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Items you regret buying using platinum?


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Drakgoon. I was fighting a lot of infested early on and thought that this gun that looked a lot like my Fav weapon from UT would be good... hahaha, its up there with the bad choice of starting with volt as things i would change if i could redone from start. Maybe also unlocking full classic colour palette since i only really use the middle column aside from 2 blues...

Edited by AzureTerra
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There is no such thing as regret as long as you are spending plat on yourself.  The true regret comes when you try to be generous once in a while and spend plat on others only for that relationship to become parasitic with said player(s) asking for plat constantly...



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Maybe there is one thing what I regret is when I rushed my clan key as beginner clan warlord with 5 plat. That's all. I am spending wisely and I am only spend money for worth things which itself annoyng to cost any money but all but I accepted this and atleast my money spending wasn't useless.

I have now 116 warframe 427 weapon slots 33 exilus adaptor, 128 forma, 45 reactor 93 catalyst and 2 color palettes "classic" "saturated". These all my only not regretted spendings and There is no sign the devs will stop making frames and weapons so slowly I will reach the limits. Also these items listed above the full stuffs but there are bps too.

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When thay sale for 55% happened, decided to buy 10 of each. I have used the Catalyst on weapons.....but the Reactors have just been sitting there. I have bought, except for Octavia, all thr newest Warframes since Nidus.

So these Reactors are sitting there waiting for a new Archwing, Kavat/Kubrow/Sentinel, or a Frame i can actually craft. 


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i regret none. 


DE deserves every cent we could give them. This game took too much effort and a lot of sacrifice to be made, maintained and developed. DE made us this business. They provided fun, we pay for their good service. 

These Canadian Developers deserves our full support for their job and delivery. 

Warframe should never end. 

Edited by (PS4)felsager
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I bought the what stalker bundle for like 800p because I thought that I would never get a despair or hate BP. Now I have 7 despair blue prints and 5 hate blue prints sitting in my inventory...sigh...

I bought Vermillion Storm for 600p because at the time it was the rarest attainable mod in game I didn't have it. 3 months later Baro was handing them out like candy, I was LIVID!

i bought my friend two limbo sets by mistake, just meant to send him one. That was like 400p...

buying all of day of the dead skins that was like 1600p, i really don't use any of them or like them....

i bought the rhino bundle for 545 to get boar to complete my mastery because it did not drop from anywhere. Now it can be farmed in game...

I have bought some Riven mods that honestly I should have never purchased, probably threw away a good 1000 plat

i have also spent 1000s plat on arcanes I don't use.

I have made a lot of bad decisions. Jesus that's a fortune of plat now that I look back lmao


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I can't really think of a time where I regretted a "platinum" per say, but the only thing in Warframe I truly regret purchasing was the Ash Prime PA. That was quite literally an impulse buy, though at the time I really wanted the plat so it still worked out in the end.

Why would I regret that is because Ash is my least favourite Warframe, and tied with Loki and Rhino for being my least played Warframe as well, I don't use Sentinels so the Carrier Prime and the Prime Sentinel accessories unfortunately had no value to me, and ever since Rubico became a thing, I haven't went back to the Vectis Prime since. The Yamako Prime Syandana is nice, but it's way to bulky for the Warframes I normally play; and plus I mostly use the Pyra Prime Syandana or Tennogen Syandanas on the majority of Warframes anyway lol.

(To clarify, I think he's a super solid Warframe and the Vectis Prime is great, but just not for me unfortunately.)

Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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Biggest regret was buying a complete Dragon Nikana instead of its blueprint by accident. 


I saved the normal Nikana for 4 Mastery Ranks which felt like weeks for me since I don't have too much time to play. Only to feel a deep feeling in my chest when I realized I threw away about 225 plat because I had to rush to sleep. 


At least I have a free weapon slot. :crylaugh:

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