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When DE took away void keys and replaced it with relics, I was like "Ok, guess this'll take some getting used to" and I did just that. But, to this day, getting all 10 reactants is just WAY to overboard. A lot of times, a player cannot get all of  his/her reactants because A) If it's a defense, someone is killing the enemies too quick B) He/she joins late C) If it's a Survival or Exavation, everyone almost always spreads out, killing enemies all over the map, causing everyone to scramble and struggle to get their reactants. It's just a mess and I think DE should make an update that just takes away reactants, it would make getting prime parts quicker and easier. So DE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read this and take away reactants or make a better alternative.

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Blanket statements and straw mans.

If you can't be bothered to speak with your team about the issues of Banshee yodeling to much or people spreading to far out during survivals, the issue is with the communication, not with the system itself.

I can't argue that Excavation fissures are extremely annoying, but I am pretty sure there is a way to deal with them.

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This game should not cater to automatons... You should be putting in at least a little thought to the mission you're doing, yes it's irritating when a bloody Banshee is killing everything before it really spawns and you don't get 10 reactant, it's a problem, and as a game it's your task to work around/resolve that problem, not go running to the forums asking for changes to the game so you can play in a semi-conscious state.


And as for you wanting Prime Parts to be quicker and easier, I feel you're not really understanding the purpose of the fissures... Prime Parts should be harder to get IMHO, Seen a MR 2 running around in a Prime the other day...  I personally think all Primes should be Mastery locked to 10+, half of them are easier to get than their non-prime variant. Which is kinda silly...

Edited by Carnage2K4
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Hm, odd.  I run PUG's most of the time and have never been in a position where I was short on Reactants nor where the team didn't pull together to help get the last few I, or someone else, needed.

I strongly suggest you talk to your team, politely, and see if that improves your situation.

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Well, exterminates had an issue early on, since it was possible to not gain enough reactants and changes were made to allow for a higher frequency of reactant drops.

So, I'd hope that this could be possible in other Fissure mission types, as I've been reading that missions like Interception can have spawns be too slow like when solo and would need to allow the enemy to capture points to even be able to collect 10 traces.

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1 hour ago, KurryB said:

10 reactant is literally nothing. If someone is killing things too fast in defense (ember?) tell them not to. Talk to your team. 

hard to do that if they just there to troll or dont want to listen to some random in a mission.

1 hour ago, Miser_able said:

Reactant is there to prevent leaches, and it does a good job, so I say it stays. 

ya prevents leachers from getting free stuff but also with how alot of players dont oftenw ant to work as a group an end up with afew short cause killing to fast or spread out too far making it hard to get to them when your on a time limit.

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I honestly think there should be a sprucing up of the reactant system- make it so you never know how it's going to work for the next mission. One run you'll be picking it off the ground just like the current style, next run it could be that you have to stay inside a reactant cloud in order to condense the vapors into collectible reactant.

To me, the current mode just seems like a condition to navigate through as opposed to an interesting and thoughtful mechanic. Random reactant styles would keep you on your toes, not to mention giving the flowery space lady some truly meaningful dialogue that's actually worth listening to.

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37 minutes ago, (Xbox One)ShadowBlood89 said:

hard to do that if they just there to troll or dont want to listen to some random in a mission.

ya prevents leachers from getting free stuff but also with how alot of players dont oftenw ant to work as a group an end up with afew short cause killing to fast or spread out too far making it hard to get to them when your on a time limit.

Idk the situation on XBone so I can't comment on that directly but on PC I cannot remember a time when people didn't listen/help out in a fissure mission. After all, it benefits them too if you all crack your relics.

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15 hours ago, xXDeadsinxX said:

The system is fine the way it is. It currently does not need a change, at all.

The system is very much NOT fine the way it is.

First, Reactant adds nothing to the game but tedium. Collecting it doesn't require game play. It's just time wasted walking around.

Second, late joiners don't always get enough.

Third, it interferes with life support and excavator energy spawns.

The game would literally be BETTER without Reactant. It's just a time sink to artificially increase play times in the already too repetitive Fissure missions.

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21 hours ago, Carnage2K4 said:

This game should not cater to automatons... You should be putting in at least a little thought to the mission you're doing, yes it's irritating when a bloody Banshee is killing everything before it really spawns and you don't get 10 reactant, it's a problem, and as a game it's your task to work around/resolve that problem, not go running to the forums asking for changes to the game so you can play in a semi-conscious state.


And as for you wanting Prime Parts to be quicker and easier, I feel you're not really understanding the purpose of the fissures... Prime Parts should be harder to get IMHO, Seen a MR 2 running around in a Prime the other day...  I personally think all Primes should be Mastery locked to 10+, half of them are easier to get than their non-prime variant. Which is kinda silly...

Mr2? How did they even get to axi to complete the set?

He could be trading or someone give him the set and not related to void fissures.

When I started I bought the nekros (best set ever) bundles and oh boy an mr1 brandishing a galatine and tigris prime will ruin your day. It actually ruined my noob time as I am overpowered, then with plat I was able to buy all the required mods, prime and vault mods. 

Back on topic, relics are fine, the game seems to give you more relics when you come late but not too late at least half of the time given you are good. Communicate ask where the void opens, ask to wait in extractors, if no one cooperates leave and hope the next team is more organized. I have been openning my relics and more often than not I have completed my reactants.

I just wished reactants are vacuumable though. 

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