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What would you do to defeat a full warframe squad as grineer/corpus commander?


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Oh my, Steel Meridian/ Perrin Sequence is offering me 10x my current salary.


More like 0.01x, but fight Tenno? Nope. Legend has it a fully equipped squad has enough salt to win the Old War.


Edit: or just use those spawn camping broken light traps. Even valkyrs and harrows are useless if they die before the grate touches the ground. And don't tell me that it's limited to Grineer, if the Corpus can't break lights on their ships I wonder why they bother with researxg when they can just arm themselves with indestructible lights.

Edited by jwya
Broken lightz hurr hurr
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Take off my Mask/Helmet, and offer it to them.  "Now hold on a moment, Tenno.  I can offer you this one-of-a-kind exclusive armor piece with which to decorate yourself, and all you have to do is turn around and wipe out that <Opposing Faction> outpost on your way home."  Yeah, you'd think they could just pick up one from the ten thousand they've already killed, but they can't.  It seems they need someone to give one to them so they can use it.

Once they're gone, make a business selling Tenno whatever random crap I find around the ship as "armor" and "decorations," and become a bazillionaire.  And then finally, go to one of Baro's parties.

"Uh, are you sure this is an exclusive helmet?  It kinda looks like you stuck an empty barrel on my head."  "Of course I'm sure, this is an exclusive time-limited original piece priced at eleventy trillion credits, but I'm willing to sell it to you for a mere eleventy million."  "I'LL TAKE FIFTY"

...Aaaaand now I actually want a bunch of armor pieces that are just random crap duct-taped to the warframe.  I just envisioned a MOA with one foot stuck to the back of a Frame's neck as a "syndana," acting very confused as to how it got there.

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39 minutes ago, Vox_Preliator said:

Take off my Mask/Helmet, and offer it to them.  "Now hold on a moment, Tenno.  I can offer you this one-of-a-kind exclusive armor piece with which to decorate yourself, and all you have to do is turn around and wipe out that <Opposing Faction> outpost on your way home."  Yeah, you'd think they could just pick up one from the ten thousand they've already killed, but they can't.  It seems they need someone to give one to them so they can use it.

Once they're gone, make a business selling Tenno whatever random crap I find around the ship as "armor" and "decorations," and become a bazillionaire.  And then finally, go to one of Baro's parties.

"Uh, are you sure this is an exclusive helmet?  It kinda looks like you stuck an empty barrel on my head."  "Of course I'm sure, this is an exclusive time-limited original piece priced at eleventy trillion credits, but I'm willing to sell it to you for a mere eleventy million."  "I'LL TAKE FIFTY"

...Aaaaand now I actually want a bunch of armor pieces that are just random crap duct-taped to the warframe.  I just envisioned a MOA with one foot stuck to the back of a Frame's neck as a "syndana," acting very confused as to how it got there.

The market has a shoulder armor attachment made from a Grineer helmet, complete with duct tape.

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15 hours ago, exHFerBD said:

I know all of a sudden the game becomes unfair right? Just like survival missions killing life support sounds a good idea but before that you should definitely destroy the spaceship warframe uses to extract.

What would you try to do? 

A new idea: Sortie spy vaults with a 5 second timer

^ This.  

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Just make sure all your troops consistently say this:

"Wow, what an ugly color scheme, do you need some suggestions?"

You'll probably still fail to stop the tenno in that mission, but you've spared your fellow Grineer/Corpus for several hours after the Tenno return to their ship and hopelessly try to find a new set of colors to meet their fashionframe needs.

Edited by Beartornado
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7 minutes ago, UltraGreedier said:

I don't know but the enemy scaling makes it seem like those guys actually have wayy better armor and genetic engineering than us. I mean if we remove the "gamey" elements of revival by teammates then a lot of tenno's are actually killed every day in missions.

The scaling enemies is also a gamey element. Revival makes some sense and is even acknowledged by NPC's. Defection targets when revived sometimes remark "How you do that?" or "Is that magic?" Reviving is freaky and near-magic, but it makes sense. Scaling enemies however does not. 

Personally, I'd throw every trooper and unit I have at them while trying to lock down as much of the ship/outpost as I can. At a certain point when it is absolutely clear that my remaining forces are not enough to kill the Tenno by force, I'll pull back those not fighting and proceed to engage full lockdown throughout the entire facility and also cut power completely to the sections the Tenno are in. Life support, gravity, lights, doors. Everything. Hopefully, this will completely vault them into their little sections. Even the doors they used to get in will be inoperable when there is no power. 

I'd then contact someone MUCH higher up the ladder then me and let them know that I have four very powerful Tenno locked up in my ship and that I need help. 

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Because enemy scaling is there in every game. Almost unlimited revival is not. Warframe has bad scaling but enemy scaling is a must, because the weapons themselves are designed to deal w that. If we also remove the other gamey elements of our own weapon damage scaling so much (because every weapon with self damage can almost one shot warframes in higher levels), Tenno will still die a lot. What i mean is "we" actually fall a lot in battles, we just get right back up. We as in players don't die because it's an online game and when we fail a mission we just restart, not reload. If "storywise" every failed mission is a death i wonder how many tenno's would be left.

(in hijack missions iirc when we fail the Lotus says sth like "im sorry there is nothing i can do for you") 

yea you r right that even the NPC's acknowledge that. So it is not that those enemies cannot bring us down; even if they managed to we would burst back to life, even if they managed to kill us we would magically appear ten minutes later.

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Corpus: isolator and denial bursa. The drover is not cost effective. Support them with sapper mine osprey when they drag the tenno closer, and take the nullifier backpacks off the sniper crewman and give it to the techs, giving the sniper crewman the deployable drones and putting him in a sniper tower and off the ground, not charging straight at them. Swarm tenno with shockwave moas.

Grineer: sacrifice melee units and lancers to tenno to lure tenno into a false sense of security, leading them to a room with only one entrance surrounded by turrets, napalms and bombards. Surround the entrance to the room with scorpions and heavy gunners. Lay fire onto that door until nothing moves. The severe lack of any void ability canceling technology would require i beg and plead for the redeployment of nervos gear. We would hold until the last man.

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The problem with this hypothetical scenario is that there's really no way to effectively fight a Tenno, or Tenno cell. They ALWAYS look for the weakest point in your defenses and intrude there, penetrating past multiple redundant layers of security before revealing themselves to your forces, and usually by the time any Grineer/Corpus unit is able to put an alert and request for reinforcements out, the Tenno have already completed their work and are gone.

That's just how the Tenno operate. They're the ultimate strike force--stealthy, extremely powerful, and faster than anyone else can react.

While the Grineer rely heavily upon numbers for their security, strategy fails them, and it's far too easy for these massive armies to be detected and avoided.

The Corpus might have superior Tech at their disposal, and more intelligent machines to rely on, but they are still outmaneuvered and subverted by the Tenno operatives.

The greatest enemies of the Tenno are time and numbers--for the longer they remain behind enemy lines, the more powerful and numerous reinforcements will show up to pacify them. It's difficult for a lone Tenno or a small cell to hold their own against the proper front line veteran forces of either major army--Grineer or Corpus. If they were to try and stay to contest such threats, they would likely perish shortly after.

A greater threat, perhaps, would be if the Grineer and Corpus were to make a lasting pact and band together to wipe out the Tenno, followed by the Infestation and finally the slowly resurfacing Sentient forces. I believe that outcome would be within the realm of possibility if the best-equipped and best-trained parts of their forces weren't constantly at odds with each other.

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Corpus: A legion of Eximus Nullies, Combas and Scrambus combined with a Tech army, all huddled inside the bubbles of course. Throw in some sapper ospreys for good measure.

Grineer: Set up an ambush of Napalms, Bombards and Noxes... and four Commanders. Wait for Tenno to get in range, don't even need line of sight, switch teleport -> Profit

...Or, y'know, just bait the Tenno into a dead end room and shut down power to the door. For all their destructiveness they just can't seem to so much as dent the ship itself.

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