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Should Ancients be nerfed?


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I'm just curios to see if anyone else thinks the Ancient healers and all other versions of Ancient healers should be nerfed? I personally do, i'm trying to get the last part for Octavia (drop chance is around 20% but i've done 9 runs and still haven't got it smh.) and to get it you have to do a infested survival which i love. But i can only do it once before i take a break because these damn Ancient healers and other forms of it are so annoying.

First of all their hooks are heat seeking just like bombards so they have around 90% accuracy so you're very likely to be hooked and raped by everything that you just got dragged into.

Second of all there seems to be a very high range of their hook, for example i was across a big room and i was still hooked.

Third of all they can hook you even if they are laying down on the ground due to being knocked off their feet.

And Fourth of all if they shoot their hook at you and you go to another room before you even get hit by it, it can still hook you and bring you to them. I think they should be nerfed to a certain extent so you're not for sure going to be raped if you get hooked by one.

Edited by Sniper2458
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i like how its only the hook that you mention lol.

the worst part of ancients is when there is several of them and they keep hooking you and knocking you down, iv literal gone from one ancient to another and again to another. its the worst.

and yea they have better accuracy than the ai snipers in this game

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Maybe the toxic ancients need a bit of change (in a sortie one of them literally roared and one-shotted me and another tenno, both of us had pretty tanky frames), but the only infested unit really in need of a nerf is those damn Ospreys. That fart gas is simply too strong.

Edited by Leo17453
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The only problem I have with Ancients is their number. Be it a Relic, Void or Infestation mission, there is no single group of enemies without an Ancient (or several in the case of the Infested), and until you kill it, you can't do anything to the others.

As for hooks, true, they can be irritating, and so are Grineer Scorpions. At least Ancients are big enough to be seen in a group, so all I do is roll to them and blast them, preferably with a shotgun. Rolling prevents them from knocking you down and pulling to them, I believe you only get slightly damaged.

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yep, they definitely need to be toned down a little. proposed changes:

- Ancient's hook less often, and it now has a wind up, where they reach their arm back for a second, and they target where you are standing; sliding or jumping allows you to dodge it.

- Ancient's cannot hook players who are already knocked down.

- you can now shoot or slice off an Ancient's arm to permanently remove the hoking ability. comes with added bonus of a guaranteed slash proc and a large chunk of health removed.

- Ancient auras no longer stack and the damage of Toxic Ancients has been nerfed.

the first one should apply to Scorpions as well IMO.

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While I can't say I've had an issue with a toxic roar, I have however had issues when the new loka assassination team comes along with multiple healers (assume it was them but then there are a lot of options to chose from with the loka squads) basically making my attacks worthless, which iirc shouldn't be happening after a patch a while back....

To be honest pretty much all the hook enemies are pretty annoying because for me at least they never seem to miss, even if I'm in the middle of a bullet jump....

The gas from the ospreys and the thick tar from the moas could do with a balance pass, the damage scaling is maybe too fast compared with the other aspects especially when you can have a small space covered very quickly when there are lots of them.

Edited by LSG501
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12 minutes ago, Leo17453 said:

Maybe the toxic ancients need a bit of change (in a sortie one of them literally roared and one-shotted me and another tenno, both of us had pretty tanky frames), but the only infested unit really in need of a nerf is those damn Ospreys. That fart gas is simply too strong.

to me the tar moas are worse, dang does that stuff scale fast. it quickly gets to the point that if you aren't already moving out of the way when they lob their goo at you, you might as well be dead before you even know what happened

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20 minutes ago, Sniper2458 said:

First of all their hooks are heat seeking just like bombards so they have around 90% accuracy so you're very likely to be hooked and raped by everything that you just got dragged into.

Second of all there seems to be a very high range of their hook, for example i was across a big room and i was still hooked.

Third of all they can hook you even if they are laying down on the ground due to being knocked off their feet.

And Fourth of all if they shoot their hook at you and you go to another room before you even get hit by it, it can still hook you and bring you to them. I think they should be nerfed to a certain extent so you're not for sure going to be raped if you get hooked by one.

Here is the problem. The @(*()$ hook!

Since that hook went in, its caused nothing but problems with the ancients. They have no reason to have it, it looks very stupid on them, and irritates everyone. Literally, there is NO REASON for that hook to be in place, but WHOOSH, it suddenly appears out of no-where!

The Hook on ancients is broken, and always has been. It shouldn't have been implemented in the first place, and really should be removed.

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Fully expected this to be about healer ancients. Funny enough, the hook is the only thing about ancients that I hate. Everything else can be mitigated.

Grapples in WF are awful. In most games, grapples have a long telegraph followed by a wide, fast-traveling projectile at the player's current position.

In WF, grapples have barely any telegraph, a distressingly long travel time, and do not have an actual flight path at all. If the player is on the trajectory they were traveling when the grapple was fired, even if their speed radically changed, the grapple connects. They have no range limit, and no projectile, which means there is also no firing cone. This unintuitive logic causes physics-defying bullS#&$.

One-on-one, provided a stable framerate, it is possible to reliably avoid a grapple, despite how unnatural it feels. But in high level, when there's enemies everywhere and performance suffers, grapples become a problem, and not in the "learn how to overcome this challenge" way.

Grapples should be changed to be like other games; a lengthy, unmistakable telegraph, followed by a very rapid flight speed on a real flight path, so you know the exact moment you need to dodge.

Edited by (PS4)BlitzKeir
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Tbh I think Ancient Healers and Corrupted are fine. I find no problem killing them (Unless New Loka decide to ruin my fun). The Hooks aren't also that big of a problem when you keep moving and/or are playing safe. What your suggesting is to Nerf Ancients in general to base it around how most people play. The way I've always thought It's been for DE is that they want you to change your play style in certain situations which is why Ancients are a big middle finger when it comes to just killing everything. 

After all It just adds a layer of challenge to the game which I think is needed (Can't say the same for those stupid Bombards -_-).

This is also a really great solution to most of these players problems.

5 minutes ago, (PS4)BlitzKeir said:

Grapples should be changed to be like other games; a lengthy, unmistakable telegraph, followed by a very rapid flight speed on a real flight path, so you know the exact moment you need to dodge.

Edited by Agent40Infinity
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Alright as someone who has been playing the game since before U13 I would like to tell those of you here that are new players one thing. yes a room full of them used to make them invincible. But for those of you who don't know  way back when those disrupters were one of the biggest problems. they used to have a 100% chance of hitting you with a magnetic proc so you would also have to worry about always losing all your energy whenever you got hit

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I pretty much stopped caring about ancients at some point. easily dispatching them even at very high levels. Ancient death aquad included.

only part I hate in general is the toxic aura and weird combos that can happen in m3 of sorties.

Edited by Airwolfen
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Not really, the hooks can be fought easily, if you like melee, you can block them, some frames have immunity either passive or trough abilities, and the drag is affected by knockdown duration (handspring turns hooks into plain short knockdowns basically).

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Toxic ancients have already been nerfed. They used to leave behind poison clouds and it was much more deadly. Same with Healing ancients, multiple of them used to stack their damage resistance. Now I believe it doesn't stack with other healing ancients any more. What needs to be nerfed are groups of energy drain eximus infested...

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1 hour ago, Leo17453 said:

Maybe the toxic ancients need a bit of change (in a sortie one of them literally roared and one-shotted me and another tenno, both of us had pretty tanky frames)

This happens to me once maybe twice per 20 minute run and it's very annoying because theres no counter play.


1 hour ago, LSG501 said:


To be honest pretty much all the hook enemies are pretty annoying because for me at least they never seem to miss, even if I'm in the middle of a bullet jump....

Glad i'm not the only one.


1 hour ago, Agent40Infinity said:

The Hooks aren't also that big of a problem when you keep moving and/or are playing safe.

It's survival i'm never stopping, if you didn't realize or read what i said about them their hooks chase you. Like if you're standing still and you see a hook coming at you and you jump you will notice most of the time it will start moving up and towards you.


45 minutes ago, Jeoxz said:

Not really, the hooks can be fought easily, if you like melee, you can block them, some frames have immunity either passive or trough abilities, and the drag is affected by knockdown duration (handspring turns hooks into plain short knockdowns basically).

I'm not a no skill excal main running it with a melee i prefer to have fun and shoot things in a shooting game.


19 minutes ago, RextintorZ said:

Nope. Infested is already easy enough. If you are having problem, you aren't efficiently killing them. Always focus on Ancients first, then the rest.

It's hard to kill them when theres 6 of them and each time you try to kill one you just get hooked and then get hooked again, then you get up and kill one or two but guess what 2 more have already spawned and are ready to aimbot hook you.

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Their hooks are actually pretty easy to dodge if you see them preparing to attack.

Otherwise they are fine because infested are too easy to mass murder anyway. The only time I really had trouble with them was when I brought my torid to an elemental sortie 3 lol that was a bad idea XD

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