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why is limbo hated so much


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Limbo is great. Some people just lack the curtousey and uses stasis all the time and everywhere (even when being asked not to), forcing people to play melee only. Which's annoying, especialy if said player doesn't understand limbo's abilities fully / or if it's a low level mission to begin with.


Edit : to clarify, using stasis in tandem with cataclysm was what i was talking about. Stasising on your own doesn't really denny your squad's kills.

Edited by (PS4)watt4hem
Edit no.2 : now that i've reread my post, i realized i just butchered english..
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Limbo has a love/hate relationship with warframe players. I personally like him very much but I also understand why people hate him. 

    It's mostly because he can become completely invincible without any mods just by switching planes of existence with no real downside to that switch. He also denies kills to other players by banishing enemies thereby people can use him to anger other players.

   I don't troll with limbo and I never will but you have to admit that if it's a viable option in game people will do it.

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The problem with Limbo in team play is that he can lock down what OTHER players are able to do, which is unique across all the frames. If you don't know how to get out of the rift (and to be honest, I can never get it to work), you're limited to abilities and melee. If all you brought was a powerful primary weapon and a leveling frame, suddenly you're effectively useless because Limbo wants to have fun.

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He can distort your screen constantly with colored filters with a simple Banish or cast of Cataclysm, he can control the playstyles of others on his team by force, making you use melee or preventing you from killing things with guns via Stasis or pulling enemies into the Rift without banishing other players so only he can kill them, whether you like it or not. And for an added bonus, he can make people fail objectives by casting Cataclysms on things like alarm panels or other interactable objects, or do things like Banish the last enemy in a Defense mission so it can't be killed, making the round last until the ability wears off.

He is just designed to be a troll, and is more often than not an annoyance or downright hindrance to the team rather than an asset. And as long as the Rift exists as it does, that won't change.

Edited by Jackviator
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Limbo is a great frame. Sadly, people who uses him, 90% of the times spam stasis and have humongous range on Cataclysm, which renders everyone in the squad useless but Limbo, forcing everyone to go into melee. To top it, a huge Cataclysm is also an eyesore for most.

If Limbo players could learn how to be courteous, things would be a lot different. Unfortunately, Limbo is just another frame, that build around meta, should not even enter into public rooms, and play solo or with his clan, friends, etc (the others being WoF Ember, Spore Saryn, Soundquake Banshee, and other frames that have an ability that allows em to simply press 1 button to decimate the entire tileset.)

Only once i encountered a Limbo whos Cataclysm was small but big enough to cover just the defense objective, which let the others play around.

It all comes down to the person whos using Limbo, if its courteous enough to not banish, stasis everything or use cataclysm in the entire map.

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Lot of reasons. Takes a lot of work to play. Can be used to easily troll. His rift walk portal is annoying for other players who accidentally run into it. He used to be fun to play, now he's way harder to play, not fun anymore, a just a general mess after the rework. People playing him poorly has always been a gripe too. Even worse now.

Edited by Ceryk
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 he can infiltrate spy vaults easily and dont get me started on rescue missions just cast banish on him if u take a look at him it will be worth ur time :D

You can completely ignore the rescue target and rush to extraction in 9 missions out of 10. Because the exit is generally very close.

Pretty much same about spy. You can bypass most lasers without Limbo and lasers isn't the main concern when it comes to spy, it's cameras and enemies which Limbo isn't really suited to deal with. What he has to actually deal with frames like Ash and Loki just ignore.

Edited by -Temp0-
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26 minutes ago, Jackviator said:

He can distort your screen constantly with colored filters with a simple Banish or cast of Cataclysm, he can control the playstyles of others on his team by force, making you use melee or preventing you from killing things with guns via Stasis or pulling enemies into the Rift without banishing other players so only he can kill them, whether you like it or not. And for an added bonus, he can make people fail objectives by casting Cataclysms on things like alarm panels or other interactable objects, or do things like Banish the last enemy in a Defense mission so it can't be killed, making the round last until the ability wears off.

He is just designed to be a troll, and is more often than not an annoyance or downright hindrance to the team rather than an asset. And as long as the Rift exists as it does, that won't change.

it was even worse when we couldnt pick up materials. so many limbos would troll never letting people pick sutff up in defense. 

the rift is just such a flawed design for this co-op of a game.

Solo Limbo is GREAT. 
in a RANDOM PUG group he is the death to all fun.
in a coordinated group revolving around JUST HIM. its okay but dumb to have to do that.

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Because Limbo at the moment is the most difficult / highest skill ceiling frame in the game and most players play him in such a way that it hampers the fun/flow of the other players. Skilled players can be a great asset for the team , but unfortunately there are not too many of them out there. 

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Yeah, Limbos in general are crap to play with, if I have to tell a player to stop using a power so I can finish hacking, there is a problem, we have a Limbo main in our clan, and he has to be very conscious of what he is doing all the time, most limbo players do not bother doing that.

Oh and OP, the fact that he's free means nothing... every frame is free...

Edited by Carnage2K4
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People don't really hate Limbo. They just hate how certain frames forced a certain game-play. Or hate how certain frames prevent them from playing at all. Worst part: if they complain about it generally they are told to play solo and shouldn't dictate how others play with their frames. Which is really weird since these anti-social frames general prevent other people from doing anything, so they might as well use the solo option: it wouldn't matter at all for them. But don't try to bring this up without a flame retardant suit..

So, really, the only thing left for most people is just to hate on the frame when they encounter them.

When I'm in a good mood I generally try and give them the benefit of doubt. Sometimes I'm pleasantly surprised, generally it just means I can make coffee. It only takes one of them to smugly boast about how they are carrying the team and I'm back to aborting as soon as I see one of them.

And with "them" I ofcourse mean Catalimbo, WOFEmber, Sporyn, SQBanshee... the press 4 to win crew..

Disclaimer: yes, I own a Sporyn and will use it, but only AFTER I ask if people mind if I spore all the things. Yes I own a Banshee but will generally only use SQ when the team is swarmed (or when there's a WOFEmber thinking they are the bomb). Yes, I own an WOFEmber, but only use it in solo invasion missions (if you ever meet me in the wild with WOFEmber, please feel free to call me names!!). I don't really like Limbo, don't hate him but he's just not my type of frame...

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For it i dont hate the frame but the people that play the frame just to troll is why i hate the frame. Where they use powers 4 and 2. I dont mind defending. But when they use 2 and force you to melee only just stupid. So ill just stand there. Or if he dies i will not revive them.. They you get some ppl that will purposely. Will follow you around to banish you.Same with ember if ember ill just leave the mission

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Cause noobs run around with him putting team mates in the rift for no reason.........basically just trolling....personally, I think Limbo shouldn't be obtainable until a much higher Mr......like 18 or even 20..yeah that's high, but that gives these noobs time to mello out and understand how frames work.......just a thought.....lol

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