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TennoGen Round 10 - Halloween Edition!


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You're all assuming DE even submitted a hotfix to cert. Even if they did, it certainly did not contain Tennogen for consoles because here we are. The major issue is their silence. Does it break my heart to not receive my Halloween content on time? Yes. Do I have questions as to how this could happen with such an early submission planned? Of course. But none of that feels like a genuine slight against my inner Tenno except for their blatant lack of communication.

Not a word, still?! Seriously? Speak up Taylor, if not to us to someone who should be addressing this misstep. Who's butt do you have to light a fire under to get an apology for missing the Halloween goal even with an August submission planned for the sole purpose of simultaneous release? Please, flipping tell me who's kavat we have to pet for ONE SINGLE statement acknowledging that you missed the cutoff for consoles and that we can expect it with PoE or sooner.

SAY SOMETHING. If i wanted to be kept in the dark, I'd go back to the abusive relationship I had with Bungie and that cesspool of a game called Destiny.



I've been loyal to you for 4 FRIGGIN' Years, change the way you approach updating your community through the Tennogen process.


Edited by (PS4)SippyCupShinobi
curse word redact
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Why aren't these on console? I'm just curious because it says "These items will be released with our Halloween promotion on PC - and hopefully simultaneously on Consoles as well - so your Fashion Frame will be ready for haunting season."

But I'm on console and cannot find any of these. I'm assuming these were delayed then? DKdiamantes has a video showing every decoration off, though I believe he is on PC.

I guess my real question is, "When can I, as a console player, be able to buy that Bloodborne Limbo tricorn hat?"

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On 10/26/2017 at 10:45 AM, (PS4)SippyCupShinobi said:

DE, can we console players at least get confirmation that these will ship with our PoE build? PLEASE, someone?

They don't care about console. No PC game devs care about consoles. Overkill doesn't care, Wildcard doesn't care, DE doesn't care, I could go on. All that I've mentioned have made up lies or say NOTHING. Overkill is the perfect example with Payday 2, saying nothing and making console users wait over a year for any single update.

I have a mind set now "If it was on PC first, don't bother, you'll only get half the bug fixes, half the game, content and attention."

Sad truth.

Personally I think the skins should cost less because of the lies, the constant attention the PC has been getting the past week, such as hotfixes and the lateness. 


DE probably calls us "console peasants" behind our backs. Truly, I do not believe they give a crap about us and we are absolutely last priority to them. Everytime I come back to check this forum the PC version has been updated, I even just reloaded the main page now and the version number went up.

Edited by (XB1)MaruKips
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I use to think it was the other way around. I thought hardcore gaming was for consoles. I grew up gaming, me and all my friends, all on nes, SNES and Genesis and every other until now.


But the last few years i'm really feeling left behind as well. I thought one of the things they advertised about Xbone and PS4 were they were closer to pc specs and more able to be easily ported from pc to console. Or something along those lines. But I really am starting to wonder I still play consoles with so many disappointments. Still stuck on 30fps in most games on Xbone ffs.


Pay for game console > pay for live service > pay for game that has less content and lesser quality


Pay for upgradable pc with more freedom and customization > Pay for better full game



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Yep, just 3 days now


Might end up being Halloween tennogen for PC and just tennogen for consoles, what a shame

Again, not sure what the deal is with consoles, but letting them come to their own conclusions rather than telling people something might not be the best idea

Edited by Witch
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I think saying that DE doesn't care about consoles is a very extreme opinion.

I mean hello, DE just released a huge content update (along with Tennogen) on PC that for all intents and purposes can be called Warframe 2. They have their hands full ironing out the bugs so that the game plays well. Consoles have always gotten updates about a month after PC. 

I think that DE wants to release things on a specific schedule, but sometimes real life happens. 

I don't understand the lack of communication about it except for the fact DE doesn't want to promise a specific date and have something go wrong; that only builds negative fan reaction and is much worse than DE being silent about a future content release because players lose trust with a company. 

So please, continue to give DE the benefit of the doubt as their track record has been terrific on the quality, amount of content, and the consistency in which it has been delivered. DE as a company is a rare thing these days as you have clear communication, passion, and terrific work being produced; both from the devs and company as a whole. 

(Please don't bring up my former, abusive relationship with the game Destiny those scars have yet to heal. Lol) 


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2 hours ago, (Xbox One)ZenithLord 42 said:

I think saying that DE doesn't care about consoles is a very extreme opinion.

I mean hello, DE just released a huge content update (along with Tennogen) on PC that for all intents and purposes can be called Warframe 2. They have their hands full ironing out the bugs so that the game plays well. Consoles have always gotten updates about a month after PC. 

I think that DE wants to release things on a specific schedule, but sometimes real life happens. 

I don't understand the lack of communication about it except for the fact DE doesn't want to promise a specific date and have something go wrong; that only builds negative fan reaction and is much worse than DE being silent about a future content release because players lose trust with a company. 

So please, continue to give DE the benefit of the doubt as their track record has been terrific on the quality, amount of content, and the consistency in which it has been delivered. DE as a company is a rare thing these days as you have clear communication, passion, and terrific work being produced; both from the devs and company as a whole. 

(Please don't bring up my former, abusive relationship with the game Destiny those scars have yet to heal. Lol) 


I used to feel that way too. Couple years down the road and less so now. The complete lack of communication with hydroid prime was a big blow for me though. I have specifically asked @[DE]Taylor to address these issues on this specific thread with no reply for days. Still crossing my fingers but not holding my breath. 

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I mean, yeah I’m upset about the skins, but I get pc gets things first. Actually, I’m fine with that. What I’m upset about is DE leaving us in the dark. They could at least say “Hey console Tenno, something’s come up and we can’t get it to you in time”, or something. Don’t have to go into detail, but a little something would be nice versus leaving us in the dark.

 I’m sure they have their reasons, though. At least I hope so.

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25 minutes ago, (PS4)jaegerbombtastic said:

I mean, yeah I’m upset about the skins, but I get pc gets things first. Actually, I’m fine with that. What I’m upset about is DE leaving us in the dark. They could at least say “Hey console Tenno, something’s come up and we can’t get it to you in time”, or something. Don’t have to go into detail, but a little something would be nice versus leaving us in the dark.

 I’m sure they have their reasons, though. At least I hope so.

Agreed. I'm HOPING that they drop an update on Halloween day that includes tennogen and that's why they've been quiet. Normally they are good at telling us things so that could be why....probably not though and I will spam these forums with fingers of rage.

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18 hours ago, (PS4)supersocc11 said:

Agreed. I'm HOPING that they drop an update on Halloween day that includes tennogen and that's why they've been quiet. Normally they are good at telling us things so that could be why....probably not though and I will spam these forums with fingers of rage.

I’m hoping, too. I’m starting to doubt it since they’ve been incredibly busy with twitch con, pax, etc. 

 Maybe they forgot us, but not purposely? I know I’ve been caught up in stuff and neglected something completely and felt horrible. I’m really keeping my spirits high that something went on with the staff and they’re just too busy to update.

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For those asking about the terrible way that we found out about a not so simultaneous round 10 release, start watching the vid at 21:14.  You will see Megan say that round 10 will be simultaneous and rebecca squash that thought.  and Megan is even like, "well didnt we make everyone submit their skins so that we could release together?  And Rebecca is just like, "uh no".  then they don't elaborate. and then ignore us. all of us. Which is uncharacteristic of them.  so either something bad is happening and we will never see round 10 on console or it will be releasing monday or tuesday...again, go to 21:14 to hear the tennogen console stuff.



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2 hours ago, (PS4)supersocc11 said:

For those asking about the terrible way that we found out about a not so simultaneous round 10 release, start watching the vid at 21:14.  You will see Megan say that round 10 will be simultaneous and rebecca squash that thought.  and Megan is even like, "well didnt we make everyone submit their skins so that we could release together?  And Rebecca is just like, "uh no".  then they don't elaborate. and then ignore us. all of us. Which is uncharacteristic of them.  so either something bad is happening and we will never see round 10 on console or it will be releasing monday or tuesday...again, go to 21:14 to hear the tennogen console stuff.



That’s... kind of bs either way. If something’s happened they should at least give us a heads up. I’m really hoping you’re right, and I hope they actually DON’T don’t give a crap about us.

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4 minutes ago, Neptlude said:

Maybe its held up, due to some issues with some skins... Titania issue is fixed but we still have the rigging mistake on Valkyr's helm... 

Which is fine, but why couldn’t they tell us at least? If they threw a “Hey, something’s up it’s gunna be delayed,” it at least would have calmed our minds a little.

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Hey guys!

There's been quite a bit of chatter in regards to the release of TennoGen Round 10 on consoles, and I'm happy to announce that these pieces will be coming with the Plains of Eidolon update on consoles. Normally we like to share this info first in our PS4 and XB1 streams, but with travel from TwitchCon and PAX Aus, that didn't happen this time. Sorry to cause any undue alarm, Tenno!

We had hoped to have a simultaneous release on all platforms, but unfortunately the stars just didn't align for this round. Our team has been working so hard on getting you The Plains of Eidolon on console, so we hope to get these creations in your hands soon! 

Thanks for your patience and understanding! :community:

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On 26/10/2017 at 4:45 PM, Archaestra said:

standalone pc version also got nothing, it's steam-only it seems.

That is always how TennoGen has worked, since these items only are obtainable via the Steam Workshop! You need the Steam client in order to access them in the Market. :smile:

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3 minutes ago, [DE]Taylor said:

Hey guys!

There's been quite a bit of chatter in regards to the release of TennoGen Round 10 on consoles, and I'm happy to announce that these pieces will be coming with the Plains of Eidolon update on consoles. Normally we like to share this info first in our PS4 and Xbox One streams, but with travel from TwitchCon and PAX Aus, that didn't happen this time. Sorry to cause any undue alarm, Tenno!

We had hoped to have a simultaneous release on all platforms, but unfortunately the stars just didn't align for this round. Our team has been working so hard on getting you The Plains of Eidolon on console, so we hope to get these creations in your hands soon! 

Thanks for your patience and understanding! :community:

Well, unfortunately it's disappointing, but I'm glad we're at least no longer in the dark. Thank you for filling us in!

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27 minutes ago, [DE]Taylor said:

Hey guys!

There's been quite a bit of chatter in regards to the release of TennoGen Round 10 on consoles, and I'm happy to announce that these pieces will be coming with the Plains of Eidolon update on consoles. Normally we like to share this info first in our PS4 and Xbox One streams, but with travel from TwitchCon and PAX Aus, that didn't happen this time. Sorry to cause any undue alarm, Tenno!

We had hoped to have a simultaneous release on all platforms, but unfortunately the stars just didn't align for this round. Our team has been working so hard on getting you The Plains of Eidolon on console, so we hope to get these creations in your hands soon! 

Thanks for your patience and understanding! :community:


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