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Why do people hate Mag?


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When you play only against lvl50 enemies you should not make generalities about warframes. Ember sucks for content where Mag will just destroy mobs.

In the same content Mag will be one-shotted.

Her current abilities basically work like Amesha with a hint of damage added but without any kind of protection to Mag herself. There's shtload of frames being able to kill mobs with higher than lv50 while simultaneously being squishy. She's not special or one of a kind.

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2 minutes ago, -Temp0- said:

In the same content Mag will be one-shotted.

Her current abilities basically work like Amesha with a hint of damage added but without any kind of protection to Mag herself. There's shtload of frames being able to kill mobs with higher than lv50 while simultaneously being squishy. She's not special or one of a kind.

Amesha, aka the tank archwing ? I can't really understand your point there.


A smart Mag player will use her 2 as shield AND to deal damages, he'll cc mobs, and recharge his shield


And please, what makes Ember not squishy tho ? Cause she have 0 defensive abilites

Edited by Xgomme
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12 minutes ago, Xgomme said:

When you play only against lvl50 enemies you should not make generalities about warframes. Ember sucks for content where Mag will just destroy mobs.


Even the guy named MagPrime say she's bad at damages ? WTF is wrong with you guys, never heard about Mag+Lanka or what ?

Never tried to exploit projectiles weapons with her 2 ? Never tried the buffed Pantera of Miter ? Never tried an argon scope Tonkor build with her ?


People should keep talking about frames they actually use, could be more useful :clem:

Please re-read my comment.  I never said she was bad at damage, just that she isn't the meta first choice for damage.  Huge difference.

And before implying people don't play a certain 'Frame, you should take the time to check their profiles in game.  

If you're unsure how to do that, log in and type /profile MagPrime and you'll see my most used gear.

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Just now, MagPrime said:

Please re-read my comment.  I never said she was bad at damage, just that she isn't the meta first choice for damage.  Huge difference.

And before implying people don't play a certain 'Frame, you should take the time to check their profiles in game.  

If you're unsure how to do that, log in and type /profile MagPrime and you'll see my most used gear.

Imo she's clearly the best boss killer, that's why I said that.

And I was actually talking about the Ember guy, kinda mixed up my sentences :clem:

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And please, what makes Ember not squishy tho ?

Nothing makes her 'not squishy', even then she has a minor cc with her augment. If both die to the same thing why would one run Mag that has to gather enemies in a bubble and then shoot to deal damage over Ember that can freely roam around? Even tho I said nothing about Ember to begin with. I would even say that Equinox is more interesting and fun to use than Mag being same squishy frame that requires first to store the damage. Enemies are scattered around the map so always trying to get them in one place makes for a very boring gameplay if nothing else.


I can't really understand your point there.

Amesha as archwing does more than Mag does as warframe while both are very similar in their abilities. Amesha is 1 one of a kind 2 lacks damage but can survive hell itself while also protecting allies and objective. Mag does mediocre damage that most dps frames are capable of while lacking any kind of sustain ability even in a form of energy regen. That's why when people consider what frame to run Mag will rarely come to mind unless you just like Mag. 


Imo she's clearly the best boss killer, that's why I said that.

All dps frames are 'best boss killers'. She's not special.

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people think mag is bad for the same reason that they think balance changes shouldnt exist in a pve environment. 

shes a magnificent frame, she just doesnt deal her damage in less than a second. in return she brings safe space and utility. my only issue with her would be the element lock on her 4. magnetic is a horrible element to have your damage locked in.

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1 minute ago, Xgomme said:

Imo she's clearly the best boss killer, that's why I said that.

And I was actually talking about the Ember guy, kinda mixed up my sentences :clem:

I find her to be a better choice for some boss fights but often times, their invuln phases negate her usefulness for the fight.  Most players don't mod her for damage, i mainly see duration and range on your average Mag, so Magnetize isn't that helpful.

In all honesty, its more of a hindrance on bosses like Sargus and Vey Hek. In those fights, Mag would be better support and CC because she can lock down entry points, or use carefully placed bubbles.  

My own build focuses on short duration and high strength.  That seems to provide the best results when paired with my playstyle.

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10 minutes ago, -Temp0- said:

Nothing makes her 'not squishy', even then she has a minor cc with her augment. If both die to the same thing why would one run Mag that has to gather enemies in a bubble and then shoot to deal damage over Ember that can freely roam around? Even tho I said nothing about Ember to begin with. I would even say that Equinox is more interesting and fun to use than Mag being same squishy frame that requires first to store the damage. Enemies are scattered around the map so always trying to get them in one place makes for a very boring gameplay if nothing else.

Amesha as archwing does more than Mag does as warframe while both are very similar in their abilities. Amesha is 1 one of a kind 2 lacks damage but can survive hell itself while also protecting allies and objective. Mag does mediocre damage that most dps frames are capable of while lacking any kind of sustain ability even in a form of energy regen. That's why when people consider what frame to run Mag will rarely come to mind unless you just like Mag. 

I don't want to sound mean, but what the clem are you saying ? :clem:


After lvl50-70 you won't "roam" with Ember, and with Mag you basically just cast 2 on a mob and use 1 to put other mobs in it, nothing crazy. And with proper builds and weapons, the damages are clearly OP + you can hide behind a bubble, or even between some


Equinox can switch from tank/cc to dps/buff, again squishy if you play around a single ability.


But I'm glad you came from "never" to "rarely" in the end. And I'll skip Amesha's part since I still don't get it, beside some visual FX, Mag and it are not related at all to me.


@MagPrime my togo build is something near this too, regular range, reduced duration, full efficiency and strenght.

With Pantera/Azima/Zenistar most of the time 

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2 hours ago, Ershardia said:

So could anyone please inform me of why so much Mag hate exists.

She used to be an "easy button".  Shield polarize used to be one of the few skills that scaled well into endgame content, but DE decided to make the skill universally applicable against other factions but in turn lowered the damage it dealt.  She also used to have an amazing augment in greedy pull.  In a pug, greedy pull annoyed more than it helped, by constantly relocating drops.  Players who didn't use carrier/vacuum were constantly chasing their drops. 

So DE listened to the cries of the drop chasers and removed greedy pull's ability to pool drops.  Which, in a coordinated farming squad, made resource farming super easy.  That nerf was viewed as another hit to Mag's usefulness by a certain portion of the community.  So now she's purely a damage dealer.  Damage to single target and a small AoE.  She's the least attractive caster frame when compared to the likes of Saryn, Equinox, Ember, and Limbo...who can all wipe mobs quickly, efficiently, and across a much wider AoE.

So unless you're doing boss runs (like the Ambulas event, where Mag shines) she isn't very worthwhile to use.

Edited by (PS4)Magician_NG
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19 minutes ago, Xgomme said:

When you play only against lvl50 enemies you should not make generalities about warframes. Ember sucks for content where Mag will just destroy mobs.


Even the guy named MagPrime say she's bad at damages ? WTF is wrong with you guys, never heard about Mag+Lanka or what ?

Never tried to exploit projectiles weapons with her 2 ? Never tried the buffed Pantera of Miter ? Never tried an argon scope Tonkor build with her ?


People should keep talking about frames they actually use, could be more useful :clem:

I agree that Ember lacks power against 50+, same goes to many others. But why use Mag that will die before even cast her skill, when you can stay still and getting punched and in the meantime cast your larva or so? Yes I'm talking about Nidus here. 

Mag+Lanka... and others mentioned weapons... this <- people just MUST use those weapons to fit Mag's skills... They cant use their fav weapons with her because of lack of synergy. Maybe this is why most people hate her.

People DO talk about frames that they actually use. They are comparin them with Mag... and conclude that Mag is useless.
Believe me... I myself played Mag long enough to tell that she doesn't fit me at all, tried 5 different builds, tried many weapons with her... nah, she's useless comparing to may other frames.

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1 minute ago, THeMooN85 said:


Mag+Lanka... and others mentioned weapons... this <- people just MUST use those weapons to fit Mag's skills... They cant use their fav weapons with her because of lack of synergy. Maybe this is why most people hate her.


Doesn't that really go for Nidus as well? It would be in Nidus's detriment to use his weapons instead of his powers because of how they work. You can't make the most of him without using his powers a lot. 

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I don't want to sound mean, but what the clem are you saying ?

That you can't read.

I don't know why you dragged Ember here to begin with, must've been reading another comment.

As I said the things that will kill Ember will kill Mag as well. It's not like she has abilities that prevent that. She's exactly the same as many other glass canon frames like Equinox or Banshee. It seems that most people find them more fun so they run them more often compared to Mag. That's literally all there's to it. You only have 2 motivations to run a frame 1 you like that frame 2 frame does something that no other frame does or does the same thing but better so you will consider running it over your favourite frames because he's just more useful in the particular mission - that used to be the case when Mag was the only frame capable of killing Corpus by exploding their bloated shields now that she no longer does that she's useless for people who used to run her because of that reason. If you don't like Mag you won't use her because there's shtload of frames that can be used in her place with the same result. Simple.


And I'll skip Amesha's part since I still don't get it, beside some visual FX, Mag and it are not related at all to me.

Learn to read. Amesha currently is number 1 archwing because she does 'something' no other archwings does and does it well. Mag doesn't do anything better than other warfarmes that's why she isn't used as much + her abilities are limited because they lock enemies in one place and with them, Mag. 

In terms of abilities Benevolent decoy is what her magnetize should have been. That single similar ability is ten times better and useful than all of Mag's powers combined. Mag can't even cast magnetize not on the enemy which limits her survivability like hell. Pull after several nerfs isn't useful at all, polarize is useless because reasons and crush takes too long to cast, takes too much energy and does little to no damage. The only ability people are even talking about when they say they play mag is magnetize. On top of all of that she has a rather small energy pool and no way to replenish her energy. She's just mediocre. The 'rework' changed nothing about her, she now has 1 useful ability, rest is trash only now she can't kill corpus and instead does 'ok' against everything. Just like every other warframe.

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5 minutes ago, THeMooN85 said:

I agree that Ember lacks power against 50+, same goes to many others. But why use Mag that will die before even cast her skill, when you can stay still and getting punched and in the meantime cast your larva or so? Yes I'm talking about Nidus here. 

Mag+Lanka... and others mentioned weapons... this <- people just MUST use those weapons to fit Mag's skills... They cant use their fav weapons with her because of lack of synergy. Maybe this is why most people hate her.

People DO talk about frames that they actually use. They are comparin them with Mag... and conclude that Mag is useless.
Believe me... I myself played Mag long enough to tell that she doesn't fit me at all, tried 5 different builds, tried many weapons with her... nah, she's useless comparing to may other frames.

Good point, I'm a huge fan of projectile weapons so she's totally made for my playstyle. But to reverse the example, I like Nidus' design but it's totally not my playstyle. But I won't say he's trash because I don't really like to play him.


But 5 tries with 0 knowledge about a frame is not enough. At start I found Wukong boring, but now I found my kangaroo jat kittag 1st augment cc build (longest build name ever xD ). I love him


And I'll add something, I love Mag, but I would totally love some tweaks at least for her 4. Don't get me wrong she's not perfect (like most frames). But she's not trash at all, AT ALL :clem:

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1 minute ago, Xgomme said:

But I won't say he's trash because I don't really like to play him.

That's not my point. And I didn't said she's trash, I said she's useless compare to others.

3 minutes ago, aligatorno said:

Doesn't that really go for Nidus as well? It would be in Nidus's detriment to use his weapons instead of his powers because of how they work. You can't make the most of him without using his powers a lot. 

Nidus need weapons? Really? Mine doesn't, mine do everything with his skills. Literally. Kills with skills, defend with skills, heals with skills... He doesn't need weapons, he need a good build. but yes I made my perfect fits weapons for him.

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13 minutes ago, -Temp0- said:

That you can't read.

I don't know why you dragged Ember here to begin with, must've been reading another comment.

As I said the things that will kill Ember will kill Mag as well. It's not like she has abilities that prevent that. She's exactly the same as many other glass canon frames like Equinox or Banshee. It seems that most people find them more fun so they run them more often compared to Mag. That's literally all there's to it. You only have 2 motivations to run a frame 1 you like that frame 2 frame does something that no other frame does or does the same thing but better so you will consider running it over your favourite frames because he's just more useful in the particular mission - that used to be the case when Mag was the only frame capable of killing Corpus by exploding their bloated shields now taht she no longer does that she's useless for people who used to run her because of taht reason. If you don't like Mag you won't use her because there's shtload of frames that can be used in her place with the same result. Simple.

Learn to read. Amesha currently is number 1 archwing because she does 'something' no other archwings does and does it well. Mag doesn't do anything better than other warfarmes that's why she isn't used as much + her abilities are limited because they lock enemies in one place and with them, Mag. 

In terms of abilities Benevolent decoy is what her magnetize should have been. That single similar ability is ten times better and useful than all of Mag's powers combined. Mag can't even cast magnetize not on the enemy which limits her survivability like hell. Pull after several nerfs isn't useful at all, polarize is useless because reasons and crush takes too long to cast, takes too much energy and does little to no damage. The only ability people are even talking about when they say they play mag is magnetize. On top of all of that she has a rather small energy pool and no way to replenish her energy. She's just mediocre. The 'rework' changed nothing about her, she now has 1 useful ability, rest is trash only now she can't kill corpus and instead does 'ok' against everything. Just like every other warframe.

Well, let's be mean. Most of what you say is totally false or wtf. 


I won't repeat 50x the same sht. Ember have 0 defensive stuff, Mag can hide behind magnetize bubble and regen her shield. Period. 

Equinox is not a glass canon

YOU only have 2 motivations to run a frame, not me

Amesha is the best AW, for what when where who horseshoe ? Ok for defmob, not ok for everything else

Only nerf to pull was for its augment, and it's still working the same, just not for the team + not going through walls

"Polarize is useless because reasons" > ok, i'm out :clem:


Oh, I talked about Ember because you said that "Yes, Mag comparing with ie. Chroma, Nidus, Ember, Loki bla bla bla is useless"

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2 minutes ago, THeMooN85 said:

That's not my point. And I didn't said she's trash, I said she's useless compare to others.

Nidus need weapons? Really? Mine doesn't, mine do everything with his skills. Literally. Kills with skills, defend with skills, heals with skills... He doesn't need weapons, he need a good build. but yes I made my perfect fits weapons for him.

Yeah, but most people said that.


+ He said you can dislike Nidus BECAUSE you can't really use weapons


* throw some glasses on the thread * :clem:

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Mag has been basically my "main" for the past few months and I just find her to be the most fun and useful frame even for high level content.

The ability to pour so much damage into one target, use the same target as a shield and then nuke everything close to it is incredibly useful.

Just unloading your Tigris Prime or trowing a few Pox clouds in there is enough to rack up incredible amounts of damage.

Polarize and pull are also pretty great abilities. Pull for quick CC and gettting more enemies into your Magnetize explosions and Polarize for getting your shields back when under fire.

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7 minutes ago, Maqabir said:

Mag has been basically my "main" for the past few months and I just find her to be the most fun and useful frame even for high level content.

The ability to pour so much damage into one target, use the same target as a shield and then nuke everything close to it is incredibly useful.

Just unloading your Tigris Prime or trowing a few Pox clouds in there is enough to rack up incredible amounts of damage.

Polarize and pull are also pretty great abilities. Pull for quick CC and gettting more enemies into your Magnetize explosions and Polarize for getting your shields back when under fire.

Her new magnetize augment looks to be amazing as well.

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52 minutes ago, THeMooN85 said:

That's not my point. And I didn't said she's trash, I said she's useless compare to others.

Nidus need weapons? Really? Mine doesn't, mine do everything with his skills. Literally. Kills with skills, defend with skills, heals with skills... He doesn't need weapons, he need a good build. but yes I made my perfect fits weapons for him.

I didn't said he needs weapons, I said he is in the same situation as Mag the way you described it. You can't really make the most of him by using your favorite weapons the same way you "can't" get the most of Mag by using your favorite weapons if those don't synergise with her. 

So by your logic, Nidus is not a good example. 

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Mag had more useful abilities in the past and was nerfed hard.  Now she has one good ability: Magnetize.  If your squad has properly modded weapons, the Magnetize damage boost isn't needed for 95 percent of content.  You could say that about other damage boosts too, but most of those are universal, fire and forget abilities.  Magnetize must be aimed and reapplied to different targets.  Mag takes more effort to achieve the same results as other frames.  You may call it "skill", but it's just more button pressing and micro management.

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1 minute ago, aligatorno said:

I didn't said he needs weapons, I said he is in the same situation as Mag the way you described it. You can't really make the most of him by using your favorite weapons the same way you "can't" get the most of Mag by using your favorite weapons if those don't synergise with her. 

Well that's not true in my situation. I do can use whatever weapon I want on Nidus. Because I barely use any weapon playing him. I could easily go without any weapon and still do my job. I just created my set that visually fits Nidus. I can't do that on Mag.

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Because "people" are stupid. If its not the Feta of Month then a lot of people wont touch it, they will sit in their tiny world of what they believe is the only way to play something and refuse to deal with anything else.

She's not the End of All Corpus anymore but is now a good frame to use versus both Corpus and Grineer (Counting Corrupted aswell), less useful against the Infested but still ok.


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On 7/5/2017 at 6:31 AM, AlphaSierraMike said:

Her Magnetize hinders gameplay of others. Whether someone uses it correctly or not, it still block shots. So if there's enemy behind that bubble, tough luck.

Maybe the player does it out of good intention, but it's nonetheless irritating when I want to focus on kills.

Just like Limbo's Stasis, Frost not cleaning up bubbles, freezing enemies over and over again, giving extra health preventing Rage usage, Nyx standing in a doorway with Absorb.... etc.

It's kinda just down to what players want out the game, I suppose. They want to survive, I want to rack up kills. In most loadouts, they contradict each other.

i dont really think it hinders game play too much as you can always just shoot round it from another angle or step into the bubble and shoot out of it using it almost like a frost bubble  or just ignore those enemies and focus on other targets as the bubble will likely handle any targets that come close and then nuke any others that didnt. At the end of the day, while wanting kills isnt inherently, it is a bit selfish as so to do other players. as bad its kinda expected that you would be annoyed when a mag drops a magnetise and nukes everything, however i feel like there are worse abilities out there such as sound quake, WOF, spore, maim. its always strange to me that people complain they cant play when i use magnetise when playing mag but no one complains about the equinox or the ember. ive even had moments in hierachon where i was carrying with my magnetize bubbles and people complained most notably and recently the banshee who claimed i made the game boring for them and that my bubbles were pointless (even though funny enough i decided to test this and didnt use magnetise for a while and well they proved to be VERY incapable of defending the excavators without them). sometimes people just need to shut up and suck it up.

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