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The Roadmap: Glassframe Quest & the Plains of Eidolon!


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Therapist: And how does that make you feel?

Me: Well, It makes me feel hyped... and soonTM.

Therapist: No! we've lost him!

Me: I also feel like my life is gonna be gone in around 10 days.

Therapist: stop being hyped for PoE! It's not healthy!

Me: But... But... custom melee... and new focus... and no bumping into walls all the time.

Therapist: Not bumping into walls all th time? tell me more.


And that's the moment when everybody was hyped.


Edited by BuildingDwarf
spelling mistake
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What we will really need is shared loot and a larger affinity sharing distance, at least for the Plains.

A big open world area will give out many opportunities for tactics and strategies that we couldn't do before, but they will be limited by the current loot system.

What I am proposing is, that at least in the Plains whenever a squadmate picks up a resource/credit/ammo drop, every other squadmate gets it too. Look at it this way: You and three other friends go to take a Grineer outpost, and one of the friends sets up shop on a nearby ridge from where he can provide sniper cover. It all is good and well, except the fact that after you take the outpost, said friend will have to backtrace your whole path just so he can get the loot others already obtained.


And it makes for an issue in other situations too, if your squad splits up to take two outposts simultaneously, the loot once again becomes an issue.

I'd be grateful if this was considered and possibly implemented.


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12 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

The Quest for Gara - Glassframe has a name and it's Gara - inspired by the Design Council submission of 'Garasu'.

I am Japanese player.

Garasu(ガラス) is Japanese reading of Glass. Glass becomes "硝子(Sho-u-shi)(しょうし)" when it is Japanese language.

I don't know how to say in English so write in Japanese.  この名前はダサい:sad:

Edited by gosteady
しょうし 追加
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11 hours ago, morningstar999 said:

I still don't have harrow due to the impossible RNG on the chassis (60 runs no result) please don't keep making getting frames that hard T_T

Also, in case you did not know, Harrow's chassis drops in void fissures. Most notably in endless missions. I get 1-4 per mission usually. 60 minute/40 wave survival/defense

Edited by Kaidorak
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3 minutes ago, Kaidorak said:

Also, in case you did not know, Harrow's chassis drops in void fissures. Most notably in endless missions. I get 1-4 per mission usually. 60 minute/40 wave survival/defense

woops I meant the systems not the chassis -the defector mission part. 

I got like 20+ chassis so far.

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1 hour ago, gosteady said:

I am Japanese player.

Garasu(ガラス) is Japanese reading of Glass. Glass becomes "硝子(Sho-u-shi)(しょうし)" when it is Japanese language.

I don't know how to say in English so write in Japanese.  この名前はダサい:sad:

This name is unclear.

Yes, it is.

Do you feel offended by the name?

Do you feel other Japanese players would feel offended by the name?

I'd rather have Shoushi or Kagami as name if we want to honour Japanese culture

Edited by (PS4)OmegaSlayer
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Guest Nobonesaboutme

"Gara was inspired by the name 'garasu' from the Design Council"


They really went with an engrish pronunciation of the word "glass"? I find that hard to believe. Also, doesn't "gara" translate into something like "chicken bone" ?

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Good luck, you guys have been putting in a huge amount effort in all of this. Take your time, we can afford to wait a little :).

Well, I certainly can. After all, I have exams on at the moment, so I can't really play much (if any) right now anyway. :P

Send help. Exams are eating me alive. ;-;

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10 hours ago, Marshal_Khuong said:

Let us not forget that we do not choose the names. DE does. Though, I would like it if they just kept the whole name, but it’s whatever l

This is what I have been wondering about when seeing all the complaints on various threads. People are playing a free game and they still have the balls to complain and demand changes pretty much about anything in the game that does not "fit" in their view of world. If DE wants to call their new warframe "Gara" then it is up to them to do so, not up to the players.

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