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How do you feel about giving away free prime items?


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Ok so i just watched a warframe partner and i heard that DE is also going to make the soma prime as a reward along with frost prime for having a twitch prime account im curious about how everyone else feel about this? I'm not against it cause i have both and have sold the sets i've gotten when they weren't vaulted or were unvaulted for short amounts of time, but i cant help but feel like this will effect the game market a bit because no one is gonna buy something they already have and alot of older players have the sets unless they didnt pick them up originally meaning the people who are really buying some of the vaulted sets are the people who weren't around at the time. Yeah so whats your opinion im not gonna complain cause it wouldn't change anything just curious.

Edited by S.Dust
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I'm more annoyed with the fact that DE sold out to twitch, this is just the tip of the ice berg, give it some time and you will see primed accessories being handed out, I mean they already gave out a quote on quote prime sydana, I still say this is due to their new game Keystone, Twitch would be supplying a heavy source of income so more players equals more money for resources on their new IP.

Edited by Knight_Ex
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Just now, Knight_Ex said:

I'm more annoyed with the fact that DE sold out to twitch, this is just the tip of the ice berg, give it some time and you will see primed accessories being handed out, I mean they already gave out a quote on quote prime sydana.

I see what you mean it feels like they're moving away from their free to play model but at the same time the company has to make money somehow so they can make us more lazers that shoot lazers out of their lazers.

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3 minutes ago, krc473 said:

Yes, it will affect the market somewhat (same as frost prime). Personally, this doesn't bother me at all. I mean, itwill finish eventually and we will get more new people to sell it to.

Ok i see what you mean but what worries me is it was suppose to end a while ago but they continue to extend it every time its about to end and now they've added something to it (soma prime) so that makes it look like they just intend to keep it going and keep adding stuff.

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1 minute ago, S.Dust said:

Ok i see what you mean but what worries me is it was suppose to end a while ago but they continue to extend it every time its about to end and now they've added something to it (soma prime) so that makes it look like they just intend to keep it going and keep adding stuff.

That's a good point. But I guess it might be a way to bring in more players.

I am far more concerned about the watch streams of PoE to get loot thing. 

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4 minutes ago, krc473 said:

That's a good point. But I guess it might be a way to bring in more players.

I am far more concerned about the watch streams of PoE to get loot thing. 

i dont like that either i use twitch but only when im really bored and i only watch games i have and if im withing range of my laptop at that point i just play the game instead of watching it.

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It doesn't bother me at all, honestly. Offering up some vaulted, pseudo-exclusive stuff isn't a bad way to get attention. Especially since they're both decent-looking weapons that tend to perform well. Pretty good marketing, and easy to do.

DE doesn't actually care about the game's trading market, contrary to popular belief. There are way more expensive things than Soma Prime that they could have brought out if they were trying to mess with people (which they aren't). 

And it's not like they're going to have every single vaulted item up for free at any given time. Ultimately, I think it's not going to do much aside from temporarily lower the prices of the current items, while other stuff remains the same prices. After the promotions are over, prices go back up and people can price gouge to their heart's content. 


TBH the people freaking out about it just need to get over themselves. Their precious plat isn't going anywhere. 

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All I see it is DE handing out free stuff that requires little to no effort to get, when the game has to appeal that much to casual players you doom it to failure, are people really that helpless that they can't just get the weapon on their own? Or will people bicker and scream that the ones trying to sell items are being hoarders or self entitlement?  I really think people should look up that definition because the argument can easily be flipped against them.  Anyway if this is to bring in new players then thats fine, however its still a  middle finger to those of us that try to sustain ourselves by prime farming,  people can claim all they want that its whining but the reality of the situation is if it wasn't for us selling S#&$ there would be no freakin community where it is now, if we didn't have players selling to other players no one would even bother with the game because RNG is a *@##$, this is especially true for old void system and now rivens,  actually it'd be interesting if they started handing out rivens with this twitch stuff.

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4 minutes ago, Knight_Ex said:

however its still a  middle finger to those of us that try to sustain ourselves by prime farming,

There you have it.

Is trading for Platinum a right mandated by an outside source that DE is obligated to follow? Or is it a privilege that DE gives to players?

Do tell us, how is this game going to fail because a few people got a Soma Prime from Twitch Prime? How different is this from people who buy the weapon through trading?

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Just now, Flandyrll said:

There you have it.

Is trading for Platinum a right mandated by an outside source that DE is obligated to follow? Or is it a privilege that DE gives to players?

Do tell us, how is this game going to fail because a few people got a Soma Prime from Twitch Prime? How different is this from people who buy the weapon through trading?


Easy, when you introduce an item especially a vaulted item to the market for free then those current prices will either plummet or traders will pull it completely, not a big deal for the moment, however now traders will be mindful of what DE has done and take that into account when farming for other primes, you see a steady decline on the more serious traders...aka the ones that don't try and sell primed items at over inflated prices....yes we do exsist! , Anyway it works the same as a stock market, we are dependent on supply and demand, you take away the demand then we end up with a surplus of the items to which we either have to continue to hold onto or try to unload asap for a ridiculous low costs.  This is especially bad for those that actually purchase vaulted relics with plat as they cannot make their target market pricing and end up losing quite a bit of money and need to struggle to just make cost.

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8 minutes ago, (Xbox One)RDeschain82 said:

Wait, DE is giving away stuff for free?! No...not free stuff...I mean Its not like one can already get soma and scindo in game for free anyway. 



On 9/15/2017 at 4:33 PM, (Xbox One)RDeschain82 said:

Adapt, Overcome and Improvise geez

I really do not understand your attitude towards these threads. It is pretty immature and is not appropriate. I think that Soma and Scindo for free is kind of annoying, especially since all these twitch promotions in this game and others is getting annoying and bland. 

Edited by --Q--Voltage
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13 minutes ago, Knight_Ex said:

if it wasn't for us selling S#&$ there would be no freakin community where it is now

Right, right, I forgot. Selling Prime weapons for 250 plat a pop is helping the community. Gotcha. 

Pretty sure the game would still exist without player trading. (Not saying YOU specifically charge ridiculous amounts, but there are an overwhelming number of people who do)


Now, don't get me wrong. I am sympathetic to the plight - to a degree. I don't feel that there's really justification in disliking the Prime items on the basis of trading. None of the bigger traders I know have spent more than a very small amount of cash on the game. Most of them have spent NO money on it and just make their thousands on trading itself. 

So the ONLY thing that this has any effect on is their ability to make more fake money off of a bit of time they spent in a free game. 

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I think ther is nothing horrible with promo like this. Why? Because of "It is players dicision what item to use" in games like Warframe. Here is a Conclave about PvP but not much ppl playing it. So what?

1q) "Oh, that`s pretty hard to me get a prime warframe, so why someone gets it for free with no hard work?".

1a) Dude, there is recruiting chat. Grab your relics and go open it, sell things you got for platinum and buy you need. Anyway, you can get it same as others do.

2q) "I`ve payed real money to get thing that other ppl getting for free using promo. It is not fair!"

2a) Whole life is not fair! But! Still you payed money and buyed items earlier, got fun with it, when other just watching how you are happy. Relax and keep calm.

That`s my IMHO.

I`m more concerned in how many players didn`t get in-game goods on this promo in cause of issues with Twitch and promo scripts. Still waiting for package. I have a hope. A little one.

Edited by KastorVanAsper
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4 minutes ago, (Xbox One)OTF SERENiTY said:

I dont care about them giving away free prime stuff; I care that they keep siding with stupid Twitch Prime. 

^This. Trying to entice new players to play Warframe is one thing, but this feels like the opposite. Like they are trying to entice Warframe players to use twitch, and I don't like it at all.

Founders getting special stuff made sense, they were helping the game get started. Twitch users getting special stuff feels like special treatment and selling out.

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