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Hotfix 9.2.0


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There are other ways to balance this. When i fought Jackal for the first time in Nightmare mode with a timer i thought we werent going to make it but we survived on the few Ospreys that popped out, so if there are bosses in some nightmare modes that have no extra spawns then have it so they pop a few mobs once in a while. The whole issue of bad spawns in Nightmare is still an issue in game, that should have been actually dealt with instead of just throwing a quick fix that destroys the point of the thing.


As has been mentioned, it's possible that this is a temporary fix. While I stated that I wouldn't really care either way, I do agree that forcing enemy spawns is the best way to fix this issue. Not only would it create more challenge by having more enemies trying to kill you (enemy level and weapon mod disparity notwithstanding), it would (mostly) solve the problem of having long stretches of level where there is no way of replenishing health or time.


Also, TVTropes has a good page on Artificial Difficulty for you to waste four hours of your life on read up on. You'll recognize that a few of these tropes are highly applicable here, namely Check Point Starvation and Luck-Based Mission.


In fact, I would recommend that DE's designers read this page to gain ideas. I would hope that it's required reading for ALL game designers, to be honest.

Edited by hiryu64
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Show the ClanHall recipe in UI, so clans can build more than one of these and increase capacity without increasing tier. The intent will be to allow all hall types for all tiers, this is a coming fix, disregard this note for now.

Very important fix! Thanks!

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Really? I liked that vampire killed. It gave a challenge. It's nightmare. It's what it should be. 

No Nightmare on mercury? Why not just give an option like the alerts before (which they also need to fix) to either select the mode or the normal mission type. You guys have done it before, I don't see how hard it is to implement it.

Scaled Vor? What was wrong with him? He was fine the way he was. People need to stop yelling blasphemy just because they die. Like seriously. With 4 rank 30s it still wasn't hard killing Vor back when he scaled to 120. Come on.

Aside from that awesome patch. One thing I wish we could do with the different tiers of dojo. If we say don't have anything/demolish everything (leaving only the main hall) would there be a possibility to instead of connecting a great hall/greater hall have it so we can upgrade the current hall? I do understand that with the higher tier halls being wider/longer that there would be complications. I was wondering if it would be at all possible to do so in a "vanilla" dojo.

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Simple concept:


Newbie area:   Should be easy, and baby steps eventually to beefer stuff.



Experianced area: Hard as all get out and getting harder all the time with rewards increasing with difficulty.


If newbies want to try the harder stuff fine but please dont listen to them whining when they cant do it.

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will syrans moult be changed to the color picked or will it stay greenish... also wow! even if I didn't agree to Maks post I wouldn't.. I don't want to be labeled as a twilight fan. I hate twilight lol

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Nice fixes. Now for all those Nightmare guys that are complaining about it. Its new there working on it, just because Vampire mode is getting some work doesn't mean its the end of the world, there more then likely going to mess with it still. To top it off there will more then likely be adding other modes to make it more difficult like Vampire mode with only Melee weapons while everything else can shoot you. Really just take a chill pill and wait for DE to do there thing.

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For the dojo's, why not make a room that determines what clan you are?

like a room with a virtual, scaled solar system (like a debriefing room)

and have a terminal give all information about the clan (warlord can change any information)


<3 the hotfix

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Hmmm still alot of Bugs in this Hotfix the hotfix needs an hotfix



Nova Drop is still Bugged


my Emblems are not showing up on all my characters if i switch 


Wormhole is still bugged i walk through i dont get teleported but the teleporter counts it as a use ?

also remove the duration on a teleport  whats the point of spending 75 energy if it last so short if one team member is a little behind i gotta cast it again ? also increase the teleport uses cause it bugs out and not teleport properly also when u teleport up  it puts the portal too high and u cant reach ?  BYE BYE 75 energy please take  a look at these problems   ( a skil lchance isnt the only viable option too make nova a bit more defensive mabye increase her Armor ? by quite alot  or increase her main shields  cause it is kinda weird she wields Anti matter why isnt her shield super high and her HP super low ? )


also i wouldnt find it a bad idea if null star gets a defensive buff for example if u press 1 twice u consume ure remaining stars  giving u a Bullet shield for every star u consumed u get 1 second Reduced or immune dmmg too bullets (not melee )   cause by consuming u create and explosive shield  of anti matter that melts (stops ) bullets    i think this wouldnt be an bad idea cause  in the higher end game maps that are not defence  Nova Sucks BAD   like insta killed bad   if ure on pluto and 2 or even 1 elite grineer emptys clip on u you are death  ( this is from solo experiance and in team it means  u gotta wait every second of the game too wait for ure team too attract the agro before u move in i shouldnt be  forced into group play if i dont want too and pluto is only lv 70 @ higher levels it only gets worse  and this makes nova only viable in defence camping the Frost shield till the end of times -.- )


so i hope this can be looked after cause these little things really suck the fun out of nova specially the wormhole and the antimatter drop  also mabye increasing the orb size while shooting it isnt a bad idea either ?   and mabye scalling the explosion a little bit like by 1 meter ?    cause atm energy > profit is kinda low on the anti matter even if it does work correctly u still need too empty about a hole clip for it too do actualy dmmg and with that u might as well shoot the guy  cause i think the explosion is a little bit on the short side

Edited by HellishWind
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Show the ClanHall recipe in UI, so clans can build more than one of these and increase capacity without increasing tier. The intent will be to allow all hall types for all tiers, this is a coming fix, disregard this note for now.


I hope this means that clan tier will be based on clan size and not construction choices.  Our three member clan is doing okay for now, but if part of the intent is to test level building mechanics, it could impede progress a bit. :)



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Ma'am, honestly, there are so many game developers and companies out there that should learn from you people... I know it's supposedly beta but working so much, relentlessly tweaking the game towards the best... this just warms my heart.


Anyhow I'm especially relieved to see you work on issues I wanted to report... I was too slow again :) You are making a habit out of this which is nice.


Onto the question half so my post is not just that of a fanboy :)

- Do you know what causes the issues of only hosts properly seeing the energy colorization on abilities? Like as a client I see Vauban's tesla Grenade is default colored while the lightning shooting from it is as the player set it while the host sees colors properly. Is this a client side issue or shall we expect a fix for it sometimes later?

- The vote system (when starting mission) is still rather bumpy. If I press on a map in online mode and press esc before getting in the mission the game still keeps trying to find a team and if one is found I'm dropped in even though I supposedly aborted. Also, can we expect the feature to abort our votes? It's annoying that I can't stop the countdown which I started by accident (like clicking cancel for an invitation and a mission was right under the X...).

____________  _ _  ____________



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Yeah, right spoken. Can now be run a nightmare very unhurriedly, stopping to drink tea. Well and what? I can enhance Redirection to max And I will not care that I had 1% health, well think of it, most will have to hide behind cover.

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Nice fixes. Now for all those Nightmare guys that are complaining about it. Its new there working on it, just because Vampire mode is getting some work doesn't mean its the end of the world, there more then likely going to mess with it still. To top it off there will more then likely be adding other modes to make it more difficult like Vampire mode with only Melee weapons while everything else can shoot you. Really just take a chill pill and wait for DE to do there thing.

New feature that they've been tweaking in just about every recent hotfix.  Of course they wouldn't want player feedback on it.  OH WAIT.  That makes no sense at all.

Edited by Aggh
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I've noticed there is a lot of whining about whiners. Wouldn't that make you just as bad?


Anyways, I agree with an earlier post: Nightmare mode should be optional on all maps, not random. You should be able to choose whether you want to play a mission on normal difficulty or Nightmare, at least in some capacity. This however, may be an issue with random squadmates, since everyone may not want to play in that way. Sadly, I believe the way they have it now is the way it will have to be. Though if soloing or on private, I think there should be an option to turn off and on Nightmare mode.


As to the vampire mode, I think the fix is fine, the problem is that it should probably drain your shield as well. That way, you can live in elevators and in between waves, but still have to worry about dying the moment enemies appear. Perhaps make the drain on the shields a little slower. This would make it difficult again and would probably make both the hardcore crowd as well as the lower level, more casual crowd, happy. It won't make everyone happy, but then, nothing that gets done will. 


DE, you definitely need to make sure that Nightmare mode remains difficult for the higher level players, as they are the main players. I myself am a newb, but I definitely understand it. I don't think that the hardcore players should have all the say, mind you, otherwise those of us just starting would cease having fun. It's why I think the Nightmare mode should have some kind of optionality to it, as opposed to the randomness. That way those that really want to play it can, and those that don't won't have to. 


Also, the complaining. Criticism is what they want, but whining and rudeness is not helpful. If you think a fix is not good enough, give suggestions, while thinking about ALL players as well as what is possible and feasible. Don't just bash the change and say a bunch of mean and meaningless things. 


Anyways, back to playing. Oh, and by the way, "casuals" can be just as helpful as any hardcore player. Most games aren't created just for the hardcore, this being one of them. Thus, you shouldn't think that just because you are a hardcore Warframe player, you are better or should have more say than a casual player. The game is meant to be fun, for everyone, so be patient and give CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, without the insults and generalities. 


/rant over. lol

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also i wouldnt find it a bad idea if null star gets a defensive buff for example if u press 1 twice u consume ure remaining stars giving u a Bullet shield for every star u consumed u get 1 second Reduced or immune dmmg too bullets (not melee ) cause by consuming u create and explosive shield of anti matter that melts (stops ) bullets i think this wouldnt be an bad idea cause in the higher end game maps that are not defence Nova Sucks BAD like insta killed bad if ure on pluto and 2 or even 1 elite grineer emptys clip on u you are death ( this is from solo experiance and in team it means u gotta wait every second of the game too wait for ure team too attract the agro before u move in i shouldnt be forced into group play if i dont want too and pluto is only lv 70 @ higher levels it only gets worse and this makes nova only viable in defence camping the Frost shield till the end of times -.- )

so i hope this can be looked after cause these little things really suck the fun out of nova specially the wormhole and the antimatter drop also mabye increasing the orb size while shooting it isnt a bad idea either ? and mabye scalling the explosion a little bit like by 1 meter ? cause atm energy > profit is kinda low on the anti matter even if it does work correctly u still need too empty about a hole clip for it too do actualy dmmg and with that u might as well shoot the guy cause i think the explosion is a little bit on the short side

That's simply how they balanced her. She's an extremely mobile, high damage AoE frame, but has little to no crowd control and is rather squishy. Overall she's good, and is not in need of a buff. If you're dying on higher end maps, you should reconsider how you play. Take a Shade, and actually utilize cover. Don't go rushing in head first. I've had no problems solo'ing with my Nova. She does not "suck bad" for solo play, you just have to play her properly. That being said, she's more of a team oriented frame anyway.

I agree about Wormhole. It seems it's counting sentinels when its transporting people, so each Wormhole gets used twice as fast since most people have sentinels. As for Antimatter Drop, I disagree. I think it's a fair trade off; it only takes a few shots of a high damage weapon for AM to take out a group of enemies (excluding heavies). The disppearing drop definitely needs to be fixed though. It's really annoying.

Edited by CitizenV
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