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Mastery Rank Discrimination


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So I've been playing Warframe on and off since 2013. I say on and off because I took many breaks, some of which lasted months. I also don't go out of my way to rank up stuff that I don't like. As such, I'm only MR 10. It's rare, but sometimes I get flack for this.

The first instance was during a high-risk index recruitment. I got an invite and joined the group. Then, the host took a look at my MR (Which was 9 back then.) and got extremely skeptical, saying that he didn't think I was equipped to deal with high-risk and that he was gonna remove me. He did so before I could reply. I messaged him back, basically telling him that I knew how to kill stuff. (It was a regretfully heated exchange.) Thankfully, he eventually realized his mistake. At that point though, I didn't really want to play a game with him, so I moved on.

The second time wasn't so happy. I went to trade chat and told everyone I was looking to sell some random prime stuff. I immediately got an invite, and I entered some big clan's dojo. We initiated trade, and I started putting stuff out. Now, this stuff was mostly just random prime BP's and component's I'd scraped together. I was willing to sell that stuff for cheap. But there were also a few vaulted things, like a Latron Prime Stock that I'd kept since it was first vaulted for example. After I was done cycling through my stuff he replied by saying: "Is that it?" I said yes. He then offered 12P. I responded by saying that I didn't like the offer, since I could make a lot more of that (I wanted to sell that stock for at least 30p). The then replied by saying something along the lines of: "Really? Because all I see is Prime Trash. And Prime trash is worth 12p" (It should be noted I can't remember the exact words, but it came off with a lot of hostility.) I then responded by taking out the Latron Prime Stock and said I'd sell that to him for 12p. He then closed the trade, and called me a lowly simpleton who didn't understand trading. When I tried to explain to him that trading was just two people trying to agree on the price, a message showed up saying that he'd blocked me. This could have been him being butthurt over not being able to get the Stock for cheap. It could have been that he didn't realize what the Latron Prime even was. But looking at his mastery rank, which was over 20, and how he called me a lowly simpleton who didn't understand trading, I believe it was partly due to my low mastery rank. (It was also 9 at that time.) 

If you've had an experience like this, please post in the comments below! This thread is mostly to find out if this is a widespread problem or not, and possibly start a debate. 

I'd like to make it clear that the Warframe community is one of the least toxic communities I've ever encountered. These are the only two instances of this I have encountered, but I felt like I needed to make a thread on it. Also, this thread is not meant to bash specific people, so please don't post anyone's IGN when talking about an experience with this. 

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There will always be people who use whatever measurement they can find to make downward comparisons to others to make themselves feel better. 

Those people are generally extremely insecure. They will tell you they are just arrogant, or overconfident, not understanding that those are negative traits that actually imply insecurity on the part of the person. 

They will always exist in every walk of life, and are best just left to themselves, eventually they will have no friends to compare themselves to, and may finally have to have an epiphany where they realize the problem in life isn't just everyone else. 


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Yeah...I run an alt account sometimes and have met this before.  I may or may not take sadistic joy in showing up with my MR21 account to help them understand I'm not an easy mark nor new to this game.

OP, just put them on ignore when they start this nonsense.  It's really not worth getting worked up over someones arbitrary standards.

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Brah just move on, ignore the guy. People like that who use a in game number to prove they are better than you are, are the ones that aren't going to contribute much to society much less get remembered. 

Also yes I have seen this myself, but I was the witness instead, seeing a MR elitist bullying a poor MR 5, it sucks, and it turns people away from the game.

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The problem with the 2nd case is lack of comunication and different definition of concepts. He was right, 12 plat for 5 parts of prime junk is a fair price, the problem is that you put that latron stock that to you was not junk.

It is an old, unpopular weapon that got outclassed years ago. Plus as you said, he was MR20 so he probably already has it, therefore giving him more reasons to believe it was trash. What you could have done instead, is replacing that specific part instead of doing what, in his eyes, was trying to get 12 plat for only 4 junk parts.

As for the MR elitism, people like that has always existed and since there is no actual way of measuring player skill, most make the mistake of judging based on MR alone. Its better just to ignore that kind of people.

Edited by KillMePlis
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Back in the days of Draco, some of the worst players I've seen were actually MR 14+. On the other hand, I've run missions with players that were only MR 3 that could chain Parkour moves and take down enemies just as well as I could, if not better (without resorting to cheese weapons like the pre-nerf Tonkadonk), and I'm MR 20.

People should learn not to judge books by their covers. MR is only a gauge of how much affinity you've gained (which can easily be power-leveled using exploits or just running Akkad/stealth exterminates a bunch) and how many MR tests they've completed (which can easily be cheesed in most cases. The stealth MR tests were no match for the Redeemer before they added noise to its shots, for example).

And like @MagPrime noted, you never know if someone is going through the game again on an alt account.

Edited by Jackviator
Autocorrect sucks
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2 minutes ago, Archistopheles said:

I usually say something in regards to that when someone tries bringing up the size of their e-peen.

Sometimes I reply and go along for fun. Usually I can use their own mentality and make them feel bad for picking a fight :crylaugh: .

One guy in trade chat tried to call me bad and I showed him how bad some of his profile stats were. I don't like doing e-peen wars, but sometimes it is just a good time ruffling their feathers :wink: 

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I'll judge players on how much they need rezzing / how well they can aim a gun instead of crutching on abilities / how fast they can cross the map (because players who can move without walking everywhere are more likely to avoid damage) / whether they can play a warframe that isn't meta.  I've seen far too many MR20+ players who fail on all those counts, and clearly got their MR by getting carried through endless Berehynia runs.

Edited by polarity
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Just now, polarity said:

I'll judge players on how fast they can cross the map.

This point gives me flashbacks to tipedo coptering :crylaugh: 

On Topic: I think skill doesn't really exist in warframe. If the player shows true "knowledge" they will use a diverse loadout with interesting setups/rivens.

Watching an MR 24 with Saryn Torid Pox and Zenistar trash talk on Hydron is just a good meme, especially when they don't even have Corrosive Projection on :crylaugh: 

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This happens far worst in other games.

Happened to me alot when i started playing i help out anyone who needs.

I also play frames and weapons the way i want because thats me and colours i like i always get  crap for my colours but i dont care because im not playing for them im playing for me .

Also just because a person is a high level player it doesnt meant they dont die or dont get downed..


Edited by zNightWolfz
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49 minutes ago, Spartan336 said:

So I've been playing Warframe on and off since 2013. I say on and off because I took many breaks, some of which lasted months. I also don't go out of my way to rank up stuff that I don't like. As such, I'm only MR 10. It's rare, but sometimes I get flack for this.

The first instance was during a high-risk index recruitment. I got an invite and joined the group. Then, the host took a look at my MR (Which was 9 back then.) and got extremely skeptical, saying that he didn't think I was equipped to deal with high-risk and that he was gonna remove me. He did so before I could reply. I messaged him back, basically telling him that I knew how to kill stuff. (It was a regretfully heated exchange.) Thankfully, he eventually realized his mistake. At that point though, I didn't really want to play a game with him, so I moved on.

The second time wasn't so happy. I went to trade chat and told everyone I was looking to sell some random prime stuff. I immediately got an invite, and I entered some big clan's dojo. We initiated trade, and I started putting stuff out. Now, this stuff was mostly just random prime BP's and component's I'd scraped together. I was willing to sell that stuff for cheap. But there were also a few vaulted things, like a Latron Prime Stock that I'd kept since it was first vaulted for example. After I was done cycling through my stuff he replied by saying: "Is that it?" I said yes. He then offered 12P. I responded by saying that I didn't like the offer, since I could make a lot more of that (I wanted to sell that stock for at least 30p). The then replied by saying something along the lines of: "Really? Because all I see is Prime Trash. And Prime trash is worth 12p" (It should be noted I can't remember the exact words, but it came off with a lot of hostility.) I then responded by taking out the Latron Prime Stock and said I'd sell that to him for 12p. He then closed the trade, and called me a lowly simpleton who didn't understand trading. When I tried to explain to him that trading was just two people trying to agree on the price, a message showed up saying that he'd blocked me. This could have been him being butthurt over not being able to get the Stock for cheap. It could have been that he didn't realize what the Latron Prime even was. But looking at his mastery rank, which was over 20, and how he called me a lowly simpleton who didn't understand trading, I believe it was partly due to my low mastery rank. (It was also 9 at that time.) 

If you've had an experience like this, please post in the comments below! This thread is mostly to find out if this is a widespread problem or not, and possibly start a debate. 

I'd like to make it clear that the Warframe community is one of the least toxic communities I've ever encountered. These are the only two instances of this I have encountered, but I felt like I needed to make a thread on it. Also, this thread is not meant to bash specific people, so please don't post anyone's IGN when talking about an experience with this. 

Best advice i've ever gotten was from my 12th grade teacher: "People suck." -Bowser

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10 minutes ago, zNightWolfz said:

Also just because a person is a high level player it doesnt meant they dont die or dont get downed..

I totally don't go down in JV ever >_>. 

Everyone dies, dying in warframe doesn't make you bad 100% of the time. Sometimes the corpus capture target just gets you and all you can do is cry as you get melted :/

Edited by --Q--Voltage
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I am also a "One Trick" player, I don't like most frames so I don't get out of my way to obtain them and max level them, hence I'm MR 11 and been playing since day 1 of WFrame, I get a lot of flack like that, but I don't pay attention. I usually outplay with deadly precision and if I get denied for a group I make my own that is surely to be successful.

I've been saying it for years sadly, but DE will never risk including some sort of "friendly competition" player challenge that will -really- determine a player's skill level. Even if it's just comparing stats/time/score/survival skills in a PvE setting with other players.

So we have to deal with this idea that if you go full Chinese mode and farm everything in the game you're assumed to be mechanically good at it. 

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1 hour ago, --Q--Voltage said:

This point gives me flashbacks to tipedo coptering :crylaugh: 

On Topic: I think skill doesn't really exist in warframe. If the player shows true "knowledge" they will use a diverse loadout with interesting setups/rivens.

Watching an MR 24 with Saryn Torid Pox and Zenistar trash talk on Hydron is just a good meme, especially when they don't even have Corrosive Projection on :crylaugh: 

lol corrosive projection isnt even needed if you sort your loadout well.

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This is kind of sad but I do believe it happens quite often. To be honest I have been guilty of viewing the squad mastery and having a prejudice based on mastery. I would never say anything or be rude but I may have a doubt. For example sortie spy missions I would be doubtful if we all can run to different data vaults and recover without failing. 

I am a relatively new player as I started playing this year only but I surpassed of a lot of clan mates in mastery rank as I like to grind mastery. But If I am hosting trails I would still make them the leader. Getting a high mastery is just a matter of building everything and leveling them up in meta missions. Some of the tests do help you understand the game mechanics like parkour, hacking, stealth etc., but in all can be completed quite easily. 

I believe what we as a community should just be more respectful of others and help fellow players (if they need) regardless of mastery. 

I mean if you don't revive a player just cause he is dying a lot being a mastery 20+ doesn't that mean discrimination as well. Dying, kills don't mean anything in Warframe.  

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4 hours ago, tyrannicaltyrant said:

lol corrosive projection isnt even needed if you sort your loadout well.

If you want to play saryn a lot, you should probably put a dash aura as Corrosive Projection and Shield Disruption should be used in almost all missions. Growing power is good and maybe you prefer it, but unless you mod like a chroma with no aura polarity, a V hurts more than helps. In most cases the amount of damage you do from armor/shield removal is greater than a tad power strength.

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IDK why people so this. To me, a player is a player. No matter the rank. I just treat everyone the same and I never really question rank or how good you are, if we play together, we play for fun. 

It's so weird seeing this kind of behavior because I never have encountered it before personally. Who cares what rank others are? 

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I want to thank all of you for your wonderful comments. I'm glad the non-toxicity translates to the forums as well. This kind of community is a large part of why I still play Warframe. (That and space ninja's.) 

8 minutes ago, Arniox said:

IDK why people so this. To me, a player is a player. No matter the rank. I just treat everyone the same and I never really question rank or how good you are, if we play together, we play for fun. 

It's so weird seeing this kind of behavior because I never have encountered it before personally. Who cares what rank others are? 

And yeah. I've only encountered 2 instances of this kind of behavior. It's really rare. 

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