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[Update 21.4.0] Hydroid Revisited Feedback


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I think it would be cool to add a bit of extra usability to tidal surge.  Here are a few ideas that I think might make it easier to use:

1) Make it so that you are only a part of the tidal wave while you are holding down the button.  If you just tap it, you would basically shoot a tidal wave in front of you but not really go anywhere.  If you hold it the whole time, you would go right along with it.

2) Make it so that Tidal wave has a cheap cast, but uses energy as you hold down the key to move farther.  This would allow for quick surges to hit people without having to wait while you finish your time running into a wall.  You could also still move quickly with it if you wanted to hold it down for a while to quickly clear a large gap or something and just drag all of your enemies with you.

3) Some people suggested combining the ability with Undertow.  I think that might be really cool.  Faster movement while in undertow at the expense of energy (kind of like it is now) and you just always tow the enemies with you.  The mod could just be updated to work with Undertow instead of Tidal Surge.  I really like how this could keep you constantly popping in and out of undertow throughout a battle.  This would also open up another ability slot for something super cool.  I don't know what, but you guys always come up with really cool stuff.

Outside of Tidal surge, I would like to see the delay between casts on Tempest Barrage reduced just a bit.  I like to pop one off in each door way while fighting the guys in a room.  I love the new Undertow grabbing enemies feature.  Could we add the ability to zoom or to perhaps just loosen up the targeting a bit to make it easier to grab enemies?  I think it would be cool somehow let allies attack enemies that are submerged (fish in a barrel?).  The new creature for Tentacle Swarm is really cool.  It would be neat if it would eat someone or somehow do something in addition to looking super cool.  However, if that would be too much, could it at least stay out the whole time so I can keep staring at it?  It is really cool.

Thank you for taking feedback on these revisits!

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I just got out of a 75 minute Mot fissure run with some buddies about 20 minutes ago. I took a quick break to collect my thoughts and I'm here to basically rant about what a horrible experience I had running Hydroid in that group.

Our party was Hydroid (me), Volt, Harrow, and Chroma.

I'm going to keep this feedback short, sweet, and to the point so I don't say anything I don't mean out of frustration: (EDIT: This ended up being a lie lol)
Hydroid's scaling is so nonexistent that he falls off harder than a non-CC Ember does.

I spent the whole run trying to hold down choke points with Tentacle Swarm only to be caught with my pants down frequently if I didn't recast it before the timer ran out, leading to a level of micro-management that left no time for almost anything else due to the charge time. If I didn't do this I either had dead air where I was charging and stupid levels of vulnerable or I'd end up not having a wide enough range to cover the area necessary. Both situations would lead to panicked dodging or going down.

In between swarms I would attempt to hold down doorways and smaller choke points with Barrage. The delay between casting and the skill taking effect, as well as the delay between individual casts, made it so unwieldy to use against enemies that could actually stand up to me that I was better off just shooting at them with almost literally any other weapon I have in my arsenal than I was pressing that 1 key. It did, however, help out a lot in any situation where I was in Undertow since I was invulnerable.

Undertow was also only, truly, useful, offensively, as a chokepointing tool. By the time enemies were able to deal more damage than any of us had health the augment became nothing more than a wasted slot. The damage scaling on drowning enemies was so worthless that the only way anything died was if I spent the full 150 energy I had holding them down or they were previously damaged. I did, however, find a good bit of use holding down a large amount of enemies, having Harrow use his invulnerability, and then popping up and letting loose with melee on all of the guys I was drowning. It was also useful for collecting life support and reactant and getting out of the situation.

Tidal Surge was only useful as a quick CC option akin to Rhino's Charge, offensively. Any time someone went down and someone else was reviving them I'd basically spam it at groups of approaching enemies to make sure they couldn't get to my allies. Otherwise if I surged to any group of necessary items (life support, reactant) I'd be able to pick those up and either duck into my puddle or surge out.

Once enemies got beyond level 70, or so, it took so much time to kill enemies with powers that we had to start using AoE weapons to kill any tentacled enemies, or grab them in a place with a low ceiling. This was expected but still highly disappointing at how quickly it fell off. Even with other frames that have low damage powers, like Oberon's Hallowed Ground, I can cast those at a choke point and reasonably expect some enemies to die as a result of it (though it's often more from irradiated enemies infighting more than the flat damage over time). Even weaving in Barrages barely helped things.

Speaking of Barrage:
Barrage is stopped by Volt's shield. Due to the quirky way Barrage works, this left me unable to block off a choke point using it if my friend placed his shield anywhere near the narrow portion of the corridor or anywhere near me. Shields placed with good intentions would end up trolling me as they'd block the use of an entire power on an area full of enemies that would do well to be knocked on their rear ends.


All in all, the only thing I was really able to contribute to the team was grabbing life support and getting out of the situation whenever Harrow's invuln was down. The delay between casting and Hydroid's abilities taking effect often would leave my skills hitting empty areas as my allies, with just their weapons, would have already cleared out the areas I was trying to help keep under control. Often I, myself, would be able to do this with my own weapons better than with Hydroid's powers.

Needless to say, I was very disappointed in the way Hydroid played in this situation. I was competently able to take him through sorties the day the revisit dropped and I've been able to have a somewhat enjoyable time on any defensive mission with a fixed point to hold down, but this experience only served to confirm my fears that Hydroid isn't a frame that, currently, scales into end game in a very usable fashion. He can bring disabling CC but beyond that he can't bring much else unless you have time to wait for Undertow to hit the big numbers or you bring the augment for any of his abilities (corrosive barrage is particularly useful when enemies are tightly packed and have armor, for example).

Edited by Chipputer
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2 hours ago, Chopx said:

I think is more along the lines of what ppl in the community want. Thx SilentDeathReaper27 for going through this thread and writing this up

hydroid passive.

on kill summons a tentacle max 10.

this is something the comunity wanted changed and i talked to a few people on a lot of difrent sites this is a passive people are ok with that should be easy to implement.

hydroids barrage ability.

when cast from undertow all shots of barrage hit undertow to kill enemiess trapped in undertow.

hydroids tidal surge ability.

all this ability needs is to increase in size with range mods.

And possibly  be able to jump cancel it.

hydroids undertow ability.

this one needs the most work but it is all simple changes.

1. enemies trapped in undertow are trapped even after moving i.e. Tidal Surge.

2. make undertow a castable duration based ability.

3. after casting undertow you can leave it and the undertow should stay for the duration.

4. while in undertow hydroid should get a damage buff on all abilities.

5. when hydroid leaves the undertow he should get a armor buff.

6. make enemies visible within undertow

basically hydroid could go from a low range dps frame to a long range hard CC tank with the use of undertow.

hydroids tentacle swarm ability.

1. enemies killed by tentacles have a chance to drop energy.

2. enemies hit by tentacles are knocked down instead of grabbed.

3. optional if you want to see enemys flying DE make the dead bodies ragdoll when hit with tentacles.

the goal of this was to be easy for DE to implement and fit the theam of hydroid DE has but to also make hydroid more loved by the community.

optional dash ability.

when hydroid dashes he becomes  a water like version  of himself  becomein knock  down immune  and possibly status  immune for a brief  time.

down sides to hydroid.

energy costs.

abilities casted from undertow have less CC range.

you can take a way the stelth undertow gives hydroid.

enemies with high CC. 

I wish for these changes, more than anything, to come to Hydriod on console. Hydriod's CC is the only CC in the game that makes it harder for your team to kill enemies, not easier. These changes mostly address that issue.

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What are your guys thoughts on this Undertow suggestion I had discussed with through Discord:


Undertow will be automatically canceled when either Tempest Barrage or Tentacle Swarm are activated, but the time a Hydroid spends in Undertow and the amount of enemies in Undertow will determine the strength of that Tempest Barrage/Tentacle Swarm?


Just wanted your opinion on the idea of Hydroid drawing power within Undertow for his next attack, which is also increased by the number of enemies in Undertow.

Edited by FoxFX
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32 minutes ago, FoxFX said:

What are your guys thoughts on this Undertow suggestion I had discussed with through Discord:


Undertow will be automatically canceled when either Tempest Barrage or Tentacle Swarm are activated, but the time a Hydroid spends in Undertow and the amount of enemies in Undertow will determine the strength of that Tempest Barrage/Tentacle Swarm?


Just wanted your opinion on the idea of Hydroid drawing power within Undertow for his next attack, which is also increased by the number of enemies in Undertow.

The cancelling part I don't like. Undertow lets me safely and strategically cast Barrages in the distance and place Tentacle Swarm in a cluster when I surf to a good spot. Giving him only 1 cast of his primary CC powers then kicking out of the puddle... it's him asking to be one-shot.

I do like the idea of accumulating bonus damage though. Letting Hydroid earn that damage through time and effort could make for a potentially powerful addition.

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don't know if this has been suggested yet, and i am not going to read all 40 pages so... i know you REALLY don't want to get rid of undertow, but what if the more time you spent in undertow, you gain something such as armor or extra shields, or maybe grant a damage percent with a cap to it after surfacing from undertow based on the time you spent inside it or how many enemies you get inside the pool. Another option is every enemy inside the pool could give a crit bonus to damage or chance. This is mainly to make him that tiny bit more tanky or satisfy the damage side of the community. also when a tentacle picks up an enemy, could you make them go slower? granted this can be solved with explosives such as lenz, tonkor, zarr, or other items. but if it went slower then it could make the ability less annoying. or maybe the kraken could add a slow to anyone it hits? Also could you allow us to shoot while charging kraken please? I know this last bit is a stretch, but could you allow us to turn the tidal surge a tiny bit while it is active? and bring items along with us? another thing his tidal surge could do is have a ending splash and leave a puddle that could have a dps effect?------ now this is something for other people to make life a bit easier. Hydroid right now is a multitask frame, you an charge the barrage ability while doing other things, i was able to charge that with the lenz active and shot it. although you can do it with barrage, you cannot do it with kraken which he could really use that or make the charge of the ult a tad bit shorter. Also i might not be the only who who expected hydroid's ult to be completely removed and instead we could get a pet? It's too late now for that of course but it was just a thought of having a kraken that could move around like it was underwater and damage/strip armor/slow/status effect.                                                                                                            -edit- wanted to make it clear that don't add all of these if you read it. don't break him please.

Edited by Violet_Xe
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Give "wet" enemies an increased vulnerability to elemental damage, elemental status chance, and a slight slow from the water weight.

There, Hydroid scales better.

34 minutes ago, FoxFX said:

What are your guys thoughts on this Undertow suggestion I had discussed with through Discord:


Undertow will be automatically canceled when either Tempest Barrage or Tentacle Swarm are activated, but the time a Hydroid spends in Undertow and the amount of enemies in Undertow will determine the strength of that Tempest Barrage/Tentacle Swarm?


Just wanted your opinion on the idea of Hydroid drawing power within Undertow for his next attack, which is also increased by the number of enemies in Undertow.

It feels unnecessary to turn off Undertow. They're trying to build synergies into his powers, not mutual exclusivity. And while it's novel to power up his abilities based on the number of enemies he has horded, that's still going to engender a lot of dissatisfaction from team mates.

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The problems many people had with Hydroid was unreliable CC and Damage, everything he is capable of could be done by other warframes better in every way. Take for instance Nidus, he does both CC and Damage 10x better than what Hydroid could ever be capable of, and do with half as much energy usage! Oberon has an auto aim 1st ability that does % enemy health as damage, Hydroid's barrage isn't even guaranteed to hit anything and does piss poor damage. I did not make this post to trash DE or Hydroid, but as it stands the rework only made him more fluid to play which is important, yet he is still unviable in most situations and is a easily replaced frame in your arsenal. I'm pretty sure Vauban's Tesla Grenades can output more damage than Barrage. Now what can we fix to make Hydroid fun to play? His 1st and 4th ability need to do less CC and more damage. Both should do % of enemy health as damage, and tentacles should just knock down enemies or pick them up and throw them, none of this holding them up in the air for a minute making them harder to shoot. His 2 is pretty much his only ability I'd leave alone, but I'd like to see something like Nidus's one where it has energy steal as Hydroid can be a very energy hungry caster. His 3 needs a lot of work so it doesn't just encourage afk play. Make it drain more energy, standing still for more then a few seconds forces you out of it. Make it move extremely fast with no energy drain per distance, just a flat drain. Make the speed on par with volt or nezha, nothing feels more bad &#! than zipping around the battlefield as you become one with water and popping up behind enemies to kill them. In order to suck a enemy under you have to click on them, it'll drain energy when you do this.


I really want Hydroid to be a very viable damage frame with a little CC. CC is not exactly what people think of when they imagine a space pirate, what comes to mind the most is a bad &#! running around fast shooting down everyone in his sight.

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7 minutes ago, Trentiel said:

Give "wet" enemies an increased vulnerability to elemental damage, elemental status chance, and a slight slow from the water weight.

There, Hydroid scales better.

It feels unnecessary to turn off Undertow. They're trying to build synergies into his powers, not mutual exclusivity. And while it's novel to power up his abilities based on the number of enemies he has horded, that's still going to engender a lot of dissatisfaction from team mates.

His augment would let his team want him to be in the puddle more, that way they can get quick heals and it would help out vs infested, also if they don't want it exclusively they could tie in some buffs into players if they combo abilities.

Edited by Violet_Xe
still very new to forums despite me being ingame for like 3 years now. thought this was a reply to mine *facepalm* and i need to read the full msg to know it wasn't for me at all lol sorry.
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6 minutes ago, PsiWarp said:

The cancelling part I don't like. Undertow lets me safely and strategically cast Barrages in the distance and place Tentacle Swarm in a cluster when I surf to a good spot. Giving him only 1 cast of his primary CC powers then kicking out of the puddle... it's him asking to be one-shot.

I do like the idea of accumulating bonus damage though. Letting Hydroid earn that damage through time and effort could make for a potentially powerful addition.


Then to add to the suggestion of that Undertow buffing gimmick, I have another idea I have discussed over in Discord about a new passive for Hydroid since DE seems interested in the "ability charge" mechanic of Hydroid:



PASSIVE: While charging an ability, Hydroid's body liquidizes allowing attacks to (either pass through or reduce damage by a high amount).


UNDERTOW: Each second in Undertow stacks a buff which is consumed on the next Tempest Barrage or Tentacle Swarm. Consumed stacks makes the Tempest Barrage/Tentacle Swarm activated deal extra damage. (removed the canceling part)


TENTACLE SWARM: Becomes a burst-damage toggle ability with CC and new mechanic:

  • Toggled on: The spawn indicator for Tentacle Swarm is shown and grows every second up to a certain radius at the reticle the ability is casted.
  • Enemies in the spawn circle will have an Tentacle spawn up and hold them up still (thinking of the situation as a growing Bastille)
  • When the ability is toggled on, the Tentacles will slam down all captured enemies dealing high damage which scales based on how long the ability was kept on
  • Hydroid will be able to move when the ability is activated.
  • Each enemy caught will cost extra energy, but enemies killed while beig help up will refund energy back to Hydroid
  • FOR PILFERING SWARM: Enemies killed while held up by Tentacle Swarm will trigger the extra loot augment. Enemies killed by the toggled-off-slam attack will trigger the extra loot augment




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11 minutes ago, FoxFX said:


Then to add to the suggestion of that Undertow buffing gimmick, I have another idea I have discussed over in Discord about a new passive for Hydroid since DE seems interested in the "ability charge" mechanic of Hydroid:



PASSIVE: While charging an ability, Hydroid's body liquidizes allowing attacks to (either pass through or reduce damage by a high amount).


UNDERTOW: Each second in Undertow stacks a buff which is consumed on the next Tempest Barrage or Tentacle Swarm. Consumed stacks makes the Tempest Barrage/Tentacle Swarm activated deal extra damage. (removed the canceling part)


TENTACLE SWARM: Becomes a burst-damage toggle ability with CC and new mechanic:

  • Toggled on: The spawn indicator for Tentacle Swarm is shown and grows every second up to a certain radius at the reticle the ability is casted.
  • Enemies in the spawn circle will have an Tentacle spawn up and hold them up still (thinking of the situation as a growing Bastille)
  • When the ability is toggled on, the Tentacles will slam down all captured enemies dealing high damage which scales based on how long the ability was kept on
  • Hydroid will be able to move when the ability is activated.
  • Each enemy caught will cost extra energy, but enemies killed while beig help up will refund energy back to Hydroid
  • FOR PILFERING SWARM: Enemies killed while held up by Tentacle Swarm will trigger the extra loot augment. Enemies killed by the toggled-off-slam attack will trigger the extra loot augment




I dont dislike this but why does Hydroid have to be a dmg dealing frame? His kit right now is just not well designed to be a dmg dealer. Why force it?

Edited by Chopx
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To be honest, I kinda like the rework but i'm a bit disapointed.

His passive ability. Useless, won't help in any ways. Since Hydroid needs energy more than ever, shouln'd you think about a passive giving him a way to find some more?

Tidal Surge: Can't really get the point of this spell... Not really usefull even with his augment Tidal Impunity. Going faster and put some damage when charged at enemies is a good start, but the fact that you can't move after launch and that you'll mostly finish your way out the map or into a wall make the spell unworthy to use. Could be really nice though if you'd change the spell for a big wave that Hydroid could surf to go faster and control, the wave could trap a certain amount of enemies inside it. Or just a big wave that pushes away your foes while dealing damage.

Tidal Surge while using Undertow: Also useless! All you do is ironically burn your energy. Even though you can now move while using undertow, you can't keep the enemies you've captured! Why using it, if it's just for losing your precious preys? Could he, at least, keep his victim inside his undertow while using this ability.


Undertow: I know that spell is a bit troublesome, because it have the ability to troll other players. Why don't you simply making that spell like a quicksand trap? A pundle of water putting enemies in a crowd control stade while drowning, allowing allies to kill them while they're trying to swim. I personally dont mind at all the way that already is, even that I actually enjoy it myself. But if it causes players to hate the frame and makes the rework hard to do just because the spell would be too strong with a synergys between other spells, guess would be better to change that spell too.


Tentacle Swarm: ...Why is there a little floppy thingy coming out your 4? Really nice looking, really! But could it do something at least? For example, eating some enemies from time to time, healing you back or giving you energy while it does? It could be when foes's healthbar are lower than 15% or something like that. And the tentacles... I still think they're kinda useless. They spawn, attack one enemy, do nothing the rest of the spell duration. Since now there is a kraken, could the kraken attack the enemies in it range instead of randomly spawn tentacles? With that Hydroid could have a way to get more energy or getting tankier in the battlefield, the spell could actually be more usefull, and would make that marvelous creature actually worth it! 


I said a lot against Hydroid, but like I said, I'am still thankful for your hardwork with that rework! Thank to alway make the game better and news!



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1 minute ago, Chopx said:

I dont dislike this but why does Hydroid have to be a dmg dealing frame?


A lot of the complaints I have been seeing is how his CC practically slows down the game.

Undertow isolates enemies from Hydroid's allies and can be just as "trollish" as Limbo's playstyle.

Tentacle Swarm also falls in the same category. Despite the adjustments to Tentacle Swarm's ragdoll effect, it still ragdolls.

Warframe is a fast-paced game with fast-paced mechanics. A Warframe's ability that slows down that fast-pace counteracts what this game is all about.

I'm only venturing ways we can limit the ragdolling and "enemy isolation" effect to bring back the fast-pace with Hydroid. It is either we get a CC playstyle that won't hinder teamplay or slow things down, or we add that limiting CC but make it convenient by adding power.

This however is just the theory for this revisit of Hydroid.

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Just now, Violet_Xe said:

His augment would let his team want him to be in the puddle more, that way they can get quick heals and it would help out vs infested, also if they don't want it exclusively they could tie in some buffs into players if they combo abilities.

Or find some other way to scale his abilities for high level content. Like by making his abilities debuff enemies with a "Soaking Wet" status. Increasing the damage and status chance they take from elemental damage sources, and slowing them down with water weight.

And no one appreciates heal-droid.:sadcry: As someone who plays with a heal-droid build, and like Chipputer points out on page 40. Hydroid's Undertow augment is only useful for topping up health on mid-level missions. Once enemies have one-shot powers, the only thing that will prevent you from going down is not getting hit at all. Not getting hit can be accomplished by dodging, slowing enemies so dodging is easier, being invisible so dodging is impossibly easy, or being invulnerable so dodging doesn't matter. That's the dominant strategy for high level stuff. Curative Undertow is a neat little perk for self-healing, team healing on short defenses, or healing noobs when you intentionally want to expend very little effort and let them play for themselves.

I suggest that the puddle be changed to a bubble, so that allies can more actively participate in killing enemies inside Undertow, and to give Hydroid the ability to melee enemies himself inside undertow. Because the problem with Undertow is that it removes enemies completely from the battlefield. Which is a trolling tool at worst, and annoying to team-mates at best.

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3 minutes ago, Shrekislove-Shrekislife said:

To be honest, I kinda like the rework but i'm a bit disapointed.

His passive ability. Useless, won't help in any ways. Since Hydroid needs energy more than ever, shouln'd you think about a passive giving him a way to find some more?

Tidal Surge: Can't really get the point of this spell... Not really usefull even with his augment Tidal Impunity. Going faster and put some damage when charged at enemies is a good start, but the fact that you can't move after launch and that you'll mostly finish your way out the map or into a wall make the spell unworthy to use. Could be really nice though if you'd change the spell for a big wave that Hydroid could surf to go faster and control, the wave could trap a certain amount of enemies inside it. Or just a big wave that pushes away your foes while dealing damage.

Tidal Surge while using Undertow: Also useless! All you do is ironically burn your energy. Even though you can now move while using undertow, you can't keep the enemies you've captured! Why using it, if it's just for losing your precious preys? Could he, at least, keep his victim inside his undertow while using this ability.


Undertow: I know that spell is a bit troublesome, because it have the ability to troll other players. Why don't you simply making that spell like a quicksand trap? A pundle of water putting enemies in a crowd control stade while drowning, allowing allies to kill them while they're trying to swim. I personally dont mind at all the way that already is, even that I actually enjoy it myself. But if it causes players to hate the frame and makes the rework hard to do just because the spell would be too strong with a synergys between other spells, guess would be better to change that spell too.


Tentacle Swarm: ...Why is there a little floppy thingy coming out your 4? Really nice looking, really! But could it do something at least? For example, eating some enemies from time to time, healing you back or giving you energy while it does? It could be when foes's healthbar are lower than 15% or something like that. And the tentacles... I still think they're kinda useless. They spawn, attack one enemy, do nothing the rest of the spell duration. Since now there is a kraken, could the kraken attack the enemies in it range instead of randomly spawn tentacles? With that Hydroid could have a way to get more energy or getting tankier in the battlefield, the spell could actually be more usefull, and would make that marvelous creature actually worth it! 


I said a lot against Hydroid, but like I said, I'am still thankful for your hardwork with that rework! Thank to alway make the game better and news!



Hard work hehe. Thats a good one

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Just now, Trentiel said:

Or find some other way to scale his abilities for high level content. Like by making his abilities debuff enemies with a "Soaking Wet" status. Increasing the damage and status chance they take from elemental damage sources, and slowing them down with water weight.

And no one appreciates heal-droid.:sadcry: As someone who plays with a heal-droid build, and like Chipputer points out on page 40. Hydroid's Undertow augment is only useful for topping up health on mid-level missions. Once enemies have one-shot powers, the only thing that will prevent you from going down is not getting hit at all. Not getting hit can be accomplished by dodging, slowing enemies so dodging is easier, being invisible so dodging is impossibly easy, or being invulnerable so dodging doesn't matter. That's the dominant strategy for high level stuff. Curative Undertow is a neat little perk for self-healing, team healing on short defenses, or healing noobs when you intentionally want to expend very little effort and let them play for themselves.

I suggest that the puddle be changed to a bubble, so that allies can more actively participate in killing enemies inside Undertow, and to give Hydroid the ability to melee enemies himself inside undertow. Because the problem with Undertow is that it removes enemies completely from the battlefield. Which is a trolling tool at worst, and annoying to team-mates at best.

 actually i would much rather instead of a bubble and keep it a bit more fair that the augment would give hp and armor to people who stand in it.

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2 minutes ago, Violet_Xe said:

 actually i would much rather instead of a bubble and keep it a bit more fair that the augment would give hp and armor to people who stand in it.

But that's just Oberon. Those are just Oberon's powers. Health regen, and stand on this piece of ground for armor buff. Hydroid should do something different.

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3 minutes ago, FoxFX said:


A lot of the complaints I have been seeing is how his CC practically slows down the game.

Undertow isolates enemies from Hydroid's allies and can be just as "trollish" as Limbo's playstyle.

Tentacle Swarm also falls in the same category. Despite the adjustments to Tentacle Swarm's ragdoll effect, it still ragdolls.

Warframe is a fast-paced game with fast-paced mechanics. A Warframe's ability that slows down that fast-pace counteracts what this game is all about.

I'm only venturing ways we can limit the ragdolling and "enemy isolation" effect to bring back the fast-pace with Hydroid. It is either we get a CC playstyle that won't hinder teamplay or slow things down, or we add that limiting CC but make it convenient by adding power.

This however is just the theory for this revisit of Hydroid.

Because undertow and tentacle swarm CC's arent well designed. 

4 hours ago, Chopx said:

I think is more along the lines of what ppl in the community want. Thx SilentDeathReaper27 for going through this thread and writing this up

hydroid passive.

on kill summons a tentacle max 10.

this is something the comunity wanted changed and i talked to a few people on a lot of difrent sites this is a passive people are ok with that should be easy to implement.

hydroids barrage ability.

when cast from undertow all shots of barrage hit undertow to kill enemiess trapped in undertow.

hydroids tidal surge ability.

all this ability needs is to increase in size with range mods.

And possibly  be able to jump cancel it.

hydroids undertow ability.

this one needs the most work but it is all simple changes.

1. enemies trapped in undertow are trapped even after moving i.e. Tidal Surge.

2. make undertow a castable duration based ability.

3. after casting undertow you can leave it and the undertow should stay for the duration.

4. while in undertow hydroid should get a damage buff on all abilities.

5. when hydroid leaves the undertow he should get a armor buff.

6. make enemies visible within undertow

basically hydroid could go from a low range dps frame to a long range hard CC tank with the use of undertow.

hydroids tentacle swarm ability.

1. enemies killed by tentacles have a chance to drop energy.

2. enemies hit by tentacles are knocked down instead of grabbed.

3. optional if you want to see enemys flying DE make the dead bodies ragdoll when hit with tentacles.

the goal of this was to be easy for DE to implement and fit the theam of hydroid DE has but to also make hydroid more loved by the community.

optional dash ability.

when hydroid dashes he becomes  a water like version  of himself  becomein knock  down immune  and possibly status  immune for a brief  time.

down sides to hydroid.

energy costs.

abilities casted from undertow have less CC range.

you can take a way the stelth undertow gives hydroid.

enemies with high CC. 

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1 minute ago, Trentiel said:

But that's just Oberon. Those are just Oberon's powers. Health regen, and stand on this piece of ground for armor buff. Hydroid should do something different.

well at a slower rate obviously, i see him as a cc right now, noi reason for him to be the tank of all tanks, i am talking like a 100 armor cap

oberon can have like what 750 extra? lol even just a little would help players. i would like him to gain more than the teammates of armor and hp regen but teammates less, still way lower than oberon though. i don't want him to be broken or resemble another frame completly.

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6 minutes ago, FoxFX said:


A lot of the complaints I have been seeing is how his CC practically slows down the game.

Undertow isolates enemies from Hydroid's allies and can be just as "trollish" as Limbo's playstyle.

Tentacle Swarm also falls in the same category. Despite the adjustments to Tentacle Swarm's ragdoll effect, it still ragdolls.

Warframe is a fast-paced game with fast-paced mechanics. A Warframe's ability that slows down that fast-pace counteracts what this game is all about.

I'm only venturing ways we can limit the ragdolling and "enemy isolation" effect to bring back the fast-pace with Hydroid. It is either we get a CC playstyle that won't hinder teamplay or slow things down, or we add that limiting CC but make it convenient by adding power.

This however is just the theory for this revisit of Hydroid.

These are very sensible intentions. Hydroid needs to be able scale into long mission types too, or he will forever known as "mastery fodder." Or "fine for the starchart."

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On ‎8‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 11:26 AM, [DE]Danielle said:


Hydroid Revisited

Please use this thread to give us your feedback on Hydroid Revisited. We will be closely monitoring your practical feedback - feel free to share videos and discussions after playing with Hydroid's revamped abilities. Non-constructive feedback, dev-bashing, and any other content that violates the Guidelines will be removed.


The sea has a revamped fear creeping in the depth, and his name is Hydroid.

With Hydroid Prime emerging to the surface soon, the team took another glance at Hydroids power and what we could do in order to achieve ability synergy. Hydroid now brings barrages, puddles, and tentacles into a deadly oceanic horror. 

General Hydroid Changes

  • Hydroid’s base Shield and Armor has received a buff! 
  • Shield is now 375 from 345. 
  • Armor is now 200 from 65.

Tempest Barrage:

  • Tempest Barrage can be cast while in Undertow and will now hit enemies submerged in Undertow.
  • Tempest Barrage can now be charged for longer Duration (more explosions) and more Damage for more Energy.

Tidal Surge:

  • Tidal Surge can be used to move around without canceling Undertow (note that Tidal Surge speed - and hence distance - is halved when used in Undertow).
  • Tidal Surge will now pull enemies along for the ride.
  • Tidal Surge can be interrupted at any point by casting Undertow to go into your puddle, sinking enemies being pulled along.


  • Hydroid can pull enemies into Undertow by aiming and clicking on them.
  • Undertow can be cast while in air.
  • Jump and roll will break Hydroid out of Undertow.
  • Hydroid can now move while in Undertow at the expense of Energy.
  • Submerged enemies in Undertow receive Damage Per Second, increasing every second they are submerged.
  • Enemies that die will be released from Undertow instead of dragging their dead bodies along for the ride.

Tentacle Swarm:

  • Hold onto your ships, Tentacle Swarm has received a new look straight from the depths of the sea! Can you summon the Kraken?
  • Tentacle Swarm can be charged to get more tentacles over a larger area for more Energy.
  • Hydroid tentacles will now seek out nearby enemies and attempt to slam on top of them rather than just always flailing randomly and hoping they hit something.
  • Tentacle Swarm will protrude from Hydroid’s Undertow if active when cast.

Hydroid now has good quality of life with the bump to 200 armor but I have a few Ideas to make him so much better if I may.

[1] his passive Hydroid is water so for his passive [polluted waters] any thig thrown into the water changes it' s properties. fro example equiping corrosive projection turns his water into a corrosive acid. being that he is now more undertow focused it would strip armor from submerged enemies. and when running with a squad the squad team throws their one ability into the pool for added effect. Like btw I like that you can pull enemies into your undertow, but lets say you cast undertow submerged enemies  are slowly dying. Volt shocks the water electrocuting the enemies, then ember uses fire ball to make the water boil, saryn throws in spores turning it into toxic sludge, frost freezes it trapping them in and so and so on.

[2] you know how there are three tenticle moves loose the tentacle passive combine tentacle and pilfering storm keep the Kracken he's pretty kool but its hard to kill enemies being rag dolled all over the screen but do it like desecrate and so it works on dead enemies. the fact you can cast it from undertow is great so pool full of dead enemies cast pilfering tentacle storm and shake the lunch money they tried to hide in their sox right out of them.

[3] you know how Atlas has Rumbles that can be modded for size,Strength and duration. Give Hyproid the same thing but with ..... Wait for it....  GREAT WHITE SHARKS!!!!!!!!! cast them out to seek out enemies Give hydroid a couple of pets. He's responsable enought to make sure they are well fed. once again since his focus is his undertow, make it castable from there enemies get close enough to the water cast i wanna call it chummed water and the the enemies suffer the same fate as Samuel L Jackson in " Deep Blue Sea" I mean if mars can have sand sting rays Hydroid can have Land Sharks. 

[4] Finally the Tempest Storm with Corrosive projection attached Tempest storm becomes Acid Rain. Make it fall like Ember's World On Fire and watch enemies melt away like the Wicked Witch of the West. Inclosing I 'd like to Quote "Linus form A Charlie Brown Christmas." " I never thought is was a bad tree. It's not bad at all. Maybe what it needs is a little Love." That's how I feel about Hydroid. I've talked to many many people on youtube comments, people in game , clan mates. the way hydroid is now noone that I've talked to wants to buy his Prime Access. They say it's not worth the almost 100 dollars for the acces with a lack luster frame and mediocre weapons. I told them my Ideas and the was and everyone of them said and I quote "If Hydroid could do all of what you said heel yeah I'd buy that." The die hard Hydroid mains would I guarantee would have a complete melt down about this set up. this set up would Take hydroid well deep into end game content.

.    that's my idea please let me know what you think and thank you for reading this lenghty post. Cheers.

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4 minutes ago, Trentiel said:

These are very sensible intentions. Hydroid needs to be able scale into long mission types too, or he will forever known as "mastery fodder." Or "fine for the starchart."

Yea but theres not that many dmg dealing frame abilities that scale into late game. If his kit is not designed around dmg why push for it.

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