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Plains of Eidolon


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16 hours ago, Insidiatorii said:

I would like to have Grineer/Ostron/etc. legendary weapons instead of the very typical orokin weapons. Imagine a legendary grineer sniper or cannon...  as for the Martian colony, I believe Phobos would be the perfect blueprint for that landscape. Movement is VERY clunky and also quite boring. I would love to see this changed in PoE as well. A lot of your suggestions sound similar to Dying Light, Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor, and other games, which is a very, very good idea. I think all game devs should take ideas from other games to improve their own, respectively. Pets do need a bigger role, and I would love to see more alien life forms as well. The Kavat in the img you have in your OP looks more like a alien goblin, and I was honestly quite hyped for a bit until i realized it was just a kavat. I think we need airiel, water, and ground based companions. Weapon crafting does have massive potential, lets hope they actually use your ideas because they're quite brilliant

Phobos is a rocky asteroid like moon. It's not suitable for any landscape. Other than that, yeah, I'd like to see more diversity in gameplay, particularly with companions.

As for weapons, are you saying that you'd like to see each type of weapon (Grineer, Ostron, Corpus, Sentient, Tenno) have its own tier tree from Common to Legendary? Cuz I kinda like that idea as well.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Spydey01 said:

Consoles are usually only a month behind PC(Chains of Harrow came out about a month prior to console). So, i expect us consolites to get it at January maybe Feb at the latest. Then again, looking at their dev stream, they managed to build what we saw in a few months so, I'm hoping they get it out by November for PC. 

However if I'm not wrong I think that they mentioned during the stream last night that they are working on the console build at the same time which would mean that console could get it around the same time when PC gets it.That is if I didn't make a mistake on what I heard.

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Hey nice post, it was a good read, I don't agree with everything you said but right now I'm on my phone, so i can't give you a proper  reply. Just wanted you to know  we already have a grinner shadow corp, they are called the nightwatch, the ones that generated the wraith set of weapons.

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49 minutes ago, Dwolfknight said:

Hey nice post, it was a good read, I don't agree with everything you said but right now I'm on my phone, so i can't give you a proper  reply. Just wanted you to know  we already have a grinner shadow corp, they are called the nightwatch, the ones that generated the wraith set of weapons.

I don't like that for two reasons: 1) I think Nightwatch should be Kela de Thaym's personal unit, and 2) I think Sedna's so far away from Earth that Nightwatch, stationed on Sedna with Kela, shouldn't be operating on Earth. I'd have the Shadow Corps be an elite Grineer unit serving Vay Hek.

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28 minutes ago, A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n said:

I don't like that for two reasons: 1) I think Nightwatch should be Kela de Thaym's personal unit, and 2) I think Sedna's so far away from Earth that Nightwatch, stationed on Sedna with Kela, shouldn't be operating on Earth. I'd have the Shadow Corps be an elite Grineer unit serving Vay Hek.

The nightwatch have no ties to Kela that I know of, other than an ex nightwatch turn executioner, actually they are more related to Lech Krill and Tyl Regor than Kela. Really they are the true elite of the Grinner even more elite than the Kuva Grinner in my opinion, If there was an even more secret Grinner group they shouldn't just be Fighting willy nilly on earth

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YES YES YES! All of this sounds amazing. Having lower level Grineer at Forward Operating Bases and like, lvl 100s at the Fort, among Ogmas and Shadow Grineer.... OH YEAH! If DE would just stop all content until Plains, and just make Plains into this, I would gladly sacrifice a new Warframe just to get this awesome, fleshed-out place!

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On 7/26/2017 at 3:34 PM, Culaio said:

Actually the method you mentioned wouldnt work on venus, pretty much no atmospheric method would work because pretty much no sunlight reaches surface of venus, its clouds pretty much reflect all sunlight already, to cool down venus you literally have to decrease amount of sunlight reaching clouds themselves so no terraforming method would work, only way to achieve that is blocking sunlight from reaching in space or upper atmosphere .

Yes I know Orokin had amazing technology but even in the lore it was said that they werent that great at terraformation, how we know that ? they screwed up most of planets in solar system(including earth) and had HUGE problem fixing them...

How did they screw them up?

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2 hours ago, BetaNoire said:

How did they screw them up?

not a single of planets in solar  system is like earth which is goal of terraformation, and scientists in our current time are pretty sure that many of planets like mars or venus could become like earth and orokin had much more advainced technology then humans today(including void based technology which as we know breaks laws of physics), whats more look at earth, its nothing like its supposed to be, the orokin person mentioned in silver groove quest was actually working on restoring earth to how it was supposed to be.

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On 7/30/2017 at 2:28 AM, Culaio said:

not a single of planets in solar  system is like earth which is goal of terraformation, and scientists in our current time are pretty sure that many of planets like mars or venus could become like earth and orokin had much more advainced technology then humans today(including void based technology which as we know breaks laws of physics), whats more look at earth, its nothing like its supposed to be, the orokin person mentioned in silver groove quest was actually working on restoring earth to how it was supposed to be.

The reason WHY they haven't hit the sweet-spot is because the entire solar system was purged of Orokin who just so happened to be working at enough of the infrastructure to have it get obliterated as well. All that's left are automated systems that, in the absence of regulatory forces, have gone to far in their machinations. According to the game, only mars retains it's habitable status without mechanical or electronic assistance In the modern age, all else, even Earth's transgenic Infested-resisting plants, are all sustained by machine. If they all break down, poof, back to square one.


The "clever Corpus engineers" have only learned how to "jiggle the air conditioner nob" if you will. Turning "Antarctic post-volcanic winter" conditions into a more tolerable "North Canadian mountains during winter". 

Edited by Unus
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4 hours ago, Unus said:

The reason WHY they haven't hit the sweet-spot is because the entire solar system was purged of Orokin who just so happened to be working at enough of the infrastructure to have it get obliterated as well. All that's left are automated systems that, in the absence of regulatory forces, have gone to far in their machinations. According to the game, only mars retains it's habitable status without mechanical or electronic assistance In the modern age, all else, even Earth's transgenic Infested-resisting plants, are all sustained by mavhine. If they all break down, poof, back to square one.


The "clever Corpus engineers" have only learned how to "jiggle the air conditioner nob" if you will. Turning "Antarctic post-volcanic winter" conditions into a more tolerable "North Canadian mountains during winter". 

I have one question: how earth ended up the way it is ? I mean from lore we know that orokin were still in power when earth ended up changed beyond recongnition, it was one orokin who was trying to make earth like it should be.

one of problems with your explaianation that I have is that systems, lack of infrastructure(because it was destroyed) needed to maintain planets doesnt explain  why planets he certain enviroments, for example lack of infrastructure on venus shouldnt make it too cold, it should make venus too hot  since its easier to make venus hot then cold,, to make it hotter you would simply need to increase amount of light reaching the planet(if it was object in space that decrease amount of light, then it would simple have to be destroyed or float of into space, if light was blocked on venus with somekind atmospheric means then amount of substance in atmosphe that blocks sunlight decreased(which can happen with time) on other hand to make venus colder you would have to increase amount of objects in space that block sunlight, or increase amount of substance in atmosphere that blocks sunlight, both can happen BUT are much less likely to happen then what I said before.

There is also the fact that venus in game is brown which makes no sense since neither planet surface or atmosphee of venus shows such color

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From the story, Earth's transgenic mutilations of old Earth life were "simply" Orokin approximations of species they slapped together from discovered genetic components. The Kavat, as well as the plants on Earth were purpose built from zero to be Infested defiant chimeras, something which has, once again, gone to far without governance as the forests ravage the planet with near-Paleozoic ferver. On the less focused end, the kubrow and the skate are Orokin genetic slap-togethors, with the skate being a "successful" experiment (a.k.a. ask someone 150 years after skates go extinct what skates look like and what they were like. "They seem built for sand and had poisonous tails. . . CLEARLY DESERT ANIMALS!") and the kubrow being an attempt at breeding a companion organism in the vein of the dog (and ending up with a canine/chiropteran/ursine/monotreme fusion.)



As far as I can tell, Venus' weather was controlled by massive towers who covered a variety of functions such as oxygen generation, humidity, and of course, temperature. During the war, hundreds of towers were slain, leaving giant standing corpses we raid on a constant basis. At least ONE has survived, but without direction or adjustment, it has gone to far and turned Venus into a frozen ell scape. Given enough time, it's likely we'll get a full decay back to original standards for the planet, save that it will be really really REALLY cold, covered in volcanos, and have storm's of fullerenes everywhere.


As for how they did things? Think carefully, this is a civilization that has found out how to merge divergent species, create claytronic matter, defy the human age limit, synthesize new elements, and create gravitational fields. This is not now where humanity is multiple divergent cultures with a limited budget, this is a time of demigod like imperial magistrates leveraging the power of a multiplanetary human nation to do whatever the ell it wants. With enough time and centuries of patience, the Orokin could likely filter an entire atmosphere particle by particle from within a tower  until it reached the limits of human habitability and, in some cases, even closer. The trouble is, you NEED someone with infinite time and patience to pull it off, not a few fellows who, at best, won't gentrify till they are around 2000 years old and might get fired within that timeframe or blown to pieces.

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I mean, that all sounds nice, but it's 100% your head canon. Nothing says the plants of Earth ravage the planet with "near-Paleozoic fervor" (clearly they don't, as Cetus and the Plains of Eidolon are on Earth and aren't overrun). Nothing says the skates are Orokin slap-togethers (instead, it could be careful splicing of two species' DNAs). Venus isn't a frozen hellscape.

What you say is nice, and that kind of careful thought into what this solar system should be like is admirable. That's what I'd like to see DE take into account.

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8 hours ago, Unus said:

From the story, Earth's transgenic mutilations of old Earth life were "simply" Orokin approximations of species they slapped together from discovered genetic components. The Kavat, as well as the plants on Earth were purpose built from zero to be Infested defiant chimeras, something which has, once again, gone to far without governance as the forests ravage the planet with near-Paleozoic ferver. On the less focused end, the kubrow and the skate are Orokin genetic slap-togethors, with the skate being a "successful" experiment (a.k.a. ask someone 150 years after skates go extinct what skates look like and what they were like. "They seem built for sand and had poisonous tails. . . CLEARLY DESERT ANIMALS!") and the kubrow being an attempt at breeding a companion organism in the vein of the dog (and ending up with a canine/chiropteran/ursine/monotreme fusion.)



As far as I can tell, Venus' weather was controlled by massive towers who covered a variety of functions such as oxygen generation, humidity, and of course, temperature. During the war, hundreds of towers were slain, leaving giant standing corpses we raid on a constant basis. At least ONE has survived, but without direction or adjustment, it has gone to far and turned Venus into a frozen ell scape. Given enough time, it's likely we'll get a full decay back to original standards for the planet, save that it will be really really REALLY cold, covered in volcanos, and have storm's of fullerenes everywhere.


As for how they did things? Think carefully, this is a civilization that has found out how to merge divergent species, create claytronic matter, defy the human age limit, synthesize new elements, and create gravitational fields. This is not now where humanity is multiple divergent cultures with a limited budget, this is a time of demigod like imperial magistrates leveraging the power of a multiplanetary human nation to do whatever the ell it wants. With enough time and centuries of patience, the Orokin could likely filter an entire atmosphere particle by particle from within a tower  until it reached the limits of human habitability and, in some cases, even closer. The trouble is, you NEED someone with infinite time and patience to pull it off, not a few fellows who, at best, won't gentrify till they are around 2000 years old and might get fired within that timeframe or blown to pieces.

I wont lie, I didnt know some stuff you mentioned, and I found this info really interesting, I know how powerful orokin technology was but we must remember that even to them changing planet wasnt easy I mean we saw in "The Silver Grove' quest person trying to fix the earth to like it should be, we saw that it was taking her a lot of time time and that it wasnt easy.

Also it seems that original orokin tech used for terraforming seems to had problem surviving in harsh enviroment, since there must been a reason why orokin created tech for terraforming and given it ability to adapt to any enviroment that eventually evolved into sentients.

EDIT: either way we should probably stop talking about this in this thread, we gone off-topic, we should focus on thinking to make plains and other landscapes better.

Edited by Culaio
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7 hours ago, Culaio said:

I wont lie, I didnt know some stuff you mentioned, and I found this info really interesting, I know how powerful orokin technology was but we must remember that even to them changing planet wasnt easy I mean we saw in "The Silver Grove' quest person trying to fix the earth to like it should be, we saw that it was taking her a lot of time time and that it wasnt easy.

Also it seems that original orokin tech used for terraforming seems to had problem surviving in harsh enviroment, since there must been a reason why orokin created tech for terraforming and given it ability to adapt to any enviroment that eventually evolved into sentients.

EDIT: either way we should probably stop talking about this in this thread, we gone off-topic, we should focus on thinking to make plains and other landscapes better.

This is all good, imo. It's the kind of thought that should go into future Landscapes. I think it'd be good for DE to consider these sorts of things when they design their landscapes. This sort of historical exploration would certainly make them better. Part of the reason I suggested Mars and Titan as future landscapes is because I had some backstory in mind. I'll probably share it here at some point.

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7 hours ago, Culaio said:

I wont lie, I didnt know some stuff you mentioned, and I found this info really interesting, I know how powerful orokin technology was but we must remember that even to them changing planet wasnt easy I mean we saw in "The Silver Grove' quest person trying to fix the earth to like it should be, we saw that it was taking her a lot of time time and that it wasnt easy.

Also it seems that original orokin tech used for terraforming seems to had problem surviving in harsh enviroment, since there must been a reason why orokin created tech for terraforming and given it ability to adapt to any enviroment that eventually evolved into sentients.

Of course sir, that's the biggest sin the Orokin have constantly committed. Because they were effectively clinically eternal, they never thought of a moment where the Sol Origin System would exist without them. All their machines, all their creations, all of it required an Orokin to be present to make things work properly and efficiently. Comedically, they even screwed up horrifically when they tried to make something that could exist without their jurisdiction. The greatest problem with immortality is that it takes the fear of death and failure out of a man. Without these "balancing forces" man is a slave to his ego.

2 hours ago, A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n said:

This is all good, imo. It's the kind of thought that should go into future Landscapes. I think it'd be good for DE to consider these sorts of things when they design their landscapes. This sort of historical exploration would certainly make them better. Part of the reason I suggested Mars and Titan as future landscapes is because I had some backstory in mind. I'll probably share it here at some point.

I mean, Mars is gradually developing it's own story by codex development and various events. Not sure if delveing to deep into the depths of Mars when groundwork is being laid there is the best of ideas. 


But, Titan? Currently, Titan is just an empty node. No development, no bones to even vaguely add even the most basic form of meat to save the presence of one Faction. Therefore? ABSOLUTELY PERFECT for home brew creation with all manner of backstory. The Sol System's only high pressure atmosphered moon, ripe for the paving.

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7 minutes ago, Unus said:

Of course sir, that's the biggest sin the Orokin have constantly committed. Because they were effectively clinically eternal, they never thought of a moment where the Sol Origin System would exist without them. All their machines, all their creations, all of it required an Orokin to be present to make things work properly and efficiently. Comedically, they even screwed up horrifically when they tried to make something that could exist without their jurisdiction. The greatest problem with immortality is that it takes the fear of death and failure out of a man. Without these "balancing forces" man is a slave to his ego.

I mean, Mars is gradually developing it's own story by codex development and various events. Not sure if delveing to deep into the depths of Mars when groundwork is being laid there is the best of ideas. 


But, Titan? Currently, Titan is just an empty node. No development, no bones to even vaguely add even the most basic form of meat to save the presence of one Faction. Therefore? ABSOLUTELY PERFECT for home brew creation with all manner of backstory. The Sol System's only high pressure atmosphered moon, ripe for the paving.

The last time Mars got any substantial story development is with the Simaris lore. That has been completely put on ice. It's not getting any development beyond the few Cephalon Fragment lore pieces. And the Cephalon Fragment lore isn't that substantial at all.

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12 hours ago, Unus said:

they never thought of a moment where the Sol Origin System would exist without them. All their machines, all their creations, all of it required an Orokin to be present to make things work properly and efficiently.

So... They were the masters of bodging? lel

Other than that, @A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n

This post was a great read and some concepts were very interesting (like the GTA-esque increasing power of enemies based on the amount of troops you take down). There's definitely some things DE won't get right. Think about it, since they only have every person in the dev team for testing, they won't be able to get every single bug. And god-forbid there's a game-breaking exploit inside those new systems... Nevertheless it's all about the time of release. Too late but way more polished, or just right but something will slip between the cracks.

Of course as you have previously established, the problem that most reveals (through Tenno-con or otherwise) pointed towards was how singular and isolated the landscape's purpose felt. The Plains only existing for the Eidolons is definitely not the right direction (knowing how much of a drag the game is in between updates). They need to give us somethin' extra. I definitely loved the idea of Syndicates going in there. And I can only dream of seeing a Grineer fort. Definitely some dungeon-esque gameplay would be kind of a requirement (and many people have toyed with this idea, since it gives the tileset system more purposes, and a sense of unpredictability and challenge which gives people more of a reason to ready up for a challenge, unlike with Trials where only one kind of strategy has conquered) for any (if any) challenge at all.

The thing is that yes, DE should try their best (and they will, no doubt about that), but with so many things they have to establish first, of course it will fall flat for some of us.

Unfortunately (having spent a lot of time in the subreddit), the only things I can think of are things that make the vets happy (and I'm still MR 10, 2 years later but that was clearly my mistake not ever understanding that Void is everything up until Specters of the Rail), because I will inevitably be one.

PS: Remember, It's been 30+ minutes since I've woken up, so I will have definitely wrote something the wrong way.

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1 hour ago, KosmicGamerGR said:

So... They were the masters of bodging? lel

Other than that, @A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n

This post was a great read and some concepts were very interesting (like the GTA-esque increasing power of enemies based on the amount of troops you take down). There's definitely some things DE won't get right. Think about it, since they only have every person in the dev team for testing, they won't be able to get every single bug. And god-forbid there's a game-breaking exploit inside those new systems... Nevertheless it's all about the time of release. Too late but way more polished, or just right but something will slip between the cracks.

Of course as you have previously established, the problem that most reveals (through Tenno-con or otherwise) pointed towards was how singular and isolated the landscape's purpose felt. The Plains only existing for the Eidolons is definitely not the right direction (knowing how much of a drag the game is in between updates). They need to give us somethin' extra. I definitely loved the idea of Syndicates going in there. And I can only dream of seeing a Grineer fort. Definitely some dungeon-esque gameplay would be kind of a requirement (and many people have toyed with this idea, since it gives the tileset system more purposes, and a sense of unpredictability and challenge which gives people more of a reason to ready up for a challenge, unlike with Trials where only one kind of strategy has conquered) for any (if any) challenge at all.

The thing is that yes, DE should try their best (and they will, no doubt about that), but with so many things they have to establish first, of course it will fall flat for some of us.

Unfortunately (having spent a lot of time in the subreddit), the only things I can think of are things that make the vets happy (and I'm still MR 10, 2 years later but that was clearly my mistake not ever understanding that Void is everything up until Specters of the Rail), because I will inevitably be one.

PS: Remember, It's been 30+ minutes since I've woken up, so I will have definitely wrote something the wrong way.

You know, I've never quite heard the term before, but, I think it gets the gist of it. On the outside, everything's sparkling and perfect. Look on the inside however, and you'd find a bunch of golden folks sweating kuva bullets who's entire lives revolve around doing a task, only now they are all gilded sleletons still chained to their gilded desks with blood red manacles, so, everything's fair game now.

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14 hours ago, Unus said:

Of course sir, that's the biggest sin the Orokin have constantly committed. Because they were effectively clinically eternal, they never thought of a moment where the Sol Origin System would exist without them. All their machines, all their creations, all of it required an Orokin to be present to make things work properly and efficiently. Comedically, they even screwed up horrifically when they tried to make something that could exist without their jurisdiction. The greatest problem with immortality is that it takes the fear of death and failure out of a man. Without these "balancing forces" man is a slave to his ego.

It does actually makes sense when you say it like this, only thing counter argument I can find is void towers, its example of orokin technology that seems to be completly self sustaining, its in perfect shape and it continues to provide life support.

Reason why I  am so against venus being cold plant is because there is too many cold planets (there are two types of cold planet tile sets: corpus outpost and corpus ice planet)in game and not enough desert ones, there is actually only one desert planet in game: mars while there are two planets with corpus outpost tile set(venus and pluto) and two planets with ice planet tile set(europa and neptune, well neptune has mix of ice planet and corpus outpost tile sets)

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8 hours ago, Culaio said:

It does actually makes sense when you say it like this, only thing counter argument I can find is void towers, its example of orokin technology that seems to be completly self sustaining, its in perfect shape and it continues to provide life support.

The void towers are in the void; there are no natural forces to erode the technology or cause it to decay. Everything is timeless in the void. Meanwhile, on Mars you have wind and dust chipping away at the machines, and on Earth the plant life can quickly render any structure useless.

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1 hour ago, GrayArchon said:

The void towers are in the void; there are no natural forces to erode the technology or cause it to decay. Everything is timeless in the void. Meanwhile, on Mars you have wind and dust chipping away at the machines, and on Earth the plant life can quickly render any structure useless.

but wouldnt void tower machinery still degrade with time ? I do remember that laws of physics dont work like they should in void but still passing of time exists in void towers as we see with the fact that machinery functions in the void towers(if time was frozen then machines couldnt function at all), and there are many other reasons why time has to pass in void towers

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1 hour ago, Culaio said:

but wouldnt void tower machinery still degrade with time ? I do remember that laws of physics dont work like they should in void but still passing of time exists in void towers as we see with the fact that machinery functions in the void towers(if time was frozen then machines couldnt function at all), and there are many other reasons why time has to pass in void towers

Things don't just randomly break down over time. They break down because there are forces acting upon them. Erosion, water damage, and looting from other factions would damage machinery planet-side, but if it's in the void, then those factors are absent. There might still be forces like friction between moving parts or maybe chemical reaction with the air, but a lot of Orokin technology doesn't seem to have moving parts or corrode over time.

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