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I don't get it...


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Why is it that other players ALWAYS tell me to go "chill" or "calm" down, despite not even being so? This has happen throughout alot of public missions, and I find it more baffling and surprised than hilarious...because while I like having an organized team, this isn't it...because so far, it felt so random for them to say something like that when I just suggest or atleast ask something...to the point that a Harrow player starts giving me sh*t for not "staying in one place" and saying "chill" while the Life Support is going down south fast with just 10% LIFE SUPPORT (thus, the place that he was staying at wasn't so good when he kept falling on his *** over and over, and so he quits), and I don't even have my bullet jump for Inaros to go that fast! All I can wonder is some of these players might've applied jobs as circus clowns that has been shot down so LOW by their own boss and audiences for not doing something right that they begin losing consciousness and instinct on not knowing that what morale they're bringing to people is actually insane and confusing...so tell me community, why are people saying something like this despite having their own lives on the line, even if it's a "game"? And did they really brough themselves a new low?

Edited by AquilliusRanger
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Because humans are a varied bunch.  There are always some who don't take something seriously, no matter what it is.

This includes you, since you're not taking rules against meta-complaints seriously.

Humanity.  We're like that.

Edited by Phatose
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50 minutes ago, (PS4)abbacephas said:

I read the original post twice, and I STILL have no idea what message they are trying to convey.


1 hour ago, AquilliusRanger said:

Why is it that other players ALWAYS tell me to go "chill" or "calm" down, despite not even being so? This has happen throughout alot of public missions, and I find it more baffling and surprised than hilarious...because while I like having an organized team, this isn't it...because so far, it felt so random for them to say something like that when I just suggest or atleast ask something...to the point that a Harrow player starts giving me sh*t for not "staying in one place" and saying "chill" while the Life Support is going down south fast with just 10% LIFE SUPPORT (thus, the place that he was staying at wasn't so good when he kept falling on his *** over and over, and so he quits), and I don't even have my bullet jump for Inaros to go that fast! All I can wonder is some of these players might've applied jobs as circus clowns that has been shot down so LOW by their own boss and audiences for not doing something right that they begin losing consciousness and instinct on not knowing that what morale they're bringing to people is actually insane and confusing...so tell me community, why are people saying something like this despite having their own lives on the line, even if it's a "game"? And did they really brough themselves a new low?

Well, first, the original poster attempts to comprehend why others suddenly tell them to chill or calm down.

Then, the original poster "goes off" on the "chillers" for not putting their full 100% in, comparing them to rodeo clowns with no self awareness, doing things without thinking about their actions.

The original poster then asks why people would waste time and effort typeing those messages to them when they could actually be playing the game or answering their questions before asking the heavens why people have become so mentally and physically slow.


My response is

A) How the ell many times did this happen to you that it was worth typing here?

B) Please ventilate into a paper-bag before returning to the keyboard, I'm seeing what the players meant.

C) Are these planned groups, or haphazard matchmakeups?

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8 hours ago, (PS4)abbacephas said:

I read the original post twice, and I STILL have no idea what message they are trying to convey.


OP's got no chill. For some reason this is important to share.



I normally ignore players like the OP, but I think I'm going to start telling them to chill now.

Edited by MrDeVil_909
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