBroom said:

AGGP would argue 'just get arcane energize'

Arcanes are supposed to be 'oh this makes things a lot nicer.' not 'this is necessary.'

This is my issue.

Rage, efficiency, and Arcanes really should be options. Currently, Oberon is pretty limited in terms of builds because he really needs certain mods.

I actually have three different Oberons that i'm forma'ing and toying with, and I think I finally found a build i'm OKAY with, but it has base power strength, which is unfortunate. 

I believe that;

Smite - Fine. Damage is still mediocre, BUT it is good scaling CC.

Hallowed Ground - Raise base range. This thing, even at max range, is pretty lame. I honestly don't believe it's amazing on its own, but people seem fine by it, so whatever. I think we can all agree though that it needs some range increase. I really believe it should just be a friggen circle to, and I think a lot of people would agree to that, but again, whatever.

Renewal - Honestly... it's fine now. It's functional and completes it desired purpose. It's not amazing, but it is a good ability. Though, I still have trouble getting it on allies sometimes. 

NOTE - RENEWAL SHOULD NOT AFFECT ALLY SPAWNED 'SPECTER' UNITS. This thing affecting Nekros's Shadows of the Dead, Atlas's Rumblers, etc increases drain way too much.

Reckoning - I think we can ALL agree this should be an 'on-hit' ability with regards to its chance to spawn health globes. 

Should it also drop energy orbs? I like this idea. It wouldn't rapidly spawn energy, but it would help a little with sustain by possibly refunding energy for his most costly ability. Though, it would also need to be an 'on-hit' thing.


Overall, Oberon is better, but still clumsy and awkward. He still needs tweaks.

I'm not gonna lie, I'd be pretty upset if Oberon was left here. They really should look at him, Limbo, and Ash. 

They need to stop reworking frames and then dropping them as if everything was all the sudden fine. It's infuriating.

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16 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:


CC means crowd control. A single target stun is just a stun.

May have been how I grew up gamming with hardcore people, CC's to me usually mean any kind of stuns etc, Depending on the game I don't consider a silence a CC but from my experience if it stops you from doing an action its a Type of CC, if anything Arguing about what a CC is is a debate the entire internet would go into a frenzy over, I am sorry to have even argued about what  CC is in the first place.

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9 hours ago, Zeclem said:

except it does. read my example:valkyr without steel fiber is squishy, with her shes an excellent tank. there are frames who dont need it to tank at all as well. so by that logic valkyr isnt a tank cus shes squishy cus of her low hp. 

and then there is unconventional stuff like using qt on volt prime with energy pads. without it, hes very squishy, but with it he becomes really durable cus of his extremely high energy pool, enough to be one of the games best melee frames thanks to that and his ridicilously great attack speed buff.

i cant stress this one thing enough:mods can change a lot about how a frame/weapon plays. people just cant shake off the mentality that every frame must be played in ways that majority plays them. dont do this. 

and you are right, valkyr is not a tank frame, she is a berserker frame, the only tanks that come to mind right now are rhino and chroma because their tankiness scale up with the damage they take.(tho i read that ice chroma isnt working as it should or something?)

for qt it is very helpful for frames with high energy pool but i would not call them tanks, i love qt on my nova because it gives me good survivability for the price of 1 slot.

again you are arguing with something ppl agree on, mods affect frames in the same way on every frame im not getting a diffent % if i use qt on excal instead of nova the difference is how efficient are those mods on said frames.

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Just curious how long the "we'll just let it sit and collect a bit of feedback first" period will last before they reconsider making a few more tweaks to Oberon.

A few months?  A year?

For a frame they don't want to "be great at one particular thing" they seem to make damned sure it requires the utmost of minmaxing to play even reasonably well.

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3 minutes ago, Xekrin said:

Just curious how long the "we'll just let it sit and collect a bit of feedback first" period will last before they reconsider making a few more tweaks to Oberon.

A few months?  A year?

For a frame they don't want to "be great at one particular thing" they seem to make damned sure it requires the utmost of minmaxing to play even reasonably well.

He is great at being himself. Go, go, goberon. And probably about 10 days. And yes, they will change him again.

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Just now, MarrikBroom said:

Potato, Tomato, and Forma are already ready and waiting. I'm probably going to farm unless they do that final level of spit-polish.

Already decided two years ago, that I will buy him as soon as he is available. Hope he has golden horns.

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6 hours ago, Zeclem said:

oberon is viable enough. i rather have them look on other frames like hydroid and zephyr. while zephyr has some useabilitiy with her 3, hydroid is nothing but nekros booster.

Oberon is fine, he could be better though. I just want DE to touch him up before they "put him away" so to speak, since it will be a while before he receives any further buffs once they've finished with him.

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6 minutes ago, Biter. said:

And that just tells them it's okay to put out half-baked reworks lol.

Well... ya, that's true I suppose.

But, I planned on buying him back when I first discovered how fun he was.

Before the first 'rework', back in Oberon 1.0 when I actually did get flamed for playing him lol.

That was back on PS4. Seems like a long time ago now...

Same with Mesa. I said I'd buy Mesa Prime when she came out because I enjoy her so much. Though, she is much better off than Oberon (aside from her first ability, fudge that thing lol).

People who don't really even play Oberon will still buy prime access out of loyalty. Us buying it versus us not purchasing it honestly won't affect DE much because others who aren't even involved in these discussions, or who enjoy the rework for casual purposes, will still purchase it.

I believe that now is our chance for rework changes, and when this opportunity passes, we will lose what little of DE's attention we have. 

Unless a LARGE portion of the player base refuses to purchase prime access, nothing will come of it. And I doubt we could amass enough players to make the required push. Though, if something does come about, it would be interesting.

All I can say is,

To the developers of DE,

I will purchase Oberon Prime. 

I will do so out of my love for the frame, and a degree of loyalty.

But this is not my approval of the rework. Things are still needed.


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As a number of people have said here, Oberon is certainly better than he was before, but he still feels rather unfinished. More to the point, it feels like they just slapped together some changes as quickly as possible before the current Prime Access ends and they have to reveal Oberon Prime. I certainly appreciate the fact that Smite and HG scale better than before and that HG covers a better area...but Lotus almighty...the forced interactions between abilities to get buffs and debuffs you used to get with casting just ONE ability by itself is just annoying, tedious, and energy consuming. Yeah that buff to Oberon's energy pool to counter that is nice, but it's only a band aid solution and doesn't resolve the problem that Oberon is far more of an energy hog than he ever used to be. He used to be able to do long range heals and bleedout extensions...help anyone nearly anywhere; now he has to either keep pace with everyone else running around or everyone has to huddle fairly close to him for heals and bleedout extension. At this point, the bleedout extension is a bit of a moot point seeing as how short the range of Renewal is now, you can still fairly easily get to a player and revive them in time WITHOUT the need for said bleedout extension even if they were within range of Renewal. On Renewal's ability to heal Shadow's and other minions...it's a nice touch but God's teeth it's a drain on energy.

All us Oberon fans are asking for and would like to see is for you devs to put as much thought and polish into Oberon's kit as you more than likely have done with his upcoming Primed model.

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Hello All, I wanted to take this opportunity to post my opinion about the Oberon rework.

So the First thing I want to share is how I picked up Oberon right away and have been one of the few that have shown him love over the year or so since. That being said he was in need of some tweaks and so far I have liked how some of the abilities have changed. I do want to share two things that I feel have hindered the change one is a personal preference and the other is game play.

Game play- Warframe continues to be a fun and ever changing fast paced game. With the new style of play that Oberon brings to the table I feel that It completely hinders how the game flows for him and now he drags his team to a halt as well. With the New healing and armor synergy instead of being able to just assist on the go, Oberon has to either call everyone to a spot or get lucky in order to fully assist his team appropriately. Because of this the game play slows down just to get everything back together. This kinda brings me to my personal preference.

Personal- Renewal was the ability that made Oberon, Oberon. Global heals upon use was a way for the player to be engaged in his team and the range less distance was an added bonus. As a healer I find it more fun to keep track of my teams health and be that saving grace when they need it rather than just press a button and leave it at that. Despite how a lot of people like it, the toggle seems to take away from what Oberon was originally supposed to be.

Keeping these two things in mind I think that Oberon could still have these benefits of the rework without changing how renewal originally operated. Or even changing it to a little more range based. Oberon is/was my favorite frame and I hope that this information can help provide a solid rework that doesn't take too much away from the game.        

I hope this is helpfully, I can see great things in Oberon's future.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

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