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Mastery rank 9 test making me quit Warframe


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Just pretend you’re Batman. 😂 . If rank 9 is hard then you have no chance for the other stealth tests to come. Trust me I’m a MR25 and I didnt have any stealth frame nor weapons/mods. So I had to do the stealth the old fashion ninja Batman way. Completed it on my first try BTW. 

Also using silent weapons from a distance works pretty well. Part of leveling up involves using every weapon and warframe to the max. Also don’t worry. If you level up many other weapons and frames the XP adds to the next MR so you are not wasting XP, if it helps. You can go to a relay and go to the sanctuary in the relay and practice those MR tests as much as you want until you are confident that you can beat them. 

Plus if you can pass these tests, then you can handle anything DE throws at you in warframe. A lot of new players(noobs) tend to have issues and DE can’t just make everything easier for you. Part of every game is to learn, evolve, and get better. Can’t do that if you’re given a hall pass to skip it all. 

Speaking of hall passes, I helped a guy I know skip across the solar system and he eventually got bored of the game even though he completely sucks at the game. Barely remember the names of the warframe or their abilities. So yeah, if DE makes the game easier for you, they are gonna make it boring for everybody else. 

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On 2017-10-14 at 8:36 AM, BUAHAHAHAHA said:

It hardly matters above mr 12, below 12 it blocks weapons. Yes you can use other weapons but its just that itch that wont stop.

MR16 is what you need to use everrything in game. 14 is the high for weapons and 16 is for rivens. 

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  • 2 months later...

Just cause its necro'd doesn't mean its not worth talking about.  (I don't think looking 100 different threads will help anything.)

Annoying tests are useful in that they are causing people to look up and learn how to solve the missions.  Buuut... I'm also learning how to solve this style of mission.  A lesser known fact is that many players will complain about tests that aren't suited to their play style.  So learning about it is a good thing.

I'll be taking this test later today, and I really really dislike Spy missions.  I don't want to cheese it, but I have learned how I can cheese future Spy missions, which may make my life easier.

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4 minutes ago, TheUHF said:

Just cause its necro'd doesn't mean its not worth talking about.  (I don't think looking 100 different threads will help anything.)

Annoying tests are useful in that they are causing people to look up and learn how to solve the missions.  Buuut... I'm also learning how to solve this style of mission.  A lesser known fact is that many players will complain about tests that aren't suited to their play style.  So learning about it is a good thing.

I'll be taking this test later today, and I really really dislike Spy missions.  I don't want to cheese it, but I have learned how I can cheese future Spy missions, which may make my life easier.

Just use the Rakta Dark Dagger + Enemy detection.

Ez Mr Mission. Seriously, that thing helped me not get detected multiple times from a distance.

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This Test?

I hope this will help you and all others!Btw type in MR test on Youtube and all your problems are solved.........i wonder why ppl cant find that out for themself???

Edited by Croise
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I sympathize with the OP.  I have temporarily quit a few times over mastery rank tests.  Oddly, I had no problem with MR 9.   I have problems with the parkour ones, like, I think, MR 8.  

That said, I have never not eventually got through them.  You just need to remember that not every challenge should be a breeze.  Also, Mastery Rank does not make a whole lot of difference to gameplay and you continue to earn MR even if you cannot pass the test.  Once or twice I passed one test to find I immediately qualified for the next.  

It is damn frustrating though, particularly the ones that require near perfect precision.  

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7 hours ago, TheUHF said:

Just cause its necro'd doesn't mean its not worth talking about.  (I don't think looking 100 different threads will help anything.)

Annoying tests are useful in that they are causing people to look up and learn how to solve the missions.  Buuut... I'm also learning how to solve this style of mission.  A lesser known fact is that many players will complain about tests that aren't suited to their play style.  So learning about it is a good thing.

I'll be taking this test later today, and I really really dislike Spy missions.  I don't want to cheese it, but I have learned how I can cheese future Spy missions, which may make my life easier.

It's from last year, the Mastery Tests have been reworked, changed and updated since last year.

This is like commenting on how bad Super Jump and Bullet Attractor are, its no longer valid because so much has changed. 

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Its melee only right? Equip enemy radar mods, and use a melee zaw with exodia contagion doesnt matter what rank, now you can snipe all the enemies from a distance, thats how i did it


Thats how i did rank 19 test

9 should have warframe abilities but not much energy so a stealth frame should work

Edited by (PS4)Schobii564
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  • 2 weeks later...

Just get a nikana with blind justice and a frame that moves fast.


Blind justice lets you go invisible after every stealth kill. Therefore you can just run around invisible for short periods of time... Like Ash!

A skiajati build i used ( i know it's bad.)


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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't know about OP but If I'll fail it one more time I will throw that game as far as I can. It's unbelievable ridiculous to wait 24 hours till next try. Seriously, that's a most stupid game design decision I've ever seen. I just don't want to play anymore.

Edited by CaptIISilveR
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Am 23.7.2018 um 11:09 schrieb Evarix_:

Just get a nikana with blind justice and a frame that moves fast.


Blind justice lets you go invisible after every stealth kill. Therefore you can just run around invisible for short periods of time... Like Ash!

A skiajati build i used ( i know it's bad.)


No Blind Justice doenst make you invis its the Skiajati that has this effect

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10 hours ago, CaptIISilveR said:

I don't know about OP but If I'll fail it one more time I will throw that game as far as I can. It's unbelievable ridiculous to wait 24 hours till next try. Seriously, that's a most stupid game design decision I've ever seen. I just don't want to play anymore.

This is a patience test. And you have failed, Tenno :lotus:

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13 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

And what did you just done here,eh?

I didn’t necro - I responded to a necro.

Necroposting is roughly a week from the last post, and mine was within a few hours of the one before.

So I didn’t necro - the users who posted 21 hours ago and ‘yesterday at 05:44am’ did.

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