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What are the best and worst kinds of treatment another Warframe player has given to you?


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good things
having some pretty cool clan mates that help out with giving you a part you need an you just give them relics that you have plenty of copies of.
was given a part or mod i needed for something so i could be of more use through warframe gameplay.


bad things
doing akkad with nidus an you link to a ally warframe that could use the power str boost then have them *@##$ at you they dying as they stand in spore cloud saying nidus link was transferring the damage i took to them.
mumble to myself an had forgotten to mute mic an person takes my mumbeling to myself, that i do to keep me remembering what i gonna be doing. Having them *@##$ an yell at me xD that i telling to do stuff when i was doing what i was mumbling about 

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Best : When I got some gifts from my friends, then I respond with gifts to them aswell. Had many good talk with them.

Avarege : A daily region chat for the reality.

Worst : When I played a 3 hour survival mission then all of my mates exit before hit the 180 min limit (they left before 4-5 sec). It was dissappointing but at least got my goodies.

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Best: When I started Warframe, the person that got me into the game 2+ years ago sold me a Frost Prime set for 150p when that Frame was circulating around consoles for 800p+.

Worst: Got into Trade Chat trying to find a seller for a Euphona Prime Satidex Riven, got in talks with 2 peeps over at PSN party chat about it. Unexpectedly, one of their "friends" on their PSN list was scouting their and my names and used that opportunity to extort me by DDOS my connection and demanded 1000p to be sent to a certain user to stop the attack.

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10 minutes ago, (PS4)Lei-Lei_23 said:

Worst: Got into Trade Chat trying to find a seller for a Euphona Prime Satidex Riven, got in talks with 2 peeps over at PSN party chat about it. Unexpectedly, one of their "friends" on their PSN list was scouting their and my names and used that opportunity to extort me by DDOS my connection and demanded 1000p to be sent to a certain user to stop the attack.

Wow, that's sh*t

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1 hour ago, (PS4)JaysInc_ said:

Wow, that's sh*t

It is, but I didn't budge. I didn't nor am I going to satiate their stupid ego and pay up that platinum. I reported all of the alt-bots, screenshotted the name and conversation they used to extort me on Trade Chat, and  reported them to Warframe Support and PSN. Adjusted my privacy settings, turned off DMZ on my router, and after about 3 hours the attacks stopped.

I don't have time to deal with these kids these days. At all.

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23 minutes ago, (PS4)Lei-Lei_23 said:

It is, but I didn't budge. I didn't nor am I going to satiate their stupid ego and pay up that platinum. I reported all of the alt-bots, screenshotted the name and conversation they used to extort me on Trade Chat, and  reported them to Warframe Support and PSN. Adjusted my privacy settings, turned off DMZ on my router, and after about 3 hours the attacks stopped.

I don't have time to deal with these kids these days. At all.

You handled it really well, I'm amazed.

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Best : Getting spammed "Scammer" when giving away stuff for free.                                                                                                .                                                          Worst: Host leaving a endless fissure run after 20-60+

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Best: Nothing I can remember. 

Worst: The Warframe community pushed DE to give the Tonkor self damage. In return I got one forma back for my five forma'd Tonkor, and a cute, condescending message from Darvo saying Clem did some "tinkering" with my weapon and to be more respectful playing with explosives. All the community did was laugh and cheer in my face, calling me a salty F***-boy for being mad my favorite weapon of choice now deals damage to me. I hated the community, and to this day Clem and Darvo most of all for that. My time modding, leveling, and waiting each day to for five days to build forma to build my Tonkor; all of it wasted. 

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I just got into this game about 3 weeks ago and I've been impressed by how pleasant almost all my interactions have been with other players. No matter MR 1 or 20+, for the most part everyone's been cool.

Over the course of 3 weeks in the last MMO I played (that also had a war going on in the stars) you'd be lucky to have a handful decent interactions with randoms over 3 months.

Sure, I've come across a cpl of dbags, but my worst day here so far has been better than most of the latter days in that other universe.

Now, I haven't yet gotten into the trade game, but it's pretty safe to say that money tends to bring out the worst in the worst people, so if you go in expecting the worst and hope for the best, you'll never leave disappointed. ;)

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Worst: Hmm ... I've had my share of e.g. last-second-leave Hosts, and futile attempts to explain something to someone,
but I guess I'll pick that one time someone kept purposefully triggering Life Support ASAP,
meaning to make us leave at 5 minutes (it was a Fissure BTW, why do an endless Fissure only to leave right away),
then ran off to do their own thing which of course included repeatedly dying too far away to revive,
only to then, dead, spam chat full of nonsense ("my friend on PS4 is on Void, and he's Mastery 109" as just one example),
which degenerated into multiple single-letter messages per second when nobody was engaging them anymore.
So yeah, that 20 minutes sure was fun interesting.

Best: all the times when everyone just did a good job, and maybe even had some fun chatting during the mission.
Thank you, you're awesome, it sucks that my puny human brain doesn't remember all of you in perfect detail for eternity.

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Best: I literally logged in one day after the octavia update and a random player gifted me the octavia bundle, I asked him why he gave it to me and he said "I just felt good today"


Worst: Was running a sortie but one guy kept dying and complaining like it was our fault he went down, he brought a volt to a grineer survival, he kept flaming me and the other players everytime he was down so we decided to stop reviving him. For 10 min he just complained about how none of the team was "as good as him" and thats why the enemies "targeted him first"

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Worst: I have been cheated out of many trades. I tried using websites like the Warframe market to find prices, but people wouldn't give me a tutorial... I ended up teaching myself, but I'm not exactly good at it. I'm still opened to help on understanding how Warframe.market works if anyone is willing to help! :laugh:

Best: I was about two months into the game. I had a poorly modded Volt, but I loved it all the same. Modding was still a mountain of confusing words, phrases, resources, etc. etc. Since Volt was my only Warframe, and I had no Platinum to buy anything since I, in my beginner mind, thought it was a good idea to use all of my starting 50 P on Neural Sensors... (One of my biggest noob moments) I think I've said enough. 

Anyway, I was a beginner, I had a Volt that wasn't great, terrible weapons, and was just beginning to grasp the modding system. So I was trying to scrape up some P in Maroo's Bazzar. I wasn't having luck to any extent since I couldn't get anything good to sell being such a low level. But I had seen someone with a Volt Prime set. Volt Prime had recently been vaulted... I think... 


Nope. Volt Prime wouldn't be vaulted for another few months. A little over half a year. 


Anyway, I saw someone with a Volt Prime set. To me this was a step up from my Volt. I proceeded to ask the player if he would be willing to take any of my junk for a simple part. He said that he would give me the whole set just for a junk mod. This is, to this day, one of the nicest things anyone in Warframe has done for me. I now main Volt Prime. He's the Warframe that went with me through nearly all of the quests, specifically the cinematic ones. I have now learned the ways of bending the mod system to make him capable of a Grineer Sortie Survival. I don't know who this player was, but they are definitely one of the nicest people I've met in the Warframe community, and that's saying something. 

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Best:  I've had quite a few.  The most recent was a player giving me plat for a riven that I was giving away for free.  

Worst:  When playing my alt account that was about MR3 or 4, had some players automatically assuming I was a noob and didn't know how to play just because of my Mastery Ranking.  Not realizing that I was much higher in MR and time played on my main account.  This was the first real lesson I got that proved MR doesn't not equal experience while also showing how some players can be jerks to newer players.  

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Best: is some of you who instead of just leaving ask if you want to do more missions with them and chats so hey you are preaty cool people

Worst: first one was in trade chat where some dude was selling 2 sets and i said ok, i will buy both of them and he was like no just one, i asked why and when said ok will go with this one and he put me in ignore list ,so that was preaty confusing, ofcourse i got later from others for cheaper so thanks not wanting plat LOL

second one is your typical Pro/ Elitist best players who play solo in party

third one is people who just doesnt listen when you try to help with boss fights and fails to do and longers missions

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Best: There exists a plethora of nice folks who are willing to partake in some general chatter about anything from the game to what's current in the news. Also the generosity of folks that I was shown when I was new has urged me to pay it forward, whether it is to help others with missions or pass something along for free/at a much lower rate. 


Average: Trade and recruiting region. Some folks mistype in trade chat when they're looking or selling, when it's the opposite and I get told off because they weren't trying to buy/sell. Recruiting channel with like 4 people hosting the same relic radiant, and nine of them are smart enough to band together.  And I've learned that people ONLY want Rhino as a buffer for Berehynia (because they want max power and Equinox, although a great all around frame, just doesn't cut it for them). 


Worst: I've only done a handful of LoR runs since it's been out (17 in total) and most of them time I'm using Slow Nova. This actually happened to me yesterday: I had some time on my hands and caught someone recruiting for a LoR run, thought "why not?" Took a slow Nova, we've got two Vaubans, a Trin, a Loki, and a Rhino. Everyone's ready to go except the trin, who the party leader (one of the Vaubans) mentioned would be a moment because she was using the bathroom. Now this is where MR, experience, and maturity come into play. The leader and I are MR 21 and 22, respectively. Given the benefit of the doubt, we are assumed to know what we are doing. The other three players are 15-17 and after just 5 MINUTES of waiting for the Trinity to come back they start bemoaning and complaining about how long its taking. Me, trying to be conscientious of the fact I have the MR tag that supposedly speaks that I'm a pro, try to be nice and ask them to be a little more patient, while the party leader is also attempting the same and continuously repeats that the Trinity will be back SOON. [I later find out the Trinity and party leader are in a Discord and that's how he knows] Of course, this doesn't seem to work. They kept going on and on about how this was a waste of time, that they had a sleep schedule they'd like to keep and they could easily do the raid in 10 minutes. Now I'm not saying it can't be done as there are people who have done it, but it irked me a little they acted this way. I kindly remind them that we were all in the same situation and I myself am also aware of the fact we have schedules we want to stick to (especially myself since I am military and have to discipline myself in terms of sleep). But the clock is at 1930 (7:30 pm) and I live in the central time zone, so if these players lived in the US or Canada, it can't be any later than 8:30 and that's still pretty early. Even for me when I try to keep a regular bed time at 10 pm. None of it works and they continuously ask where the Trinity is before she finally gets back and apologizes and we are able to start the Trials.


This is also where I learned the hard way to carry a heavy team, and where I learned how to do almost every other job aside from being CC. Vauban and I are a bit ahead of the team since Trinity stopped halfway to grab an EV target for us. I put up a portal through the door for them before going to hack a panel to get a battery dropped so we can clear the first injector. Me, the party leader and Trin are at the access panels, with the battery on the floor, and yet the rest of the team is nowhere in sight. I'm  confused - we picked up a Loki to be the carrier and a another Vauban to help with the Bastille, yet all three of them are parked at the start. So my party leader gets really annoyed by this and jumps on the in-game voice chat to point out their hypocrisy - they were urging us to hurry up and start, yet none of them had made it beyond the spawn platform while we were sitting at the battery dispensery. Now keep in mind, we weren't rushing through everything, and in my head I'm already picturing the worst case scenario. Trinity can't carry the battery because she needs to EV and the PL needs to be able to put down Bastille's. So in the end I became the carrier and sacrificed my own ability to CC and left it up to the Vauban. Thankfully my Nova had a 700 energy pool so maintaining it wasn't a big deal and the PL could manage the CC better than I could. We get one injector done and that's when my PL lost his cool. He began to throw derogatory terms at the three who were still at the start and told us (trin and I) to not do anything until they caught up to us. They finally moved and at this point I've completely tuned them out, focused on just trying to get through the first trial as smoothly as possible. The second battery was dispensed, but again our designated carrier didn't pick up the battery sitting on the ground for a good 30 seconds. I decided to just be the carrier for the rest of the trials and throw in some portals/CC in between for good measure. Note: none of the other three members of the raid have used abilities or helped hack the consoles, just followed us through the rooms. 


First trial goes by okay even with the impromptu role switching. Second trial becomes nearly impossible at the puzzles. Our second Vauban suddenly decides its a good time to start putting down his Bastille, which is not a problem but he put so many down and with a super bright energy color, I couldn't even see the next pad from mine. Then the complaining starts up again - "wtf is taking so long? you're all Mr 20+ and you guys suck at hacking" Grineer  puzzles are not very hard, but the fact was that our EV was busy keeping energy up for the cc spam and both me and the leader are already on a pad. 


Party leader has had it up to this point, and thus begins the arguing. He begins to flame them and call them names, among a slew of other things I won't repeat for the sake of decency, and they throw back equally insulting things to us. The trin and I are just trying to get through this mission at this point, and somehow we managed to coordinate through to the last puzzle. We mark the last pad the last team member needs to stand on and lost and behold, one of the lower MR players JUMPS off his pad right before we cleared the puzzle and down goes the ENTIRE team. PL is beyond pissed at this point, and the person who jumped off was saying things like "oops sorry I slid off the pad" and "I didn't know I'd be knocked off". Here I called them out on their lies because I watched him jump off right before the last person got on his pad. He proceeds to call us names again, about how long we were taking and how slow we are. Redo the puzzles a second time, and all the while through pushing the core the party is just arguing amongst themselves. The only two people in the party not screaming obscenities at each other is the trin and I and we were struggling to stay up when G3 turned up. I finally told the party leader to drop it and just help us get the core through, because at that rate we would fail the trials. Somehow we got our act together enough to make it to the last trial. 


The third one went by a lot smoother, but on the 5th door is when the Loki FINALLY decides to do his job and be the battery carrier, after I had done the job 8 times before he did. When we cleared the mission, he called me "useless" for not CCing and slowing enemies down, when half the time I can't because I was carrying the battery. This was coming from a Loki who didn't use his decoy, didn't use any other abilities or even tried to remotely help with the trials. 


And at the VERY end, all three of the low Mr players said "thanks for the carry". It turned out none of them had actually done the raid themselves previously and many times they failed them. I don't want to assume, but putting two and two together I figured they had been carried through most of their missions and were trying to scam their party members. The PL told me they messaged him after (we got arcane guardian as the drop) trying to get him to sell them his arcane for next to nothing. Now I don't know a whole lot about arcanes, but I don't think Arcane guardian is worth that little either. 


Lesson learned: never trust anyone of any mastery. Low MR players are just as guilty of being inexperienced as high MR players who are toxic to teammates. I hadthe unfortunate experience of seeing both sides of the spectrum in one mission. 

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Best: I dunno, most of my encounters with other players tend to go well. 

Worst: Someone threatened to report me to the police and then found a twitter that shared my username (but wasn't my twitter account) and coincidentally also had Warframe pics on it because I argued with him. 


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4 hours ago, DrakoKnight48 said:

Best: Nothing I can remember. 

Worst: The Warframe community pushed DE to give the Tonkor self damage. In return I got one forma back for my five forma'd Tonkor, and a cute, condescending message from Darvo saying Clem did some "tinkering" with my weapon and to be more respectful playing with explosives. All the community did was laugh and cheer in my face, calling me a salty F***-boy for being mad my favorite weapon of choice now deals damage to me. I hated the community, and to this day Clem and Darvo most of all for that. My time modding, leveling, and waiting each day to for five days to build forma to build my Tonkor; all of it wasted. 

the salt is real.

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Being a noob I paid far too much for some Prime stuff. hit me in the feels when i found a website telling me what the average price were and man was i an idiot. I think the user knew and felt bad and message me saying he would give me free prime weapon sets for junk mods. 

Ended up with like 4 new prime weapons. So basically it was my worst and best moments :D

Another one was when i was playing a spy mission and had no idea what i was doing, so ran around picking up resources and opening crates. Player message me and said "Play the mission or leave" I replied back saying i was really sorry, i didnt know what i was doing and ended up the player helped me understand the game better and teaching the ways of warframe and modding. :D win!

Edited by (PS4)VaNiDgE
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