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New Focus System Feedback


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People play your game and pay to play it to play heroic space ninjas.

Here's feedback on how to change the focus system.

1. REVERT the change and start from scratch.

2. Apply measured nerfs to overperforming abilities, don't just REMOVE things. For just one example, Shadow Step could be an -evasion- buff instead of pure invisibility, OR it could be of shorter duration, OR it could be broken by nullifier bubbles or any of the many aoe effects among enemies OR it could reduce outgoing damage by X% Took me all of 1 minute to think of those changes that are already mechanics in the game. 

3. If you simply must continue to force operator mode on players, then ADD such nodes within the preexisting trees so that players have a CHOICE in how to play the base game.

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18 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

People spent money to farm for a resource with a big old BETA sign on it? This is DE's fault?

Oh yeah, one of my favorite WK bromides in this game, "but... but... it's beta!" Do you fall for the "it's a feature, not a bug" from software publishers too? Wanna buy a bridge?

News for you, it's not "beta" after two years, no matter how you try to rationalize it. But you know, why not say it's "alpha" and we are all playtesting? Or say it's a wheel of green cheese or a football bat for that matter?

Software -stops- being beta when they start -selling- it to the -public- on a daily basis under whatever business model.

Edited by Buttaface
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I, being an old Zenurik lover, have found that my entire playstyle has been bricked. I can't cast, I cant really utilize the warframe for what it was meant to do without standing around and waiting on pads. To that, I don't really want to have to spend half my gaming experience farming the same rounds for crafting mats to make the pads. My thoughts, at least for Zenurik/energy as a whole is if archwings have the inate ability to generate energy... why don't warframes? Sure there's always energy siphon.. the whopping 0.6 regen that it gives but let's be serious. If you're anywhere over level 80, you tanks need to be casting their buffs. They cant anymore, at least I don't find myself being able to. My Chroma, and a fair chunk of every other frame out there, is now completely pointless and he was my solo play go to guy. Between everything that can drain and outright empty your energy we NEED something for that regnerates it. DE, we know you do community feedback, we know you love this player base. Please bring back constant energy regen.

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Everyone just play Limbo. Infinite energy. What are mechanics? 100% success at every mode. 100% head shot kill ratio. Land 21 head shots at the press of a button (my current record). Play Limbo tag and get each other killed for giggles but thats ok because it only takes 1 Limbo to complete half the raids.


Built with an in-game pause button and god mode JOIN TODAY!


Also very photo-fabulous! 


No sandwiches though only golden brown juicy fried chicken.

Edited by (PS4)psycofang
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What most people dont seem to mention is a whole different aspect; its not endgame viable in the slightest. Most of these skills do hundreds of damage, HUNDREDS! thats fine if you stay in the rookie lvl 20-30 range. But go above 60, or even in sorties where enemies have tens of thousands of HP. Makes operator completely useless and a one shot kill for them. On top of that the Zenurik energy regen sucks now. I DONT wanna have to use my stupid operator every few seconds just to get some energy. And the passive? 50% over 5 seconds, on regular energy pickups thats 12.5 energy over 5 seconds, in other words; nothing. Oh yeah, and RIP naramon melee invisibility

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The removal of all the passives was a huge mistake. They let the system stay in palce too long for them to take away those things becuase people have made ENTIRE PLAYSTYLES and complete builds around using them. Yeah this is a game changing update... for the worse. Bring back the passives and make them unlockable for all schools with their "shards". Those passives are what made Warframe what it is today. Otherwise this is just CoD with different costumes.


*edited for some grammar*

Edited by James_Rustler
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Deal with it. Change happens. Or, instead of throwing a tantrum, try being actually constructive and suggesting a reasonable change that satisfies the new focus system and your wants and needs.

Notice how reasonable was bold, italics and underlined? That's because there's an emphasis on it.

Alternatively, you could quit. Seems like you're rather rude anyways.

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I've spent a bit on lens for vazarin.  I did this for the utility of healing myself and group.  I was told beta and rework.  I wasn't told it would be scrapped and replaced with something that doesn't resemble what I invested in.

DE should give us tokens for our lens and let us trade them for new lens of whatever school we want now.  Or refund us the platinum that we spent on lens.  Also the previously gained focus should go to a universal pool to be distributed at will.


I paid platinum for lens that I wouldn't have on this new focus 2.0.

Edited by GRider
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I was expecting to at least be able to max the energy zone dash in Zenurik when it went live, but the costs were set in such a way that only the people who kept farming focus long after they unlocked the useful nodes in the old system had a meaningful headstart. The rest of us who stopped bothering to put lenses on things a long time ago and hadn't farmed focus since draco was nerfed are more or less at the very start of a very long new grind even if we've been playing since focus 1.0 came out. Pretty disappointed in that aspect of it. I put one point in the main ability and got I think 3 in dash. That was all I could afford. The game also really doesn't guide you to the NPC you have to talk to to be able to spend focus in the first place, which seems odd. 

I also am not a fan of the zenurik dash mechanic. It does not make for interesting gameplay. Refreshing a 20-30 second buff it not fun or amusing at all, as many of us suspected when it was revealed. Didn't play long since everything was so buggy and I just finished downloading it late at night, but I really hope they just make the buff last until you die or something. It's just not fun constantly swapping to operator. There's no reason to make people do that. 

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Just now, Buttaface said:

I tend to agree, sadly. It's why I haven't given them any money in over a year and have played and paid quite a bit for other games instead during that time. I would wager there are thousands in the same position who saw the handwriting on the wall after the initial "star child abuse survivor" side game was forced on the players. 

But that's -exactly- how they position the game in the marketing and in the early game, or at least it's not unreasonable to expect a tactical squad-based space shooter hybrid from the marketing and hype. They certainly don't attempt to sell the game with archwing (ROFL as if), the "star child abuse survivor" or any of the other console type side games players are forced into to progress.

I barely ever see any marketing for this game, and I haven't played the early game in so long (I started when mirage was added) that I can't remember how this game initially presents itself. However, I think once a new player goes into basically ANY public match, they would pretty quickly see that this is not tactical.

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3 minutes ago, Somb3rBivalve said:

 However, I think once a new player goes into basically ANY public match, they would pretty quickly see that this is not tactical.

Or they think they are in the new player area of a game that could end up being any type of game. I have made claims and points about the tactical v console/level aspects of this game in prior posts and stand on those.

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Honestly I would like a base 1-2 energy regen per second, but only if Power Efficiency is nerfed to have linear gains like the other 3 power stats instead of exponential, or removed entirely.

Pizzas should also be tweaked to grant less energy per pulse but faster pulses (instead of 100 every 7s, 30 every 2s for example).

DE makes the new content a sidegame out of the Warframes reach because we are just too overpowered in our warframes for them to make any fair and reasonable challenge.

If you are ok with nerfing power spam (EV, Harrow to a degree, pizzas, arcane energize, Power Efficiency, Rage) as well as mass CC (adding a finite number of enemies that can be affected and making said value scale off Power Strength is a good way to do so) then DE may be able to do actual challenges that don't require any "sidegame" element and just use the warframe and our guns, or rely on broken lvl inflation full of oneshot-capable bulletsponges or nigh unavoidable power denials

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In really many years of gaming, every time I saw changing a tree skills / abilities, or the specialization / profession choice, by an online game publisher, I've also seen allowing players the opportunity to review / repeat their own choices.

Whether it was a timely item to the players, a reset for everyone, the possibility of redeeming, at least, some of the work done, to move it elsewhere, the systems adopted were different, but the substance was the same: we changed the cards on the table you can choose again.

In Warframe we have returned the lenses, to give us the time to evaluate and choose again, well, they agree that a new system requires new decisions, but there are no unlocked / returned focus points, who remain constrained to the school for which they have been accumulated.

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On 10/13/2017 at 6:58 PM, SolaryaNDR113 said:

In really many years of gaming, every time I saw changing a tree skills / abilities, or the specialization / profession choice, by an online game publisher, I've also seen allowing players the opportunity to review / repeat their own choices.

Whether it was a timely item to the players, a reset for everyone, the possibility of redeeming, at least, some of the work done, to move it elsewhere, the systems adopted were different, but the substance was the same: we changed the cards on the table you can choose again.

In Warframe we have returned the lenses, to give us the time to evaluate and choose again, well, they agree that a new system requires new decisions, but there are no unlocked / returned focus points, who remain constrained to the school for which they have been accumulated.

Dunno about you, but I chose Naramon for it's theme rather than it's power back then, I stuck to Naramon because of theme and not because of power (even if the power didn't really fit the theme). I'm still on Naramon because of it's theme, and it's actually good and fits better than before.

IF other players had done the same, that is sticking to something you think it's cool, not something that it's powerful, then we wouldn't have this perceived issue. I know diehard Vazarin and Unairu players who stuck to their Focus choices regardless of how bad they were, and they are not mad the game refunded the points to the school the chose.

And I've seen other games where you have jacksquat of options, no refunds, no respec, nothing. Path of Exile being a really good game notorious for this, meaning you either stick to your weakened character or level a new one.

What DE did was refund your points and lenses so you can sort of choose again where to put the lenses, but they kept the points on their respective schools so the Player past choices didn't become pointless. They are respecting your choices. Now you have to deal with them.

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4 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:

They are respecting your choices. Now you have to deal with them.

My choices were made based on a menu that was substantially changed.
There is no respect in not allow me to review my choices in my turn.
This is also in the publisher's intentions, respect the player and the time he invested in his game, and in fact return the lenses for a new assignment but not the points, leaving the job, in my opinion, halfway.

And I do not care if there are worse cases, I wish the best not the worst.
The invitation to accept things as they are, take or leave, it is in my opinion out of the terms of the discussion.
Each of us knows how to deal with a game.

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20 minutes ago, SolaryaNDR113 said:

My choices were made based on a menu that was substantially changed.
There is no respect in not allow me to review my choices in my turn.
This is also in the publisher's intentions, respect the player and the time he invested in his game, and in fact return the lenses for a new assignment but not the points, leaving the job, in my opinion, halfway.

And I do not care if there are worse cases, I wish the best not the worst.
The invitation to accept things as they are, take or leave, it is in my opinion out of the terms of the discussion.
Each of us knows how to deal with a game.

I'm not saying you shouldn't review and speak your mind about the change. By all means do it. I'm pointing out that DE didn't put a gun to your head and told you to pick Zenurik or Naramon. So if you are stuck with a Focus school you don't like in it's current form, you should have paid attention to the big beta sign on it and expect changes, ranging from small tweaks to huge buffs/nerfs, and not to build your playstyle around an unfinished and placeholder game system. Which is what many did and now they are facing the consequences. It's like a 35yo woman who used to be gorgeous in her 20s and became complacent, thinking that her privileges that came from her beauty would last forever and now cannot accept she has hit the wall and no longer has any power.

The point is, complain all you want, point all the flaws the system has, but remember that you are the one who built a 10 floors building on shaky ground.

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Too many comments and not enough time to see if this has been said, but simplest solution is to make focus similar to arsenal. Select Mode featuring warframe buff abilities for missions only, or mode featuring operator focus where it is the same as is right now and applies only to Cetus.

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1 minute ago, Nazrethim said:

The point is, complain all you want, point all the flaws the system has, but remember that you are the one who built a 10 floors building on shaky ground.

I am talking about that they promised a reset and this is not it. Period.

You are trying to dispute why I do it, but you do not know my playstyle or my choices, then this is pointless.

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