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Should we do something with Energy drain Eximus?


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We all know them well and we all hate them.


Co'z they will ruin the fun of OPing over enemy with frame ability even how well we mod 

...leave us helpless and running around like headless chicken for the kinda-rare-to-drop Enegy orb.

Or make us need to pack Trinity the energy generator with the team ...but that sometime didn't help too


But I understand the role of them ...to let us not rely on the ability or just go afk with some frame ability 

but isn't their power is a bit too much? They can got visual clue on them yes ...but no clue on their power effect

not like other Eximus that we can see a ring of aura around our feet that tell the bad guy is near so we can get rid of him fast or just run

their power can go thought floor and walls they can just stand below or in other room to drain our enegy without we knowing what hit us

and they can just stand in the mob and drain energy without hitting us not like Leech Eximus that drain health with every hit of them 


So my suggest is to make them like Leech eximus that drain by hit us not just stand there and drain ...or atleast make them like

other Eximus that has aura clue to tell us they are near and we been draining energy or make their power can't go through wall and need line of sight


Please ...I know and like the challenge of this unit ...but they need some rework :satisfied:

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It's incredibly annoying having these enemies drain your entire pool of energy and you have no clue where they are/where you need to go to get out of their radius. 

If DE are going to keep leech eximus's the way they are then they need to add a visual cue on where they are/radius of their effect or they need to tone down the amount of energy which they drain.

Ideally, a better option would be to make that the closer to an eximus you are the more energy is drained, the further away you get the less energy is drained (until you get out of their radius entirely). This would be the ideal option if they are not willing to add any visual cues (unsure why they wouldn't want to do this) or if they want to rework the way in which leech eximus's function to make them more of a threat to those who rush into them.



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Rather then lose energy I'd rather have them just mess with our energy mechanics. Maybe casting cost goes up, maybe our pool gets lowered. Having our pool emptied seems ... kind of boring. For one thing, people will jump to a far spot and drop restores, and bringing in "Drink Potions" forced mechanics to shooters just to stay in the game? That a fun idea? I don't think so.

You find a more interesting way yo mess with the energy pool, then restores are not as effective as forcing us to deal with the actual units causing the problem.

The whole "there's a swarm of stuff and I have no idea where they are" just adds to the frustration of how the units currently work.

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I agree that giving their aura a visual effect that is visible on players would be nice. Often times I don't notice that there is an energy leech somewhere until my energy is already drained. When we're near a toxic ancient eximus, we get a toxic aura on us, and a toxin effect that appears in our UI as an icon. Energy drain should also appear as an icon on our UI that will go a long way to letting us know one is near. Giving some kind of an aura effect would be nice too.

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Yeah, an idea of having them is good but their execution... You can't counter their drain by anything but kill/Banish.

Fairplay, eh? :^)

  • LoS checks
  • Drain rate affected by distance between you and Leech Eximus:

-5en per sec within 0-10m -- you're out of energy, son.

-2.5en at 15-30m -- better get rid of this abomination, son

-1en past 30m -- You gotta try hard, pesky leecher.

  • A portion of drained energy will be dropped as an Energy Orb upon Leech's death

Even getting 25% of energy you lost would be more than enough.

Edited by Thundervision
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10 minutes ago, DSpite said:

Rather then lose energy I'd rather have them just mess with our energy mechanics. Maybe casting cost goes up, maybe our pool gets lowered. Having our pool emptied seems ... kind of boring. For one thing, people will jump to a far spot and drop restores, and bringing in "Drink Potions" forced mechanics to shooters just to stay in the game? That a fun idea? I don't think so.

You find a more interesting way yo mess with the energy pool, then restores are not as effective as forcing us to deal with the actual units causing the problem.

The whole "there's a swarm of stuff and I have no idea where they are" just adds to the frustration of how the units currently work.

Something like this sounds good. It'd also be nice if their effects didn't stack either so you'd be totally screwed.

Can be a pain that if you get rid of one, oh there's another around the corner still destroying your energy.

That's all the Eximus Sorties feel like to me, toxic and energy drain levels, especially as leeches as they're just all over the place (feels more than the other types) and their effectiveness is, well, too effective? Lol

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27 minutes ago, DSpite said:

Rather then lose energy I'd rather have them just mess with our energy mechanics. Maybe casting cost goes up, maybe our pool gets lowered. Having our pool emptied seems ... kind of boring. For one thing, people will jump to a far spot and drop restores, and bringing in "Drink Potions" forced mechanics to shooters just to stay in the game? That a fun idea? I don't think so.

You find a more interesting way yo mess with the energy pool, then restores are not as effective as forcing us to deal with the actual units causing the problem.

The whole "there's a swarm of stuff and I have no idea where they are" just adds to the frustration of how the units currently work.

IMO, THIS would work....and add some sort of "oh crud there is an enemy I should probably focus on": instead of the current, oh an energy leech/parasitic...KILL WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE

it also doesnt help that energy leech/parasitic are tank as all hek either :|

and the mechanic change would be a great addition too...not knowing WHAT would happen with one around (and there REALLY needs to be a limit on it...having 2+ is absolutely INSANE to deal with...at least they dont stack their (cruddy) auras (*sigh*)

now IF they had a randomized mechanic (and a limit of 1 energy leech/parasitic spawned at a time) that would really make a great enemy....with no way of knowing just what we would encounter from it....and as long as its ONE of the mechanics at a time..would suck to get hit by a energy pool capacity reduction AND decreased energy efficiency)

As it stands, the current energy leech/parasitic REALLY needs an LoS...and the energy drain when getting shot/hit by the leech/parasitic....this ridiculous non-LoS aura that negates any kind of energy giving mods/passives is ridiculous. to counteract it the energy drain would be increased to something like 1-5% per shot taken or hit taken, depending on attack speed of the enemy (looking at heavy gunners/corpus techs being 1% and going up to melee units (ie. ancients with their hooks) at 5%)

Edited by Kalvorax
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how about we do something about the one hit kills first? or the 4 nullifiers that are apparently knit together by the balls meaning there's 4 bubbles you have to deal with? or sapping ospreys? or bursas stun locking you? or getting killed while mid-air trying to parkour your way away from enemies? or 7 grineer scorpions hooking you one after the other and dragging you around like you're a piece of meat?

I feel like something should be done about these things first. but that's just me.

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1 hour ago, Kalvorax said:

IMO, THIS would work....and add some sort of "oh crud there is an enemy I should probably focus on": instead of the current, oh an energy leech/parasitic...KILL WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE

it also doesnt help that energy leech/parasitic are tank as all hek either :|

and the mechanic change would be a great addition too...not knowing WHAT would happen with one around (and there REALLY needs to be a limit on it...having 2+ is absolutely INSANE to deal with...at least they dont stack their (cruddy) auras (*sigh*)

now IF they had a randomized mechanic (and a limit of 1 energy leech/parasitic spawned at a time) that would really make a great enemy....with no way of knowing just what we would encounter from it....and as long as its ONE of the mechanics at a time..would suck to get hit by a energy pool capacity reduction AND decreased energy efficiency)

As it stands, the current energy leech/parasitic REALLY needs an LoS...and the energy drain when getting shot/hit by the leech/parasitic....this ridiculous non-LoS aura that negates any kind of energy giving mods/passives is ridiculous. to counteract it the energy drain would be increased to something like 1-5% per shot taken or hit taken, depending on attack speed of the enemy (looking at heavy gunners/corpus techs being 1% and going up to melee units (ie. ancients with their hooks) at 5%)

With all honesty - and I apologize for going off topic - when I was playing with a mate on Earth Defense, where the Pod is in the center and things come through the openings, you are just overwhelmed with so much that it's impossible to track anything.

You can't tell where the spew Infested Moa are, also because they get stuck behind crates and fire from the gaps, surrounding you in glowing things, so you have to either roll or swish your weapon, effectively changing positions and changing your LOS to the units. Combine that with stomp knockdowns and drag knockdowns ... it was why at the end I just grabbed Frost and just kept a smallish globe up that we could hide under.

Many infested mechanics could be tweaked to make players think more about WHY they are shooting at things, not IF they are shooting at the RIGHT things, for example:

* The current mechanic with Ancients hooks: Just make THOSE cause drain if they are stuck in you, or grab you and slow you, or pump poison into you.

* The small units that explode and cause stagger: Make them stagger ONLY IF you shoot them and make them explode at close range AND IF you shoot them and explode them next to team mates. This will make people check their damn line of fire, as they will be causing the stagger to themselves.

* The flying f....rekkers that drop poison clouds: They could just have a small AoE at all times, but explode into a cloud when shot. Again, make players be more selective when shooting them.

* the crawlers ... I just ... grrr. I mean, The reason I dislike them is that they are near impossible to see with everything else going on at once. If it was actually possible, I would have them crawl along walls and moev towards players to at least provide proper target practice.

I'm not saying this ideas are great, but right now the mentality seems to be "overwhelm the players with a number of things too high to track, killing them by sheer sensory overload". It's rather annoying.



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25 minutes ago, DSpite said:

I'm not saying this ideas are great, but right now the mentality seems to be "overwhelm the players with a number of things too high to track, killing them by sheer sensory overload". It's rather annoying.

to be fair that IS how the infested are designed. they are a hivemind that swarms the target...in this case, us, or the defense objective....and your ideas would work great, for another thread.

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2 hours ago, Kalvorax said:

to be fair that IS how the infested are designed. they are a hivemind that swarms the target...in this case, us, or the defense objective....and your ideas would work great, for another thread.


Except due to Parkour 2.0 and our ever increasing damage output they now overwhelm the player through cheesey knockdowns, hook attacks through corners and behind their own backs, instant energy drains, CC immunity, one hit breath attacks that have poor animation, needless spitting attacks and stacking sightless energy drains.

Their original concept was a rampaging onslaught of creatures not.... whatever this mess is.

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Seems to be a hot topic right now but yeah I do think they could use some attention. 

LoS would be a great start. Most Warframe powers (and even Nullfier bubbles sort of) require LoS now so it only seems fair.

Infested are of course the worst since DE has patched in more enemy types and each of them can be an eximus and each of those can be an Energy Leech.

That can quickly make for a lot of energy drainers in play all at once.

Having them have an "aura" like Toxic etc do could be helpful and also seems fair.

 Or maybe a visual field or Bubble like Arctics have, so you'd see that Energy Drain Bubble coming also like seeing a Nullifier bubble, granted this would cause more visual clutter and possibly other issues as well.

I also think that when you do kill an Energy Leech/Parasitic they should drop an Energy Orb or a "pick-up" like Sentients do.

In another thread someone posted they idea that they could "pulse" when you kill them similar to an EV Trinity's effect, that'd work too. 

But basically provide a Give and Take to how they work.

If you had any Toxic, Arctic, Arson, and/or Energy Eximi along with an Ancient Healer about, you'd have something to consider on what needs dealt with and how, heh.

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The worst thing is that Infested spawn so many of them; I've had at least 3 in my face at once. Long survivals/defenses slowly but surely become a Parasitic Eximus party.

A visual indicator like an aura would be great. A portion of lost energy returned on death would be even better.

...unrelatedly, Scorches really shouldn't be allowed to spawn as Arctic Eximi. That's just not right.

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On 30.4.2017 at 10:49 PM, Xzorn said:


Except due to Parkour 2.0 and our ever increasing damage output they now overwhelm the player through cheesey knockdowns, hook attacks through corners and behind their own backs, instant energy drains, CC immunity, one hit breath attacks that have poor animation, needless spitting attacks and stacking sightless energy drains.

Their original concept was a rampaging onslaught of creatures not.... whatever this mess is.

Could not word it better.

As for energy leech, they are 50% of the spwan table of the eximus for infested, what means without the rage mod and ability to take hits on your frame you will have a very bad time solo after 1h+ or 40+ waves against infested if you do not bring lots of energy restores.

Line of sight should be required, it should draw similar to trinity link a line to the eximus do you can actually find it and stacking of the aura should be removed.

You can hardly see a eximus, given that everything is covered non stop in disruptor auras(that needs a visual makeover, to allow you to see other effects as well) at higher levels, leave alone in a bunch of 20 infested that literally instantly re spawn. If you combine that with low light and constant green toxic clouds by the ospreys at what point you could hardly see it if it is 5m away from you.


Edited by Djego27
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20 hours ago, anyse said:

So my suggest is to make them like Leech eximus that drain by hit us not just stand there and drain ...or atleast make them like

other Eximus that has aura clue to tell us they are near and we been draining energy or make their power can't go through wall and need line of sight



You'd think that's how they should have worked to begin with, given how the other eximus with the name "leech" in it works the exact same way against health.

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31 minutes ago, VentiGlondi said:

Meanwhile, does anyone have any idea what does it mean when there's an orange ring around my feet?

I assume this is a serious question?

if so, that is an indicator that an arson/caustic exmius unit is nearby.

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Sadly, the only way DE seems to make missions difficult is to take away our energy/abilities. Leeches, Nullifiers, laser doors, energy reduction modifiers etc.

It really needs to stop as all it does is make most frames pointless and sends us to high armour frames. We go from 32 options down to less than 5.

The joy of this game is having so much choice in our frames and how we are going to use them together to beat missions, but without energy most of them just become tin suits unable to contribute in any way.

I mean, what good is a Nyx with zero energy? Might as well bring Inaros...

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They really need to have a void energy stream coming off us to them, so we can reliably find and eliminate them. Also, make them explode into an energy burst with 50-75% of the energy they took.


Energy leech eximus are really the most unbalanced enemy in the game right now.

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