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Oberon Feedback 20.3.1 and beyond


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Against bosses or other high priority, single-entity threats, oberon's DPS is much better. As a crowd control frame, he gained a (very small) buff, but as a reliable source of healing, he's taken a big hit. Renewal's team synergy is restricted mostly to bleedout reduction, as the armor boost that got shoehorned into renewal only works when an ally is on hallowed ground when they're first affected by it, and the buff is removed if they ever enter a nullifier bubble or fall into the void (and you can't refresh that buff for them unless you cancel it on everybody else and recast.

tl;dr: No. Oberon's main area of expertise still lies in dragging brain-dead pugs through missions.

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1 hour ago, WinterCatalyst35 said:

I also think his passive should allow him to either have 2 pets, or grant unique buffs to allies if he has a pet at random.

Either one sounds great, and the idea of 2 pets (perhaps the first summons the second occasionally) would be interesting.  Also like the buffs idea so long as it is "himself and allies" not just allies.

I personally don't like things that would make me have to use a kavat/kubrow but some situations applied properly would make sense, especially in this case.

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If we are talking about a power-level type deal, then Oberon is pretty much in the same place overall. But as long as his heal range being reduced isn't an issue, he has been given more tools to work within his all-rounder role. Renewal is a toggle now that spreads outward in a Nova Molecular Prime style manner; Hallowed Ground still removes status, and protects against bad status, but no longer gives armor but a flat armor bonus modified by power strength can be added to Renewal's toggle effect bonus if players step on the radiation field before the Renewal is cast. Hallowed Ground also got radiation status which it lacked before but didn't actually get a damage boost. Smite got a weak scaling effect that is split among Oberon's Smite wee wisps that split off from the Smite initial hit, not very reliable but nice to have for something. Reckoning got boosted so that it does more damage to irradiated enemies in its range and will remove armor of those foes if they stand upon a Hallowed Ground when Reckoning is cast. The Beast Master Passive Oberon has was changed from temporarily charming animals to boosting pet durability and giving a once per mission revive which is still sorta buggy but nice for pet users. Also, since these kit changes are more energy intensive, Oberon was given a higher base energy reserve to help somewhat.

Oberon can now make more use of his Phoenix Renewal augment, and is enjoying a little more use as some players try him again. I think DE Scott mentioned it as giving Oberon 'an inch', which is fine; small changes in effect overall but worthy enough to give Oberon another go and try a few builds if you haven't already. If you need suggestions, I am sure with the many Oberon players that responded on the forums change threads that many players would be willing to give ideas for builds that work with the new changes.

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6 hours ago, peterc3 said:

Oberon: "druid" looks but paladin based powers. Why aren't there Valkyr reworks to give her all cat based powers?

Hmmm. To be fair, Hysteria has her growing claws... last i checked this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valkyrie has nothing to do with cat claws. Honestly there's not much of a relation between Valkyr and a Valkyrie besides taking part in bloody battles and how ruthless both can be.

Believe it or not, it is entirely possible for a frame to have 2 separate themes. Valkyr's being that of a caged cat and a Valkyrie(albeit loosely) and Oberon being Druid and Paladin.

Edited by (XB1)DRG JupiterIvan
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2 hours ago, Metsudo said:

Yeah, spit balling new skills and trying to come up with something interesting ain't the easiest. To be honest the tree and plants focus was all I could come up with when I was thinking about it. I mean, considering how bad the AI is in warframe I dropped the idea of anything AI based pretty quick. The Idea of using bark and trees etc came more from the designs of his helmets. The antlers always struck me as very tree like (real life ones too, they even look like tree bark on some animals).

With the radiation, I always felt kind of weird about it, as you said he's a paladin/druid. Considering that, radiation should be a terrible idea for a nature based frame, as radiation is do destructive to life in general, but as you say, their isn't a "light magic" damage type so any element likely wouldn't sit right. Cheers for the analysis.

I understand completely. In all honesty I'd love to see a Dryad themed Warframe. Plant life is pretty much the only thing left untouched in some regard. Hell I even made a concept for it way back when, it was one of the first concepts I made when I came to the forums. I'm totally down for a plant frame, just don't gut my Oberon lol.

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41 minutes ago, Doomerang said:

They won't make big changes for Oberon with his Prime coming in about a week, but I do hope to see some small improvement and fixes for him when I got his Prime.

Yeah thats understandable, in that case the changes that need to be made are really just numbers and a few minor visuals. Making smite a bit better in scaling, making energy more efficient on renewal or upping his energy. Making hallowed ground bigger. Also would actually like to see an aoe circle around reckoning when you cast like avalanche or the spears that Nezha has, simply because the range is deceptive.

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1 hour ago, LODESAMONEY said:

I haven't played since then, been trying to wait out Oberon Prime, which I've heard is probably the next frame in line to be Primed. 

Has Oberon improved in any way since the last time I played, around Christmas of 2016? Or is the class still shunned by the purist master race with no love for the hybrids?

Once a crap, always a crap. even with a makeup and lipstick :XD

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I found Oberon quite enjoyable after the changes. I always thought Oberon should've been great at spreading Radiation but his lacklusting skills say otherwise before. Especially Hallowed ground. It was such an awful skill to me. Now it's way better than before if you ask me. Oberon now is a pretty decent frame. 

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41 minutes ago, Xekrin said:

I personally don't like things that would make me have to use a kavat/kubrow but some situations applied properly would make sense, especially in this case.

The chance someone has a cat or a dog to give a minor boost is really lacking when it comes to being a meaningful passive. He could even gain the ability allow pets to res fallen allies, which would give him a huge advantage over keeping a team alive without putting himself in the danger

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4 minutes ago, LODESAMONEY said:

I use a Carrier Prime on my Oberon, mainly for looting, Medi-Ray and Sanctuary, but also for knockdowns with a Blast status build. Is Oberon better off with a Kubrow now?

No. The miniscule buff your animals get isn't worth losing the Sentinel utility.

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7 minutes ago, LODESAMONEY said:

Is Hallowed Ground still projected in a fixed spot? I said a long time ago, the way to improve Hallowed Ground would be to center it around Oberon, rather than just projecting it forward. 

Still projected in front of him but in a much bigger and more usable shape.

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4 hours ago, Doomerang said:

Just look at the Ash revisit thread, over 120 pages and still going on, but I think DE's done with him (imo Ash is still more viable than Oberon in higher level).

Our last hope is that DE gives Oberon a final patch to do him justice when his PA comes out, but if there's no patch, I doubt DE will patch him in the future.

Yeah lets hope they fix it when his PA comes out. Either remove the renewal effect on those summoned allies or change the energy cost of renewal.

Rather have the cost removed. Oberon making Titania stronger would be a nice thing. Ship and synergize! 

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Oberon's rework and the buffs that followed turned him into a soloing beast and a solid squadmate if built a certain way.

Phoenix Renewal used to be a pain to trigger due to Renewal falling off once you were healed, now that it is a toggle ability your renewal is effectively permanent on yourself and allies. With Primed Flow his energy shoots up to 638. This allows you with a range+efficiency build (I run 160 rng and 170 eff) to use Reckoning pretty liberally (can be used mid bullet jump and doesn't require LoS), lay down Hallowed Ground every where you go, and give yourself and allies a free pass from death every 90 seconds. 1) You shouldn't be dying more than once every 90 seconds, that's absurd, especially with mass radiation and cheap Reckonings that don't require LoS 2) If you do die despite your base armor+heal over time, you come back to life with a full Energy pool because of Phoenix Renewal.

Oberon is a monster.

Edit: As stated above, his skillet works best in pubs. I'd also place him as a top tier solo frame, not God tier like an Ivara or Limbo who both scale absurdly well, but he holds his own.

Edited by Music4Therapy
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5 hours ago, LODESAMONEY said:

Has Oberon improved in any way since the last time I played, around Christmas of 2016? Or is the class still shunned by the purist master race with no love for the hybrids?

Before, playing Oberon was like using a unicycle to haul industrial amounts of bricks and cement at a construction site. Theoretically doable, but you looked like a mentally challenged clown every time. 

After the rework, you unicycle is now a wheelbarrow. With square wheels. So yeah, it kinda gets the job done with a lot of sweat and swearing, but the rattling annoys the living hell out of everyone present and there are still much better ways of doing this. 

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I have a negative power and negative duration build. So for my 6 forma Oberon he's entirely unusable now and I'll be selling him as soon as I need a new slot for a new Warframe. Shame because it was my 2nd most used frame.

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1 hour ago, Reifnir said:

Before, playing Oberon was like using a unicycle to haul industrial amounts of bricks and cement at a construction site. Theoretically doable, but you looked like a mentally challenged clown every time. 

After the rework, you unicycle is now a wheelbarrow. With square wheels. So yeah, it kinda gets the job done with a lot of sweat and swearing, but the rattling annoys the living hell out of everyone present and there are still much better ways of doing this. 

Also, you can give your fellow construction workers hard hats, but only if they're touching the wheelbarrow. And if anyone isn't touching the wheelbarrow when you're giving out the hard hats (cause they got distracted or something), then you have to take back everyone's hard hats and try again.

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It's easy to hop on the bandwagon and say "omg Oberon is bad"

The reality is, players like me that have taken the time to figure out his optimal builds and how to play the new Oberon have had great success with him. I've been able to take him 90 minutes into a solo Mot game without the use of Naramon. I've been able to prevent MANY deaths with Renewal+Iron Renewal with Phoenix Renewal. I've been able to make the infested nigh obsolete via the use of status immunity provided by Hallowed Ground and Radiation via Smite/HG/Reckoning to disable their auras. The Grineer are already made trivial by CC and can't do anything to prevent themselves from being radiated then armor stripped. The Corpus and Corrupted factions are the only factions that can give him trouble, but many frames have the same issue and again I've been able to take him 90 minutes deep into Mot in a solo game. He makes a joke out of the star chart/most sorties when played correctly.

He is a top tier frame, notice how the majority of players that say otherwise either don't say why or repeat the same "jack of all trades" trope which is 100% moronic. Rhino, Volt, Octavia, etc... are jack of all trades and excel in different areas. Oberon isn't a god tier frame like Octavia, Ivara, or Limbo. But he is great, I'd place him along with or above the vast majority of the cast in his current state.

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Surely he is better than he used to be, but after beating a few sorties I still can't see a reason to use him over many objectevely better Warframes. Energy consuption is too high, CC is decent but not as good as Nova, Rhino, Nyx, Vauban and other can provide. Heal is alright for tanky frames, but it won't help resisting one-shots for your team on high levels, unlike Trinity's Blessing.


Overall, he is still bad. I'd pick Trinity over him any day.

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On 5/20/2017 at 9:34 PM, VBNXS said:

1. He's too squishy and can't heal where Heals are needed. I had to use naramon to survive past 20 mins in Mot and my Heals were only useful to others due to phoenix renewal and corrupted iron renewal. 

Definitely a l2p issue. I've been able to routinely take him 60+ minutes solo into Mot without Naramon with my personal best with Oberon being 90 minutes.

Don't build for power strength, no amount of flat armor or Healing is going to prevent you from being bursted down/1 shot in Mot. Utility>Everything in Mot. Don't worry about duration either, due to his Renewal being a toggle effect Duration is a non-factor compared to the benefits of 170% efficiency. Run that and 160% or max Range.. Use Hallowed Ground and Reckoning liberally, run the Phoenix Renewal mod. With (Primed) Flow along with Vitality and Rage (no Quick Thinking) you're golden. 

I should upload gameplay clips of me smashing sorties/Mot with this guy.

Edited by Music4Therapy
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