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Is this the end....?


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26 minutes ago, Loobiz said:

They've metion several times that they have like 40 frame-ideas in line. The possibilities are infinite and that is without considering new gameplay mechanics that could always open the door to new ideas.

they mentioned last devstream i think, that they had 8 warframes already in development, and a few behind that in concept phase, and again, a few behind that, that where in idea phase. So I guess they could keep going for QUITE some time

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24 minutes ago, Stormandreas said:

I don't feel like it'll all be connected properly or worthwhile eventually

you mean it will get better eventually? Or do you actually think it'll get worse and more broken?

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8 minutes ago, xXRiomaXx said:

They said on one of their Dev streams recently that once you let someone become a puddle there are infinite things to do. They said something like when they were trying to get someone to publish (i think) the people were concerned that they would have trouble making new ideas for frames back when they only had like 4. Now they have so many d:

yeah, word for word. They said that. It's an interesting idea when you think about it. If becoming a puddle was truly the starting point for such craziness, then technically, they could literally anything. I personally would love to see animal frames, or certain levels of reality benders. Being able to bend/break reality to their will.

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The sentient home system. time travel or memory travel to orokin age first war. Lotus hid the whole freaking moon in the void. They can pop anything they want out of it. Like a Orokin made planet. All Unicron up in there that WWF wrestles the Kuva base. DE can go ham. We wont really care. Things to shoot and loot to farm.

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7 minutes ago, Arniox said:

they could easily add more tbh


6 minutes ago, Arniox said:

they mentioned last devstream i think, that they had 8 warframes already in development, and a few behind that in concept phase, and again, a few behind that, that where in idea phase. So I guess they could keep going for QUITE some time


5 minutes ago, Arniox said:

you mean it will get better eventually? Or do you actually think it'll get worse and more broken?


1 minute ago, Arniox said:

yeah, word for word. They said that. It's an interesting idea when you think about it. If becoming a puddle was truly the starting point for such craziness, then technically, they could literally anything. I personally would love to see animal frames, or certain levels of reality benders. Being able to bend/break reality to their will.



Dude, you know you can quote multiple posts in one go? Use the + next to the "quote" link to do this... 

Just saying :D

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4 minutes ago, ComCray said:






Dude, you know you can quote multiple posts in one go? Use the + next to the "quote" link to do this... 

Just saying :D

yes I know this. But I also read something, quote it, then read on.... Then find another thing interesting, quote post, read on.... :P

I find it easier. hehe

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DE still has some syndicate related frames and if they come with quest like octavia it would be awesome. They also have the clan base assassination or missions like shadow of mordor if they can implement it then then the enemy should be able to evolve based the players action. Do they also mention orokin war at some point?

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They can easily keep going. Money is all that matters. Once people stop paying DE, the content will slow down. It is that simple. They dont have to lore break either. A new enemy could emerge at any time, or something from the past awakens. It isnt hard to come up with content

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DE has plenty of room for growth in their game. I feel as though as long as the game has a community to support it, DE will have new ideas and new concepts to introduce, mechanics to revisit, rework and polish, and they can always update something.

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6 hours ago, Arniox said:

yes I know this. But I also read something, quote it, then read on.... Then find another thing interesting, quote post, read on.... :P

I find it easier. hehe

Click the little plus symbol next to Quote, then respond to them all at once. It reduces clutter.

Edited by Corvid
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15 hours ago, Corvid said:

Click the little plus symbol next to Quote, then respond to them all at once. It reduces clutter.

Yeah, yeah. I know this. I do it more because of my line and way of reading

14 hours ago, BetaNoire said:


Did they say they were working on this?


I think they want to. If I remember correctly, when they worked on the liset they  also planned to try do the orbitor but didn't have time. They still want to do it now. 

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A wise individual once said that "With everything new one thing old must one day die." At some point in time things all end, so why bother worrying about it and enjoy the kickass content they are throwing at us now. Things can also keep coming back from the past and be rebooted as well as new things taken from the old to make it only better.

I don't worry about that stuff, I buy what they sell for that very reason.

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The top end game will most likely be Tau eventually.

We have just scratched the surface of Operators and the potential of playing as them.

If servers are added one day, we can have open world planets with 64 players.

If the Orokin are somehow able to return, what then?

Still plenty of things to create in this universe. If we want to play, Digital Extremes will continue to create.

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7 hours ago, Arniox said:

Yeah, yeah. I know this. I do it more because of my line and way of reading

I think they want to. If I remember correctly, when they worked on the liset they  also planned to try do the orbitor but didn't have time. They still want to do it now. 

Steve moved this idea along to player-crewed frigattes that fly in space in real time like giant pirateships, a bit mass effect /star citiezen / ftl and so on.

I am very excited for that and really.hope he can get the others on his side. 

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On 5/10/2017 at 4:02 PM, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

they've already put themselves (willingly, I might add), in a situation where they are now expected to constantly come out with new content. I don't know what their ideas are for the future or if I'll like them, but they have to keep going now or else people will notice and/or get salty.

Actually, if you've been around longer than about a year, you'll have already noticed that DE's "Tenno Reinfircement" output has dropped substantially. Before the buy-in by Sumpo (coincidentally, I'm sure) there were at least one or two new weapons every Wednesday. Now it's dropped to one or two per month: cosmetics is now DE's focus.

I understand, DE's a business first and foremost. But they've already moved quite a ways away from their previous new guns every week output. I'm guessing cosmetics generate more income for less programming work, and I have no issue with this. But it does make it harder for vets to level, when there isn't really much of anything that's A) new, and B) not (for all intents and purposes) locked behind a Plat Paywall. But it is what it is.

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Oh I'm sure they have ideas and things they wanna try out for years to come.  Eventually tho, I feel like when the game is in a place where they wnat it to be, they can slow down and maybe just rework and improve existing stuff instead of always adding new things.

But like...  do you guys realize we are still just in our solar system...  think about that one for a min and then think about the possibilities of leaving our system and going somewhere else.

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Things to watch for as signs of the End of Times of Warframe:

1. Number of players (not a problem right now, just look at Steam users data)

2. Not enough people spending money (more things being sold for plat only, plat prices going high. No, Hema is not the sign for this at all)

3. The majority of key personnel leaving (meaning the project highly likely to change or go in different direction)

4. Major updates no longer possible due to engine being old (but they could migrate to a newer engine I suppose)


Until then, Warframe being developed by DE is fine and healthy.

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