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How did you get into Warframe?


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I watch a streamer and youtuber by the name of ScionStorm who covers MMO's. Technically, this game isn't an MMO but when I say him playing it reminded me a lot like unreal championship 2 on the original xbox. Though UC2 was an arena pvp, the movement in warframe reminded me of it. Thanks ScionStorm though I don't think he is around much since he has been heavily into Naruto lately.

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On a Hungarian gaming magazine there were some infos about Warframe only small hints and a little tldr story about the game then I checked DE's site then I decided I will try the game when it will be released. It was around in 2012 and waited a bit and tried to regist myself into the closed beta but sadly not successed so I joined after a week of the open beta release. I came alone but later when experienced the game and find relatively easy to play I decided to ask some of my friends to play the game. Nowadays I have very less friends left in game but I play mostly as a lonewolf so I wish they enjoyed at least partly the game.


And mostly the design and the visuals catched me and keeped me in this game. Still enjoying it and playing it but less frequently because I have 2 plus one extra job which kills my free time mostly.

Edited by Sziklamester
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I was watching Vindictus videos, then I saw Frost and Zephyr profiles in the recommended videos, watched them, looked super cool, turned out I don't like frost or zephyr.
Little funny that the two frames that got me in to the game I never liked to play - Saryn was my third frame ever, now I got about 400k kills in just her abilities. She's what made me stay.
Been playing WF since 2014. 

Edited by Vesiga
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Well....I had just gotten a PS4, DC Universe was going down the drain and Lego Batman (bundled with the system) wasn't much fun after completing it. I went into the PS Store to see if I could find a game to try out and saw Warframe there, hadn't heard of it before and gave it a shot, immediately roped in because of the cinematic sequences and such then read through the starter frames and decided to run with Mag.

However it was kind of complex at the time and I couldn't get a grasp of it so I ended up leaving it alone for about 2 weeks before I came back to it for another shot.

Needless to say, once I found my types in Trinity and later on Valkyr (still kept Mag) I pretty much had a nice time playing even though most of it was solo at the time.



warning: hour long "first time" hidden to show how horribly, agonizingly bad it was first day.

Edited by (PS4)Foxkid_8
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Bought a PC in July 2013. Installed steam. Downloaded Warframe and thought it was too confusing and hard to start off. Only played it for a month and never played it again. 

--> It's 2015, I purchase an Xbox One to play the GoW Ultimate Edition Beta as well as to prepare for the new Gears of War. I log in one day and see, "Best F2P games." I found Warframe and gave it a 2nd chance. This time I can say I've stuck around.

Edited by (XB1)OTF SERENiTY
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I was told by a friend, I think I asked him what he was playing so often and he told me about it and I decided to give it a try. At first I wasn't into it at all but the more I read into it and learned of its F2P business model I grew to like it more and more. I really enjoyed melee, then they added melee 2.0 & Hydroid, a warframe with 150 stamina for me to use melee even more often and I got into the game much much more.

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I saw that a Battlefield Youtuber I followed, LevelCap, make a video commenting about it. It was the only Warframe video he made, Ember was male, and it was Closed Beta.

I joined a few months later in June 2013 when my BF3 experience started to burn out.

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A friend that I played Mass Effect 3 MP with dragged a couple of us into Warframe back in May 2013.  Back then I didn't get it, I think I got as far as Venus but modding weapons, maps and waypoints were confusing as hell.  I also thought that alerts had to be played so there was constant backtracking, so I left.

Then over Christmas 2013 I noticed another friend started playing over Steam and I thought I'd try again.  Mod 2.0 was a thing and made life easier, other aspects had improved too so I stayed.  3000 hours later I had my first ever break back in March and now I'm back.

The others left a couple of years ago, our clan of 30 most of which haven't logged in for over a year including our Warlord.  Basically there are 5 regular-ish members playing, but I've kept the lights on and we're up to date other than the infested elephant that is Hema now that I ran all the projects that came up while i was gone.


Edited by Sabreracer
Better english
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Games in my country is considered expensive, so much that i always buy physical copies so i could later sell them again then buy another game. warframe was both free and promising, so needless to say i'd try it out and boy did i get hooked. I've seriously never been this invested into a game since okami on the ps2 (finished that game 7 times just 'cause it's so good)

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I first tried it back in 2013, but after spending half an hour on raptor, I gave up, it wasn't really up to my taste. Back in early 2016 Total Biscuit made a video about it so I came back, but after a few hours I left the game because of how poor its tutorial and teaching was, it barely explained anything. Then in April AngryJoe did a video and I decided to try it one more time, and ever since then I`ve been palying it almost daily. 

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Never heard of the game until a couple weeks ago. Friend of mine told me i should give it a try and that it was free on the xbox live store. really didnt think i would enjoy it. was told that "this is the game that destiny ripped off".

in that 2 weeks ive amassed dozens of hours. ive put about 40 dollars into the game. ive got more time out of this game in 2 weeks than i do most 60.00 games. ill continue to support this game. it's addicting. me and my friends play daily. all ive been trying to do this week is to get a damn stance card for a sword to drop. thats a drop of water with how much there is in this game.


imo, this is what a F2P game on a console should be. very well done. now, somebody hook oj simpson up with a damn sword stance. im a free man now.

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18 hours ago, BrokenBullet said:

So I wanted to ask this question, especially to the veterans: What got you into Warframe? Did a friend recommend it to you? Did you find it out by yourself? Was it because it was Free2Play?

I was on Steam years ago, and saw this game called "Warframe" pop up, that was available for Early Access. I checked the site out, and watched a few videos with this guy named Steve, explaining their goals and ambition for the game. It checked all the right boxes for me: sci-fi, martial arts, some type of badass exoskeletal suit, a dark atmosphere with deep lore.

I took the plunge and never looked back. Went full bore into the Founder's Program and couldn't be prouder. This game is the single best investment I've ever made for a game that was early in development, and it's a shame so few others can accomplish what DE have.

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I can't really remember exactly how I heard about it, there was some ads and articles floating about, anyway there was an open weekend in closed beta where you could buy the braton vandal for 1 cred, I signed up somewhere around then.

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Around 2013 or 2014, I saw RedSkittlez's Warframe fanart and thought, "Huh, that's a really cool game." Too bad I had a Mac back then, so I couldn't try it out.

Skip to mid-2015, I was finding another F2P game to occupy my time after quitting Spiral Knights. I came across Warframe again on Steam and, since I got a Windows laptop in late 2014, decided to try it out. I still play this game to this day.

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I played Dark Sector, for the PS3 back when it came out. That was the game DE made after party with the Unreal Tournament IP.

I was trying to explain it to a friend, and when googling it, the Warframe beta came up. I was able to dive in until the PS4 release, but I have never looked back.  

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