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The proposed log-in reward changes are frustrating and dissapointing


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All I know is that I supported this game because it was a very fair f2p model that didn't have excessive barriers to entry. If there was a frame that caught your fancy, you could very well reach parity with every other player in the world in a reasonable amount of time.

The login queue could have tarnished this if it had continued in its current form and I'm happy that they made a change that gives players some sense of agency over their rewards progression. 

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I quite like the idea, previously I was wondering what they would put in the 700 day login reward, given the massive time investment, whether it was a good idea to have it be a weapon. An appearance reward, such as a syandana would have been good but this safely circumnavigates the entire issue, the only thing I worry about is how current days translate to the new system, but I can't imagine it will be too big.

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Wowzers......guess i missed this during the Dev Stream.

Cool that they have changed it up after 700 days. It means the people going forth that are at 600+ will be the finders of the login treasures and those that are behind can choose what to go after. Seems a win/win for all.....as long as no Cosmetics show up. LoL

Anyways, if it works out for all...its good. Same amount of days gotta be done to get what has been found....just now, choice for those not high up in logins while those high up get to see what is next first. 


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whoever thinks this change is a good idea,  so what are we the ones who actually went 700 days and got a reward?  I think its more unfair the amount of mutagen samples you need for the Hema.  The DE Steeve spoke way back about not changing the requirements since people already started doing it, i respected his point of view but concerning this decision about the login rewards "nerf" its literally not considering the ones who actually got to even 300 days.  Casual players are taking over guys, believe it. this is becoming absurd.

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51 minutes ago, (PS4)fullblast35 said:

whoever thinks this change is a good idea,  so what are we the ones who actually went 700 days and got a reward?  I think its more unfair the amount of mutagen samples you need for the Hema.  The DE Steeve spoke way back about not changing the requirements since people already started doing it, i respected his point of view but concerning this decision about the login rewards "nerf" its literally not considering the ones who actually got to even 300 days.  Casual players are taking over guys, believe it. this is becoming absurd.

That’s because the HEMA was an actual item in game people spent resources on, The login rewards are a FREE GIFT from DE. You didn’t “work for” logins, you didn’t “grind” logins, you and your buddies didn’t load up and play the game all night to get more login rewards.


its a passive free system that was broken.


oh the point about casual players? Yeah that’s because they are what keep DE alive.


casuals are the middle age working class that can only play 2 days a week, will login and spend a ton of money and log out. without them you can kiss bye bye to DE and Warframe.


thats why other games like destiny 2, ESO, WOW FF a realm reborn all cater heavily to casuals now, becauss catering to “fanboys and vets” wasn’t doing them any good, in the case of games like ESO and FF not catering to casuals nearly killed the games off entirely!





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1 hour ago, (PS4)fullblast35 said:

whoever thinks this change is a good idea,  so what are we the ones who actually went 700 days and got a reward?  I think its more unfair the amount of mutagen samples you need for the Hema.  The DE Steeve spoke way back about not changing the requirements since people already started doing it, i respected his point of view but concerning this decision about the login rewards "nerf" its literally not considering the ones who actually got to even 300 days.  Casual players are taking over guys, believe it. this is becoming absurd.

You own all the current rewards/sigils and will continue to have the capacity to do so? 

Also, as far as I'm aware, this isn't a catch up system and you'll still need to commit 100 days in total towards an item. The login track is likely only available once a player has claimed a given sigil pack. 

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13 minutes ago, JuicyPop said:

You own all the current rewards/sigils and will continue to have the capacity to do so? 

Also, as far as I'm aware, this isn't a catch up system and you'll still need to commit 100 days in total towards an item. The login track is likely only available once a player has claimed a given sigil pack. 

Yeah, as far as I'm aware, it's 50 days for a sigil, then 100 for the first item, then a sigil, then an item, etc.

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7 hours ago, JuicyPop said:

You own all the current rewards/sigils and will continue to have the capacity to do so? 

Also, as far as I'm aware, this isn't a catch up system and you'll still need to commit 100 days in total towards an item. The login track is likely only available once a player has claimed a given sigil pack. 

I doubt this, that just brings back most of the old issues. (permanent gameplay item gap)


As I heard it, you have to do your first 50 to get into the system but after that it's all free choice.  Probably to also fit so that players currently count as on their current "track" and will gain freedom only after finishing it once the system is released.

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On 11/3/2017 at 4:18 PM, (Xbox One)DeluxeKnight831 said:

 It rewards loyal players who stick to the game

No, it rewarded newer players that specifically joined around the time the login reward system was created and a whole solar system to explore.

It does not reward longtime players like myself who had 1200 hours of play time before the system even came out and no longer had anything to work towards having played for several years. I am still an active player, but there is still only so much I can do in game between updates.

It does not reward new players that were to start the game tomorrow who would have no reasonable expectation to reach 700 day log in rewards.

More importantly, it only rewards login effort. Not actual play time or achievement. If that part has to stay the same then I would prefer we at least choose our own progression on it. This change benefits all players, new or old and still on the same merit of dedication if nothing else. So why should it be bad? 700 days to get everything currently, is still 700 days to get everything currently. Why should the order matter?

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33 minutes ago, (PS4)Riko_113 said:

More importantly, it only rewards login effort. Not actual play time or achievement. If that part has to stay the same then I would prefer we at least choose our own progression on it. This change benefits all players, new or old and still on the same merit of dedication if nothing else. So why should it be bad? 700 days to get everything currently, is still 700 days to get everything currently. Why should the order matter?

Good example I've seen of this is a MR 6 with the Zenistar and under 200h time played.

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You know I'm kind of in two minds regarding the proposed changes....

On the one hand I'm like wtf, I spent 500 days getting to the zenith (my last weapon reward) and someone could grab it at 50/100 days (depends on how you read the changes) so from that perspective it's rather annoying to think a new player can get something that I've slogged out 500 days to get.  Yes an effort, while you might argue it's just logging in it's still doing something 'daily' for those days.  It also comes across in some ways as pandering to 'new players' AGAIN (a lot of recent changes have been done so 'new players' don't have to put in as much effort to get stuff) rather than respecting those of us who have been here for a longer period of time.   Those who have just reached or are close to 700 days are actually going to get nothing out of the new system, depending on how the 'changeover' is handled we may end up losing out, so in some ways you could also argue our effort is being 'ignored' which is kind of funny really seeing as DE used the 'effort of those that got it' as a reason why they wouldn't lower the price of the hema....

In essence for some of us having things like the zenistar/zenith etc is one of the few things that a long term player has as a reward for their 'loyalty', you can only get it for being part of the game for a longer period of time (yes I know the comeback will be the 'you only need to login') and as daft as this sounds you could argue that to some of us these hold the same 'value' as the beta weapons (braton vandal etc) that many have been asking not to be returned into the game. 

I also very much doubt that DE will 'compensate' those of us who have spent all this time working towards the long term login rewards. 


At the same time I'm also thinking great, I can skip out the sigils/booster/potato rewards I don't actually need, albeit I'm more in the above camp ... hopefully it will not change over so we lose our existing days meaning we need to start our 50 days from scratch (I'm about 530ish days).   While I do agree with some that says it needs changing I'm not sure this system is actually the right way, maybe the weapons and mods need to be removed from logins and added as a reward for going up the MR levels instead..... 

I do however feel that the weapons now need to have at the very least their MR requirements raised from their MR5/6 to compensate for being able to get them earlier or better yet a minimum number of hours played in the game. 

I'm also curious about how any future rewards are going to work because the whole idea was that it was a reward for logging in and the longer you spent doing it, the 'better' reward you got from it (although if I'm honest the zenith is a bit of a let down after the zenistar). 

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On 03.11.2017 at 23:18, (Xbox One)DeluxeKnight831 said:

For those who didn't catch the latest dev stream, the log in reward system is being changed once more. This time it allows players to set reward goals to work towards. for example, you can select the Sigma and Octantis, currently 700 day reward, and work towards it presumably log in for 50 days and obtain it. 

The current log in reward system is okay. It rewards loyal players who stick to the game and are in some cases a sort of identifiable trophy for hardcore players who also log into the game frequently. You don't even have to do any work, just log in when it's reset time and it counts. The proposed system gets rid of all sense of reward for hardcore players. Sure it's better for the casual player and by casual i mean the player who only plays for a limited time, maybe only on weekends but then again, you don't even have to play the game to add to your reward progress . All you have to do is log in and log out if you wish . I just can't understand why it would be changed to the new system discussed. it's really frustrating to be at 600 days plus like myself only to learn all my progress working towards certain log in goals will mean pretty much nothing in the near future. If people want a certain weapon faster from the rewards, why not log in and log out like the rest of us have ? i just don't get it and i don't think it's a good change at all. I hope DE reconsiders on this one 

So what you're basically saying is that you want everyone to suffer the way you do?

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On 11/3/2017 at 1:18 PM, (Xbox One)DeluxeKnight831 said:

All you have to do is log in and log out if you wish

For two years. You really think it's ok for it to take 2 years to acquire a piece of content? I know it's just another weapon but these are usually unique and interesting weapons people will actually want. Having to wait 2 years to get it is more of a deterrent than it is encouraging to play for 2 years.

Honestly, I think putting weapons in the daily login reward was a bad move. How would you have felt if there was a warframe you could only get at the 800 day reward? How mad would that make you? Can't even purchase it with plat. A weapon is less extreme but weapons are a big part of this game too. Without them, many more people would quit before they even get a Zenistar. 

You know what's ok to put behind login rewards, O Cells, Boosters, Reactors, Catalysts, Exilus, and most importantly, exclusive cosmetics if you want something exclusive. Something that doesn't affect how you play the game. 

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2 minutes ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:


Yeah, imagine you're on day 200 and Khora is the 800 day reward. How do login rewards sound now? In 2 years you'll get that awesome looking warframe who you may be excited to play as because she sounds like your playstyle. Weapons and warframes shouldn't be locked behind login rewards. Prime mods I'm iffy on but there's regular versions to use at least. Fashion frame is end game. Put cosmetics behind login rewards to reward loyalty. But it's a little late for that now. Their current idea is a good fix for this issue but maybe they can head in that direction since there's 200 days worth of weapons behind login rewards. Now you choose between cosmetics or a weapon.

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4 minutes ago, MuscleBeach said:

Yeah, imagine you're on day 200 and Khora is the 800 day reward. How do login rewards sound now? In 2 years you'll get that awesome looking warframe who you may be excited to play as because she sounds like your playstyle. Weapons and warframes shouldn't be locked behind login rewards. Prime mods I'm iffy on but there's regular versions to use at least. Fashion frame is end game. Put cosmetics behind login rewards to reward loyalty. But it's a little late for that now. Their current idea is a good fix for this issue but maybe they can head in that direction since there's 200 days worth of weapons behind login rewards. Now you choose between cosmetics or a weapon.

Personally I started frowning "sigh, another one, really?" after octavia. But yeah, locking a whole warframe behind two years of waiting game definitely isn't worth it.

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Just now, AperoBeltaTwo said:

Personally I started frowning "sigh, another one, really?" after octavia. But yeah, locking a whole warframe behind two years of waiting game definitely isn't worth it.

They can't stop making Warframes, it's the name of the game. But they should rework their old warframes better... Unless they do it intentionally to go back and rework it again in the distant future. 

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1 minute ago, MuscleBeach said:

They can't stop making Warframes, it's the name of the game. But they should rework their old warframes better... Unless they do it intentionally to go back and rework it again in the distant future. 

There's absolutely no sense in making 10 warframes a year when there's no actual use for them anyway. Adding new content to the pile of the existing content is just a waste of resources and development time. But I guess it's a money fix, so they need it. I just wish there was something to actually do with the new warframes apart from mandatory parcour sims for less than 5 minutes a mission. 

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15 minutes ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

There's absolutely no sense in making 10 warframes a year when there's no actual use for them anyway. Adding new content to the pile of the existing content is just a waste of resources and development time. But I guess it's a money fix, so they need it. I just wish there was something to actually do with the new warframes apart from mandatory parcour sims for less than 5 minutes a mission. 

It's almost like we need incentives for those endless missions we never do anymore :P Alright, I'm done derailing this thread haha. I've said what I wanted to say in this thread: The new login reward changes are a good band-aid since weapons never should have been locked behind a  2 year window in the first place. 

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10 hours ago, MuscleBeach said:

It's almost like we need incentives for those endless missions we never do anymore :P


10 hours ago, MuscleBeach said:

The new login reward changes are a good band-aid since weapons never should have been locked behind a  2 year window in the first place. 

The thing is, the change didn't happen yet. And it might not happen at all. Or might happen in a really bad way. For example, what are they going to do with players who have like 10 days till the next reward? I have maybe 10-15 days till Zenith. What will I have to start from 50 days now? 

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4 hours ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:


The thing is, the change didn't happen yet. And it might not happen at all. Or might happen in a really bad way. For example, what are they going to do with players who have like 10 days till the next reward? I have maybe 10-15 days till Zenith. What will I have to start from 50 days now? 

I mean, if they're remotely competent... which ya know... they are, they'll just start you out 10-15 days away from getting the zenith then let you choose your next reward after you reach it.


@LSG501 You aren't losing anything except the feeling of being special for having logged into an online video game for a second on seven hundred consecutive days.

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