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Awesome update when it comes but as a Founder, not as happy as I could be.


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Not fussed really. Hopefully we can use the Umbra appearance, like we can with vanilla skins etc, on Excal Prime so we don't have to pick and choose which one we wanna use. Provided the abilities are the same. God knows how the fancy smancy scarf is gonna function in the global version of Umbra as I'm hoping it'll be different and use the auxiliary slot.

Frost Umbra? ...Pretty please?

Edited by Valiant
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1 hour ago, DogManDan said:

You Have got to be kidding me right? This entitlement you have is extremely strong. I as a founder see absolutely no problem with what they revealed. You need to get over yourself at this point.

I think letting this be between founders is smart.  I respect the $4!t outta them for making a dream and possibility into a reality.

And we have Reknown and Asura (gonna hafta buy it, it looks so good, d@mn you DE! ) and the other variants.

I have my opinions, but this is sacred turf.

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1 hour ago, SolarDwagon said:

But... Um(totallynotPrimeweswear)bra is rather a kick in the nuts to those Founders who bought "exclusives". If the helmet wasn't so blatantly Prime it might be less so but... you painted Excal Prime (that thing you swore you would never rerelease) black and said it was something new. That's not really acting in good faith.

I need to make something clear. I'm not anti Umbra. I'm anti Umbra being Excal Prime repainted with a tiny cosmetic change.

As another founder. I hate the exclusivesivity of excalibro. They should have never made it a once in a lifetime thing.


It should have just been fiendishly difficult to obtain in game with an epic quest.

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Let me be reeeeeeeeeeeeeally clear here since so many don't get it. I want Umbra to be a thing. I'm even happy for it to have gold, because gold is Orokin and awesome. What I DON'T want, is for the design to be so similar to the current Prime THAT WE WERE TOLD WOULD NEVER BE RERELEASED EVER. (Caps for emphasis, sorry but people don't get this). There are plenty of ways to make Umbra look different but still an Excal that don't involve giving him the same Prime trim on his Helmet.
I am also well aware that Umbra was announced two years ago for the Chinese platform. There was plenty of criticism then if I recall correctly. But now it's been reannounced, so yes, it IS a good time to point out problems.

Edited by SolarDwagon
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So why dont you show us where it is the same, similar or what ever? i dont see a void key in umbraface, use images or something. You know its ok that you dont like it, but you must acept that the game its not only for you, its okay that you whant changes, but you need a real and solid argument or something, thats why almost all the people here, even grand masters, founders arent by your side.

Sorry if  my english isnt good

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2 hours ago, SolarDwagon said:

But... Um(totallynotPrimeweswear)bra is rather a kick in the nuts to those Founders who bought "exclusives". If the helmet wasn't so blatantly Prime it might be less so but... you painted Excal Prime (that thing you swore you would never rerelease) black and said it was something new. That's not really acting in good faith.

I need to make something clear. I'm not anti Umbra. I'm anti Umbra being Excal Prime repainted with a tiny cosmetic change.

you know how i feel when they unvault prime accessories lol, at least you still have an OG exclusive and name in the starcharts lol hell i'd be super happy if i was a founder.

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)lovesick101 said:

you know how i feel when they unvault prime accessories lol, at least you still have an OG exclusive and name in the starcharts lol hell i'd be super happy if i was a founder.

Don't even have that :( Only GM's got their names in.

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2 hours ago, SolarDwagon said:

But... Um(totallynotPrimeweswear)bra is rather a kick in the nuts to those Founders who bought "exclusives". If the helmet wasn't so blatantly Prime it might be less so but... you painted Excal Prime (that thing you swore you would never rerelease) black and said it was something new. That's not really acting in good faith.

I need to make something clear. I'm not anti Umbra. I'm anti Umbra being Excal Prime repainted with a tiny cosmetic change.

I think to be fair, we should wait and see how the quest goes. DE has already said he will be more than a simple reskin a while back. Perhaps give them a chance to prove their word on that? 

Besides, this ship sort of sailed a while back. If founders were going to be angry, they should have been back when the China deal happened. In THAT case, it really was just a reskin to pacify the Chinese who wanted to have Excal Prime. And DE wouldn't cave and ruin that exclusivity for you guys. 

In the end, DE took so many literal years since his release to Chinaframe so he wouldn't offend the founders by being just a reskin. That's why we are waiting so long. Steve even said once that he wouldn't just crap him out because he was asked... he wants him to be something truly unique. 


Edited by Tesseract7777
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3 hours ago, SolarDwagon said:

But... Um(totallynotPrimeweswear)bra is rather a kick in the nuts to those Founders who bought "exclusives". If the helmet wasn't so blatantly Prime it might be less so but... you painted Excal Prime (that thing you swore you would never rerelease) black and said it was something new. That's not really acting in good faith.

I need to make something clear. I'm not anti Umbra. I'm anti Umbra being Excal Prime repainted with a tiny cosmetic change.

No mater how you look at it Umbra isn't and will never be Excalibur Prime.

It's just a a re-skin and two weeks after the quest comes out It will be forgotten about.



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At least you guys got a chance to get excalibur prime. I was on PC back in the day but I did not have a job or any money because I was not old enough to work.  But now we all get something thats really cool and something we've been waiting for for ages.  And besides, the founders still get to keep their exclusives so I don't see why people are angry. 

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3 hours ago, (PS4)Zashukitsune said:

It's also just a rehash of the Excalibur Umbra Prime that was supposed to be China Exclusive.

I'm personally on the boat that wonders why so much time and money was wasted on what, as far as we know, is pretty much just another Excalibur skin.

Umbras are supposed to have alternate stat lines and abilities.  Primes are the original Orokin designs, the base versions are the cost effective variants that aren't quite as good but significantly cheaper, while the Umbras are...something else.

What that something else is is something we'll need to find out when the quest drops, probably in November, which is when DE seems to drop the big quests.

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^For comparison^

Addressing your particular complaint, that they look too similar. They look pretty distinct to me. Of course there are going to be heavy similarities between them no matter what, because from a design standpoint both are based on baseline Excalibur. They must necessarily be similar to read as what they are, variations on the same thing. But they are different enough that I'm not going to mistake an Excalibur Umbra for an Excalibur Prime, unless one is using the skin of the other, which does not count.

Edited by Archeyef
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Seriously guys come on, don't show this salty elitist any more attention. He already knows that Umbra looks way different to Excalibur Prime (i.e; Better), he's just desperate now that he knows it's actually going to come to the global Warframe quite soon and people will stop paying him attention once it does. Just don't bother.

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3 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

Seriously guys come on, don't show this salty elitist any more attention. He already knows that Umbra looks way different to Excalibur Prime (i.e; Better), he's just desperate now that he knows it's actually going to come to the global Warframe quite soon and people will stop paying him attention once it does. Just don't bother.

I just thought I'd make it abundantly clear with examples, that's all.

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Just now, Archeyef said:

I just thought I'd make it abundantly clear with examples, that's all.

The OP already knows that Umbra is different to Excal Prime. He's just trying to paint it like it isn't. So trying to show examples to someone like that isn't going to help, because he'll just continue to insist that Umbra and Excal P are "recolours of the same frame".

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