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Can we have a chat about people who purchase tennogen items?


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28 minutes ago, Carnage2K4 said:

Never in 2 years of playing have I ever seen anything close to what the OP is saying happens "a lot"...

Let alone people even communicating at all. 

In fact, what happens more often is someone exaggerating an encounter and creating a post about it for discussion.

Only time I really hear from other players in a negative way is when they're raging about a mission failure.


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I've never once seen this happen. But you just can't control people. You can spout good manors and decency all you want. But people will be who they are in the end. Buying plat does support DE and on console at least you can buy tennogen with plat. I find it hard to imagine that this conversation happens thousands of times a day though. Probably just better off ignored :)

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Never actually encountered this. Any comments I ever get about how I look is
- I like your theme
- great color combo
- holy crap what sword is that, it's awesome (whenever I wear Zenistar with Dominion skin :laugh:)
- wow which [fashion item] is that? is that tennogen?

I've only had one person ever mention it was stupid to spend money on the game (during gameplay) and as an avid supporter of DE I just put him on ignore (and didn't revive him.. I'm petty like that)..

Like some before me, I have serious doubts about OP's type of conversations though.

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You must have broke some mirrors on your way to your computer if you are having such bad luck as to run into such people often enough. That being said I have never seen anyone act like this since Tennogen was initially released. Just like any other toxic person just ignore them. They are most likely just trying to feed their own fragile ego anyway and the worst thing someone could do to them is ignore them.

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Th e only people who come close to be able to brag are the creators themselves. All others are using stuffs made by these people, so it's rather childish that someone will brag over something designed n created by someone else. lol

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Some of the tennogen stuff is pretty spectacular. There's some great talent out there and great art.

Nevertheless, I don't use it and have no plans to. I'm a bit of a purist when it comes to games and prefer to use what is in the game to achieve my ends, even if it's just looking cool. I do mod games in some circumstances (and that's essentially what tennogen stuff is), but in this game the prime weapons, accessories, and warframes are supposed to be the ultimate, with ingame reasons to be so. So that's where I concentrate my FashionFrame efforts.

You all can do what you want, but that's simply how I view the game and how I play it.

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On September 30, 2017 at 12:50 AM, SalmonDaFish said:

Ok so ive encountered quite alot of people that have purchased literally all the tenno gen they can get their hands on, and every single time (without fail) another person will say something like "oh hey thats some cool fashion" and then the other guy will say something like "oh yeah this its tennogen, you *NEED* to get some it supports the devs" which is entirely not true, because im pretty sure some of the money goes to steam, some to DE and the majority goes to the actual creator of the skin. then the other F2P player will say "oh i dont have the money to do that" and then the other guy will either be understanding like a sensible and respectful human being or they will say "how dare you not buy S#&$ that looks good do you even like this game?!?!? the devs need this money to make the game you know and love". i dont care how rich you are or how much time you have, it is NEVER acceptable to insult someone for making a rational decision with their money by not spending it on cosmetics in a video game. I have purchased exactly 2 tennogen syandanas  specifically because i thought they looked good on everything so i could put an arcane energizie set on one. I had the spare money so i thought i would do it. I didnt do it because i thought "oh i need to do this to keep this game alive! without my purchase of *6.99* this game will die OH NOOOO" no thats complete bullS#&$. 



ok im done ;-;

Both negative sides of this argument (essentially attacking players as idiotic suckers for spending real money on "lowly" cosmetics vs suggesting people who don't support DE with real $ are F2P leeches who will hasten the game's demise) are extreme and rare.

I choose to ignore them both because they are cancerous topics when undue light is shined upon them.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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