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The Roadmap: Glassframe Quest & the Plains of Eidolon!


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I didn't mean to write something here again, but I want to make a point.

People are not only mad about the name "Gara" for its simplicity and it being chopped of of Garasu, but the thing that people actually got to vote for a name, if I got that correctly. And the point is they chose the name the least people voted for and chopped the meaning off of it afterwards. 

I mean, Mag does make sense in this shortened form for me; at least because the name "Meg" exists.

Gara on the other hand has a nice ring to it, yes, but it's like the whole voting was not necessary at all and people will choose that over that no matter what other voting people think.

So I guess those are the points most people mean instead of them "just" being lazy or something.

I don't want to make a big discussion out of it this now; just mentioning how it came across for me (without mentioning the misleading part of the name etc. as well and that a japanese player already reacted to it and not in the best way also.)

Edited by _Chizuru_
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19 hours ago, Colyeses said:

The post says it will be delayed a week.


As I said before it is a highly negative precedent and player unfriendly move.

This month Gara will be “cash only” for a week and in a year time we will "farm" new frame parts in a paid lootboxes.

Well, I hope not, but the precedent of having temporary “cash only” frames is there. And that may well become a slippery slope for DE.

And I do not want that. Not one bit.

Not because I don't want to support them (I do. With Prime Accesses, Tennogen and other stuff), but because I do not support consumer unfriendly business practices.

19 hours ago, Hyro1 said:

It will be for free, even though the quest won't be out, the parts will still be farmable

Parts may well be, but without a blueprint (that is a quest reward) you will not be able to get the full frame.

So once again Gara will be “cash only”. Temporary. No free way to get it for a time.

And if you missed it, I consider that player unfriendly and a negative precedent.

Edited by Volatael
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4 minutes ago, Volatael said:


As I said before it is a highly negative president and player unfriendly move.

This month Gara will be “cash only” for a week and in a year time we will "farm" new frame parts in a paid lootboxes.

Well, I hope not, but the president of having temporary “cash only” frames is there. And that may well become a slippery slope for DE.

And I do not want that. Not one bit.

Not because I don't want to support them (I do. With Prime Accesses, Tennogen and other stuff), but because I do not support consumer unfriendly business practices.

Parts may well be, but without a blueprint (that is a quest reward) you will not be able to get the full frame.

So once again Gara will be “cash only”. Temporary. No free way to get it for a time.

And if you missed it, I consider that player unfriendly and a negative president.

You're blowing this way out of proportion. To say that this is even a president is jumping the gun. Yeah it sucks and it wouldn't be the first time DE has fluffed up big. However how about we wait a little before doomsdaying. And for goodness sakes it's a week! A single week! No doubt it will look bad to new players, but in time we will have access to the quest and it'll be done with. And hey if you're correct on the paid loot boxes in a year then hats off to you for calling that.

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23 minutes ago, nickelshark said:

You're blowing this way out of proportion. To say that this is even a president is jumping the gun.

Just making sure my point on the matter is here. Hopefully heard.

After free to play games going pay to play (like GRO did) and the shear infestation of lootboxes that zergrush even into single player games. With games years (even decades) old adding microtransactions and once again lootboxes? With NBA 2K 18 where you literally buy levels?

I am not really unreasonably concerned.

Love Warframe and do not wont it to turn in to something horrid. And yeah it's not my call and in the grand scheme of things one player's opinion has 0 weight, but I try to do what I can. That simple.

Edited by Volatael
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47 minutes ago, Volatael said:


As I said before it is a highly negative president and player unfriendly move.

This month Gara will be “cash only” for a week and in a year time we will "farm" new frame parts in a paid lootboxes.

Well, I hope not, but the president of having temporary “cash only” frames is there. And that may well become a slippery slope for DE.

And I do not want that. Not one bit.

Not because I don't want to support them (I do. With Prime Accesses, Tennogen and other stuff), but because I do not support consumer unfriendly business practices.

Parts may well be, but without a blueprint (that is a quest reward) you will not be able to get the full frame.

So once again Gara will be “cash only”. Temporary. No free way to get it for a time.

And if you missed it, I consider that player unfriendly and a negative president.

Would you stop shifting the goal posts?

First you're saying she won't be available at all, to which I point out that you can get the farming out of the way. Then you say that they haven't announced when Gara IS going to be properly released and I point out that they're saying 'A week'. And now you're shifting goalposts to 'it sets a bad precedent!'.

While I agree that this would set a bad precedent, the reason is apparently to do with DE being unable to finish the quest in time and not wanting to delay the ENTIRETY of the PoE update JUST to get Gara to launch with it. If this WERE a precedent for getting people early access to frames if they shell out the plats, they would not be adding Gara's parts to PoE's drop tables from the get go but they would wait.

As it is, their plan is to let us get the hard part out of the way while they finish up Gara's quest.

I really don't see them making a precedent out of this, seriously. They're just having trouble scheduling a voice recording session and they don't want to make everyone wait for PoE just because the Gara quest is late. Next frame, when they're not in the middle of the BIGGEST CONTENT UPDATE WARFRAME HAS EVER HAD, they're likely to have everything done on time and push a normal release again.

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Ok after seeing Focus rework on Prime Time 05.10.2017, i have to ask why DE didn't improve the surviveablity of the operators. You know why it's frustrating to use an operator? Because 100 Health is almost nothing. You can't even survive 2 bullets from a lvl 15 enemy. That's frustrating. But it wasn't a problem before (at least for me), because playing as an operator was optional and you only had to use him for Kuva farming (and i stopped doing that). But in the Plains of Eidolon it's not optional anymore, it's a requirement. You have to use your operator then otherwise you can't defeat an Eidolon. And after seeing how easy a Warframe can die while fighting an Eidolon (Prime Time 28.09.2017), i'm pretty sure that the operator could not survive even for 2 seconds (and that results in frustration).

In Focus 2.0 Dev Workshop Rebecca said that you can get more Health and more Armor through Vazarin and Unairu. Why is there not a node in every school that increases operators Health and Armor? Why am i forced to use two specific schools to increase my surviveability (and the operators desperately need more surviveability)? Why are there so many gimmick abilities for operators if they can't even survive for 2 seconds?

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2 hours ago, Colyeses said:

Would you stop shifting the goal posts?

First you're saying she won't be available at all, to which I point out that you can get the farming out of the way. Then you say that they haven't announced when Gara IS going to be properly released and I point out that they're saying 'A week'. And now you're shifting goalposts to 'it sets a bad precedent!'.

Would you chill a bit?

Have a cup of coffee, take your ADHD pills or something.
Here are the points, nice and easy for you:
1. Even temporary “plat only” frames are bad.
On ‎04‎.‎10‎.‎2017 at 4:33 PM, Volatael said:

So now you are releasing frames for cash few weeks before they can be farmed in the game, are you? At least with Gara.

You understand that this is a highly negative president, don't you?

I am all about supporting the game (would not get those Prime Accesses bundles otherwise), but this is not something I can get behind.

Surprisingly player unfriendly move.


2. Yep, they are temporary “plat only”.

13 hours ago, Volatael said:

You still cant get her for free, blueprint or not. Only for cash.

And there is no information on how long Gara will be "plat only".

So my point stands.


3. Yep, that is bad.

3 hours ago, Volatael said:


As I said before it is a highly negative president and player unfriendly move.

This month Gara will be “cash only” for a week and in a year time we will "farm" new frame parts in a paid lootboxes. <...>

Hope that was not too overwhelming for you to grasp.

If that was – “Clem, grakata!” or “who cares, DAKKAAA!!!”. Whatever suites you.

A week is “probably a week” (if you can read the original post by Rebecca). Plains update should have been launched before the end of September (according to Steve).
So no solid only a week for you. Would be nice of you not to mislead people on that, don't you think?
2 hours ago, Colyeses said:

 If this WERE a precedent for getting people early access to frames if they shell out the plats, they would not be adding Gara's parts to PoE's drop tables from the get go but they would wait.

Should I really once again tell you that you cant get a frame out of those parts without a blueprint?
2 hours ago, Colyeses said:


Be so kind as not to retell me the PR stuff here please.

I can read it myself. And as we established here, most probably better than you do.

Edited by Volatael
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Gara's quest is delayed due to a voice actor being tied up in plains and has not been able to get the voicing recorded hence the 1 week delay on her quest being released. Do you really want the whole update delayed longer so you can get your Gara that little bit faster.

I dont see why everyone is so butthurt over waiting. Every aspect of this game is about being patient. Just proves not many people have worked that out yet i guess


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7 minutes ago, DeviantChaos said:

Gara's quest is delayed due to a voice actor being tied up in plains and has not been able to get the voicing recorded hence the 1 week delay on her quest being released. Do you really want the whole update delayed longer so you can get your Gara that little bit faster. <...>


I for one don't care about Gara delay, I care it being temporary “plat only” because that is not a player friendly business practice that I do not want to grow.

Free & plat Gara in the update - fine by me.

No Gara in the update - fine by me.  

Only plat Gara in the update - not really that fine by me.

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2 hours ago, Sarcasm4Free said:

@[DE]RebeccaWhy is there not a node in every school that increases operators Health and Armor? Why am i forced to use two specific schools to increase my surviveability (and the operators desperately need more surviveability)?

The operator stat nodes are the cross-tree nodes that you can make universal and unlockable in all other schools. There's roughly 8-10 of them, I believe, the Health and Armour nodes among them.
Regardless, Warframe is a game about grinding and collection. You should be aiming to become a master of all focus schools, and I think it's a good idea to confer a benefit/incentive for doing so, as they have done with the cross-tree nodes.


i'm pretty sure that the operator could not survive even for 2 seconds (and that results in frustration).

Operators are guaranteed to survive for 3 seconds by default so you're pretty much immediately wrong on that front; they have a 3-second invulnerability period once swapped in. You can see this even now before the update. Furthermore, while dashing or in void mode, they are both invisible and invulnerable (although your 'frame is neither), and on top of that some new nodes will have interesting functions like blinding surrounding enemies once exiting void mode.

You've gotta understand, it's pretty clear that operators were never designed with long term usage in mind. They're not made as an alternative to warframes, but to work in tandem with them, for very short bursts of time. That the update is letting you get them to a point where you CAN use them for longer does not necessarily mean that you SHOULD use them for longer.

Currently, I've found uses for them even outside of kuva grinding. I'm a very melee-oriented person, as well as a lover of channeled abilities. This makes Nullifiers a bit of a challenge for me, naturally. If I swap in Operator, however, Void Beam obliterates Nullifier bubbles in close half the time that an Operator is invulnerable for, maybe less. And at a distance, to boot, without de-activating the channeled ability. Operator is also incredibly handy for moving around quickly while using Ivara's Prowl or Nyx's Absorb-Assimilate augment - warp in, dash 1-3 times, swap out with the warframe.

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28 minutes ago, Ardhanarishvara said:

The operator stat nodes are the cross-tree nodes that you can make universal and unlockable in all other schools. There's roughly 8-10 of them,

Yeah you can unbind 2 specific skills from each school, making it 10. You can only unbind the Operator stat increase passives/Amp boosts though. 

The health increase and I think it was health regen were on Vazarin, with Zenurik getting energy pool and energy gen.

Madurai increases energy pool to use Amps/Void Beam, and also increases the regen for Amps/Void Beam.

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7 hours ago, Volatael said:


As I said before it is a highly negative president and player unfriendly move.

This month Gara will be “cash only” for a week and in a year time we will "farm" new frame parts in a paid lootboxes.

Well, I hope not, but the president of having temporary “cash only” frames is there. And that may well become a slippery slope for DE.

And I do not want that. Not one bit.

Not because I don't want to support them (I do. With Prime Accesses, Tennogen and other stuff), but because I do not support consumer unfriendly business practices.

Parts may well be, but without a blueprint (that is a quest reward) you will not be able to get the full frame.

So once again Gara will be “cash only”. Temporary. No free way to get it for a time.

And if you missed it, I consider that player unfriendly and a negative president.

You are looking way to deep into this my friend, the quest was delayed, do you really want them to postpone an entire update for another week just to have the quest in

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4 hours ago, Volatael said:

A week is “probably a week” (if you can read the original post by Rebecca). Plains update should have been launched before the end of September (according to Steve).
So no solid only a week for you. Would be nice of you not to mislead people on that, don't you think?

The opening post reads "Gara will probably be delayed by a week". NOT 'Delayed by probably a week'.

The 'probably' refers to Gara being delayed at all or not. Keep in mind that this post was made -before- PoE's release date was locked in for next week. If unforeseen circumstances forced PoE's deployment back a week, Gara would be on time, or if Gara's quest got finished faster than anticipated, it would release with PoE. Furthermore, you specifically claimed that you can't -farm- Gara, when all the farming of it (The BP isn't 'farmed', it's a 100% guaranteed drop from a quest) CAN actually be done.

AND you kicked off with 'So now you are releasing frameS', plural, when this is the first and only time that this kind of situation has arisen.

So excuse me for, after correcting your misinterpretations -twice-, getting cross with you for continuing to insist on seeing the absolute worst in this despite Rebecca's post being pretty clear cut about -what- is going on and -why-. She's doing her best to keep the community informed and you're laying into them over your misconceptions even after they're pointed out to you.

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1 hour ago, Hyro1 said:

You are looking way to deep into this my friend

Guilty as charged. :smile:

But you know what they say “Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you.”

And no I don't want the whole POE update postponed, yet it doesn't look like Gara is that vital part of it.



54 minutes ago, Colyeses said:

The opening post reads "Gara will probably be delayed by a week". NOT 'Delayed by probably a week'.

Now that is just petty.
Both statements let them postpone Gara's release for as long as they want. Changes nothing.

54 minutes ago, Colyeses said:

Furthermore, you specifically claimed that you can't -farm- Gara

You can't farm Gara (warframe), you can farm some parts you can't use.
Gara =/= some parts.
Gara = a warframe.
Do you see the difference?

54 minutes ago, Colyeses said:

AND you kicked off with 'So now you are releasing frameS', plural, when this is the first and only time that this kind of situation has arisen.

Yet. First time yet. And that was told about a concept of farming warframes as a whole. Do you understand that?

54 minutes ago, Colyeses said:

after correcting your misinterpretations -twice-,

You wasn't correcting anything, you rushed in my conversation with another person and went hogwild while having no clue what I was talking about at all and making points that miss by a mile.

My very first post here says: So now you are releasing frames for cash few weeks before they can be farmed in the game, are you?

Your answer to that is: First you're saying she won't be available at all <...>

And you still claim to correct me? Like seriously?

Sort whatever is in your head first.

Edited by Volatael
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4 hours ago, Volatael said:

Even temporary “plat only” frames are bad.

Don't be ridiculous. Warframe has always been "pay or wait". Always. Literally every frame is "temporarily plat only". The only difference is that in this case, the wait period is ten days instead of three and a half (yeah, remember the foundry?). And only for the first ten days. After that, the wait will be the same as it is for every other frame. And that's even assuming that the rest of PoE didn't also need that additional week, which we don't know. But with the exception of founder-exclusive items, no mechanically impactful content has ever been locked behind a paywall. You just have to wait if you aren't willing to pay, like always. This is not an anti-consumer practice. In fact, Warframe is easily one of the most player-friendly free-to-play games around, specifically because of this model. Everything in this game is available first to the people who support it directly, but everything that matters in actually playing the game is ultimately available to everyone. This has never changed, and there is no reason to believe it would. Even categories of content that are normally exclusively pay-only have had free items, and limited-availability items whose scarcity has driven platinum sales have been re-released (i.e. cosmetics, boosters, and event items). And that's not even considering that the ability to trade platinum with other players blurs the lines between what is pay-only and what is free content; there are a number of players who have amassed a considerable collection of plat-only items without ever having purchased platinum. To summarize:

  • "Pay or wait" is Warframe's business model. This is not new, and it applies to all content, not just Gara.
  • The "or wait" part is always an option for content that impacts the story or gameplay.
  • Gara's quest is being worked on. No "maybe".
  • None of this justifies the assumption that DE will at some point decide waiting is no longer enough to fully experience the game. That "slippery slope" is a complete fabrication on your part.
  • You can "earn" platinum from other players, and thereby support the game through playing.
  • This bears repeating: Gara will have a free way to be obtained, just like every frame that's not Excalibur Prime.
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55 minutes ago, DreamsmithJane said:

Don't be ridiculous. Warframe has always been "pay or wait". Always. Literally every frame is "temporarily plat only". The only difference is that in this case, the wait period is ten days instead of three and a half (yeah, remember the foundry?). And only for the first ten days. After that, the wait will be the same as it is for every other frame. And that's even assuming that the rest of PoE didn't also need that additional week, which we don't know. But with the exception of founder-exclusive items, no mechanically impactful content has ever been locked behind a paywall. You just have to wait if you aren't willing to pay, like always. This is not an anti-consumer practice. In fact, Warframe is easily one of the most player-friendly free-to-play games around, specifically because of this model. Everything in this game is available first to the people who support it directly, but everything that matters in actually playing the game is ultimately available to everyone. This has never changed, and there is no reason to believe it would. Even categories of content that are normally exclusively pay-only have had free items, and limited-availability items whose scarcity has driven platinum sales have been re-released (i.e. cosmetics, boosters, and event items). And that's not even considering that the ability to trade platinum with other players blurs the lines between what is pay-only and what is free content; there are a number of players who have amassed a considerable collection of plat-only items without ever having purchased platinum. To summarize:

  • "Pay or wait" is Warframe's business model. This is not new, and it applies to all content, not just Gara.
  • The "or wait" part is always an option for content that impacts the story or gameplay.
  • Gara's quest is being worked on. No "maybe".
  • None of this justifies the assumption that DE will at some point decide waiting is no longer enough to fully experience the game. That "slippery slope" is a complete fabrication on your part.
  • You can "earn" platinum from other players, and thereby support the game through playing.
  • This bears repeating: Gara will have a free way to be obtained, just like every frame that's not Excalibur Prime.

Nice to see someone making sense as opposed to all the alternative realities dreamt up by over-stimulated imaginations.

Even though I have forged over 90% of all my gear I have still managed to spend over £800 in bits and pieces. In the context of all the hours of play over the last 4 years this is incredibly cheap compared to many 'ever developing' games. It's less than one and a half pints of beer a week. Added to which we don't have to pay every time new content arrives, can't say that for many games.

I've been here since shortly after the start, hence the 'founder' status, and DE have provided an exceptional experience, not just in the content of the game but also the rich communication with the players.

Sure, there are aspects of the game I really dislike - the MR test to go from 20 to 21 which has me beat as I can only relate 'power ups' to kiddies games and nothing to do with Warframe . . .if they had taken out RNG I could have cracked it by working out a path but as it is my mind refuses to entertain it - like the 'fillers' but there are many who enjoy them so they have a place. For me the main theme of the game still brings me back on a regular basis and if I am reading it correctly the new frame will be 'quest providing parts'.

I made a mistake on a previous one when out of pure laziness I bought the frame and then soloed all missions, getting a part with each one, so wasted the plats.

I mention this because if I can make the mistake so can others.

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9 hours ago, Volatael said:


As I said before it is a highly negative president and player unfriendly move.

This month Gara will be “cash only” for a week and in a year time we will "farm" new frame parts in a paid lootboxes.

Well, I hope not, but the president of having temporary “cash only” frames is there. And that may well become a slippery slope for DE.

And I do not want that. Not one bit.

Not because I don't want to support them (I do. With Prime Accesses, Tennogen and other stuff), but because I do not support consumer unfriendly business practices.

Parts may well be, but without a blueprint (that is a quest reward) you will not be able to get the full frame.

So once again Gara will be “cash only”. Temporary. No free way to get it for a time.

And if you missed it, I consider that player unfriendly and a negative president.

Farming for parts can easily exceed release date of Bp.

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