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[SPOILERS] Man In The Wall


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So HELLO it Heimdurr here 

After the whole quest with Harrow there was one thing that just clicked for me about the whole Warframe lore.

So in this post i will go through these things

1. What the Tenno are
2. What made the Zariman crash (and what it crashed with)
3. Who the recent new named npc ''Man In The Wall''

So also now that you might be down here wanting to read on here comes the SPOILER warning for anyone that has not played the quests or done any lore reading on warframe.

we god ? OK HERE WE GO

What the Tenno are !

From what i have stretchered and read as other players have and is a stated fact that the Tenno where children (looks to be btween 12 to 15 or so idk they all look young to me).
These children where already special even before the Zariman event with the void. As they already had the known NPC Margulis caring and teaching them something as they took classes training something. This might just be the base orokian school where kids have nanny's and so on but who knows. But then the Zariman crash and void event struck and something in the void changed the children in some way. Not much is known what happened to them that did't happen to the adults but as we can see they did not go mad in the void as the adults did. It is hard to say if the children was turned into the ''Tenno'' as they are called before the ship event or if it was after the event that they got that name (AND my  guess is when we learn the meaning of that name we will learn it is something bad or shunned)

Ok i know i did't really pin point what the Tenno are but it is a good brain teaser to what is to come.


What made the Zariman crash? what did it crash into? 

Well i won't lie. They just ended up crashing into ....... A WALL in the void XD Proof 


Here we can clearly see that the Zariman is crashed in something unknown. But when we follow the lights and look around it is clearly a flat surface and it is several times lager then the ship and if the derelict is anything to go with on the magnitude of the ships..... boy it is big then.
But then why is there a WALL in the void that has light shining through its cracks when damage? Is the void something made to keep something trapped? to keep life a total impossibility inside it?

Well no because the void is not killing anyone that is in it. As we see both adults and children on the ship not reacting to direct contact to it. See below

As we see here the adults outside are dead but as we also know is that Rell was there killing adults. But what this picture is proving is that the void is not drawing people out into it and killing them but rather that the void is nothingness and without the ships artificial gravity there is just empty void to drift through ( I will say that this is not meant to be like the emptiness of space as the space is a vacuum where there is nothing filling it but the void does not even have the concept of vacuum)

So the Zarimen Crashed into a Wall In the Void.... hehe maybe the void is not so ''Void'' XD silly pun for Heimdurr

But that made me understand something. Rell is fighting against the ''Man In The Wall'' The only wall i can think of in the whole game is this wall!!!! But why is he scared ? the wall is shining? is not light good? I would say yes if it was not for one thing! the one thing that made me not like the white choices in the War Within quest and the Glast Gambit.. The White side of the Tenno Karma Gauge is a world with SUN and a world ablaze.

But i am unsure still. AS in the Rell fight at the end of the Chains of Harrow right as we speak to the voice. It is not the same voice as the ''High Kiddo'' we all hated and was scared from.

This ''Entity'' ( Wich I will start calling Narii) is something that is not mean if you pic the Black side of the Tenno gauge. If fact it greats you as it did in the end of War Within ''Hey Kiddo'' <3

This ''Narii'' Is something that DE has not talked about from my knowledge. But this is not the same as in the Chains of Harrow Quest that is controling Rell and the Fanatic Red Veil.


Is the MAN in the WALL
But it/him/her is not the same as the one that speaks with us through our tenno. 

So that is what i have to say with my long boring and very uninformative post ^^

Hope you enjoyed the read :D

MVH Heimdurr!

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13 minutes ago, Heimdurr said:

As they already had the known NPC Margulis caring and teaching them something as they took classes training something.

There's no indication Margulis was involved with the Tenno before the Zariman accident.

14 minutes ago, Heimdurr said:

It is hard to say if the children was turned into the ''Tenno'' as they are called before the ship event or if it was after the event that they got that name (AND my  guess is when we learn the meaning of that name we will learn it is something bad or shunned)

"Tenno" is likely a play on the name of the ship they came from, the Zariman-10-0, evidenced by Lotus' emphasis on "the orphans of ten zero" at the end of the Second Dream. Zero is often colloquially pronounced "oh", as in the letter O, so "ten-zero" becomes "ten-oh" = "tenno".

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The Void entity now has 2 names which we can use to identify it: "The Man in the Wall" and "The Indifference". Rell calls it by the former while the Red Veil presumably refer to it by the latter. It's safe to assume it was the same creature that gave the Tenno their powers and drove the adults mad.

I hope DE makes more quests in the future that involve this mysterious entity in the Void. I'd like to know why it empowered the children of Zariman, drove the adults mad and if it has any plans to get involved in the Origin System.

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At this point, it could very well be that in the "Umbra quest" the doppleganger, or Man in The Wall, will be our opponent, using the Umbra Warframes. I am obviously not sure but with how the story is going DE is introducing possibly the most powerful enemy of them all: ourselves. Just like Teshin always tells us. 

All the pieces are coming together. Soon™...we'll have to fight him.

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Yo lads just letting you know if you walk around your ship in Operator mode sometimes the Man in the Wall appears randomly.

Mofo was hanging on the wires at the top of my Helminth room/door, legit almost made me crap myself.

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35 minutes ago, Egotistique said:

Yo lads just letting you know if you walk around your ship in Operator mode sometimes the Man in the Wall appears randomly.

Mofo was hanging on the wires at the top of my Helminth room/door, legit almost made me crap myself.

That is awesome! So glad they put it into the game to appear randomly like that. Warframe is getting so much better. I love all these little things that make it feel like a dynamic world with real immersion.

Some people complained about the Nidus space aids, but I knew DE would give us a way to remove it, and it really was cool to feel like a part of a real world. 

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On 6/29/2017 at 2:04 PM, Raniu said:

Not quite. The person who called us "kiddo" was our father, but the thing that calls us "kiddo" now is not him. It's a different entity. But who knows, perhaps the father became the thing.

omg this could be very cool

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Hello Tenno, 

I found something disturbing in my ship just after i finished "Chains of Harrow" quest. Well not necessarily disturbing but it was extremely interesting. I just got Harrow, was done customizing him cause FashionFrame FTW! I walked up the pathway to my navigation only to find something interesting

Idk if this is a spoiler or not but i shall treat as such anyway


I found myself greeted by my Operator but he said "Hey kiddo" in Balas' voice like what happened at the end of TWW. Gonna be honest it kinda startled me a bit. I went to check on him in his chamber to find that he wasn't there, but then when i went back to my navigation he was gone. And i then found him back in his "throne".


Here i am now thinking...the fk did i just witness?

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Just now, Shad0wWatcher said:

Hello Tenno, 

I found something disturbing in my ship just after i finished "Chains of Harrow" quest. Well not necessarily disturbing but it was extremely interesting. I just got Harrow, was done customizing him cause FashionFrame FTW! I walked up the pathway to my navigation only to find something interesting

Idk if this is a spoiler or not but i shall treat as such anyway

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I found myself greeted by my Operator but he said "Hey kiddo" in Balas' voice like what happened at the end of TWW. Gonna be honest it kinda startled me a bit. I went to check on him in his chamber to find that he wasn't there, but then when i went back to my navigation he was gone. And i then found him back in his "throne".


Here i am now thinking...the fk did i just witness?

Already a thread about this. 


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I'm posting this all over the place because it freaked me out, but is anyone else seeing their Tenno copy more?

I finished the quest yesterday and had the creepy "hey kiddo". Then tonight i was playing warframe and had just gone into human form to walk around, but guess who i find peering around from next to the infested door? MY TENNO. it freaked me so much, I lgit alt+F4-ed out of the game.

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8 hours ago, dataman88 said:

Since The Man in the Wall is the new antagonist, is it safe to assume that DE dropped the Sentient and Hunhow as main antagonist?

would be an interesting plot twist if wasn't exactly a bad guy, but just something that's... there. and up to us how to interpret.


yeah is probably just going to be a bad guy...

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