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Hello DE, Would You Like To Know How To Earn More Of My Money?


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2 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

Okay here i go:

-pay to list system: Every listing costs 25k credits or 5p

-taxes: depending on the desired plat amount the ah will take 0-10% plat off from your final payment

-Mr listing limit: players can list when they reach mr2 amd gain one listing place for every mr

- anonimity: No information is given out on the sellers and buyers

-anonym chat: Through the trade post traders and sellers can talk with each other without seeing names

-one side only: Theres no need for the seller to be online

-automation fee: If the seller was offline when the trade finished he gets an additional 2% plat deducted from the final payment

-combined listings: Multiple listings can be bought simultenously (see big space requiring sets)

-buyer limitation: players can buy items from mr2 and they gain one additional "round" to buy every 2nd mr. 

-every buying and listing deducts from the trade limit

-you can browse every listing to check prices

-force closing: your listed items are closed down for 24h. you cant take them out or change their prices unless you made an agreement in the anonym chat

-agreement system: once an item is listed players can barter for it with the seller at the trade "kiosk". An agreement is a system created direct trade offer what immidieatly trades items if the seller accepts it.

-closed days: Every 4th day the auction house empties itself and sends all items back to the sellers

-barter systems:players can offer any item to trade not just plat.

-minimum price: No item can be sold for less than 5p. Items with 5p price dont have taxes and the listing is free.

-Fraud control: every items price is monitored, if an item loses its price too quickly (25% price drop in a day) then its price locks down and gets overwritten to the precious days lowest price +10p.

-Monopol control: If an items price gets drastically increased (15% price increase a day) then its price gets locked down and gets overwrittem to the previous days lowest price -10p.

-Observation: De can at any time lock out deflated/inflated items from the Ah similarly to vaulting

-Listing limit: A person can list up as much its as the previous limitation lets him but he cannot list anymore items. Each listing deducts the limit and those refresh at every auction house clear out.


No one would use this system. 


34 minutes ago, timesickGallivanter said:

And lastly but certainly not least, I apparently need to break the news that monopolies and ogliopolies will always, always be possible in any trade system. Seeing the same people selling a dozen each of all the most expensive prime sets day after day in trade chat should be enough indication that it happens with the tedious system we have now, so let's not pretend like a trade system that isn't rubbish would be the death of us. After all, as much time as it takes to get anything done with the system we have, we're much likely to die while staring at trade chat.That's basic probability. 

See but this is the thing, there are some tenno,  with hundreds of thousands of plat. If you really think that these "whales" would not out right own any particular "trading auction house" to create a "monopoly" then you are delusional. It would all come down to a, "I have more plat(money) than you scenario". 

Edited by (XB1)FCastle74
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4 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

You sure? It looks like a well polished trading system where you can buy stuff quickly.

May i ask you why?

To expensive and complicated  for newbs.  

To expensive for casuals. 

DE will need to constantly monitor it, they won't hire to do so. To expensive. 

Whales will have a monopoly because of the thousands and thousands of plat they already have. 

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8 minutes ago, (Xbox One)FCastle74 said:

To expensive and complicated  for newbs.  

To expensive for casuals. 

DE will need to constantly monitor it, they won't hire to do so. To expensive. 

Whales will have a monopoly because of the thousands and thousands of plat they already have. 

Its expensive soo everyone would think twice before using it.

The cost increase goes like this:

  • 5p free
  • 6-20p 1% (or 1 p)
  • 20-40 2%
  • 40-60 3%
  • 60-80 4%
  • 100-200 5%
  • 200-300 7%
  • 300-400 9%
  • 400+ 10%

De's monitoring could be done with the guides of lotus the others will be automated.

Those whales would only have monopoly for 4 days. If someone is fast enough to put in an item for his price they cant go over the 25% up/down limit because that locks in that price and adds/decreases its price.

This system forces people to try to keep the market stable because if they dont do it they get their prices locked to something what they dont want for 24h.

Also what kind of monopoly they would create?

Primes? Everybody can farm those.

Fashion? Surely people are going to pay 400p+ for some syndana where for that price you could get decent mods and maybe some good riven.

Rivens? That system is already a lottery and if you are willing to play 800p+ for a riven then go.


Also this system DOES NOT remove the trade chat. So if anybody finds it too expensive or too prone to monopolies and other madness they can use the old system. Im sure a lot of casuals would love to use this as they can freely set up "buying trash rivens/primes 5 for 5p" listings and such.

Also it lets you offer items instead of plat and that way you dont get plat taxes.


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I would really love to have some type of an auction house implemented in Warframe. Sure, warframe market is a thing, but why not just implement that into the game itself instead of having it on a separate browser? You could still keep the credit tax, like with trading in Maroo's Bazaar. Of course, it comes with it's downsides of people trying to manipulate the market in some way by either increasing or lowering the prices, but people can very easily already scam people who don't know any better of the prices as is. It'd also probably require mass amounts of items to actually be able to manipulate the market in some way, or at least put in some good amount of time, so I'm not sure if the scamming/manipulation part would even be an issue.

My one experience with an auction house being included in a game is from Runescape, and it really cut down on the bothers and worries of trying to find people wanting or selling things, especially on the more obscure items or incredibly large/small amounts of them. So in short, yes pls. 

However, I'm not sure if an AH system would work well with the Riven system that we have. It'd probably require to do normal trading. Everything else is fair game.

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7 hours ago, timesickGallivanter said:

First of all, Steam's Marketplace has a tax because Valve literally wouldn't have bothered making it otherwise. They wouldn't put the work into it if it didn't somehow pay them.

Steam funds are already paid before being used in the marketplace, just like platinum is. Who created Steam? Valve.

7 hours ago, timesickGallivanter said:

If trading's easier to do, there are more trades. More trades means more plat being bought. If they make more in increased sales than they do in the cost of running such a service (which cannot be much, given how much data they must already be working with on their item servers), they wouldn't even need some plat tax. As neither one of us run the budget for DE, maybe learn to use if/then statements instead of decl

In Warframe, each player only ever needs one of each tradable item, which means demand is very limited with respect to the population. Many MMOs create demand by making players lose items (e.g. when an upgrade fails, or when dying) or continuously making gear obsolete and forcing them to get the new best in stock gear just to be able to play. Warframe has none of these systems to continuously increase demand.

Additionally, drop rates are relatively high. Literally anyone can farm up an entire prime set due to the relatively high drop chances. This leads to supply overshadowing demand on items that aren't limited-time-only.

Supply exceeding demand leads to decrease of value. If the value sharply drops for almost everything at the same time, then there is deflation.

With Warframe's current trade system, both supply and demand are invisible to players, as well as supply and demand being limited to those using the trade chat at a given time. This prevents the massive deflation that would happen with a global automated trading system.

If there were an automated trading system such as an auction house, all of the game's supply would become accessible to every player. Because players generally don't need more then one copy of a prime or mod, this would cause supply to overshadow demand and create massive deflation.

Additionally, limited items such as acolyte mods would increase in value while non-limited items drop in value, making limited items available only to whales who buy plat since selling worthless items until you have enough plat wouldn't be feasible.

Deflation actually discourages plat purchases. When the price of almost everything is low, why buy more plat when less is all you need? The number of purchases might increase, but the quantity of plat bought would decrease due to little incentive to buy more.

So you are wrong to believe that an automated trade system would somehow increase platinum sales. Unless DE changes their entire in game economy schema first, an automated trade system would be harmful.

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3 hours ago, (Xbox One)FCastle74 said:

To expensive and complicated  for newbs.  

To expensive for casuals. 

DE will need to constantly monitor it, they won't hire to do so. To expensive. 

Whales will have a monopoly because of the thousands and thousands of plat they already have. 

I have to agree with you, on all points aside from the monopoly thing (on account of there already are handfuls of people who dominate parts of the market). 

All I'm asking for is the most basic level of streamlining. We know full well that an easily searchable group of listings and basic automation generates absurd amounts of money for Valve, and their system is even more complex than what we need.

44 minutes ago, Heckzu said:

1. Steam funds are already paid before being used in the marketplace, just like platinum is. Who created Steam? Valve.

2. In Warframe, each player only ever needs one of each tradable item, which means demand is very limited with respect to the population. Many MMOs create demand by making players lose items (e.g. when an upgrade fails, or when dying) or continuously making gear obsolete and forcing them to get the new best in stock gear just to be able to play. Warframe has none of these systems to continuously increase demand.

3. Additionally, drop rates are relatively high. Literally anyone can farm up an entire prime set due to the relatively high drop chances. This leads to supply overshadowing demand on items that aren't limited-time-only.

Supply exceeding demand leads to decrease of value. If the value sharply drops for almost everything at the same time, then there is deflation.

4. With Warframe's current trade system, both supply and demand are invisible to players, as well as supply and demand being limited to those using the trade chat at a given time. This prevents the massive deflation that would happen with a global automated trading system.

If there were an automated trading system such as an auction house, all of the game's supply would become accessible to every player. Because players generally don't need more then one copy of a prime or mod, this would cause supply to overshadow demand and create massive deflation.

5. Additionally, limited items such as acolyte mods would increase in value while non-limited items drop in value, making limited items available only to whales who buy plat since selling worthless items until you have enough plat wouldn't be feasible.

Deflation actually discourages plat purchases. When the price of almost everything is low, why buy more plat when less is all you need? The number of purchases might increase, but the quantity of plat bought would decrease due to little incentive to buy more.

So you are wrong to believe that an automated trade system would somehow increase platinum sales. Unless DE changes their entire in game economy schema first, an automated trade system would be harmful.

 1. You miss the point of the tax entirely; Valve would get paid nothing if you, say, traded metal to keys in TF2, unboxed an unusual, then sold that unusual for a considerable amount of real world money on their market. They have a tax precisely because they want to always profit on every transaction, including the ones which didn't earn them your initial capital (i.e. adding to steam wallet, buying keys). This system, of course, was designed in 2012, and was focused on their singular trading cow TF2. Unlike 2012 TF2, there aren't players making sizable chunks of IRL money by changing nothing into something, alchemy-like. New people who come in and accrue 1000 plat for no work do not exist, nor can warframe players simply make 50 accounts and idle for quick wealth. Plat from trading is earned slowly, over a prolonged period of time, and is a direct translation of not just time spent, but effort on the player's part. 

2. While it's novel that you apparently haven't worked on your reputation with the syndicates, bought and resold prime sets, or bought prime trash for Baro Ki Teer, I still shouldn't have to point out to someone who writes 500 words of "Supply supply demand supply need demand" that there is reason to buy more than one of things. Or sell more than one. Or trade for profit. 

3. Additionally, all primes are limited time only. Perhaps you haven't noticed the great big, "Prime Vault Opened for xxxxxx" at the top of the homepage, nor bought have you watched the prices of sets change over time. Perhaps you've never taken a break to play one of the other hundred games that come out in a year? Never...I don't know, been laid up in a hospital and missed six months of the game? Or been so busy with work and your personal life you couldn't find time to farm up everything you need, and missed a half dozen primes entirely? While the relic system is nice, when you miss something, it's gone. Your recourse is to trade, and if you didn't have time to do an event, or farm a prime, or blah di blah, you certainly don't have time to sit in trade chat. 

4. No, they aren't. As horrid as all the 3rd party sites and trade chat are, you don't have to be Oxymandias of The Watchmen to see the trends. The actual numbers, as with all things, don't actually mean anything to the average person. You go to the Steam market and look at things you want for whatever games you play. You can see the numbers of what's available, and at what price, but the numbers mean the following to you: "There are 1. 2. Many. Lots." You don't care that there are 5120 of an item, you care that the price says $0.25.

5. I say again: there are already items which are stupidly expensive, while others are stupidly cheap. The sorts of "standard" mods, your continuity, your flow, intensify, steamline, stretch, your nightmare and corrupted mods, they're all easily obtainable and sold cheaply as a result. Then you have time limited things like even-only mods, high-demand items snatched up by set resellers like vaulted parts (Rhino and Ember bps in particular, whose price is far above any other prime's value). Common items are cheap. Rare items are expensive. How is this news


I am rather sick of having to state the same things in every response. The bottom line is that nothing truly l changes if we have an easier trading process, because everything about our economy is already as bad as people seem to think a marketplace would make it. The only difference being all the people like me would be paying more into the damn game, because we could get the worst part of the game out of the way and go back to actually playing, but whatever. Not like it works for anyone else. Ah well.

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18 hours ago, timesickGallivanter said:

Hello my dears at DE. I have been around for a bit, and I believe I have a fool-proof way to improve the game ever so slightly--which of course will earn you more of our precious money.

It is difficult to sum up trading in Warframe in only one word, as there isn't just one word which truly encompasses the experience. Monotonous. Tiresome. Boring. Aggravating. A-waste-of-time-which-could-be-spend-killing-Grineer-and-which-would-increase-PROFITS-if-it-were-easier-and-more-accessible-to-all-players. 

Woe to the Tenno who has a willingness to spend his plat (and therefore IRL cash) on prime parts, mods, and the like. I takes a year and a day to find what one seeks, and the vast disagreement regarding the value of items between the various 3rd party sites leaves much confusion as to what to spend on any give item. If only there was a way to find items quickly, efficiently, and buy what I need so we can go back to the game instead of sitting in trade chat.

BAM. Suddenly an idea hits our pink-shorted hero, @[DE]Steve! "I'll put in an in-game marketplace, auction-house, or whatever you want to call it! It'll be accessible through the dojo trade kiosks to maintain their utility, and because everyone will be spending more and more plat to buy things they will PAY US MORE!"

And so it came to pass that the pigeon was let out of the everyone was happy with having a simple, stylish, efficient means of trading, and DE made so much money that they were able to take over the entire world with their newfound wealth (or maybe just London Ontario).


The end


yes this is a bit silly and exaggerative, but trading really isn't all that enjoyable at any rate :c


EDIT: Firstly: this sort of a trading system would simply be a streamlining of the process. You don't have to get rid of direct person-to-person trading, any more than MMOs of the last 20 years have. These can co-exist. Second: because the trading of primes in Warframe and weapon skins in Payday 2 are incredibly similar in terms of how demand for individual items varies by time, rarity, and relevance, I don't feel the addition of an in-game marketplace would greatly affect the value of an item over it's lifetime significantly. If anything, it would likely increase the rate of trading due to ease of use, and increase the overall number of trades performed, as more players would be likely to sell their own items if it is easier to put something up and go to bed than idle about waiting on trade chat. Third: as the bulk of trading is done on prime parts which by and large do not have a colossal impact on gameplay, attempting to compare it to the Runescape or Diablo 3 auction houses are simply false equivalences. Again I relate it  to Payday 2: largely cosmetic items that usually have only minor stat boosts that come out in waves, and follow very similar price trends. Not items bought and sold in stacks of hundred, nor equipment leveled 1-50 with 10 levels of rarity sold, bought, and or resold on the players' market throughout the owners lifetime. This is a system of, "I got it from opening a [crate/box/relic/safe], and I don't want or need it. Better to get some coin for it by selling to someone else". So compare it to games with this same system. 

Auction house has been requested millions of times and has been blocked time and time again by those who profit in the chaotic trade system. They always talk about it ruining the economy as per other online game who blamed ah for their ruined economy or how the warframe market already exist and the new trade filter is already there. 

As the buyers wants to buy the cheapest item there is, the sellers want to sell as high it can be and DE might want you to spend more plat for less items because it means you either spend more time or real money for all the item you need.

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There's only one major downside to adding an auction house - more people will participate in the trading. Right now, due to how weird trading is, and especially on PC how much effort it takes, I'm certain most people avoid it as much as they can. And I do mean most people - the ones who are here to shoot things and farm materials. The ones who don't want to socialize all that much, who don't have the nerve to deal with others in trading.

It can take upwards of an hour to sell an item at a good price, and most just don't care for that. 

If an auction house is added, you can expect most items' value to drop by ~50% because everyone would be trading. If trading becomes effortless, there will be a massive increase in supply with zero increase in demand. I still support the idea, but it has its downside. ;) 

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On 01/07/2017 at 9:03 AM, timesickGallivanter said:

Hello my dears at DE. I have been around for a bit, and I believe I have a fool-proof way to improve the game ever so slightly--which of course will earn you more of our precious money.

It is difficult to sum up trading in Warframe in only one word, as there isn't just one word which truly encompasses the experience. Monotonous. Tiresome. Boring. Aggravating. A-waste-of-time-which-could-be-spend-killing-Grineer-and-which-would-increase-PROFITS-if-it-were-easier-and-more-accessible-to-all-players. 

Woe to the Tenno who has a willingness to spend his plat (and therefore IRL cash) on prime parts, mods, and the like. I takes a year and a day to find what one seeks, and the vast disagreement regarding the value of items between the various 3rd party sites leaves much confusion as to what to spend on any give item. If only there was a way to find items quickly, efficiently, and buy what I need so we can go back to the game instead of sitting in trade chat.

BAM. Suddenly an idea hits our pink-shorted hero, @[DE]Steve! "I'll put in an in-game marketplace, auction-house, or whatever you want to call it! It'll be accessible through the dojo trade kiosks to maintain their utility, and because everyone will be spending more and more plat to buy things they will PAY US MORE!"

And so it came to pass that the pigeon was let out of the everyone was happy with having a simple, stylish, efficient means of trading, and DE made so much money that they were able to take over the entire world with their newfound wealth (or maybe just London Ontario).


The end


yes this is a bit silly and exaggerative, but trading really isn't all that enjoyable at any rate :c


EDIT: Firstly: this sort of a trading system would simply be a streamlining of the process. You don't have to get rid of direct person-to-person trading, any more than MMOs of the last 20 years have. These can co-exist. Second: because the trading of primes in Warframe and weapon skins in Payday 2 are incredibly similar in terms of how demand for individual items varies by time, rarity, and relevance, I don't feel the addition of an in-game marketplace would greatly affect the value of an item over it's lifetime significantly. If anything, it would likely increase the rate of trading due to ease of use, and increase the overall number of trades performed, as more players would be likely to sell their own items if it is easier to put something up and go to bed than idle about waiting on trade chat. Third: as the bulk of trading is done on prime parts which by and large do not have a colossal impact on gameplay, attempting to compare it to the Runescape or Diablo 3 auction houses are simply false equivalences. Again I relate it  to Payday 2: largely cosmetic items that usually have only minor stat boosts that come out in waves, and follow very similar price trends. Not items bought and sold in stacks of hundred, nor equipment leveled 1-50 with 10 levels of rarity sold, bought, and or resold on the players' market throughout the owners lifetime. This is a system of, "I got it from opening a [crate/box/relic/safe], and I don't want or need it. Better to get some coin for it by selling to someone else". So compare it to games with this same system. 

Auction house has been requested millions of times and has been blocked time and time again by those who profit in the chaotic trade system. They always talk about it ruining the economy as per other online game who blamed ah for their ruined economy or how the warframe market already exist and the new trade filter is already there. 

As the buyers wants to buy the cheapest item there is, the sellers want to sell as high it can be and DE might want you to spend more plat for less items because it means you either spend more time or real money for all the item you need.

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On 6/30/2017 at 9:24 PM, LordLokai said:

we shouldn't need a third party service to sell S#&$ without a hassle... why the F*** an online game like this, in 2017 can't grasp the concept of An AH a concept has existed since the 90's in so many MMO's and online games... is beyond me... i refuse to use trade chat now days its just a mess.

Probably because it would require server processing power and the cost to benefit ration doesnt work in their favour.

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hmm..... Dont get me wrong as I rarely trade as I find it a horrible experience, BUT what it seems to me is you are trying to re-invent the steam marketplace.


I know not everyone who plays this game plays through steam and I know the marketplace functionality isnt linked to steam anyway, but that does work great

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Eventhough AH is a terrible idea, it would be fun to see it implemented so all people claiming for it would be regreting and asking for changes until game is ruined or it is removed again. Would be fun to see all prices skyrocketing. 

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5 hours ago, toafarmer said:

Eventhough AH is a terrible idea, it would be fun to see it implemented so all people claiming for it would be regreting and asking for changes until game is ruined or it is removed again. Would be fun to see all prices skyrocketing. 

it actually has the reverse effect which is why alot of people who make a living off trades hate the idea and fight to stop it... i've seen this stated alot but ANYONE who has played the AH or knows how to use them in other games knows that the reverse is actually true. Because the " ease " of access and the ability to check prices are at one's finger tips it allows you to easily see the prices and  under cuts happen alot more often. This generally means that if an item is selling for 600 plat today with an AH you would see that same item go down slowly, as many people keep undercutting...

What DOES sometimes happen is a very savvy individual with enough capital could, buy EVERY single one of X item and sell them at an increased rate as he now controls the market. However, this is pretty rare and you don't see it happen very often since most people do not have the capital and its a pretty risky venture since you could spend all that money and nobody buys your S#&$ because they know the price is to high since they can see or find past prices.

People saying the AH would make prices higher really mean, that there bottom line would get hurt since the prices would go down, and thus they would start to lose plat on each sale since they would have to now compete with a MUCH larger amount of sales going on. The market itself would stabilize because of this, and the economy would be better for it in the long run. More people buy plat since prices are more easily found, more people sell things increasing the number of sales and the amount of people buying as a whole.

Auction Houses haven't been used in 1000's of MMO's since the 90's for no reason... they are used because they work... the system we have now is a frustrating nightmare and i shouldn't HAVE to use warframe markets just to be able to locate prices, and more easily sell my wares... its absurd to expect players to use a third party site to sell in game items... Warframes is using an out dated and archaic system and it baffles me why they are so hellbent on keeping it that way...

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6 hours ago, toafarmer said:

Eventhough AH is a terrible idea, it would be fun to see it implemented so all people claiming for it would be regreting and asking for changes until game is ruined or it is removed again. Would be fun to see all prices skyrocketing. 

Just like @LordLokai said, the effect would be the opposite. AH's are implemented in pretty much every MMO's because they work and its actually sad that people fear that they cant rip off people soo much they have to nitpick the examples out of the thousands on why an AH will ruin the economy or the game.

Surely someone with enough plat could buy up for example every ember prime bp from the AH to start to resell them for double price (currently its 200p avarage) but if people find that too much he will just lose his investement.

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You guys really have no clue... people who own bunches of plat will buy out all the vaulted/event stuff and set up the prices they want. Might make items that are on the loot table cheaper (might), but the unavailable and rare ones will skyrocket. Trust me, I have played the AH in several games before. I capped gold in WoW reselling mithril and I didn't even have a mining pick. In WF it will be even easier to make thousands of plat playing an AH due to how things work. 

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36 minutes ago, toafarmer said:

You guys really have no clue... people who own bunches of plat will buy out all the vaulted/event stuff and set up the prices they want. Might make items that are on the loot table cheaper (might), but the unavailable and rare ones will skyrocket. Trust me, I have played the AH in several games before. I capped gold in WoW reselling mithril and I didn't even have a mining pick. In WF it will be even easier to make thousands of plat playing an AH due to how things work. 

So what?

Lets say that 3 guys buy up all the Maiming strike mods.

Then they decide to sell it for 1K plat.

Now what will happen?

Some might buy it, but most people not gonna spend that much.

This will stagnate the market for the mod so they either start to sell it cheaper or sit on it.

Whenever someone would get his hand on the mod they can sell it 200p underpriced and get huge sums of money because the above guys cant risk being undercut so they will buy it.

This kind of monopoly system only works on stuff what is easy to get but not easy enough to make people consider actually farming it.

Also Ah or not unobtainable item and rare item prices will grow no matter what.

What you did in wow helped the economy grow because you bought up stuff, you raised the overall prices and made mining mithrill a better business for every miner.

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On 7/6/2017 at 9:13 PM, toafarmer said:

Eventhough AH is a terrible idea, it would be fun to see it implemented so all people claiming for it would be regreting and asking for changes until game is ruined or it is removed again. Would be fun to see all prices skyrocketing. 

The current system is so bad that I just don't bother at all.  How could an AH be worse than "don't ever trade at all"?  If it's truly terrible then I just won't use it, same as now.


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On 6/30/2017 at 7:18 PM, -Bittersteel- said:

What about warframe.market? Works almost the same way. If you want to sell something you post your price, if you want to buy something you check what's on the market and contact the sellers. Only con, it's only on browser. Dont actually think a AH is a concerning matter on this game, since this platform exists, but i understand if you'd prefer something more in-game. Whats about warframe.market? Works almost the same way. If you want to sell something you post your price, if you want to buy something you check what's on the market and contact the sellers. Only con, it's only on browser. Dont actually think an AH is a concerning matter on this game, since this platform exists, but i understand if you'd prefer something more in-game. 

Warframe Market is good, but if something like that were in-game it would be more accessible to the player base for those who don't know about it or just don't feel like using exterior sites. The effectiveness of an in-game auction house would be much greater than Warframe Market ever could be.

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On 2017-7-7 at 0:52 PM, Fallen_Echo said:

So what?

Lets say that 3 guys buy up all the Maiming strike mods.

Then they decide to sell it for 1K plat.

Now what will happen?

Some might buy it, but most people not gonna spend that much.

We don't need "must people". We just need "enough people". As I said, you guys have no idea about how market works in online games. I'm ok with having an AH, will just make me richer. It will be terrible for the game, but for me personally it will be a source of infinite plat. I can live with that, but I prefer an alive game with a decent market than being uber rich in a game with a stupid AH system, where there is even less player interaction than now. 

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14 hours ago, toafarmer said:

We don't need "must people". We just need "enough people". As I said, you guys have no idea about how market works in online games. I'm ok with having an AH, will just make me richer. It will be terrible for the game, but for me personally it will be a source of infinite plat. I can live with that, but I prefer an alive game with a decent market than being uber rich in a game with a stupid AH system, where there is even less player interaction than now. 

Dude, i come from a game where the most rich player once decided to buy up all rare reforge stones from the auction house. Their original price was 40 gold and after the buy up he started to resell them for 70 gold. Now you know what happened after the initial buy up?

The people who got their stones bought got lots of cash since the price was already a bit too high.

Everybody who have got their hands on these stones created undercut prices and managed to sell the stones for 40-50g to players who needed them or to the big buyer.

Even last year when i stopped playing the prices were up to 55g because the big seller cannot sell these items fast enough and started to lose his patience. 48 hour max item time inside along with 5% gold tax.


Also what player interaction you talk about?

When you send a pm with a lower price than the seller wants and he ignores you?

When you say a higher price than the buyer wants and he ignores you?

Or when players straight up send you and your mother to hell for not paying enough?

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I played RuneScape for a little over ten years. The economy was absolutely ruined by the addition of an auction house. There's a few problems with incorporating an auction house:

1. There's a huge problem with market manipulation. Having more currency means you can manipulate the market to get more currency, which means you can manipulate the market to get more currency, etc... You end up with massive wealth becoming increasingly concentrated.

2. Price fixing becomes an issue - if people buy up and resell all of a cheap item at a higher price, that price stays high. And guilds/organizations in RuneScape delighted in partnering up to do this, since someone was always online to check.

3. In a game with an auction house, low level items that are easier to acquire become cheaper and cheaper over time. Mid to high level items become more and more expensive as people try to drive the prices up and make increasingly large profits. This creates a currency gap over time that will price new players out of getting the items they need to do better at the game; their items aren't worth as much, and the items they want are worth more and more. Without an auction house, even low level items will command a bit of currency because the player selling them has taken their time to sell the items. It's also really good for morale for new players - even if they can only scrape together a little platinum, they can still turn that into an item they wanted. This can keep players around longer.

4. The social aspect of trading is completely absent. You're not talking to a person to get their item. You can't offer to barter. You don't meet them somewhere, see them as a player-run character moving around, or chat at all. I've made quite a few good friends in MMOs over the years over trade deals - chatting with them, maybe a discount or an agreement for future trades here and there.

5. There's a concept called "mouth feel" in cooking, and similarly "game feel" in games. It's usually associated with the controls for movement or combat, but it can also apply to skilling and trading. It's a fairly subjective thing, but trading in person and negotiating deals in person has a better "game feel" to me. It makes the game feel a tiny bit more like an alternate reality. Auction houses are very frigid, emotionless, numbers-game type things, with even less personality than ordering something on Amazon.

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On 06/30/2017 at 9:30 PM, LordLokai said:

uhh still inefficient and archaic... its like getting a new car, with smart computer that can do everything but then, saying " OH but you need to use DOS commands to operate anything " an Auction House, streamlines everything allows people to be competitive in the market and actually STOPS alot of scams. Since you can compare prices, at touch of a button. Princes will stablize, as people can see what things are worth and what people are willing to pay for them. An auction house.. is basic online trading system 101... why people in this game are so against it blows my mind...as someone that has been playing online games since ultima days its baffling to me...

DE needs to get with the times and just give us an auction house...

Yeah DOS would suck seeing as it hasn't been ran in almost twenty years. Be pretty sweet to have the bash command line though.

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