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2400 hours in, can't finish any of the bounties.


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I always fail for one reason or another, besides the bugs where an enemy or a cache (or all three) refuse to spawn at all, I often get stunlocked by several of the airborne enemies raining cancer and aids on my poor butt. Either I completely suck at this game, or something (things) needs to change.

Also, it took me 40 shots of an almost fully modded Tigris Prime to take down a 40-level dropship, is this even normal?

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See my larger post, but: horde mode damage output and TTK aren't scaling well on the Open World map.

Enemy levels need to be lower in the open world. What was a joke in tight quarters with infinite CC is a death sentence on the Plains.

Level 30-40 is HARD out there. 

Lowering levels is a quick, temp fix, but that's what is needed for now.

Edited by BlackCoMerc
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12 minutes ago, Praxxor said:

I always fail for one reason or another, besides the bugs where an enemy or a cache (or all three) refuse to spawn at all, I often get stunlocked by several of the airborne enemies raining cancer and aids on my poor butt. Either I completely suck at this game, or something (things) needs to change.

Also, it took me 40 shots of an almost fully modded Tigris Prime to take down a 40-level dropship, is this even normal?

Game needs tweaks and bug fixes, but please don't cry for nerfs.
Also, Tigris is a shotgun, and shotguns are meant for short ranges....

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57 minutes ago, NeoAwaker said:

Game needs tweaks and bug fixes, but please don't cry for nerfs.
Also, Tigris is a shotgun, and shotguns are meant for short ranges....

At most you lose 50% of your damage because of fall-off. 20 shots of Tigris to destroy a non-boss enemy that spawns VERY frequently is a joke.

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4 minutes ago, Praxxor said:

At most you lose 50% of your damage because of fall-off. 20 shots of Tigris to destroy a non-boss enemy that spawns VERY frequently is a joke.

Non-boss enemy with two big &#! guns that shred your warframe in a heart beat.

Cool drop ship, but I need to be able to shoot the dropship anywhere I want to disable those guns, not bring a precision instrument and try to hit something the size of a lancer 150m out while it pummels me like I'm within spitting distance.

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9 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

No mention of the turrets that have no indication on the mini map and radar?

I actually didn't have a problem with those, the mortars are easy to spot (and dodge) by trajectory, the other turrets will knock you back to oblivion so if you survive you only have to go back the other way. But, yeah, they definitely should appear on the radar.

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Started one of those ~lvl40 bounties with Equinox (thought difficulty being samey as in normal missions, stupid me)...barely made it through and used all my revives.

Every death was from somewhere, no idea, didn't see any enemies anywhere close but went down instantly -__________-

Was some sort of exploding stuff, so probably one of those drop ships :/


In non-plains missions, lvl40s are not this hard.

Also it was so much fun to trek back to gate from far side of map with last life to not lose all the stuff gotten along the way...

Bounties being divided into multiple parts doesn't help either, was lucky though as none were that escort type.

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3 minutes ago, Praxxor said:

I actually didn't have a problem with those, the mortars are easy to spot (and dodge) by trajectory, the other turrets will knock you back to oblivion so if you survive you only have to go back the other way. But, yeah, they definitely should appear on the radar.

No argue, the turrets are easy to deal with.

The turrets during Escort with back up from the flying enemies, snipers and even rollers - this is when those became overkill.


Just now, hr18 said:

Was some sort of exploding stuff, so probably one of those drop ships :/


Exactly the turrets. 

Edited by phoenix1992
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I totally agree. Too much is happening at once with no cover and no way of spotting the threats. The grass is too tall I can't see a thing on this map. I can't hear where the enemy is because of the constant drop ship buzzing mortar noises and thud thud thud of more drop pods, Nox, jet pack dudes and many other things from all directions.

They need to shorten the vegitation height by half. Reduce the spawn rate of air units by half and they see how this plays out.

The mob lvls are fine but those air units are invincible and noisy and kill you quick.

Edited by Foxbat40
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1 hour ago, BornWithTeeth said:

Yeah, I encountered some issues with mortar turrets and invincible dropships.


Then I was all like "Oh. Oh, I see how it is. Yeah, ok," and then I brought in Mesa and every problem within five hundred yards went away.

Huh? Strange. My mesa refused to target the dropships and turrets. WTF

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8 minutes ago, Praxxor said:

YEEEAAAH I'm gonna pass on further humiliating myself before they tweak some stuff, thanks.

Look mate, let me level with you.

Bounties are currently not tuned for solo play. You just lack the arsenal to dispatch the masses of enemies while protecting objectives and yourself. Today the matchmaking works, use it.

If you are hellbent on solo - Titania and Inaros seem to be doing decent due to opposite reasons. Titania can deal with any airborne enemy while dodging fire and providing Riffle (instead of your usual loadout which can be sniper) and Inaros can face tank.

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melee only player was shocked that taken down a flying ship was part of the bounty.

gonna try again until they put extraction back.


Bounties are currently not tuned for solo play

but you can only solo unless you invite someone, or its fixed?

Edited by djtotato
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25 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

Look mate, let me level with you.

Bounties are currently not tuned for solo play. You just lack the arsenal to dispatch the masses of enemies while protecting objectives and yourself. Today the matchmaking works, use it.

If you are hellbent on solo - Titania and Inaros seem to be doing decent due to opposite reasons. Titania can deal with any airborne enemy while dodging fire and providing Riffle (instead of your usual loadout which can be sniper) and Inaros can face tank.

I've had a fair amount of luck with Nidus in the face tanking department for PoE so far.

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32 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

Look mate, let me level with you.

Bounties are currently not tuned for solo play. You just lack the arsenal to dispatch the masses of enemies while protecting objectives and yourself. Today the matchmaking works, use it.

If you are hellbent on solo - Titania and Inaros seem to be doing decent due to opposite reasons. Titania can deal with any airborne enemy while dodging fire and providing Riffle (instead of your usual loadout which can be sniper) and Inaros can face tank.


I don't really have a problem with facetanking with most frames tbh, my Furis gives me like 2k HP per second lol. The problem is when I'm just unable to do the objective in time. One of the bounties I tried asked me to find a cache and exterminate 25 enemies at the same time, (first the cache mission appeared, then it disappeared and an extermination appeared). The problem was that only like 10 enemies spawned in the circle, and I failed the bounty before the extermination timer was expired, which means that the cache timer was probably still on-going.

Another loss was because only 1 cache spawned instead of 3 (I checked EVERYTHING in the area).

Another one was when I was asked to control an area and I was quite literally stunlocked by Ogmas.

Also once I just entered the objective area and instafailed.

tl;dr F*** this, F*** me, F*** Ogmas.

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4 hours ago, Praxxor said:

I always fail for one reason or another, besides the bugs where an enemy or a cache (or all three) refuse to spawn at all, I often get stunlocked by several of the airborne enemies raining cancer and aids on my poor butt. Either I completely suck at this game, or something (things) needs to change.

Also, it took me 40 shots of an almost fully modded Tigris Prime to take down a 40-level dropship, is this even normal?

Seems like they should scale certain weapons to work more efficiently against such targets. I don't think a shotgun should be able to take out a dropship. An Ogris? I'd love to see DE implement that kind of logic. Force us to diversify and bring a sensible weapon for the right job.

Not to punish us for using our favorite weapons, mind you.

I admit that the Ogris is one of my favorite weapons, though. (So is the Sancti Tigris.)

Just random thoughts.

Edited by Rhekemi
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