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Ember Prime Nerf...OR Balance..(((TRIGGER WARNING)))


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Does anyone else who gets into a mission with an Ember Prime get super frustrated?

I get into a mission...feeling great...feeling good...then BOOM!!!

Ember Prime...enters misson.


The whole map is in flames and I'm standing here like... "There is nothing...to do"  :awkward:

So am I the only one that would like a change lol??


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Just now, AlexAl3x said:

could. but I mean why would they? its a frame with abilities...I don't think I want to send them a line like "hey yo man, I KNOW you love that ability you got..but can you not use it?" lol.

So instead you want to make the ability far less powerful so they find something else that ROFLstomps any opposition at that level of play?

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Ember doesn’t need a nerf, if anything, she needs a buff so she scales. Equinox, Octavia, and Banshee are all more efficient than ember because they scale. Ember only facerolls up to around level 40 purely from World on Fire. After that, you need Ignis or Atterax or something. 

Edited by --Q--Voltage
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Just now, Imaru said:

So instead you want to make the ability far less powerful so they find something else that ROFLstomps any opposition at that level of play?

I don't see why it can't be like other frames abilities. Like be in line of sight to use it like Ash or something, idk. I just find it a little bit OP. wait..I'm talking to people who use Ember Prime aren't I? LOL

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7 minutes ago, AlexAl3x said:

Does anyone else who gets into a mission with an Ember Prime get super frustrated?

I get into a mission...feeling great...feeling good...then BOOM!!!

Ember Prime...enters misson.


The whole map is in flames and I'm standing here like... "There is nothing...to do"  :awkward:

So am I the only one that would like a change lol??


Just do missions with higher level enemies. Embers flames fall off so fast in higher levels.. About 10-15 minutes into a Void survival, I had surpassed an ember in both kills and dmg easily. I used a Rhino Prime and Lenz. Just move away or out wait them. Ember is nothing special.

Edited by Seinerweisen
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Just now, --Q--Voltage said:

Ember doesn’t need a nerf, if anything, she needs a buff so she scales. Equinox, Octavia, and Banshee are all more efficient than ember because they scale. Ember only facerolls up to around level 30 purely from World on Fire


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Ember (prime) is very good in lowlevel content, but after a certain enemylevel she is just pretty much useless. So no, she definitly doesn't need a nerf, if anything she needs a buff that allows her to keep up in highlevel content.

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8 minutes ago, Shifted said:

Or you could just...ask them to turn it off?

lol....you do know there is only one way to play ember and thats load the mission, press 4 and either stand in one spot or run to the next dot on the map...there is no other way to play ember (I'd put a sarcasm tag but honestly it seems like it is the only way you see ember being played)

To the OP, yes it is annoying but the sad thing if it ever gets removed is that embers wof is really good for crowd control with the augment and a low power strength......

Removing it is a double edged sword, as some will say it does remove the chore of grinding but at the same time is very annoying on the star map (one of my builds can happily kill level 40-50 enemies while keeping good efficiency....) for others who actually want to do 'something' other than run from point a to b

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Just now, AlexAl3x said:

I don't see why it can't be like other frames abilities. Like be in line of sight to use it like Ash or something, idk. I just find it a little bit OP. wait..I'm talking to people who use Ember Prime aren't I? LOL

Just one minor thing. It's Ember AND Ember Prime. Her not being primed doesn't make a huge difference. 



Just ask these types of individuals. I love using Mesa and going full on auto-shoot out on some missions. And I honestly get carried away sometimes. I have had exactly -two- people ask me to stop, and specified their reasoning that I was essentially giving them nothing to do. And it made me notice I went too far, so I stopped/held back. 

But y'know how I feel when people try to intentionally screw with me or begin throwing insults, instead of communicating? I would much prefer doing something to spite them for their behavior. Sometimes I take the high road; other times I give in and be a jerk back, which I know is bad. But it can be frustrating.


All in all, make the effort to communicate nicely. You'd be surprised how polite the community can be when you treat them as friends, peers, and human beings. Even the bitter, angry players can let that wall down when you approach/respond back to them nicely. 

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4 minutes ago, AlexAl3x said:

I usually do high level missions :P

What level? Because my ember facerolls sorties purely because I use a 5 forma build, barely any efficiency to provide more strength using 2 energize sets, and an ignis riven that is top tier. Ember needs a lot of help from weapons to faceroll a sortie 3 exterminate. Please share.

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why nerf "Ember Prime"? the problem is "Ember"? i am the one that focus on Accelerant + Flash Accelerant augment and weapons, this playstyle should be nerfed?


looks like your problem isn't the warframe itself, its the player that rely on more mobile AoE (Maim, WoF, Avalanche... ) or static AoE (Resonating Sounquake, Larva + Virulence combo, Molt + Spore combo...) that ruins your chances to do something

Edited by Zeyez
like this topic, everything in the world can be changed, it just need the right words... and the left ones too.
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1 minute ago, --Q--Voltage said:

What level? Because my ember facerolls sorties purely because I use a 5 forma build, 2 energize sets, and an ignis riven that is top tier. Ember needs a lot of help from weapons to faceroll a sortie 3 exterminate. Please share.

Farming and ect, I usually play against level 50-80's. I see them there, its not unheard of mister o.0

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Just now, Zeyez said:

why nerf "Ember Prime"? the problem is "Ember"? i am the one that focus on Accelerant + Flash Accelerant augment and weapons, this playstyle should be nerfed?


looks like your problem isn't the warframe itself, its the player that rely on more mobile AoE (Maim, WoF, Avalanche... ) or static AoE (Resonating Sounquake, Larva + Virulence combo, Molt + Spore combo...) that ruins your chances to do something

I guess my issue is the fact that most the Ember users I run into use World On Fire as a clutch. Very annoying >.<

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I think ember needs a relative nerf/buff, her abilities have little to no synergy and the only thing an ember/prime is good at is making new players want to click solo out of boredom because all the majority who play embers do is lith-neo relic openings and like-leveled missions with WoF on at all times. it's really not cool until you get a decently built ember prime with you on a trial.

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Just now, Crunky said:

I think ember needs a relative nerf/buff, her abilities have little to no synergy and the only thing an ember/prime is good at is making new players want to click solo out of boredom because all the majority who play embers do is lith-neo relic openings and like-leveled missions with WoF on at all times. it's really not cool until you get a decently built ember prime with you on a trial.

YEE :clap:

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Oh look,another "Nerf Ember please" thread,oh yeah,so make Ember useless.

Ember is strong at low levels (max 40 lvl?),then she will start to suck,Ember is not the only nuke AoE warframe in-game and in this way it seems to be little bit OP and unique,but if they nerf her,it will become totally useless.

If you want to enjoy a mission,play solo then,i dont see a reason to nerf her unless you want to ruin another frame like was my beloved Ash,she needs propably a little rework,but damn a nice and good rework with few briliant ideas,otherwise like i said,rip another frame.

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17 minutes ago, --Q--Voltage said:

Ember doesn’t need a nerf, if anything, she needs a buff so she scales. Equinox, Octavia, and Banshee are all more efficient than ember because they scale. Ember only facerolls up to around level 40 purely from World on Fire. After that, you need Ignis or Atterax or something. 

Yes, but she is a wee bit too easy on lower levels as well. Ember needs "balance", not necessarily a straight nerf or buff. 


I am personally game for an Excalibur level rework, but I doubt it'll ever happen. 

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I haven't had an Ember prime but I did just rank up an Ember and it was actually really fun but her other abilities lack :( Like who wants just ONE good ability?? thats not even a good reason for me to spend plat on an Ember prime or even keep the regular Ember :nerd:

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I think the damage on WoF needs to be lessened by a small degree, that or make it have less of a rate-of-explosions, the LoS thing in the post earlier is meh, but I do like the idea of WoF synergizing with other abilities to do heavier damage etc, or at least make it scale on the enemies in play, so it doesn't ruin other people's game experience.

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2 minutes ago, Crunky said:

Oh look another person who thinks pushing 4 is "fun" and that Ash is actually nerfed.

No, @-CM-FrutyX is right. These threads are complete bait and are completely useless complaining. Ember nerf threads are honestly getting old as everytime, the OP has no idea what they are talking about. I am not going to derail the topic, so your Ash mentality is going to leave as is despite being majorly flawed. Please check before you put down someone when their post has more base than yours.

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