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Supporting DE and Wrframe


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#1 Warfame in my opinion is the best game ever created.Better than World of Warcraft, better than Dota, better than all of them. "In my opinion that is."

I started playing this game on PS4 played until mr19, close to 1000 hours." the ps4 community was easier to meet and get together with"

Then for some reason I started a pc account to see what was in a new patch or something and that was it. I moved to pc.

The graphics were so much better and everything was just better. "except being able to meet people and make friends"

On pc I have like 1200 hours and mr 23.

I made it a point to always spend about $5 a month on the game if I could. I spent more when I could.

I have bought a couple Prime access packs and all in all between pc and ps4 I have spent a couple hundred bucks supporting this game. "to much really now that I look at it."

Also I always encourage new players to spend a little every month at least until they have spent around $60 .You know the price of a triple A top of the line game.

Until you hit MR 12 making plat can be difficult for some people and buying a little plat can make everything less frustrating and more enjoyable.But by no means nessisary. It is just a good way to support a game that is worth spending some money on.

But I got to be honest. Rivens and kuva have made me salty. Every week now I mouth off in the forums and complain every chance I get.I haven't spent any money on this game sense they came out and I have gotten many 20% of coupons a couple 50% coupons and a big uber 75% of coupon for daily rewards...but I have just been to upset about kuva and rivens to use them.

I don't know if there is anyone else out there who has stopped buying because of this. But I thought DE should know that is why I stopped spending money. 

..."Also I have already spent way to much playing this game. Now that I look back.Like enough to buy at least a new GPU."


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While I agree that one should never spend "too much" money on a free2play game (I know someone who's spent thousands of dollars in another F2P title...), if you have some money left to spare by either the end or beginning of the month, do it. I mean, it's for something you enjoy, and if you have something to spare, I don't see anything wrong with directly influencing both your fun you have with the game and funding further development.

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I apologize in advance if I am taking your post out of context, but there has been a lot of posts complaining about how much one doesn't like the direction DE is going and as a result, one feels the need to tell DE that they are no longer spending money, as if it is intended to make they regret / repent their wrong doings.

In my opinion, as a consumer, you should only spend money in exchange for the product you want.  You should never spend money just because you feel a company deserves your grace/charity; Doing so will inevitably put you in a more entitled mind set and leave you prone to saltiness when said company later does something to disappoint you (and I do want to stress the disappointment being a subjective thing)

To be clear, DE's product is not warframe the game, DE's product is "convenience" within warframe the game, something akin to building roads so you can sell cars.

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I've been around for a long while, and I used to constantly give DE my money. I think I may have spent more than $1,000 in the time I have played the game (and this isn't me trying to brag or anything) but as I slowly saw the way the game was going I basically decided not to support 'em anymore. 

It's perfectly fine not to give money to devs for doing something that you don't like. 


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5 minutes ago, TheErebus. said:

I've been around for a long while, and I used to constantly give DE my money. I think I may have spent more than $1,000 in the time I have played the game (and this isn't me trying to brag or anything) but as I slowly saw the way the game was going I basically decided not to support 'em anymore. 

It's perfectly fine not to give money to devs for doing something that you don't like. 


Thank you. Like Erebus said everybody is entitled to their own opinion and you don't have to support a developer if they're doing something you dislike.


Edited by (PS4)P1NOysKi4
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You like it but you have it, I don't follow your thoughts. My recommendation: Just do like me and ignore it (in my case PVP), don't like it don't get close to it. Rivens never used them, just did some kuva missions out of boredom.

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My philosophy when it comes to spending $ on Warframe revolves around how much I have been playing the game lately. If I've played a lot, and plan on playing a lot for the foreseeable future, I'll go ahead and buy it. Basically it's a question of how much play-time I get for my buck.

It gets a little more specific with TennoGen cosmetics, and becomes an issue of "Am I really going to play X enough to warrant this $6 hat". That said, I think I have spent around $60 on TennoGen stuff, because sometimes it just looks too damn good to say no.

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Ive spent probably close to $90 on Platinum.  I dont regret those purchases as i have been playing Warframe now for around 300hrs and i love the game.

I could easily spend another $90 but i wont be doing that, i am now at a stage where i can farm Prime Parts and sell them on trade chats.

I think for what ive played and what ive paid ive still got a good deal.  The only other game that has seen more than 300hrs for me is Dark Souls 1,2 or 3 and i can happily say this game has (for me) more potential and ive also had more fun.

So thank you DE, you thoroughly deserved my $90, the next $90 however will be harder for you to get! lol

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there are other ways of supporting a game (it does not have to be money) 

over the 4 years  22 of my real life friends have joined this game and a lot of them invested money

at this point from all 23 of us we are down to 4 but its all good im fine 

I also think rivens were not handled well and (slot price it too high)

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7 hours ago, kyori said:

@TenGaugeBoson Just curious, why are you salty about riven n kuva? How do they affect you ended up not supporting DE anymore?

Because Rivens And Kuva are bad.

Kuva isn't rewarded in enough volume to warrant the lottery that are riven mods.

If you aren't aware of the disgust among a lot of people when it comes to this just look around in the forums.

Though I have had a post or two removed because they got "heated"

Basically Riven rolling is a lottery designed economically to encourage players to buy more platinum buy increasing the "velocity" of in game currency.

It is economics 2.21 ....I have no clue how much money DE is making but rivens and kuva are a corporate ro sham bo right in the jimmy of the player.

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1 minute ago, zNightWolfz said:

You all complain how they do stuff you dont like but its there game and just because yu dont like something doesnt mean others wont

It's their game, yes, but as a consumer it is important to tell them why you stopped playing and offer some criticism. 

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is this suppose to make DE afraid so they'll roll back rivens or make it easy to roll super stats? Theres probably much more players that spend more than ever before because of rivens. Rebecca said herself that sortie participation jumped 4x since their introduction. More people playing means more players spending money.

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They don't really neeed support now that they are millionaire after selling the company to PWE, but I stopped supporting because of Hema research cost and the riven mod cap. I actually like riven idea and I don't see kuva as a problem. 

The things that bother me are warframes/weapons never comming back, so newer players won't ever have access to them, stupid research costs to force people to buy stuff for plat (that actually hurt casual guilds) and riven cap. There is also the ignored bugs, which are never fixed because fixing cosmetic issues is top priority due to $. 

I eventually buy stuff, but like 10% of what I would buy if I was happy with DE decisions. 

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Ive spent somewhere between 600 and 1000 roughly since release on PS4.  Gonna continue to spend because I love it.  I like buying veiled rivens and unlocking them, I like trading them, I like rerolling them, selling them and playing with different ones.  Forums are always vocal minorities so just know for every person that hates rivens on here theres probably 3 more that like them that play and dont frequent boards.  So glad people can have different opinions.  Just increase slots so I can have more than 60 lol.

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8 hours ago, TenGaugeBoson said:

Because Rivens And Kuva are bad.

Kuva isn't rewarded in enough volume to warrant the lottery that are riven mods.

Basically Riven rolling is a lottery designed economically to encourage players to buy more platinum buy increasing the "velocity" of in game currency.

rivens and kuva are a corporate ro sham bo right in the jimmy of the player.

In what way?

How is it not?.

How, exactly?

I think you are being a little silly with this statement, but if not, then please explain.

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I used to buy platinum myself then I reached end game and got disappointed:

- The way rewards work in this game are beyond unfair even with years of feedback the developers continued down the grind and unfair path;

- Simple features and changes are also ignored, https://forums.warframe.com/topic/580701-field-of-view/

- The developers are extremely rude and defensive;

- Repetitive maps.

This among other stuff I can't remember right now made me not waste anymore money on this. Ever since the Galaxy map was changed I stopped playing due to how complicated it got to navigate the Galaxy (compared to the old map), it's more beautiful but way harder to navigate.


Edited by JoseSnake
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1 hour ago, JoseSnake said:

I used to buy platinum myself then I reached end game and got disappointed:

- The way rewards work in this game are beyond unfair even with years of feedback the developers continued down the grind and unfair path;

- Simple features and changes are also ignored, https://forums.warframe.com/topic/580701-field-of-view/

- The developers are extremely rude and defensive;

- Repetitive maps.

This among other stuff I can't remember right now made me not waste anymore money on this. Ever since the Galaxy map was changed I stopped playing due to how complicated it got to navigate the Galaxy (compared to the old map), it's more beautiful but way harder to navigate.


if you are going to accuse the developers of being extremely rude and defensive, do you have any evidence?

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5 hours ago, (PS4)thowed said:

 I like buying veiled rivens and unlocking them, I like trading them, I like rerolling them, selling them and playing with different ones.  Forums are always vocal minorities so just know for every person that hates rivens on here theres probably 3 more that like them that play and dont frequent boards.  So glad people can have different opinions.  Just increase slots so I can have more than 60 lol.

me too and more often than not i get good ones i can resell...

i hope they add a seperate category for melee rivens and also give us 60 or more slots for those :P

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11 hours ago, TenGaugeBoson said:

Because Rivens And Kuva are bad.

Kuva isn't rewarded in enough volume to warrant the lottery that are riven mods.

If you aren't aware of the disgust among a lot of people when it comes to this just look around in the forums.

Though I have had a post or two removed because they got "heated"

Basically Riven rolling is a lottery designed economically to encourage players to buy more platinum buy increasing the "velocity" of in game currency.

It is economics 2.21 ....I have no clue how much money DE is making but rivens and kuva are a corporate ro sham bo right in the jimmy of the player.

Luckily rivens are completely unnecessary in the game in general, so everyone is free to not pursue them at all, or at their own pace instead of grinding grinding grinding and playing the lottery.

I roll one every now and then if I happen to come across one for a weapon I like, but don't bother with it when I don't feel like it, and that's that. The game is exactly the same for the rest, so that should be enjoyable to you as usual, especially since you think it's the best game ever. If DE are making money of people going nuts and spending hundreds or thousands of plat on some meta riven they don't actually need, that's fine by me. It'd be different it were some part of the game that was more mandatory or if it left me really underpowered if I didn't pursue it, but that's not the case whatsoever. I'll agree that kuva rewards are mediocre unless on a booster, and could use some tweaking (also work it into the kuva fortress already.. need more ways to acquire it instead of the kuva siphon missions), but that's not an issue if you just do some kuva missions whenever you feel like it and ditch the whole riven system otherwise.

So yeah rivens are basically a stat lottery to keep some people grinding and playing, but it's your own choice how much of an annoyance the system is.

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Just to clarify.... I like the idea of rivens.

But like so many have said before . they are a lottery.

They do not reward investment or time or effort or kill.

They give random rewards I have a few rolled over 30 times that are just as un usable now as they were when I got them.

Then there is the guy who gets a zero or 1 rolled god teir riven.

There are guns I would rather use like the acrid or the Stradavar but what rivens were supposed to do was make those weapons more viable.What they do though is create a lottery instead of an avenue for investment.

You can make the argument that you invest by rolling that one riven until you get something you want. ...but that argument is weak.

What many of us want is just a way to get predictable rewards from investment.

 A few weeks ago there was a double resource weekend I farmed 250k kuva....I got nothing usable from any of that kuva.

That is why I am salty....No return on investment. I have nothing to show from that work.

Riven rolling is gambling....You hear about people who hit it big. but the majority of the time the majority of people loose everything....\

That is just not fun.

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18 minutes ago, TenGaugeBoson said:

Just to clarify.... I like the idea of rivens.

But like so many have said before . they are a lottery.

They do not reward investment or time or effort or kill.

They give random rewards I have a few rolled over 30 times that are just as un usable now as they were when I got them.

Then there is the guy who gets a zero or 1 rolled god teir riven.

There are guns I would rather use like the acrid or the Stradavar but what rivens were supposed to do was make those weapons more viable.What they do though is create a lottery instead of an avenue for investment.

You can make the argument that you invest by rolling that one riven until you get something you want. ...but that argument is weak.

What many of us want is just a way to get predictable rewards from investment.

 A few weeks ago there was a double resource weekend I farmed 250k kuva....I got nothing usable from any of that kuva.

That is why I am salty....No return on investment. I have nothing to show from that work.

Riven rolling is gambling....You hear about people who hit it big. but the majority of the time the majority of people loose everything....\

That is just not fun.

This is how it's a special mod i guess, pardon me since i don't use rivens and still run Acolyte builds when i do PvE but from what i have seen, Rivens are supposed to be a mod with stats which is supposed to make a weapon not viable for endgame into a viable one. As such, if the stats are really god tier then you can take pride in knowing that this is something you have and the chances of anyone else having it is close to none. Maybe they will have something which is just as good but different stats but not what you have.

Edited by .Zel
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