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[Update 21.4.0] Hydroid Revisited Feedback


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Everyone has about 10 million great ideas, and if DE were to impliment A QUARTER of them, Hydroid would be many people's main, but DE very RARLY ever implements these good ideas.

All we can do, is just throw our ideas out there, and PRAY TO OUR LORD AND SAVIOR, Steve, THAT DE WILL MAKE THE RIGHT CHANGES TO HYDROID THIS TIME. (i wouldn't bet on it)

So I want to make ONE post that DE can check back to for ideas about hydroid, what the player base, the people they're making the game for, want.

So without further ado, here are mine and some i've picked up, firstly there's this video and the comments section.

1) Hydroid's 2nd ability should be removed and turned into his roll. IMO it's not worth spending power on, especially since i have SO LITTLE POWER ANYWAY. And i'd much rather have a better power in his 2 slot.

2) The Kraken is useless and has no business being there. Make him attract enemy aggro, and much like how Octavia's 1st ability works, apply a %Damage multiplier the more damage is given to the Kraken head.

3)MAKE PILFERING SWARM INNATE. Infact, here's a rule i want you guys to review EVERY existing augment with, If an Augment makes someone say "Why on earth would i ever want to remove this augment as long as i want to use this power? It just makes the ability better with no downsides!" Make it innate in the ability, So basically, all of Hydroid's augments, Nyx's first ability augment, ect

      An augment should be something that changes an ability, not make it just flat out more useful, Like, this simple change would improve the augment for Hydroid's first. Make his first do magnetic damage, but, With the augment equipped, it wouldn't do magnetic anymore, it would do corrosive, See? that little change and now Corrosive Barrage (i think it's called) Is suddenly a real augment.

     So how would you improve Pilfering Swarm? Same deal, but with loot. Make Hydroid's 4th have enemies innately drop double credits if they die while being held by a tentical, and adding pilfering swarm would make it no longer drop double credits, but instead double loot drops. See? Suddenly a real augment.

I'll add to the OP as i get more ideas.



Edited by TennoHack
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It appears to mention having Tentacle Swarm act as another Undertow, but one that could be activated afar having the monster drag enemies into its puddle. Additional suggestion made here was to have the combination of Undertow+Tentacle Swarm allow the monster to stay in Undertow.


But I believe this would function best if Tentacle Swarm was a toggle instead of what it is now.


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Some observations while testing in Simulacrum and Captura:

  • Undertow + Tidal Surge cannot go through crawl spaces that players normally need to press Crouch or Slide to go through, even when Hydroid is a puddle of water that looks like it can fit through no problem.
  • Kraken from Tentacle Swarm is shrunk in size when cast from Undertow. It doesn't look as epic as a normal cast with its big head popping out of the water.
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Not going to lie, I haven't read all 31 pages of this thread, so I know I'll be restating a bunch of things that were already said.

I had been trying to use Hydroid before the rework dropped since I could see it coming after the prime reveal. I potatoed him, modded him as well as I could while not wasting formas, and threw him into Heiracon. I was surprised that I enjoyed him as much as I did, and he really was quite useful at defending excavators, much more so than I'd ever expected, even without his 3. I could see the problems, like his lack of damage output and need for his 1's augment (it really should be innate at 20% and augmented to 100%), but he was all-around fun to use.

Post-rework, I saw all the cool changes to his abilites that made him flow (hehe) better, and noticed some things that still aren't quite there. Using Hydroid for the last day is some of the most fun I've had, but I'm not doing anything too taxing at this point, mostly only farming Assur, Uranus for polymer (blah) with a friend who was also excited for the rework and was using Hydroid as well. We've bounced ideas around about how the rework behaves, and here's what we've got.

1. The charge mechanic is cool, it gives you options, and it's nice to finally be able to see the aoe of his 1. It desperately needs to be a press to cast then press to release ability, similar to Ash's bladestorm but without the targeting system (or maybe with it for the 4?). This would let you move better while casting, since currently holding 1 while trying to press a and d to strafe is borderline acrobatics. I know a toggle system was suggested, but I'd rather not have just another World on Fire/Maim type ability.

2. His energy economy drastically improved. His abilities were overly expensive, and now he just feels better to use.

3. This one definitely was said already, but restating because it's important: Undertow needs to be able to collect drops. This was already addressed with Limbo and the Rift, why do we have to have this talk again?

4. The largest trend I notice on here is people asking for higher damage. Personally, I think we really don't need another nuker frame, and it'd be so much nicer to see a utility frame that has helpful aoe effects that do damage, but not obscene amounts. Basically, I'd like the effect to compensate for the lack of damage. 
Unless I missed something, both 3 and 4 don't disable Eximus abilities. If an enemy is trapped in Undertow or Tentacle Swarm, the Eximus effect still keeps plonking away until the enemy dies. This means that a leech trapped in either one is set up to drain everyone's energy, and the current damage output of both means that it won't be stopping any time soon. A nice fix would be to leave the numbers as-is and allow the abilities to disable eximus effects, letting Hydroid compensate for his less impressive damage by adding a huge amount of useful CC. This isn't unheard of, as Nyx already does this, although Chaos doesn't entirely disable the effect, instead focusing eximus effects on enemies first, and then on allies if they get too close to the eximus. Mind control, however, straight adds the eximus buffs to your team, making Nyx one of the few frames that can decide eximus just need to stop.
tl;dr on the 4th point: Make eximus effects stop while enemies are under the effects of Undertow and Tentacle Swarm, leave damage as it is.

5. His augments need a bit of a wiggle as I hinted toward. Corroding Barrage should be innate at a reduced percentage (probably 20% chance of corrosion with the augment pulling it to the full 100%). Tidal impunity is gimmicky, but it's fun if you want to be a full-support Hydroid. Curative Undertow is mostly fine, but the increased energy consumption is too much of a drawback for taking a mod slot with the augment. Kick that energy clause off of there and it's great. Pilfering Swarm does too little damage to kill things reliably and get the full bonus, a change from 'enemies killed by the swarm' to 'enemies killed by or while under the effects of the swarm' would make it much more useful. If that sounds too broken, pulling the percentage to around 60% would keep it more in line with the trends Nekros has already set. Swarm would still be less reliable than desecrate, so a slightly higher percentage would be perfectly reasonable.

6. Colors. The Kraken doesn't color all that well, everything gets muted and gray, even with super-bright yellows and whites. I can see at least 3 color channels being used, but not very well at all. And that's the better coloring option for the rework, seeing as both Undertow and Swarm get piddly amounts of energy color effects, mostly just staying entirely clear with only a tiny, faint energy aura at the base of the tentacles. All of the liquid effects need to be tinted better, even if that means reverting somewhat to the old melted ice cream look.

Summing it up, Hydroid is a bunch of fun. He may not be a huge DPS powerhouse, but he's entertaining and unique. I don't want to see him turned into another faceless nuker, and I hope he gets a similar treatment to what Oberon's reworked ended up as: A utility/support frame that can hold its own, but doesn't clear waves ultra fast, making up for a lack of damage by adding special effects that bring something unique to the table that no other frame can.

Edited by Fluffysbeans
The art guy forgot to add the 6th point on colors.
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I had been thinking about so many suggestion, but it seems like most of these abilities are flooded with other ideas, so instead I'll just give something else

Can tentacles PLEASE idle? It looks so awfully messy to see them flopping everywhere for no reason, if an enemy gets in range I'd rather have them wait patiently and them slam them.
Talking about enemies being slammed by tentacles, how about they catch a random enemy, pull it up and slam it hard onto the ground, but instead of repeating the same thing, do some heavy damage as the tentacle holds the enemy down? By heavy damage I mean enough to get rid of ~lv100 fodder enemies like butchers fast enough so they can move on to a different target, and if it's a big one it would just hold it down, giving everyone a much easier time to kill them.

Lastly, please give puddle some love, it needs both scaling HP damage and some sort of life/energy stealing per enemy in the puddle, because this rework made him extremely energy hungry.

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There's something I have a gripe with even before the rework, it is that none of Hydroid's abilities actually soak or wet enemies they affect given the large quantities of water involved. It can be purely a visual improvement, but I think it could also work as a passive addition to make Hydroid's CC a bit better.

In addition to spawning a tentacle on ground slam, enemies affected by Hydroid's abilities receive the Drench debuff for 5 seconds. While drenched, enemies appear soaked in water, any attacks (ranged, melee weapons, and even abilities) causes the enemy to stagger, and they take 50% more time to recover from knockdown, stun, stagger, and ragdoll effects.

Not only does it look cool, but Hydroid can buy more time for himself and teammates to kill enemies before they recover.

Edited by PsiWarp
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So, I've been playing the new Hydroid all day. Settled on a 155% duration, 75% efficiency, 160% range, 199% power build.

Previously I compared him to Wet Vauban. Except anti-cooperative and less effective.

Hydroid's Barrage is just a slightly larger version of tripline... or that one grenade that strips armor. If you have the augment. The "targetting patch" just came out, and I'm not sure if it had the desired effect. Mostly because it's hard to tell if the ability is working in the first place. There's a kind of mental disconnect between the cast and the attack itself. For me, at least. The barrage balls come out of no where, they don't feel immediate. There's just something about that I feel like my brain is just ignoring it. So I don't even really trust myself to be able to tell if it's effective. Compare to Tesla or Tripline. The grenade is thrown immediately, starts working right where it lands.

SUGGESTION: Make Hydroid fire the first volley from his hand. Which knocks down everything in the area, then the remaining volleys come down as usual.

There is one situation where I would use Hydroid where Vauban wouldn't just do better. When it comes to plumbing, Hydroid can unclog a hallway in hurry. Please stop complaining about his 2. The tidal wave is a fun and satisfying power. Especially when combined with explosives. Throw all the enemies at a wall, back up, boom. It's great fun.

SUGGESTION: Let us jump cancel the wave. With Primed Continuity, sometimes it goes too far, and I don't want to puddle then jump cancel puddle.

Hydroid's Undertow is just a manual version of Vauban's Vortex, except anti-cooperative because it hoards enemies. Oh, and the range nerf has kinda screwed my favorite way to play, which is to be heal-droid. Previously I could actually heal people by actively puddling underneath them, and even if they moved they'd still get at least a couple ticks of health. I build for power so the heals are really substantial. Ask an Inaros.

SUGGESTION: Give us the old power range on Undertow back, and let us pump up the damage through some kind of active participation. By team mates shooting into it... or something. But it needs to not play keep away from team mates.

Hydroid's Tentacle Swarm is just a chaotic, unreliable, anti-cooperative version of bastille that does damage. Unscaling damage. And why would you want to use tentacle swarm while in undertow anyway? If the tentacles somehow automatically pull in enemies at range, then all you've done is made Vortex out of 2 abilities. A Vortex you have to demobilize yourself for. That prevents team damage, and ... I guess heals if you're a weirdo heal-droid like me.

SUGGESTION: Please create the tentacle ally we crave. I don't want wet-branded Bastille or Vortex. I want something unique. Some kind of Seamonster that surfs around eating enemies and holding other enemies up in strangle holds. The tentacles would do very little damage, but in exchange the enemies they CC would actually be targetable by allies. The mouth would do the lion share of damage. Eating only one enemy at a time.

I still find it frustrating that his passive is just a single tentacle ... It's okay, but it's redundant. One thing about Hydroid that always strikes me, is that his water doesn't get enemies wet or react in anyway to elemental damage types.

SUGGESTION: Make all his abilities give a debuff status to effected enemies called "Soaking Wet." Soaking Wet increases status effect chance from elemental type damage. Heat, Cold, Toxic, Electric, Blast, Corrosive, Viral, Magnetic, Gas. All the elemental damage types. This would make him play well with others passively, while simultaneously giving his brand of CC a unique mechanic that no one else has. Maybe even a small slow effect, nothing like Nova's Molecular Prime, but just a nice touch.

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1 minute ago, PsiWarp said:

There's something I have a gripe with even before the rework, it is that none of Hydroid's abilities actually soak or wet enemies they affect given the large quantities of water involved. It can be purely a visual improvement, but I think it could also work as a passive addition to make Hydroid's CC a bit better.

In addition to spawning a tentacle on ground slam, enemies affected by Hydroid's abilities receive the Drench debuff for 5 seconds. While drenched, enemies appear soaked in water, any attacks (ranged, melee weapons, and even abilities) causes the enemy to stagger, and they take 50% more time to recover from knockdown, stagger, and ragdoll effects.

Not only does it look cool, but Hydroid can buy more time for himself and teammates to kill enemies before they recover.

Go the Dragon's Dogma route and make them take more electric damage while soaked as well. Gimmicky, but Amprex Hydroid would be crazy strong.

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Passive: Scurvy: (symptoms of scurvy include feeling weak BTW) enemies hit by hydroid's abilities do 25% less damage for 3 seconds. this debuff decays overtime (so after 2 seconds the debuff will be about 8% less damage) Also enemies affected by this debuff gives hydroid power strength, +1% per enemy, capping off at +25%

Tempest Barrage: more shots fired at base, but less damage, because who actualy uses it for damage? Put a cooldown on it, the CD is = to 1/2 of the ability duration, allow for more than one barrage to exist at a time

          power strength: affects how many shots are fired per second

Tidal Surge: can be canceled at any time by pressing 2 again. also make it so that enemies arent launched away when the wave ends. have them all land right in front of you ready for the killing

Undertow: enemies that are affected by undertow are still visable from outside. (their legs are left above water but their heads are submerged or something like that) this is so allies can kill them since the damage sucks on undertow. submerged enemies are moved toward the center of the puddle. the movement speed is now equal to normal walking speed. range needs to be buffed. if you use Tidal Surge while in undertow, enemies in undertow all pulled along. No longer invulnerable, but draws no aggro, immune to fire damage cuz hes water, 

Tentacles: enemies that are grabbed by tentacles can now be pulled into undertow. since enemies in undertow are visable, the tentacles can still damage them.

                Pilfering Swarm: enemies will drop extra loot if under the affects of hydroid's abilities for 3s after being hit by tentacle swarm. (drop chance decays down to 25% after 1.5s)

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I used to run a build for Hydroid that involved max range mods and reducing the cost so I could use his 4 skill for 10 energy each press and effectively tentacle all things. It didn't matter if it would only constantly hit 3 or so units and tickle the loot out of them somewhere if it only cost 10 energy to do so. Since the kraken now spawns wherever you point it and does not appear to randomly spawn tentacles outside of a relatively small radius around the Kraken this seemingly basically ruins my build and I kind of wish you had never touched him in the first place.

 I've never truly valued his 1, 2 or 3 skills and still ultimately don't even after your changes. In my opinion other warframes just do what he does better. I know it's difficult to balance a game around a very large cast of characters and have them all be unique, impactful and thematically impressive in their own ways but I'm really disappointed with this rework even though the Kraken at least looks really cool.   

Edited by Kittastrophy
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4 hours ago, Buddhakingpen said:

Iono. Constantly reiterating that you were a hydroid main made me not take this as seriously as a probably should have. Came off a bit self important.  

Especially since i'm also a hydroid main, and i disagree with a good lot of whats being said here. Then you called your tentacle swarm exalted form idea "unique" when 8/10 rework ideas on literally every frame people want reworked have an exalted form somewhere in them. Sorry, i'm just sensing a lot of self importance here, so i got annoyed. My apologies. I'll try to not be a jerk in the rest of the post. 

Tempest barrage is easily hydroids best move in its current state. I'm not seeing this inconsistency that people keep on talking about. Mod for almost any kind of positive range and it will consistently keep enemies permanently knocked down in the entire radius. I'm also of the camp that cc frames should not be damage frames. Forcing it to scale off of power strength when it doesnt need to is counterproductive imo. Esp since power strength doesnt scale anything else in any significant way

The tidal surge change just has no chance in happening, so no need to address that. Non targeted dash skills scale off of duration. Its been like that for years. Honestly, i think half of the fun in building him is finding that sweet spot with duration to make surge easy to control, but tempest barrage have good duration. Right now i'm sitting around 160% duration and it controls well. 

On undertow.... hell no the augment shouldnt be built in. I actually hate the curative undertow mod, i'd be mad if they built it in. I dont want my energy being sapped just because i choose to use undertow near a teammate.  I also dont think you should be rewarded with cheaper casts just for using a move that already makes you invincible. I mean, 15% wouldnt break anything, but its unnecessary. The new augment idea is pretty good though. 

I naturally hate every exalted weapon idea, because even though damage wise they're powerful, they always just result in players running around mindlessly spamming the attack button. I prefer unique mechanics. 

The hydroid rework that we got is really good. You're trying to basically rework their rework. New mechanics, an entirely new move. Whats done is done man. For now, you want to keep your suggestions based around what DE has already done, not give them enough work to warrant a whole new rework. 

Things like how smooth hydroid transitions from his 2 to his 3, the range or duration on his moves, his energy pool. Suggestions like that are things they'll listen to, not telling them that they essentially did the whole thing wrong

Another Hydroid main


First off, I mentioned being a main twice; once at the beginning, once at the end. Its not about being self important, myself doesn't matter its about letting DE know they are people who actually choose to main Hydroid as a choice. DE already sees Hydroid as the 2nd least played Warframe with not a lot of tenno that actually like him. If they see people that do it might show them cause to do good by those players like they do the rest of the community. So not to be rude but the only self importance coming off is your ego.

Second point, Tempest Barrage is his best move. Yes, it can keep people knocked down in the radius, but it is Inconsistent. The fact that you claim to be a Hydroid main & not notice these inconsistencies on its pattern especially when dealing with different tile sets, when myself & the rest of the community notices it is pretty bad. If you read the paragraph, you will see I suggested no changes to the actual ability, just suggested a preset pattern for the bombs to drop in to provide more consistency. The extra damage scaling is an option, not something I said needs to be done. No core changes here.

Your third point on Tidal Surge. Tidal Surge is easy to control yes, but you cant do much with it. Allowing it greater freedom of control in how far to go does not change the ability at all. Just allows you to choose where to dash, much like Excal's Slash Dash. It would also give much greater & easier use for the Augment Tidal Impunity. Again there is no changes to the core ability, still works the same way just now is targetable.

On your issue with Undertow, you are the only person I've ever seen or heard of that hates that augment. Most people really appreciate it, so you're coming off a bit greedy. Sorry, I'm just sensing a lot of self preservation here, so I got annoyed. My apologies. I'll try to not be a jerk in the rest of the post. You claim again to be a Hydroid main & you call him a CC frame. That is true, but CC is a form of SUPPORT...Being a support includes having some sort of self/team sustain, which Hydroid has none of beside that Augment. To be honest using Primed Flow & Streamline I never have issues with energy & spending a few more points of energy to heal team mates or protect them is never an issue. Especially with how good Zenurik is you can regain that same amount of energy back in a couple seconds. If you are having energy issues, you're modding or playing him wrong. So like I said it just seems you're being greedy with a few points of energy & not wanting to help your team with this ability. This is further proven by the fact that you hate Curative Undertow, the 1st player I've ever seen talk bad about it. Honestly, I think half of the fun in building him is finding that sweet spot, where you can SUPPORT your team in multiple capacities. But once again here in this ability I have suggested no core changes to the ability, just tweaks. There is no new mechanic here, no new ability. Still functions the same way it always has.

On tentacle Swarm, you really don't read the context of the paragraph do you? Just the words? I only mentioned the Exalted style because treating the modding for it like an Exalted ability. Allowing it to scale with melee mods allows it greater efficiency in dealing with multiple types of threats at higher levels & greater synergy with the augment. So since I did not suggest any core changes to how the ability works, just modding scaling how is this a bad idea? Also explain how this results in people being able to spam a Ultimate like the other Exallted abilities? You can only have one swarm active at a time & with the huge energy cost, you would really have to mod for efficiency to be able to even attempt to spam this. Base efficiency is 100 energy, Streamline is like 70. So you would have to use Transient Fortitude near max rank to get this to the point of spamable.  Let me repeat yet again I suggested no core ability changes, no new mechanics it still works the same as always just allows for different modding.

"The hydroid rework that we got is really good. You're trying to basically rework their rework. New mechanics, an entirely new move. Whats done is done man. For now, you want to keep your suggestions based around what DE has already done, not give them enough work to warrant a whole new rework. "

So since on none of the abilities I suggested no core changes & they function the same, there is no new mechanics, no new move. So what in the heck where you actually reading? These are suggestions based on what they changed, no new reworks.

"Things like how smooth hydroid transitions from his 2 to his 3, the range or duration on his moves, his energy pool. Suggestions like that are things they'll listen to, not telling them that they essentially did the whole thing wrong"

Never, once in the entire letter did I say DE "did the whole thing wrong". Never did I criticize any of the work they did in fact I complimented most of it. All of my suggestions were basically add ons to the core abilities which I suggested no core changes for. So once again what in the world were you reading?

Furthermore who are you to decide what they will listen to? Nothing I suggested has been a bad option. Multiple people have already from this topic & the actual feedback topic have liked quite a bit of what I said or have reposted it or messaged me saying good things about my ideas/options. Meaning more of the community agrees, with this than just you. So yet again you are made out to seem like the "self important" greedy player. Next time read the context & meaning of the words, not just the words themselves. For now, you want to keep your suggestions based around peoples opinions friendlier in nature, not give them enough to warrant them thinking you coming off as your opinions are better than others. 


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Hey, I think the update is definately a step in the right direction.  Would it be possible to go one step farther though?  For undertow maybe... allow Hydroid to hold 3 after he has used it and deal more damage for more energy?  Maybe even Drag enemies down from any Tentacles spawned ontop of Undertow into the puddle.

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33 minutes ago, Trentiel said:

Hydroid's Undertow is just a manual version of Vauban's Vortex, except anti-cooperative because it hoards enemies. Oh, and the range nerf has kinda screwed my favorite way to play, which is to be heal-droid. Previously I could actually heal people by actively puddling underneath them, and even if they moved they'd still get at least a couple ticks of health. I build for power so the heals are really substantial. Ask an Inaros.

SUGGESTION: Give us the old power range on Undertow back, and let us pump up the damage through some kind of active participation. By team mates shooting into it... or something. But it needs to not play keep away from team mates.

Wow. G-R-E-A-T point. The fact that other players just sit around and can do nothing while Undertow is active IS a problem. I forgot about that. It was definitely a complaint of players when I played Hydroid a lot, and they're not wrong. 

Here's an idea... instead of disappearing when drawn into the puddle, why not have enemies be prone and translucent... to look like they're under water... and targetable by players. That would be awesome.

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ERM I would suggest add 50% charge time for Pilroid Swarm AUG like you did for Loki Decoy Savior AUG 


Then this rework would be viable


also undertow aug add + 1 speed moving while undertow and the drawback is changed as a duration ability for 10/15 sec

Edited by Strexze
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11 minutes ago, TheBlackSpectre said:

Wow. G-R-E-A-T point. The fact that other players just sit around and can do nothing while Undertow is active IS a problem. I forgot about that. It was definitely a complaint of players when I played Hydroid a lot, and they're not wrong. 

Here's an idea... instead of disappearing when drawn into the puddle, why not have enemies be prone and translucent... to look like they're under water... and targetable by players. That would be awesome.

Yeah! Maybe they could just do a silhouette of the enemy, to show where to shoot. Since technically I think the puddle is a 2d shader effect to simulate puddle depth.

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Dear [DE], hydriod is one of the coolest warframe yet, pirates are fricking cool (my first language isn't english so there might be some miss spelling) but there are some problems with him so we could play him, while i see where you are deracting him, you need to twick his abuilties in there core to make them work.

tempest barrge: i don't care about it being random i care about it being too random, if i see an enemy, i would like to point the abuilty at him and him to knock prone like it spose to do but in a fast pase game when you need to wait 2 seconds for it to start, and even then it might miss the enemy, you might as well shot a gun or somthing. so i think you should make the barrge come quicker and make the area of where the barrge is going to land smaller for better aim of the abuilty

tidel surge: there are a lot of problems with using "dash" abuilties, but this one is ok, the only problem is that the wave makes the enemys fly away and if you had enemys in undertoe they don't come with you. so that what i think you should fix in it

undertoe: idea is cool but being a pudel is very.... sorry for saying it but it looks stupid, needs a change in how it looks and it drains way to much energy for what is does, it fair but if you can't use your weapons and you just sit there it's not fun

and last, tentcole sworm: YOU MADE A SICK FISH THING AND IT DOESN'T DO ANYTHING? make him bite, even if it's weak make him bite cause it's cool

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ERM I would suggest add 50% charge time for Pilroid Swarm AUG like you did for Loki Decoy Savior AUG 


Then this rework would be viable


also undertow aug add + 1 speed moving while undertow and the drawback is changed as a duration ability for 10/15 sec


copied from main post
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