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idk really. I enjoy nyx, nova, and really other direct cc frame. And what I mean by that, is that the abilities directly cc. I don't enjoy the game play style of stuff like mirage. But that's just me.

I really hate.... kinda no one? But if I was to say one frame I heavily dislike it's probably ash. He's extremely boring to me and I never found him fun. I'm extremely glad they nerfed him cause he was so boring and he took all the kills. :P

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Most loved : Either Valkyr,  shes fun and interesting also cute (First frame i farmed)  or Loki cause badass ignoring the master race ordeal (starter frame) 


Most Hated : Excal,  Rhino and Wukong... Ironically their kits dont interest me at all and i dont find em fun

Edited by Anonymous7125
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Octavia (awesome story or lore quest that come with her, and I am one of the lucky one that get her part in first try except the chasis need 5tries) and ivara love their kit And most versatile. Pure look only mesa with falcon helm or original love her design.

Hated have to give to hydroid farmed hard from vay hek at lower level hoping to get a good frame and was disappointed by his skill set. and Atlas that shoulder when aiming is 

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Favorite is Rhino/Prime. Pretty much fits my play style perfectly, tank,cc,support all in one! :)

Least Favorite has to be Loki. I just don't like his abilities at all. He feels useless to me. (Of course he's great at spys, but thats about it imho)

Edited by Skulldozer115
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Fave: Frost. He's so versatile; scaling armor stripping, CC, protecting teammates and defense objectives, etc, all without augments.

Least fave: Ember. She's probably the least versatile frame out there. She needs a rework that gives her an ability or two that isn't "do AoE non-scaling fire damage" or "do slightly more AoE non-scaling fire damage." Accelerant provides some CC for a few seconds, but you have to spam it for it to be effective, and it forces Ember into using Fire damage on her weapons to take advantage of the buff it gives.

(And don't try and tell me that Firequake or Flash Accelerant fixes this; it doesn't. One shouldn't be forced into using band-aid augs for a frame to work well).

Edited by Jackviator
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favourite is Rhino Prime, not much he can't do: durable, buffs allies, CCs and can deal some damage. versatile and strong, and the best looking frame with his Palatine Skin.

least favourite is Hydroid.. dear god he needs a rework so badly.. he's too squishy and having to fight Vay Hek for him means people can hate him before they even get him. DE need to quickly pull their finger out and rework him after Oberon prime launches, else it'll be a disaster of a PA.

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Hate is the wrong word since I don't have those kind of feelings for a frame I don't care about. But least favored would be Hydroid.

Most favorite would be Inaros just for his innate tankyness for endgame melee. Honorable mentions are Ivara, Nova and Zephyr for being excellent specialized tools.

Edited by Golmihr
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Zephyr is by far my favorite. Her mobility along with one of the best defensive moves in the game makes her very valuable.

Limbo on the other hand, even after the rework is a trolly mess that only works when solo.

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Nekros is my fav frame.  Kit that's interesting, useful, flashy, and doesn't overwhelm weapon/pet abilities.  My ideal "default" frame to use, solo and group.  If they gave him valkyrie's spiderman ability or leashing on his shadows (frame or summon point) I'm pretty sure it would be the only frame I'd use outside of mastery whoring when a new frame drops. 


Limbo is my least fav frame.  Super special kit.  Seemed designed to annoy both the user of the frame and poorly organized pug groups.  It seems to be even more of a troll frame that switch obsessed loki users.  Which is saying something.  The fact that he looks cool just adds more salt.

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Most liked

Tied for Ivara and Trinity Prime,  totally different playstyles but i cant choose between them for favourite.

Most hated

I dont really hate any frame except Limbo and Loki

Limbo because one of his powers keeps making enemies unkillable when i find myself in a squad with one.

Loki because he is in competition for stealth play with my Ivara, and i love Ivara lol 

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Banshee is my favourite. I love the high damage at the trade-off of being incredibly squishy, it makes me pay careful attention to the action. Mag is a close second.

I don't hate any frame, but I just can't get into Ash or Wukong, especially Wu. I just don't really see enough appeal to anything they do (or did - I didn't like old Ash either). I'd like to try them again, maybe I'm missing something.

9 hours ago, Gorila_Azul said:


Tell me of your ways, Tenno! What makes Wukong fun to play? Sincerely, I want to learn to love him.

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3 hours ago, TheBrsrkr said:

Rhino Prime's my most solid frame and most played at 55%. I never could get behind Trinity though. 

If it's tankiness you dig, have you tried Trinity as a high-Duration channeled melee off-tank? High Duration for buffs (don't worry about the effects on EV, just mark targets at close rang and melee them to release the energy all at once), Link for reducing damage (augment if vs. Grineer), Blessing for reducing damage further. EV for giving you an ample source of energy to open up the possibility of channeling. I usually take the Fragor Prime because of its crit values and its boosted channeling damage. She becomes a pretty satisfying brawler - not as heavy as Rhino, but maybe you'd like this style of Trin?

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My favorite: Ivara is my dream Frame, I love to solo, I hate rush, I love to take on enemies without being seen, and I love bows, Ivara has (almost) everything I could ever want in a Frame for my desired playstyle. :P

Least liked: Excalibur, too much melee oriented for me, Volt in squads, seriously we already move fast enough, what's the fun in doing missions in 1 second, it's easy for me to get lost and accompany squad members with everyone rushing around...

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6 hours ago, SenorClipClop said:

If it's tankiness you dig, have you tried Trinity as a high-Duration channeled melee off-tank? High Duration for buffs (don't worry about the effects on EV, just mark targets at close rang and melee them to release the energy all at once), Link for reducing damage (augment if vs. Grineer), Blessing for reducing damage further. EV for giving you an ample source of energy to open up the possibility of channeling. I usually take the Fragor Prime because of its crit values and its boosted channeling damage. She becomes a pretty satisfying brawler - not as heavy as Rhino, but maybe you'd like this style of Trin?

I have played Trinity like that,  but I really just couldn't get behind it. I play by myself a lot because potato computer and virtually dail up tier Internet, and Trinity really works best in groups. All that casting and no real CC is a real turn off for me. Not saying it was bad, but it just wasn't for me. Tankiness isn't the real reason I like Rhino anyway, but it's hard to explain. 

I guess it's just that Rhino..... speaks to me, I guess? I play other tanky frames like Chroma, Valkyr and Atlas (if he even counts) but none of them really compare to what Rhino can do. If I can compare it to something, imagine getting to create your own character and  abilities exactly the way you want them, then finding out that there's already a template for everything you want. It just fits. 

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7 hours ago, SenorClipClop said:

Tell me of your ways, Tenno! What makes Wukong fun to play? Sincerely, I want to learn to love him.

I'm glad you asked! I often say Wukong is perfect if all you want to do is enjoy the melee aspect of the game. Primal Fury is just the most fun form of melee in my opinion. You can get a great kick out of the RMB combo and the slide attacks. Whenever I slam the staff in the ground, sending enemies flying, I can slide attack them mid-air and finish them off that way. It's greatly satisfying. And when I don't feel like tackling a specially beefier unit, I just press 1 and launch it in orbit (you can jump and aim down on the enemies with Iron Jab to catapult them, just like with Soul Punch). Also, I know his combos can feel a bit... broken. But trust me, they come naturally with practice, specifically if you have some attack speed (Berserker is a must). The hold combo is fun to watch, has great mobility and it does away with almost anything very quickly. His movement speed is a bit of a pain, so here's a great tip: get Dispatch Overdrive with him. Just a few occasional channeling kills every now and then will make Cloud Walker a lot more fun to use, just quickly flying invisible through the map, whenever you just need to get to extraction or a capture target or whatever. It always pays to mention the two things you need to do to compliment Defy: retreat from the combat periodically to recast it, and avoid fighting Nullifiers up close at all costs.

If you need builds, ask @DeMonkey. I'm his second in terms of love for Wukong. I use his frame and melee builds, and they are extremely efficient.

Edited by Gorila_Azul
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