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So let's talk about the upcoming glass frame.

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I kinda feel like a glass theme should be either smooth and flowing for the elegant look, or cracked and jagged for the brutal look. I don't really think the random plates of glass crudely slapped onto a figure constitutes what an actual "glass" or "glass manipulator" themed frame would be

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On 7/9/2017 at 7:50 AM, D20 said:

I'm not digging the design that much, though I feel like we're going back on the really wierd looks that made the charm of the first Warframes, which is pretty neat IMO. I don't think warframes should look too much like a magician, a far west renegade or a priest.

Those shoulderpads are so wide, I wonder how she can pass doors with them. I also hope the wierd glass pieces on her shoulders are removable, because they are kinda awkward. Actually, I would also like a lot if the whole shoulderpads would be removed and traded for another piece of armor.

"I don't think warframes should look too much like[...]a far west renegade"

Don't talk about my wife like that, please. 

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On 09.07.2017 at 4:43 PM, Kyryo said:

Also Wukong was not made by DE, so this point is almost invalid XD 

Not sure if it's already been told but Wukong, Nezha, Excal Umbra and all the timed-exclusive Chinaframe weapons were made by DE. Changyou is just publishing DE's content.

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Quite frankly, I think she looks atrocious. I dunno why I can tolerate the artwork over the actual model itself, maybe due to the lack of 3D element.


Regardless, fashion frame is everything, and if a frame is considered ugly out of the game but a good amount of people, that doesn't bode well for initial sales (But they'll probably release a deluxe skin to make her look like the rest of the game, right?)

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A couple of things:

1) It's pretty clearly missing material/textures which are applied to normally flesh out a look.  It might look better later.

2) The color scheme is a HUGE part of what makes it unappealing looking in my opinion.

3) They really didn't give us much about it.  Other than "glass theme."

The problem with that is the word is simply too vague for being a descriptor.  Glass to some means elegant.  pleasing to look at. clean.  To others it can mean rough.  jagged. painful.  Judging on the looks and the colors I think they were not going for a fragile look.  More of a rough look.  Like jagged.  Or broken.  In my opinion when DE is revealing a new frame they need to do a better job fleshing it out.

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Like most of you I did not like it at first but now it's kind of grown on me. The colors are an eye pain but the overall design to me is interesting and a bit intimidating, which is cool. 

I hope the weapon in the drawing doesn't mean it's gonna be another exalted weapon type frame. Don't really like those.

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Does anyone though about her skills?

Like I don't know...

1. Glass Lance = one target exalted weapon that can be thrown or used as melee weapon for short period (based on duration), after time's out it broke dealing puncture & slash damage (based on strength) to nearby enemies (based on range).

2. Cutting Shards - blinds and deals puncture & slash damage (based on strength) - similar to Inaros's 1st skill - "another one bites the dust" - in front of you or at an angle (based on range).

3. Shattered Waves/Circles/Cuirass  - aura that deals puncture & slash damage, alternatively defensive armor that during being hit shatters and deals puncture & slash damage to nearby enemies (based on strength and duration).

4. Class Canon - Summons a weapon (Canon could be cool) that deals abnormal amount of damage (based on strength) in short time (based on duration) than breaks dealing AoE slash and puncture damage.

What do you guys think?

Edited by THeMooN85
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A thought occured:

Maybe she might have a simplistic look to her because maybe one (or more) of her powers will alter her looks, potentially even dramatically so? You know, cuz lights/prisma/reflections via glass and all that *shrugs*

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Mmm... not too hot on the beveled glass clusters honestly, just looking at it with semi-matte textures. Would almost prefer a jagged looking glass frame, but I can see the art glass thing being a nice alternative aesthetic to that. I guess we'll see with the final copy.

On 7/11/2017 at 10:43 PM, Ksaero said:

It looks like a grineer-themed warframe to me. I bet it's gonna be a part of Steel Meridian quest.

Not the most outlandish idea, I suppose. The art-glass aesthetic is somewhat reminiscent of churches, for one, which religion has generally been something very idealistic for the common folk. Steel Meridian, obviously, champions the neglected common folk.


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On 7/12/2017 at 6:43 AM, Ksaero said:

It looks like a grineer-themed warframe to me...

While the 'Glass Molder' as I'll call her for now is texture-wise incomplete, I can see how she is slightly Grineer in appearance, much like how, say, Vauban resembles Corpus to a degree.
Theory: Powers of the 'Glass Molder'. 



These are just powers I thought up on the spot with the 'frame in mind.

Her first power could be an Exalted glass javelin-cannon which shoots glass discs that ricochet and then explode into glassy shrapnel; each shot costs 10 energy, and throwing it consumes the activation cost, in energy. If it impacts upon or lands near enemies, it explodes, but if not, it has a short timer where it can be picked up by any ally before it melts.

-Allies who pick it up can use it at the cost of their own energy, and it has a limited lifespan (drains energy to remain active, more efficient for the 'Glass Molder' than others).

Her second would be great if they were to do with making glass fortifications (a half-dome created in the direction faced which has visible slits where allies can shoot out of; triggering the ability again will melt the fortification and coat allies and enemies alike in smoldering glass; strengthening allies with a 'glass skin' and melting enemies into glass statues.

Her third could be to create glass traps which, upon contact, will protrude shards of jagged glass and then explode, turning the enemy into a horrendous mess which would look nothing like the enemy you saw a moment ago.

I feel her ultimate ability has to be where she coats herself with rapidly-hardening/melting glass, which grants a layer of armour that absorbs damage for a short time; continuing to move will cause the glass to stay in a semi-solid state, but idling for too long will lock the frame and render it immune to damage until the ability is disabled, nullified, or de-casted, where it'll shatter into sharp shards that explode into smaller sharp shards on puncturing the enemies within a radius, all the damage dealt is finisher damage regardless of alert state.

I don't know about passives, though.



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On 7/9/2017 at 3:05 PM, PsiWarp said:

Seems odd to color her in a brownish sandy color, but considering her theme it's not that farfetched. I don't particularly like her helmet due to the glass formation, maybe the alt helmet will look better.

But I am interested in her powers. Scott said something about elements of shapeshifting/molding molten glass, and we saw her bundle comes with a shotgun, throwing knifes and a hammer all partially or mostly made of glass... glass gives the impression of fragility, but maybe Orokin-made glass is so tough it can cut through anything? Appearances can be deceiving.

I really hope she's some sort of weird tank thing. I cant think of a way to tank that inst iron skin or vex armor-like but (high health pools dont count) but i would LOVE to see what DE could come up with with such a malleable thing? 

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On 7/15/2017 at 4:46 AM, Yawyna124 said:

Mmm... not too hot on the beveled glass clusters honestly, just looking at it with semi-matte textures. Would almost prefer a jagged looking glass frame, but I can see the art glass thing being a nice alternative aesthetic to that. I guess we'll see with the final copy.

Not the most outlandish idea, I suppose. The art-glass aesthetic is somewhat reminiscent of churches, for one, which religion has generally been something very idealistic for the common folk. Steel Meridian, obviously, champions the neglected common folk.


i would absolutly love something like that. Would be an excellent quest too

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... The design is bad and unimaginative.

This dude




looks much more glassy than this green abomination.

Her design is literally screaming: "Look at meeehh!!! Oh Lord, it huuurts! It hurts so muuuch! I'm a glass themed-frame! And I have a quite literal shard of glass stuck in between my t!ts! Halp! I'm so original and sleek that no one would ever guess my theme correctly W-wait! Where are you going?! KILL MEEEEE!!!

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On 7/9/2017 at 7:50 PM, D20 said:

I'm not digging the design that much, though I feel like we're going back on the really wierd looks that made the charm of the first Warframes, which is pretty neat IMO. I don't think warframes should look too much like a magician, a far west renegade or a priest.

Those shoulderpads are so wide, I wonder how she can pass doors with them. I also hope the wierd glass pieces on her shoulders are removable, because they are kinda awkward. Actually, I would also like a lot if the whole shoulderpads would be removed and traded for another piece of armor.

Yeah, IMO the frame would look much much better without the overly wide shoulder pads, and the weird random glass formations on top of her head. Just need to change her colours after that.

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  • 4 weeks later...

They were clearly going for Samurai looks with Hydroid P and this frame, they should shrink the shoulder pads a bit, add a kind of armor skirt around the side of her thighs and then place glass ornaments on top of the skirt of armor, also move the glass ornaments on her shoulders to the sides.

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I really dislike it. A lot.

Bad color scheme, underwhelming anatomy/physique/body proportions, too detail convoluted and at the same time these details are disappointing...

They need to look back at their old designs and see how different they were from one another and why cleanliness works best. This looks like a napkin afterthought with zero regard for pleasing design elements-- unless they wanted this thing to be ugly as sin from the start.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The first 2 times she was shown off, i was kinda dismissive since she looks so plain/boring compared to these past few frames like titania (aurai), octavia, and nidus which all looks superb.

But seing her actual model and (albeit not finished) textures, and the randomized colors shown off at devstream 97, i've personally grown fonder of her design.

I can already picture a sorta dullahan/medival knightress (if that's an actual thing. Or female knight?) theme with a midnight blue-really dark navy color scheme with edos and the harka's sword skin. That said, one particular thing that bothered me was that some pieces of the 'glass' have a fabric physics to it. it was said to be still a WIP so that's the only part i really hope they change.

*Her looks are the only thing we know so far, so not gonna mention gameplay/abilities yet*


What're your thoughts on her so far?

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52 minutes ago, Rixuel said:

The rectangular shapes on her are kinda not my style and I think there are  too much yellow color.

Yeah, i don't really like the default coloring either, looks like a cheap action figure. The head tho, it's okay i guess? The glass part will be tintable later on sp i'm thinking dark colors would make it almost transparent

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