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[Update 21.4.0] Hydroid Revisited Feedback


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People play Hydroid for his tentacle swarm, but his undertow got all the synergy. Also neither his tempest barrage or tentacle swarm can be aimed at priority targets. I understand one spray and pray move but two? I was hoping for something like Nidus ravenous. Maybe create a little whirlpool of orokin piranhas instead of the randomness of the tentacles. Enemies can maybe panic while being eaten alive instead of flapping all over the place. Same augment mod, plus it controls choke points better. His passive will also become pretty cool because it will be the only way he can create tentacles. losing the cap on his passives tentacles would be cool if this route was taken. I like tempest barrage because it's a lot like calling down artillery on a crowd of baddies.

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hey so first of all it's more like a stat increase and a range nerf than a rework , the synergy is nice if it wasn't to his most boring  ability "puddle" a lot of people are saying he's good now but all i see  is a useless puddle that now can move you have "a tentacle" that grab enemies when you click at an energy cost he don't have infinite range so he's like the replacement of his old range but more energy hungry .. Just why ? his damage increase per second  ohhh so he's supposed to do more damage ? well 10 more damage won't help me his ult is now also range nerfed (from 20 to 5 meter lmao) and cost more energy to have the old result his 1 is still useless without the augment (and since augments aren't supposed to be an obligation to have a result this is very bad) the synergies are just not that useful when you compare to the old hydroid "you can cast your 1 while in undertow" i could cast it while i'm out and then jump into undertow no difference "you can move in undertow" yeah and lose more energy so i can't use my other spells "you can group your ult tentacles into undertow" is that supposed to be a sort of a "buff" ? coz  it's not i need them to be more spaced so they cover a larger area his "tidal surge" should be like limbo rift walk but with an energy cost and only in undertow and replacing with a better skill like something that could use the useless "kraken" head we have , feel free to disagree with me but just tell me why you do

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In the words of Rob (who I don't always agree with, but I agree with on this): If old Hydrod was chocolate, they made him into a chocolate cake. If you like chocolate, you'll like the rework. If you don't like chocolate, you were never going to like Hydroid period.

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Since I'm on console I haven't gotten the chance to play with the rework yet but I'm kinda bummed there weren't any ability changes. I thought his 2 and 3 would gone especially his 2. For his 1 I was thinking what if it gave a tweak. Ex. casting the barrage on ememies would cause a blast effect and any allies that get water splashed on them from the blast would get a buff. His 2 should be a whirlpool he should be able to cast on the ground and any enemy within range with get sucked in. Also, he could cast his 1 in the whirlpool as well as allies could shoot inside of it like magnetize. His 3rd could be his correlated with sirens from mythology, drawing enemies to their sound and leaving them open  to finishers.That could set up senergy to trap enemies in whirlpools as well . His 4 is fine I like the release of the Kraken and think my ideas with the other three would have really good synergy 

Edited by (PS4)rententenny
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19 minutes ago, Lyravain said:

In the words of Rob (who I don't always agree with, but I agree with on this): If old Hydrod was chocolate, they made him into a chocolate cake. If you like chocolate, you'll like the rework. If you don't like chocolate, you were never going to like Hydroid period.

The problem being is DE 'reworked' Hydriod to sell his upcoming Prime Access. If the community doesn't like Hydriod's dark chocolate, why the hell would they try to make it a cake and think the community at large would buy it?

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Alright so after playing around for a few hours with him, here are my thoughts on Hydroid's rework.

I like the focus on fun that you have pulled with the rework, the charge up mechanics and easy ability to switch into undertow is nice. His buffs to survivability are also welcome. However, he still is the same old hydroid, stuck deciding being a hard cc frame and a damage frame, but that doesn't mean that I think his current kit is without potential.  You seem to have focused this rework around Undertow, which is nice, but in order for him to be effective, he needs better synergy between undertow and his other abilities. Scaling damage is also needed. The idea of zooming around in undertow with tidal surge, picking up a bunch of enemies, and then tempest barraging/tentacle swarming them is nice, but right now you can't really do that. Here are some humbly suggested changes that I think will make him effective and even more fun.


  • Increase his energy pool from 100 at base to at least 150, right now he is very energy hungry, and doesn't have the -pool- to support it
  • Allow enemies caught by Undertow to be taken with you when you use Tidal Surge
  • Increase the radius of Undertow maybe from 4 to 6
  • Reduce movement speed penalty from being in Undertow
  • Significantly increase scaling damage on Undertow, if we are to use Undertow a lot of the time, it needs to be effective at killing things
  • Add scaling damage to tentacle swarm, because it flails enemies around it doesn't make good cc for killing them, so it should deal good damage on its own
  • Tentacle Swarm and tempest barrage needs greater synergy with Undertow, maybe enemies in Undertow take more damage from it
  • Allow us to cancel Tidal Surge by pressing 2 again


  • curative undertow should tick every second, since it's not a large aoe anymore, it seems like you're making it into a more personal ability. That's fine, but that also means it needs to heal Hydroid faster
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DE isn't calling it a rework. It's a revisit, an update to the frame to have him relevant in the current game. If he's useless to a player, chances are the player is useless with the Warframe, since there are other Tenno playing the exact same Warframe effectively and having a grand ol' time of it. That player can either learn the Warframe, remain frustrated of their own accord or forget him and let the rest of us have fun. It shouldn't be expected that his abilities would be swapped for new ones at all, since old Hydroid already had a fanbase and it would be unfair to change him on those players in hopes of making him more appealing to those didn't like or understand him in the first place.

Undertow was made smaller in exchange for being made interactive, comboing with his other abilities to both keep Hydroid alive more easily and for him to chain CC on enemies (ex. trap with 3 and move foes into 4 using 2 while in 3). Undertow deals ever-increasing Finisher damage and adopts the mid-game switch from killing into utility just like a pile of other Warframe abilities (WoF, Overload, etc.) It makes a big difference that you can cast 1 while in 3, since he's untargetable while in 3. His ult now has variable casting, with the base range and Energy cost decreased (now just 50 for a quick cast) so players can have the Swarm over a small area. A longer cast can spread it out more for the original 100 Energy with more tentacles than before, or it can be charged while in 3 to pack a huge number of tentacles into a space the size of your puddle.

Hydroid isn't perfect, but no frame is. The important thing is, he's effective, relevant and engaging now. If you don't understand him, asking Tenno who do is just fine. If you want to ignore the players who are making him work so you can soapbox about what you think oughta be, go ahead and ignore us. Have a nice day.

Edited by SenorClipClop
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10 hours ago, svegurok said:

Tempest Barrage

- toggle

- fires barrage where Hydroid is looking (120° | 10m, 13m, 16m, 19m) in intervals (2.0s, 1.5s, 1.0s, 0.5s - no scalable)

I respect your opinion, but that's really dumb and I don't want to see it in-game. As area CC, I more often than not use TB to guard my blind spots. Having only where I'm looking would make much less effective for holding down a space.

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I have only one issue with Hydroid:

Tentacle Swarm

dealing a maximum of 75 / 150 / 225 / 300 Magnetic damage upon emerging

Watt the Edison? It should've been impact at least. And maybe they should coil around and crush, rather than flail about..

Everything else I do like.

Edited by Bouldershoulder
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14 minutes ago, SenorClipClop said:

A longer cast can spread it out more for the original 100 Energy with more tentacles than before, or it can be charged while in 3 to pack a huge number of tentacles into a space the size of your puddle.

Speaking of which, do the tentacles only damage enemies they capture or are they able to stack their damage when they all group-smack into enemies? If it's the latter (or if they change it to the latter) then I can see a potentially strong nuke in Tentacle Swarm with the 3 grab + 4 combo.

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14 minutes ago, SenorClipClop said:

DE isn't calling it a rework. It's a revisit, an update to the frame to have him relevant in the current game. If he's useless to a player, chances are the player is useless with the Warframe, since there are other Tenno playing the exact same Warframe effectively and having a grand ol' time of it. That player can either learn the Warframe, remain frustrated of their own accord or forget him and let the rest of us have fun. It shouldn't be expected that his abilities would be swapped for new ones at all, since old Hydroid already had a fanbase and it would be unfair to change him on those players in hopes of making him more appealing to those didn't like or understand him in the first place.

Undertow was made smaller in exchange for being made interactive, comboing with his other abilities to both keep Hydroid alive more easily and for him to chain CC on enemies (ex. trap with 3 and move foes into 4 using 2 while in 3). Undertow deals ever-increasing Finisher damage and adopts the mid-game switch from killing into utility just like a pile of other Warframe abilities (WoF, Overload, etc.) It makes a big difference that you can cast 1 while in 3, since he's untargetable while in 3. His ult now has variable casting, with the base range and Energy cost decreased (now just 50 for a quick cast) so players can have the Swarm over a small area. A longer cast can spread it out more for the original 100 Energy with more tentacles than before, or it can be charged while in 3 to pack a huge number of tentacles into a space the size of your puddle.

Hydroid isn't perfect, but no frame is. The important thing is, he's effective, relevant and engaging now. If you don't understand him, asking Tenno who do is just fine. If you want to ignore the players who are making him work so you can soapbox about what you think oughta be, go ahead and ignore us. Have a nice day.

I think a lot of the backlash is coming from  the fact DE learned nothing from the Oberon rework it seemed. Oberon came out with small changes and QoL adjustments at first. Then people kept up the complaints until he matured to what he is today. Far more effective pre rework and a lot better than his original post rework iteration.

To be fair, yeah, they are calling this a "Revisit" and not a "Rework" but if they are trying to sell Prime Access they are not doing a good job.

Also, lets not forget that when Excalibur was reworked he had a lot of fans. Still, Super Jump was removed and Exalted Blades was added. Limbo had a lot of fans, too. He had Rift Walk removed and they gave him Rift Surge instead. You can remove and add abilities and STILL have the theme of a frame survive intact. 

I personally think no frame should have an AFK button and yet puddle is still an AFK button. There should be an option to deploy Undertow and allow the player to move around. Enemies should tread water in it shoulder high so teammates can still shoot them. Tentacle Swarm should provide constant hard knock downs to enemies so team mates can still shoot them, not flail enemies about making them near impossible to hit.

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10 hours ago, Sajochi said:

If you want to have a discussion, do not instantly say someone is bashing when they don't agree when you. 

Back on topic, let me tell you why his first ability is too inconsistent: it is easily blocked by terrain due to the weird and random angle it comes from, even after quick casting you have to wait for the projectiles to fall, which means aiming it is actually difficult, and charging it for more damage doesn't really help things when it's mainly a knockdown power. You can't rely on it to kill, you can't rely on it to CC. If this was more consistent, where you can have much more reliable aim and not have to worry too much about cluttered areas, it would be fine. 

His second ability is a charge. Nothing new here. I'm fact, I'm ok leaving this be. However, we can't ignore that it's just a generic charge. It could have one more addition beside "drag enemies with you" and boom you have something interesting. 

Now here is where I honestly try to find all the positives. 3rd ability got a lot of synergy added. Because this is what is apparently the center of hydroid kit. You can use your now redundant CC first ability to hit enemies in the puddle to damage them a little more, and you can move around using your dash to scoop up more enemies and this prevent your team from doing anything, and you can summon your kraken to throw enemies in your almighty puddle or wherever they please because we don't have enough space program. Well, ain't that a mouthful? Puddle was made better, but it became the focal point of hydroid kit that pretty much keeps the other abilities in a poor state. Abilities should be good in their own, and amazing when used together. Synergy should be an option, not something that is forced. It should be layered. That's why you see the rant posts or the posts suggesting drastic changes. This cannot be called a rework, it can't even be a revisit. It's buffs + QoL. 

4th ability, even with the tentacles seeking enemies, they still screw up your aim and toss enemies everywhere.  And that's even if it does that, as a good amount of enemies just walk past them like a damn kraken is a minor inconveveince. And the kraken does Jack all but sit there looking like the kid at a party who stands in the corner. A model was made to just sit and stare. That confuses me, and I really want the poor thing to join the party.

So yes, we got the same hydroid with a fresh coat of paint and a windshield when he needed his engine fixed. We can look at the positives until we go blind, doesn't mean that the negatives are suddenly gone. 

Just give me consistency in his kit at this point.

I only called it bashing because some of the statements you made in your original reply to my thread (nice random merger btw -rolls eyes) I don't think bringing up the fact that it's nothing new is something that needed to happen.

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I might as well throw out my 2 cents on what he needs, who knows, someone may look at it but not likely at 32 pages in. The main thing I think needs addressing is the engagement of his skills, they are all rather boring to use frankly, fire and forget and not in the good way. The next major problem facing him other then being un-engaging is not exactly having a use or being bad at what they are supposed to be used for, barrage being the biggest example without the augment.

The main problems facing this skill is that the water effect isn't really a good indicator of where the skill will effect because in action you probably won't be able to look closely enough at it to aim it well. Its charge mechanic is rather clunky and should at least be cast on release rather then cast when fully charged. These problems also extends to tentacle swarm but its less of an issue there. One thing I've had an idea of is the idea of collision damage, have the barrage explode and end enemies flying and if they collide with something take damage, however I feel this facet would be far more useful on....

Tidal Surge because for a skill that should be a tsumani wave it seems more like a puddle splash. We should be slamming opponents with the fury of a stormy sea and crushing their forms that are frail in comparison to the tides. Give it an armor strip, massive damage, something to just make this ability feel like it has the nigh unstoppable force of the oceans. You should also be able to redirect and cancel it while in use to make it more engaging then just charging forward until it stops or you use...

Undertow, quite possibly the most pathetic ability in the game, sorry, its true. I do not want to be a puddle, some people might but i certainly do not. What do I recommend? Nothing more then the ability to leave the puddle while it remains in play with a charge cast while in it. This will allow you to use it, drag anyone into it and pop out to follow up with another change, having the enemies flail about at the top of the pool struggling to stay afloat allowing you and allies to take potshots at them. These changes will make Undertow a hundred times the ability it already is in my eyes.

Finally, Tentacle swarm, what is this ability supposed to do? It is not good CC, at least if your not planning to raze the area with an explosive weapon and even then its not very good at that. Its certainly not good damage, these tentacles feel more like pool noodles then some raging beast. Therein lies the problem, this kraken has less arm strength then me it seems. It should be devastating the weaker opponents like butchers and snapping them like the twigs they are and tossing them asunder to go after more dangerous foes and most importantly when it has them it should wrap around them and keep them in place rather then flailing them about making them near impossible to hit. I cannot stress enough how simple and effective a change this would be to make this skill hundreds of times better.

All in all, Hydroid is one of my favorite frames, atleast thematically, I never play the guy realistically but any number of these changes alone could fix him in my eyes. He doesn't need some grand sweeping total retooling but just some mechanical changes to make him have a bit more use-able. Obviously I used some colourfull language here, but to tie it all in a knot I think Hydroid should be a CC centric frame with his main tools being the undertow pool and the krakens fury while also having a spattering of armor strip alongside the CC from his barrage and tidal surge skills and just a slight dab of enemy killing potential with his kraken.

Edited by DrProfSirCarmen
Attempting better clarity
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Another thing I've just realized is that Surge cost too much energy for what it does. It's almost exactly the same as slash dash but does less than slash dash and cost double energy? Why? It's a 2nd ability but it doesn't worth 50 energy, please cut it down to 25 energy

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11 minutes ago, PsiWarp said:

Speaking of which, do the tentacles only damage enemies they capture or are they able to stack their damage when they all group-smack into enemies? If it's the latter (or if they change it to the latter) then I can see a potentially strong nuke in Tentacle Swarm with the 3 grab + 4 combo.

You know, I'm not sure. Worth taking a looksee, for sure.

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Honestly the tentacles, in all forms, need to go. They make actually hitting a target being 'thrashed' by the tentacles extremely difficult, especially if we go with your theory that Hydroid was supposed to be a "Melee Caster". I really do NOT want this 'lure tentacle' power firing off every time I charge into melee and get some good hits. Public groups hate my using Tentacle Swarm as it just delays them killing any targets being thrashed, as well.

He needs a totally new passive, and a totally new 'form' of his #4.

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5 hours ago, TotallyLagging said:

If that's what you consider trashing then any complain is "trashing" Hydroid.

Barrage is faster but it's still not instant as you claimed it to be.

Puddle was nerfed. The tentacle is there to compensate for the reduced range, yes, and it costs energy to use, therefore you have to use more energy to achieve what you could've done before they reduced the range. That's a nerf.

Tentacle Swarm, like I said, is not as consistent as you think it is. Go ahead and test it yourself. And its damage is still very much pathetic despite doing finisher damage.

Curative Undertow used to be able to heal for half your health a tick even with low power strength.

And my Oberon statement is Oberon before all the fixes. The one that can't kill a level 1 enemy with 300% PT Smite. Admittedly I should've clarified that, though considering that all it takes is one statement for you to completely invalidate someone's argument I don't think I want to bother arguing with you either.

Things like this is why threads get locked or merged to obscurity. 

Your attitude with your post is clearly trashy.  Don't get uppity with me because you chose to have a pretty snippy tone with your reply.

I claimed it was nearly instant.  Go double check.

"compensate" yeah sure.  you snatch people out farther than you could with max range pre rework.  that's a buff.

Nearly everyone i've talked to has said the tentacle swarm feels better.  So i'm inclined to believe that until I get my hands on it.  Don't really care about it's damage.  hydroid has never been about damage.  And if I wanted to have them killing things for the augment i'd invest in power strength to help that.

eh.  IMO augments in general shouldn't be basically free power.  If you need a bit of power strength now for you to get good heals I don't see the problem as currently it's a dump stat for hydroid.  which while that doesn't scream "problem" it annoys me from a design perspective.

Your oberon statement is moot then.  No point in talking about something that wasn't clearly finished.  and trying to use that as ammo in an argument.

My point is that people wanted a lot more for literally no reason.  reworks do not exist to make huge changes.  They exist to polish already decent kits.  and in very rare cases (limbo) fix the frame.  But it mostly exists to add qol improvements.  which is what happened.  I've got no problem with people making suggestions.  my problem lies with people who refuse to acknowledge any good from what happened.  and hate on DE for not massively changing the frame into something else.  All this rework needs is:

~a slightly bigger energy pool (if it's bigger on prime then we good)

~slightly more damage per tick on his puddle.

~enemies not leaving your puddle till you leave yourself or they die.

~allowing tentacle swarm to hit enemies in your puddle.

~let the rain in barrage come out faster and more drops of rain.  to keep the feel of it the same but to add a bit more consistency.

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I saw the red text a few hours ago, which basically said that DE will try some new things regarding hydroid over the weekend, which to me sounded like they are not entirely happy with the rework. For whatever reason, my brain made me think about the Hydroid rework and since i like being creative and creating things i came up with my own version of it.. kind of. I took the current rework and tweaked it a tiny bit, hoping that it will give DE some ideas eventually.. or not.

I also have to say, that i have never written in this forum before and that english is not my first language, so i apologize for any (grammar) mistakes i may have made/make.

For those lazy people: I thought Hydroid of the one frame that deals alot of corrosive damage and is THE frame to strip enemies of their armor


Tempest Barrage:

You mark an Area, The size of it is determined by the amount charged and range mods.
Damage is split between Impact, Puncture and Slash. I originally wanted to make it purely corrosive damage but then i thought that it would be useless against all other factions but Grineer and Corrupted, so i kept this as it was.
Enemies take additional damage, based on their flat missing armor, scaling with power strength.
Projectiles are target seeking and have a small chance to knock enemies down.

Tidal Surge:

The size of the wave, as in height, is determined by power strength.
Width and range are determined by range mods.
Ability to drag enemies with you is determined by size of the wave.


Reduced/No energy drain while not moving.
No longer 'swallowing' enemies, but instead slowing all enemies that walk on it based on power strength.
Deals Corrosive damage. I thought this of  being THE Ability you use to strip groups of enemies of their armor.
Size of Undertow is determined by range mods.

Tentacle Swarm:

Covering an area with tentacles, based on the amount charged and range mods.
Enemies no longer stick to tentacles, but are knocked down instead. I personally find it kind of hard to shoot an enemy that is stuck to a tentacle.
Knockdown duration increases either with duration mods or power strength. Im not really sure here, since duration makes sense but you need power strength for everything else.
Tentacles strip enemies of their Armor based on power strength. Armor strip, no use of corrosive damage.
Enemies take more damage the more armor they lost. Could be flat damage increase, or percentage, could even scale with power strength as well.

I may or may not have forgotten quite a lot but, If you read through it, thank you so far!
Please tell me if you like the tiny changes i've made to it or not and why you like/dislike them.

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So McGamerCZ gave me an idea for Undertow where I commented 'Well, if DE were to buff undertow, maybe make it a passive where when Hydroid crouches, he turns into a puddle, kinda like Limbo's rift dash. Because I had an image like Hydroid can poke half of his body out of the puddle and shoot around, and when he 'felt threatened', he can just dive back into his little puddle.'


Here's the image I imagined


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8 minutes ago, (PS4)DBR87 said:

I think a lot of the backlash is coming from  the fact DE learned nothing from the Oberon rework it seemed. Oberon came out with small changes and QoL adjustments at first. Then people kept up the complaints until he matured to what he is today. Far more effective pre rework and a lot better than his original post rework iteration.

I think you're lionizing the community a bit much here. To be clear, DE mentioned that they released Patch 0 Oberon and were actively collecting community feedback to tweak him further. It's not like DE resisted players so that they had to complain to get what they wanted, people just like to gripe and ham-fistedly demand on these Forums rather than explain their reasoning and ask politely, then get mad when DE doesn't change the game immediately after one player has an opinion. Also, further patches of the Bro didn't change anything beyond the affectation of a few stats (armor strip on 4, energy cost on 3, damage on 1) -- appropriate, considering DE was looking for further feedback based on a wider play experience than they could acquire in the dev studio, to make those tweaks they were looking to make. The big changes to how everything worked were already implemented before the update, the changes afterward were all to how much those things worked.

16 minutes ago, (PS4)DBR87 said:

Also, lets not forget that when Excalibur was reworked he had a lot of fans. Still, Super Jump was removed and Exalted Blades was added. Limbo had a lot of fans, too. He had Rift Walk removed and they gave him Rift Surge instead. You can remove and add abilities and STILL have the theme of a frame survive intact. 

Super Jump didnt fit Cali's theme. Why does the sword frame have a power that only propels him away from melee range? And Limbo's Riftwalk wasn't removed, it was buffed by attaching it to his passive and letting him toggle it freely. He always had Surge, what they added was Stasis (which is controversial, but is another topic). Hydroid's themeing was already great stuff; what he lacked was efficacy.

19 minutes ago, (PS4)DBR87 said:

puddle is still an AFK button.

It can be used as one, of course. But the issue with old Undertow was that AFK was all you could do with it. Now it gives players things to do, and it chains into other powers.

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5 minutes ago, SenorClipClop said:


My main point is they can add and remove abilities on Hydriod and still keep his theme. Maybe I am just cynical but to me these changes came about to sell Prime Access. Keeping them generally conservative like they have is likely to please those who already main him. From what I have seen the QoL changes are great if you like Hydriod. But if you don't, what  is there for you to get to like him? The majority of the community thinks he's terrible, it seems. I don't main him, I am not expert on him. I put three forma in Hydriod and summed him up as average.

Having been around a while what I seen most complained about was Tentacle Swarm making enemies a 'hit the target' mini game, Undertow preventing teammates from doing damage, Undertow being a 'press 3 to go make a sandwich' and Tempest Barrage and Tentacle Swarm having RNG targeting. How where those issues addressed and where they done so effectively. From what I am hearing from YouTube, Reddit, and these forums it's a no. For those who do like Hydriod I am happy that they can do more in their puddle. But I wouldn't purchase his PA with money. Maybe those that main him well, but we can surmise that only a small portion of the community LOVES Hydriod enough to spend money on him.

As it's stands, Hydriod is a solo players dream. But he adds nothing to the team except loot...because I keep hearing Curative Undertow is bugged right now. That's beside the point, however. He seems like he's a CC frame on paper but his CC in the form of Tempest Barrage is unreliable and since it falls at an angle it can be blocked by terrain, and his Undertow and Tentacle Swarm literally make it harder for his team to kill enemies.

I do believe DE can accomplish a lot in a month. Again, thank heavens for you PC players because if Day 1 Oberon came to me like that.. Ugh. I have seen a lot of Hydriod Mains on this forum and on Reddit suggest Tidal Surge be moved to his roll like Rift Walk was for Limbo.  I also seen suggestion of Undertow being a deployable that he can dive into at will. I hope DE sees those. But if Hydriod stays like this it wouldn't bother me because I don't main him and I'll just use him for loot.

But if they want to sell his PA to more than just 3% of the community he needs a lot more work than a "Revisit" can bring.

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Simply put DE, I am happy with the Quality of Life improvement done to Hydroid, this is how I would move foward with updating Hydroid.

1. Barrage is a good ability when it hits, however that doesnt happen often, to improvethis I would let range mods modify the size of the impact on a         50-60% increase in radious, and increase the drop hit rate to double the curent hits per second to maximize CC.

2. Undertow should be affected by range mods to be a castable field with duration+ efficiency affecting energy per second. Give it an A.I. grab of an enemy every 2 seconds, and add an ability like Libo has on movement to "Dive" into and out of undertow and leave the ability of draging enemies in with our water spydiweb. This gives us the Undertow invincibility with the proper mobility, but also allowing Hydroid a bigger precense in the field by not beying constrained inside the puddle all the time.

3. Change the synergy of Tentacles with Undertow to have it do constant Finisher damage if cast in Undertow with the casted amount of tentacles repeatedlly shooting in and out of the water for the duration with our Kraken Steve in the middle of undertow.

4. Tidal surge is Perfect. It can still move Undertow with the ever spouting tentacles on it at the same range and speed as is now.

5. Make Hydroid's passive give a less than 10% dmg resistance water armor buff to himself and allies if they are within 5 meters of one of his castable abilities.

Not a part of the rework recomendation, we should be able to colour Steve the Kraken as part of our fashion frame choices and the tentacles should be more Steve flesh  than water, it looks suspicipus that we get a Kraken head and non Kraken Tentacles.

Edited by (PS4)Zero_Noctis
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13 minutes ago, (PS4)DBR87 said:

Having been around a while what I seen most complained about was Tentacle Swarm making enemies a 'hit the target' mini game, Undertow preventing teammates from doing damage, Undertow being a 'press 3 to go make a sandwich' and Tempest Barrage and Tentacle Swarm having RNG targeting. How where those issues addressed and where they done so effectively. From what I am hearing from YouTube, Reddit, and these forums it's a no. For those who do like Hydriod I am happy that they can do more in their puddle. But I wouldn't purchase his PA with money. Maybe those that main him well, but we can surmise that only a small portion of the community LOVES Hydriod enough to spend money on him.

I just noticed that you're a console Tenno. I respect your opinions, but why are we having this conversation if you haven't even tried him yet? All you're doing by parroting what you're hearing around is spreading hearsay. No offense, but if the claims you're making aren't your own, I'd rather talk with the players who actually made the claims in the first place. After you play him yourself, I'd be happy to talk about him with you (and it would give me time to get more acquainted with the changes myself), but until then I'd really only like to address feedback on the update that comes from personal play experience.

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