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[Update 21.4.0] Hydroid Revisited Feedback


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I used to play Hydroid a lot, and he is still my most played frame.  I gradually stopped playing him as I found his crowd control was not reliable enough, and his durability not high enough to take on higher level enemies, especially compared to other frames.  Undertow was his saving grace, as it let him duck out of combat to reload and recharge his shields, while also being a reliable way to take enemies out of the fight temporarily.

What I like about the rework:

  • Hydroid's crowd control is much more reliable than it was a year ago.  This is especially the case for Tentacle Swarm, as the tentacles now fairly consistently grab enemies that move into their areas, and that feels a lot better.  Combined with a smaller spawn radius, and Tempest Barrage's rework, I don't feel compelled to use Narrow Minded anymore just to reduce range in an attempt at improving consistency.
  • With all his other abilities being able to be cast from within Undertow, especially Tidal Surge, he feels more mobile and fluid.  Being able to stop Tidal surge by casting Undertow is also quite nice.  Moving during Undertow is sometimes nice, but rarely useful as it is very slow.  Bumping that up to walking speed would make it feel better.
  • The increased armor and shields are a good boost to this frame's survivability, which he needed.  This gives him a little more time to react with Tidal Surge or Undertow when endangered.
  • I like pulling enemies into Undertow from afar.

What I don't like about the rework:

  • Tempest Barrage and Tentacle Swarm still provide their crowd control after a delay.  This doesn't feel too bad on Tentacle Swarm, but it is especially irksome with Tempest Barrage as it is not even guaranteed to affect all the enemies within the radius of the barrage, and it has a significant cast time compared to the duration of the effect.  It also feels clunky charging Tempest Barrage outside of Undertow.  This is mostly because you can still be doing other things like jumping and shooting while charging Tempest Barrage, but you may not have your cursor where you want to put Tempest Barrage when doing those things.
  • Building range still opens holes in Tentacle Swarm's persistently threatened area to enemies, while not building range leaves Tempest Barrage inconsistent.
  • All the new combos available to Hydroid require more energy expenditures.  Undertow itself, and Tempest Barrage can now eat up more energy than they did before.  I had been really hoping that the cost of Tidal Surge was going to be reduced as part of the rework, and was disappointed that it was not.
  • Reloading is now interrupted by using Undertow.  I really got a lot of use out of the old interaction where if you used Undertow while reloading, you would finish reloading in the pool.
  • Undertow's reduced area of effect has left it lackluster as an area denial ability by itself, and has made it harder to make good use of its augment mod.  Building range does not do much for this ability, so there is not a good way to make this ability as effective as it used to be in tough situations when trying to use it to protect allies.

In general, I have been enjoying the direction taken with Hydroid's rework.  I think he is more fun and effective than he was before it.  In particular, the synergy built around Undertow, and the increased consistency of the tentacle targeting has helped improve Hydroid the most.  That said, there is still quite a bit of room for improvement.

The Changes I would like to see:

  • Tempest Barrage would feel a lot better if it started hitting enemies earlier.  Maybe when the casting starts, the barrage begins?  Increasing its base duration would help offset the feeling of wasting time by casting the ability.  Choosing the area to be affected by Tempest Barrage when beginning the cast would probably help with reducing the clumsiness of charging the ability.
  • Making the tentacles' grab range scale with range mods would be really nice.  It would make building range much less double-edged on Hydroid.
  • Make Tidal Surge cheaper to cast.  I would love to be able to use it for moving around more.  Improving Hydroid's energy capacity instead would also help with his increased combo capabilities.
  • Please let Hydroid finish reloading weapons when he enters Undertow.  I miss that old feature, and find myself cancelling my reloads fairly often.
  • Increasing the area covered by Undertow, or increasing the effects of range mods on it would be really nice.  At the very least, please make it easier to affect allies with the ability augment.
  • Please make it so enemies trapped in Undertow remain trapped in the pool even when the pool moves.
  • Please make Hydroid's passive consistent, like a 100% chance to get the tentacle on ground slam.  Right now it is not consistent enough to be played around, and is sometimes inconvenient.  Perhaps change his passive to be something with more piracy, like gaining energy or credits for killing enemies with melee attacks.  Something to make him feel even more fluid like ignoring unit collision might feel really good.
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Alright you made Hydroids gameplay more fluid so far, now its time to actually make him better.

His passive could change into something like Soaked: Enemies damaged by Hydroids abilities become prone to statuseffects, the statuschance of any weapon is increased by a flat 30% on soaked enemies.

This would make him immediately awesome for team support and synergises with nonstatusweapons very well giving him a unique role and interesting loadout-choices.


Tempest Barrage: The hard Cooldown on casting it again should go since it is pretty annoying to immediately charge a 2nd rainshower and see it not triggering. Otherwise it seems alright.

Tidal Surge: Should gather enemies into Undertow and not leave them behind the puddle when used together.

Undertow: NEEDS to make enemies targetable by allies otherwise it is just an annoyance to everyone including hydroid because the damage it has does not make up for them being untargetable at all. Also the movespeed is so low it might as well not be there considering the fast paced game that Warframe is. Drowned enemies have to stay in the puddle when you move away to give him the ability to actually gather them up or else the mobility you gave to Hydroboy is kinda pointless.

Tentacle Swarm: In its current state it is a major annoyance to even use this skill in a teamsetting because the enemies flail around like chickens on LSD and are near untargetable by allies getting the poor Hydroid yelled at in partychat. Maybe after the initial flailing the tentacles could transition into strangling them like an Anaconda. Definitely looks awesome in my head.


If you change his passive to the aforementioned 30% status one Hydroboy would be amazing with these tweaks making him a CC/Statusamp/Corrosive Proc support, if not then the damage he does needs a very hard second look at to make him okayish.


Hope it turns out well.

Edited by Zharun
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Everyone is arguing to get Hydroid in such a good spot. Warframe's community working side by side to help DE get their game on :3

Anyways, if Hydroid's undertow could be castable area instead of turning himself in a pool and him being able to hide in that pool when nessecary, that would really amp up his play style.
Passive; "Soaked" When you are in contact with water, or submerged in Undertow, enemies that melee strike you are staggerd (50%)
- Casting Barrage near undertow would have it focus fire on undertow pool, having a higher chance to hit.
- Casting the Kraken on undertow summons additional tentacles and enemies inside undertow are finished by Kraken.

All suggestions! I hope DE gets Hydroid in a good spot, cuz I am hyped for the prime version!! :D

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Short little piece of suggestion here.

I'd sure like it if Undertow could be activated at any time at all. Specifically during any stun animation, landing animation after a long fall, and knock down animation. This would add greatly to his survivability, and synergize beautifully with [Quick Thinking]. Letting him escape dangerous situations where other frames would be stuck. This is very typical of a water-based power set too. To be able to dodge bullets and other attacks even when prone, simply by becoming liquid. Which I think he'd be able to do regardless of his situation.

This wouldn't address any of the other problems his Undertow has, but it would be a nice QOL in line with what's already been done. Just a thought.

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11 hours ago, leadwolf1 said:

how  you want to make three stay the same and do more damage for more enemies  sounds great on paper, the facts are no other player in this game is going to let you build up enough when running with a team and not doing it solo, they will not allow harrow do all of his and they do not sit back and allow nidus to build his stacks for a lack of better explanation. If nidus stays with the group it is hard for him as well as harrow, nidus has the parasite grabbing the enemies going for him but, enough fire power from allies and he get no stacks. so with hydroid I do not think it would work well. scaling in this manner.

I'll admit that that is an oversight on my part but at the same time Nidus is still very much functional as a warframe with general use in overall gameplay and niche use in high enemy count missions. Hydroid should also be just as useful.

Disregarding that though, how do you feel about the other changes to his abilities that I detailed?

Edited by (PS4)Kitetsu18
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11 hours ago, leadwolf1 said:

how  you want to make three stay the same and do more damage for more enemies  sounds great on paper, the facts are no other player in this game is going to let you build up enough when running with a team and not doing it solo, they will not allow harrow do all of his and they do not sit back and allow nidus to build his stacks for a lack of better explanation. If nidus stays with the group it is hard for him as well as harrow, nidus has the parasite grabbing the enemies going for him but, enough fire power from allies and he get no stacks. so with hydroid I do not think it would work well. scaling in this manner.

I'll admit that that is an oversight on my part but at the same time Nidus is still very much functional as a warframe with general use in overall gameplay and niche use in high enemy count missions. Hydroid should also be just as useful.

Disregarding that though, how do you feel about the other changes?

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Hydroid Rework

By this time, many people believe Hydroid needs an overhaul, with new frames coming out with complex and beautifully designed systems to make them reach the endgame such as Octavia and Nidus, and old frames being made useful such as Limbo and Oberon, Hydroid is left without and real use, and yes, you can use him, but other frames just do what he does and more, but better, here is a unique rework that can really give people a reason to buy the prime access, here is, Hydroid.

Passive:Sacrifice-When Hydroid takes lethal damage, he becomes the Kraken, consuming his crewman to rejuvinate his health, but only for a short time

First Ability:Recruit-Selects and enemy you become part of Hydroids crew, allowing them to fight with Hydroid against enemies, level changes max amount of crewmen and can only be done every 20 seconds so it isn't op, Has it's own passive that every minute that passes that a crewmen is alive they rank up, up the the fifth rank, 1st mate, giving them increased attack and health at every rank


Second Ability:Tidal Surge-Same as it is now, but now when held for the duration, calls all crew to Hydroids position


Third Ability:Flood-Created a massive version of undertow, doing low damage and keeping all enemies halfway underwater that are in the area at cast, allies standing on the flooded area get, “Flooded” , granting bonus armor and all enemies on the flooded area have 2x drop chance


Fourth Ability:Call of the Kraken-Hydroid becomes the Kraken we all always wanted him to be, granting his crewmen, “Courage”, giving them bonus damage, the Kraken can swallow enemies and keep them in his stomach doing stacking damage for each enemy swallowed, can also use melee to attack with tentacles, doing damage and cc onto enemies, slamming them into ground, not flailing them around.


This is my idea for the rework based off of many things I have heard, this keeps Hydroid his purpose, being a cc frame that synergizes well with team, and not being op because cannot nuke, but helps team. Please give me feedback and once we hit 100 replies I will post a new updated rework idea based off of what you guys changed.

If this gets 100 replies, DE should make this come true, Hydroid is the reason I started playing when he came out, and him never being fixed is why I stopped, but I started again recently and I think if this happens , DE will prove to the community that they care for their old frames and what the community wants and people could stop bashing them, thanks, and I hope you read this DE.

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Hydroid Rework

By this time, many people believe Hydroid needs an overhaul, with new frames coming out with complex and beautifully designed systems to make them reach the endgame such as Octavia and Nidus, and old frames being made useful such as Limbo and Oberon, Hydroid is left without and real use, and yes, you can use him, but other frames just do what he does and more, but better, here is a unique rework that can really give people a reason to buy the prime access, here is, Hydroid.

Passive:Sacrifice-When Hydroid takes lethal damage, he becomes the Kraken, consuming his crewman to rejuvinate his health, but only for a short time

First Ability:Recruit-Selects and enemy you become part of Hydroids crew, allowing them to fight with Hydroid against enemies, level changes max amount of crewmen and can only be done every 20 seconds so it isn't op, Has it's own passive that every minute that passes that a crewmen is alive they rank up, up the the fifth rank, 1st mate, giving them increased attack and health at every rank


Second Ability:Tidal Surge-Same as it is now, but now when held for the duration, calls all crew to Hydroids position


Third Ability:Flood-Created a massive version of undertow, doing low damage and keeping all enemies halfway underwater that are in the area at cast, allies standing on the flooded area get, “Flooded” , granting bonus armor and all enemies on the flooded area have 2x drop chance


Fourth Ability:Call of the Kraken-Hydroid becomes the Kraken we all always wanted him to be, granting his crewmen, “Courage”, giving them bonus damage, the Kraken can swallow enemies and keep them in his stomach doing stacking damage for each enemy swallowed, can also use melee to attack with tentacles, doing damage and cc onto enemies, slamming them into ground, not flailing them around.


This is my idea for the rework based off of many things I have heard, this keeps Hydroid his purpose, being a cc frame that synergizes well with team, and not being op because cannot nuke, but helps team. Please give me feedback and once we hit 100 replies I will post a new updated rework idea based off of what you guys changed.

If this gets 100 replies, DE should make this come true, Hydroid is the reason I started playing when he came out, and him never being fixed is why I stopped, but I started again recently and I think if this happens , DE will prove to the community that they care for their old frames and what the community wants and people could stop bashing them, thanks, and I hope you read this DE.

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Hydroid suggestions:

1: I think his first ability is good with the augment but I was thinking it would useful to be able to target an enemy with the barrage by clicking on them, and an aoe barrage when you charge it. This would give you an option to deal with single targets as well as a larger area which would help with the rng element of this ability.

2: I'm torn with the tidal ability because while it is useful for movement, I feel it is hydroid's most lack luster ability. I wouldn't mind having it become hydroid's roll and giving him a new 2nd ability. As for such an ability I think a target or small aoe attack in an area could help: such as hydroid shooting a water cannonball that would proc blast, which would be a creative use of water and further help with the rng of his barrage and tentacles. Just having an option to deal with specific enemies or groups of enemies would help a lot.

3: The puddle is a really interesting idea, and while it may not be everyone's cup of tea I feel this ability has potential. Perhaps increasing the size of the puddle, removing initial cast cost, and maybe scaling the damage dealt would help but I think one of the more needed changes for this ability is a way for your teammates to damage what you catch with the puddle. Perhaps incorporating some way to make friendly fire damage these enemies. I also feel he could use an increase in the movement speed while in puddle form such as having a similar speed to when ivara is in prowl.

4: I personally really appreciate the fact that we have an option to have the tentacles in a varying area of effect. Being able to consolidate the tentacles to the size of your puddle is good for chokepoints and you don't need to commit your whole build to that which gives versatility. I feel being able to have multiple casts  of tentacles active could be very useful with maybe less range, or same range but with a cap on how many casts you can have active. Being able to lock down a few different areas and adapt would be very useful and showcase the water theme. 


Overall I feel because of the rng elements in his first and fourth abilities, having single target or a small targetable aoe would help hydroid deal with more situations. Also I feel there needs to be a way to deal more damage to enemies caught in the puddle, friendly fire assisting in this in some shape or form would be useful for this.

As for his passive maybe just something involving cleansing his status effects or a loot radar buff 

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To extent my suggestion from last topic where i suggested to allow allies enter undertow to kill enemies, i suggest this very interesting hydroid rework:


Passive: enemies killed in undertow drop more loot (20-50% chance of additional loot)

Ability 1 : Tempest barrage

  • If cast when Hydroid is in undertow, barrage will follow undertow pool

Ability 2 : Tidal surge

  • Replace the augment effect to "Decreases Tidal surge's energy cost by X% if cast while undertow is active"(cost will never be less than 25% of initial)
  • When cast while undertow is active, it moves the pool with all the enemies trapped inside it and deals damage to them

Ability 3 : Undertow

  • costs 75 energy to cast, but will NOT drain energy anymore
  • Allies can enter and exit undertow by pressing "X" near the pool. When allys enter the undertow they can shoot and kill all the enemies hydroid drawn to it
  • Hydroid could carry allies around inside his undertow. Allies cannot be harmed inside undertow
  • Curative undertow affect allies only when they enter undertow pool.
  • ability drains 1 energy/s per 1 ally and/or 10 enemies present inside undertow. If hydroid loses all the energy, allies and enemies are being ejected out of undertow pool
  • if hydroid falls off the cliff during undertow, all allies and enemies will be ejected near hydroid

Ability 4 : Tentacle swarm

  • Becomes channelled ability when cast while undertow is active. Spawns tentacles inside pool that flail enemies, then drag them inside undertow pool.
  • Tentacles range changed to 15m, allowing them grab enemies that are out of undertow's reach
  • Change augment to "summoned tentacles follow nearby ally" (infusing increases tentacle's movement speed)

And here we go, we make hydroid a large CC pool party-van that can carry around allies and provide some additional loot.

So, what do you all think? Should this be a REAL hydroid rework? :D


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Change Hydroids Tentacle Swarm to pure finisher damage or increase the damage by around 300%

Remove the charging mechanic - full power all the time

Change all "water" based damage to be finisher damage

Hydroid just doesn't have enough impact on the field to be good, his tentacle swarm just gives enemies "super evasion" for a few seconds while it swings them around while doing barely any damage. His abilities are too slow, especially with the charge mechanic and just don't do enough damage to be worth using.

- A player whose most played frame is still Hydroid.

Edited by Akimbo
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5 minutes ago, Wyrmius_Prime said:

How 'bout we toss Undertow out of the goddamn window already.

I want to see Hydroid as abyssal beast that drags his victims inside the water to finish them out, not the merfolk with pet Kraken that kills everyone with tentacles

Edited by Ldezzer
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3 minutes ago, Ldezzer said:

I want to see Hydroid as abyssal beast that drags his victims inside the water to finish them out, not the merfolk with pet Kraken that kills everyone with tentacles

Altough i very much like this idea, you gotta mind it's a warframe, not a golden-maw like beast we're speaking off. This would mean to just kraken form around or puddle around, it would make you use parkour less, see the actual frame and all the design around it less...

I kinda like the idea that it's now an actual kraken instead of a wienerfest.

Hydroid is still "the davy jones" not the kraken itself.

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8 minutes ago, ironfirefist said:

Hydroid is still "the davy jones" not the kraken itself.

I think Hydroid's biggest problem is that "Sea" theme is way too complex. He couldn't be just pirate with rum, gunpowder and kraken, or sea monster that drags his enemies into the water grave, or just only have a generic water magic. I still cant tell which one of these is close to real Hydroid's theme, and i guess that's why its very hard to rework him correctly

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IMO Hydroid needed a massive overhaul of his abilities, that's what I expected. He just about works for a very campy playstyle I guess, but that's something most players do not enjoy. I don't think many people's idea of fun is being a puddle on the floor and watching tentacles do no damage.

The rework should have focused on actually powerful abilities that also fit with the game's high mobility gameplay. Perhaps a liquid form that actually promotes mobility rather than hinders it, giving damage resistance, speed, passing under doors, anything really.

Tidal surge or tentacle swarm could disarm opponents or jam weapons, open enemies to finishers, inflict cold procs, anything that allows you to usefully integrate them with regular gameplay.

Tentacle Swarm is just annoyig, kind of like Zephyr's Tornado. CC that makes enemies almost impossible to hit and ultimately just protects them isn't useful or fun. Tentacles could rather pin enemies to the ground or hold them in place, cause fear, draw aggro etc. Again, anything that allows you to continue playing instead of passively watching the ability do nothing useful.

There's so many creative things that could be done with this water / tentacle theme, becoming a puddle is kinda cool I guess, but just being one for extended periods of time is bad. At the very least allows us to bullet jump out of it, maybe link melting into a puddle to crouching or something. Make it fast paced and cool.

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1 minute ago, Mudfam said:

IMO Hydroid needed a massive overhaul of his abilities, that's what I expected. He just about works for a very campy playstyle I guess, but that's something most players do not enjoy. I don't think many people's idea of fun is being a puddle on the floor and watching tentacles do no damage.

The rework should have focused on actually powerful abilities that also fit with the game's high mobility gameplay. Perhaps a liquid form that actually promotes mobility rather than hinders it, giving damage resistance, speed, passing under doors, anything really.

Tidal surge or tentacle swarm could disarm opponents or jam weapons, open enemies to finishers, inflict cold procs, anything that allows you to usefully integrate them with regular gameplay.

Tentacle Swarm is just annoyig, kind of like Zephyr's Tornado. CC that makes enemies almost impossible to hit and ultimately just protects them isn't useful or fun. Tentacles could rather pin enemies to the ground or hold them in place, cause fear, draw aggro etc. Again, anything that allows you to continue playing instead of passively watching the ability do nothing useful.

There's so many creative things that could be done with this water / tentacle theme, becoming a puddle is kinda cool I guess, but just being one for extended periods of time is bad. At the very least allows us to bullet jump out of it, maybe link melting into a puddle to crouching or something. Make it fast paced and cool.

Ya, I understand the mobility, I had an idea with that in my rework idea up above, did you see it?


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17 minutes ago, Ldezzer said:

I think Hydroid's biggest problem is that "Sea" theme is way too complex. He couldn't be just pirate with rum, gunpowder and kraken, or sea monster that drags his enemies into the water grave, or just only have a generic water magic. I still cant tell which one of these is close to real Hydroid's theme, and i guess that's why its very hard to rework him correctly


30 minutes ago, ironfirefist said:

Altough i very much like this idea, you gotta mind it's a warframe, not a golden-maw like beast we're speaking off. This would mean to just kraken form around or puddle around, it would make you use parkour less, see the actual frame and all the design around it less...

I kinda like the idea that it's now an actual kraken instead of a wienerfest.

Hydroid is still "the davy jones" not the kraken itself.


36 minutes ago, Ldezzer said:

I want to see Hydroid as abyssal beast that drags his victims inside the water to finish them out, not the merfolk with pet Kraken that kills everyone with tentacles

That's kinda what I did for my rework idea, you should tell me what you like and dislike and maybe DE will see


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1) Undertow+TentacleSwarm-Hydroid;
2) Exalted Zarr
3) New passive.


And now with more detailed explanations:

0) Tempest Barrage (with knockdowns, augment and improved aiming) is fine at the moment, Tidal Surge is also fine but expensive.

1) Add Tentacle Swarm to Undertow
Hydroid creates a pool at targeted location and summons a creature from the deep into it. Kraken's long tentacles pull nearby enemies in puddle and damage pulled enemies. Enemies don't drown in puddle, instead they stick (in a knockdown state) to the surface of the puddle and are covered with water film. The close presence of Kraken applies debuff to stuck enemies, which increases the damage they receive from all sources with every second. Hydroid and allies standing on a puddle transfers part of damage recieved to captured targets.
Holding the button submerges Hydroid into a pool but.. "There can be only one!". Kraken (and its tentacles) leaves the pool and it stops dealing damage, holding enemies, debuffing and healing (with augment).
Hydroid can only use Tempest Barrage and Tidal Surge (with double distance).
1.1) Curative Undertow heals allies (and Hydroid. at the same rate. SAME.) standing on the pool (maybe healing depends on damage dealt to captured targets)

2) New 4th ability "Canoneer"
Hydroid recieves water armour (Sounds weak? yea. Actually effective? Hell yeah!) that reduces incoming damage and equips his trusty BFGExalted Canon. Unlike Zarr, Canon does not punish you for your accuracy with "Headshot? Nice. Now all of yours secondary canonballs will miss your target" (It's the only thing i really hate in Zarr). Instead, canonballs will explode, releasing a sphere of buckshot (slash/puncture) into nearby enemies.
Armoured Juggerdroid walks slowly but can use Tidal Surge (and it's Undertow version). Of course, self-damage (Everybody loves self-damage!) and energy only from orbs and Rage.

3) New passive
Hydroid is slippery fish very agile warframe, so status debuffs (knockdowns, staggers) do not prevent him from using abilities.


Hail Hydro!





Edited by FriarTuck
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The update is definitely appreciated. The visuals on the water are gorgeous but the abilities seem more like small tweaks to a few problems. 

Tempest barrage. - - still has to much RNG. It would help if it only target the enemy's that are in or enter the affected cast area or have a lock on ability like ash's blade storm.  Instead of just blind attacks raining down.  This would help remove the RNG regardless of how big the area is and shots not hitting anything. 

Tidal surge - - going in a strait line is good but it goes to far sometimes or you run into a wall. I've run off a cliff a few times. It reminds me a lot of Excalibur's old slash dash. It would help if we could stop the movement (without activating undertow) but let the waves keep going and drag enemy's away. Sort of like launching waves at enemy's.

Undertow - - it has gotten a lot better and much appreciated tweaks but,  it feels like this should be his passive. Example: Hold down the crouch button and he goes into his puddle form. Curative undertow should be innate or have a caveat to it like it steals life from enemy's or gives life to teammates in exchange for his shields. Truth be told their is no real reason to use this ability other than to recover and/or hide. The damage is to small for a fast paced game like this and keeping other players from damaging enemy's that are submerged is also a downfall of this ability. I'm positive DE or the community can think of an fun ability that can take this spot. 

Tentilke swarm-- I like that we can see the kraken but it's still hard to shoot enemy's that are trapped in the tentacles. I would love to shoot the kraken and make him mad or have the enemy attack and really piss him off so he dose more damage in accordance to how much damage he has received. Or have some other way to transfer the damage over to he enemy's trapped in his tentacles. Give the kraken aggro and attract enemy's to shoot/attack him.(this might solve some of the bald spot problem)  make the tentacles bigger to cover more area and have the area proc a slow effect. have it scale with melee mods. I would also love to hear that thing roar. 

Hydro's passive - - -  is lacking a bit it doesn't feel like a true passive ability more like some sort of gimmick. I'm still for having his passive be curative undertow; Or,  he is made of water! Have some of the attacks Phase thru him (I'm guessing a percentage like...  25% of attacks phase thru and decrease his armor? Or every fourth attack phases thru) Or him being a pirate let him find more booty.  Give him a higher percent of finding rare resources and/or mods. Or receiving more resources and/or mods.

 Thank again for making warframe such a fun experience and I appreciate all the dedication you all out into it. 

Edited by (PS4)Omega_Zero_
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Replaced with: Privateer

Picking up loot drops give Hydroid and allies random buffs, such as ammo giving fire-rate, health orbs giving armor, energy orbs giving shields, resources giving elemental damage, credits giving health regen, etc.



Passive effect: When Hydroid's powers are used in an area, it begins to gain a wet effect, ranging from 1 to 10. With increase in score, in that area, enemies suffer skidding and knockdown while his powers gain more range, duration and power efficiency. Hydroid also gains faster mobility in this area.


Tempest Barrage:

  • Number of shots per volley increased
  • Rate of fire increased
  • AoE increases
  • Gains environmental punchthrough

Charging increases the AoE, rate of fire, and shots per volley.

Casting on an enemy causes shots to be concentrated around it and follow it's movement.

Four instances can be active at the same time.

There also seems to be a strange cooldown between casts, please remove.


Tidal Surge:

Bake into Undertow as suggested below and replace with new ability.



  • Allied projectiles and powers can now damage enemies in undertow. Yes, this means you could eat Penta grenades and then pull enemies in to blow them up!
  • Tempest Barrage volleys increase Undertow's range if they land on it.
  • Allies can fire into Undertow to imbue it with elemental status effects, similar to Zephyr's tornadoes. All enemies brought inside are dealt that status effect X number of times per second, based on power strength.
  • Rolling out of Undertow initiates Tidal Surge in the faced direction.
  • Bullet Jumping out of Undertow causes Hydroid to explode surrounding moisture into a cloud of steam, temporarily blinding enemies inside or entering the cloud. Shooting at this cloud imbues it with an elemental proc that it inflicts on the enemies inside.


Tentacle swarm:

Tap 4 to become the Kraken! 

Hydroid sinks into water, re-surfacing in your own puddle as the creature affectionately dubbed by the community as Gary. You have greatly increased health and offensive power.

  • Left click to grab enemies with your tentacles, right click to crush them, removing a percentage shield/armor/health depending on enemy type.
  • Upto 10 enemies can be grabbed at any time.
  • Alt Fire spits viscous goo at your cursor, trapping enemies if hit. 
  • Pressing E slams grabbed enemies into nearby terrain and thrashes your tentacles, staggering enemies and dealing damage with your tentacles in wide arcs. You benefit from melee mods.
  • Rolling submerges you, allowing you to move quickly using the directional keys along the terrain and protecting you from harm. However to use your offensive powers you must resurface, by rolling once more.
  • Jumping slams all your tentacles to the ground and emits a deafening roar, knocking down enemies within 15 meters and temporarily stunning enemies within 30m.
  • Crouching raises your tentacles around you in a defensive sphere which allies can shelter in. You receive x% reduced damage.
  • Tempest Barrage can be used in this form, and volleys can heal you if they land near you.
  • If killed in this form , you revert back to your original form with 50% less health. You can however also gain health by killing enemies.

Hold 4 to initiate Tentacles as they are currently. 


Thanks for reading!


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