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Removing Leaderboards? Why not removing Conclave either?

Can be toxic as well...

To be competetive is a main aspect since i'm playing Warframe, be it Conclave or Operations.

To prove that we are the best... But when i have a look at the past Events it's more like: Hey i have no life so i'm number 1 :D

Because the main Problem with most of the Events was the fact that the players had to play several hours to be on top...

So my suggestion is to shorten the Event that the players don't have to waste that much time in one mission to be number 1 rather they should be on it to finish a mission in a ever shorter time (similar to the Halloween Event)

Edited by -TSA-Swaggi
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OK so everyone wants a leader board here and I also , have read that some are saying it gives veteran players a reason to go hard at the game, well for the players who say they are the veteran , we need to have an actual requirement not that you were one of the first players and not that you rushed through the mastery tier and are mastery rank 24 right now.  some of it should be you must have all 227 nodes cleared and be focusing in the plains right now, you should have to have most of mastery complete , say 21 or higher, and have spent over 3000 hours played on game. this would be a start to being a veteran player. This is for any type of so called veteran type play. NOW see if you still want to use the term veteran player.

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7 minutes ago, -TSA-Swaggi said:

Removing Leaderboards? Why not removing Conclave either?

Can be toxic as well...

To be competetive is a main aspect since i'm playing Warframe, be it Conclave or Operations.

To prove that we are the best... But when i have a look at the past Events it's more like: Hey i have no life so i'm number 1 :D

Because the main Problem with most of the Events was the fact that the players had to play several hours to be on top...

So my suggestion is to shorten the Event that the players don't have to waste that much time in one mission to be number 1 rather they should be on it to finish a mission in a ever shorter time (similar to the Halloween Event)

The only problem with this is there are players who are veterans from military service and some have handicaps and play this game and may not be able to do it as fast as others so , what leave them out, or they are not able to get reward. this sounds selfish to me, making it so only the fastest can be rewarded, how about they make it just the opposite. you have to be in it a very long time , and other players have to give up playing the other games they normally play to stay at warframe to get the reward, you must be a dedicated player and actually earn it . If you do not like my idea then please do not post about only the fastest get rewards. If you want to do it quick , then get a squad and do it quick no onw will stop you. and if DE want some limits on the rewards I say that they should be non sell able / it becomes account bound. So if you do not play enough then you just have to wait until the event comes out again in a year or when ever to hopefully complete your set.Could be different event  with these same rewards.

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1 minute ago, leadwolf1 said:

OK so everyone wants a leader board here and I also , have read that some are saying it gives veteran players a reason to go hard at the game, well for the players who say they are the veteran , we need to have an actual requirement not that you were one of the first players and not that you rushed through the mastery tier and are mastery rank 24 right now.  some of it should be you must have all 227 nodes cleared and be focusing in the plains right now, you should have to have most of mastery complete , say 21 or higher, and have spent over 3000 hours played on game. this would be a start to being a veteran player. This is for any type of so called veteran type play. NOW see if you still want to use the term veteran player.

Not like the so called "Veterans" only wants a leaderboard though...novices, newcomers, casuals, "veterans"...doesn't matter how someone want to identify himself... the point is: still no reasons to remove a content enjoyed by many.

Also answering to others, it's not like everyone here want more exclusives items to be locked behind clan leaderboards (although most of the top clans in past events are giving said items for free most of the times), most of us is just asking for a leaderboard for the sake of the competition and fun behind having a leaderboard itself.

This being said, without locked and exclusive items to add to this "Operation", having a leaderboard can't really harm whoever doesn't care about competition, while pleasing everyone else

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9 minutes ago, leadwolf1 said:

OK so everyone wants a leader board here and I also , have read that some are saying it gives veteran players a reason to go hard at the game, well for the players who say they are the veteran , we need to have an actual requirement not that you were one of the first players and not that you rushed through the mastery tier and are mastery rank 24 right now.  some of it should be you must have all 227 nodes cleared and be focusing in the plains right now, you should have to have most of mastery complete , say 21 or higher, and have spent over 3000 hours played on game. this would be a start to being a veteran player. This is for any type of so called veteran type play. NOW see if you still want to use the term veteran player.

See, this is why I used the term seasoned. Either way, it's subjective. Personally, I consider myself both, been playing almost 4 years, virtually every night. Am MR 22, and have over 2,500 hours in game.

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2 hours ago, --RV--Ne_NobodyDS said:

I have to say that, your insistent talk and your arguments made me think a lot, and i'll thank you for that, it's rare to find someone opening your mind to new perspectives. 

You claimed to be a 4k hours veteran, with "almost" every single item in game, experienced in almost every expect of this game [...]  and you claim leaderboards to be useless and unproductive, cause they don't add anything you like (or anything that the community "really" needs) while, as a Veteran, you're still able to enjoy the "end-game", even if you're already done with everything that concern WF. 

 Being almost in your same "claimed" situation of end-game boredom, i couldn't understand why, and how, could we have such of a different opinion regarding leaderboards, competitive contents, etc.

So i did a quick check at your stats.

You have 2.5k IN-GAME hours, not 4k.

You did 2 raids (trial missions) only in your whole game lifetime.

You're on the lowest rank with the Quills syndicate, this make me SUPPOSE you still didn't even tried (or completed) a succesfull fight against a Teralyst.

You're very far from the so called "end-game", and you still have a lot of content to explore in this game, no matter what you claimed.

Removing one of the few competitive contents of the game, is actually removing something we (my clan, and many others) enjoy, and isn't adding anything good to you, or the "majority of the playerbase", as you were trying to say.

Like for Trials missions, and Teralyst fights, and leaderboards: You don't like this contents? you don't want to play, or try how they works? Fine, no one is forcing you, but you have to realize this: Someone care, no matter how hard you try to lie show us how are you able to enjoy the "endgame" without thoose.

Clans competitions are a good content for many of us, you're not into it? Fine, can't see how this could harm you or whoever doesn't like it.

Responding to a few points out of order, but here goes.

4124 hours on STEAM. Not that it really matters that much when you're into the thousands, but there it is.

I never claimed I was bored.

Quills...I have the tier 2 amp. I enjoy it a great deal. I like the fast sniper shot paired with the opticor-like alt fire. Regardless, I'm in no hurry to burn through all the plains stuff. Wouldn't want to get bored.

Trials didn't impress me. It's a CC infested gear check with mostly mediocre rewards. And aside from Jordas, which I'm probably never going to bother with (too broken) I have cleared every node on the star chart, and done every type of mission, including sorties. So I'm not sure how you figure I'm "very far from the so called end-game". 

Warframe has no end game. They add new content nearly every week. Or did you mean grinding away for hours in an endless mission? If that's what you mean, meh. I think maybe I've gone close to the hour mark. Don't really find it fun. I don't play games to challenge myself like that. If you like that kind of gameplay, power to you, I'm glad you're having fun.

The thing is, all that you and all of the other leaderboard supporters keep doing is basically saying 'we like it, it should be in the game, give it to us, we want it' without bothering to address the reasons why people don't want it. And added on to that, you further prove the point about the toxic mentality of supporters with your cute little passive-aggressive play with the word LIE. 

You and everyone else that likes the competition have made your point. We all get it. You like it. It is fun to you. What you all refuse to admit to or even acknowledge is the negative effect it has had during every single event, both in-game and on the forums, and how that negative effect impacts the health of the game overall.

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3 minutes ago, sh00chu said:

Responding to a few points out of order, but here goes.

4124 hours on STEAM. Not that it really matters that much when you're into the thousands, but there it is.

I never claimed I was bored.

Quills...I have the tier 2 amp. I enjoy it a great deal. I like the fast sniper shot paired with the opticor-like alt fire. Regardless, I'm in no hurry to burn through all the plains stuff. Wouldn't want to get bored.

Trials didn't impress me. It's a CC infested gear check with mostly mediocre rewards. And aside from Jordas, which I'm probably never going to bother with (too broken) I have cleared every node on the star chart, and done every type of mission, including sorties. So I'm not sure how you figure I'm "very far from the so called end-game". 

Warframe has no end game. They add new content nearly every week. Or did you mean grinding away for hours in an endless mission? If that's what you mean, meh. I think maybe I've gone close to the hour mark. Don't really find it fun. I don't play games to challenge myself like that. If you like that kind of gameplay, power to you, I'm glad you're having fun.

The thing is, all that you and all of the other leaderboard supporters keep doing is basically saying 'we like it, it should be in the game, give it to us, we want it' without bothering to address the reasons why people don't want it. And added on to that, you further prove the point about the toxic mentality of supporters with your cute little passive-aggressive play with the word LIE. 

You and everyone else that likes the competition have made your point. We all get it. You like it. It is fun to you. What you all refuse to admit to or even acknowledge is the negative effect it has had during every single event, both in-game and on the forums, and how that negative effect impacts the health of the game overall.

I don't normally frequent these forums other than looking for update info, just what are these massive amounts of complaints that arrive with leaderboard events about? As I said, I can understand the furor with the ignis wraith issue, but other than that, what possible reason could someone have to complain about the leaderboards? 

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Yall must consider the fact that there are people who just dont have time to grind several hours a day for an item in a video game

I feel like those steps are being made for making the game more friendly towards those, more casual players - a group that comprises a large portion of the player base

By putting more content beyond walls, you would be disregarding all of those players - imagine this from the viewpoint of a new player:

hey, this is gun/frame looks great!

game: yeah, gotta  grind for few hours, dozens maybe and conceivably then probably it will perhaps be yours!

To achieve anything in warframe requires large time investment, I dont´t think we need any more grind that we already have, game cant survive just from "veteran players"

however, there should be place for all playstyles. Surely, there must be some more elegant solution how to make game fun for casual players without letting the dedicated vetaran players down, as was said few comments above me, cosmetics for truly devoted players would be one way to go, and its not like there is any shortage of ideas on the forums.

Its definitely in DE capabilities to figure something out, if not for this, then for the next operation, when they don´t have hands full of POE

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1 minute ago, sh00chu said:

Responding to a few points out of order, but here goes.

4124 hours on STEAM. Not that it really matters that much when you're into the thousands, but there it is.

I never claimed I was bored.

Quills...I have the tier 2 amp. I enjoy it a great deal. I like the fast sniper shot paired with the opticor-like alt fire. Regardless, I'm in no hurry to burn through all the plains stuff. Wouldn't want to get bored.

Trials didn't impress me. It's a CC infested gear check with mostly mediocre rewards. And aside from Jordas, which I'm probably never going to bother with (too broken) I have cleared every node on the star chart, and done every type of mission, including sorties. So I'm not sure how you figure I'm "very far from the so called end-game". 

Warframe has no end game. They add new content nearly every week. Or did you mean grinding away for hours in an endless mission? If that's what you mean, meh. I think maybe I've gone close to the hour mark. Don't really find it fun. I don't play games to challenge myself like that. If you like that kind of gameplay, power to you, I'm glad you're having fun.

The thing is, all that you and all of the other leaderboard supporters keep doing is basically saying 'we like it, it should be in the game, give it to us, we want it' without bothering to address the reasons why people don't want it. And added on to that, you further prove the point about the toxic mentality of supporters with your cute little passive-aggressive play with the word LIE. 

You and everyone else that likes the competition have made your point. We all get it. You like it. It is fun to you. What you all refuse to admit to or even acknowledge is the negative effect it has had during every single event, both in-game and on the forums, and how that negative effect impacts the health of the game overall.

I don't get why are you keep saying what kind of missions, stuff, gear, amps, sectors [...] you enjoy. Neither why are you justifying yourself saying "i'm in no hurry to burn through all the plains stuff" 

It's your own right to choose what to play, use, and what to like to do in general.

And, no, i still can't understand how having a leaderboard could harm your gameplay, or everyone else experience.

I'm not asking to remove something you like to play in this game, and i'd be really unpleased if they removed something that you or anyone else might like, without a specific reason.

 While you seem quite satisfied about removing a content enjoyed by many, even without any return or consequence for yourself.

This is what i'd really call a "toxic attitude"

and yeah, that was a lie, not me being toxic, your stats are the proove of it, although this is unimportant

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3 minutes ago, Lokadrsu said:

Yall must consider the fact that there are people who just dont have time to grind several hours a day for an item in a video game

I feel like those steps are being made for making the game more friendly towards those, more casual players - a group that comprises a large portion of the player base

By putting more content beyond walls, you would be disregarding all of those players - imagine this from the viewpoint of a new player:

hey, this is gun/frame looks great!

game: yeah, gotta  grind for few hours, dozens maybe and conceivably then probably it will perhaps be yours!

To achieve anything in warframe requires large time investment, I dont´t think we need any more grind that we already have, game cant survive just from "veteran players"

however, there should be place for all playstyles. Surely, there must be some more elegant solution how to make game fun for casual players without letting the dedicated vetaran players down, as was said few comments above me, cosmetics for truly devoted players would be one way to go, and its not like there is any shortage of ideas on the forums.

Its definitely in DE capabilities to figure something out, if not for this, then for the next operation, when they don´t have hands full of POE

again, the majority of the ones asking for a leaderboard, isn't considering at all, neither wishing, more exclusive locked items behind events

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3 minutes ago, Lokadrsu said:

Yall must consider the fact that there are people who just dont have time to grind several hours a day for an item in a video game

I feel like those steps are being made for making the game more friendly towards those, more casual players - a group that comprises a large portion of the player base

By putting more content beyond walls, you would be disregarding all of those players - imagine this from the viewpoint of a new player:

hey, this is gun/frame looks great!

game: yeah, gotta  grind for few hours, dozens maybe and conceivably then probably it will perhaps be yours!

To achieve anything in warframe requires large time investment, I dont´t think we need any more grind that we already have, game cant survive just from "veteran players"

however, there should be place for all playstyles. Surely, there must be some more elegant solution how to make game fun for casual players without letting the dedicated vetaran players down, as was said few comments above me, cosmetics for truly devoted players would be one way to go, and its not like there is any shortage of ideas on the forums.

Its definitely in DE capabilities to figure something out, if not for this, then for the next operation, when they don´t have hands full of POE

I will have to agree here and add if more player are like me and when you run with a new player ask if they need some help getting started, then help them run missions with them , pick them up 20 times in a mission if you have to, help them get gear, and for Crips sake if you already have everything give them their fist prime warframe and say welcome to warframe , ask me if you need help and if not in missions I will , and mean it. you just ask them to do the same as they progress, this keeps a sound community and new players willing to stay.

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8 minutes ago, --RV--Ne_NobodyDS said:

I don't get why are you keep saying what kind of missions, stuff, gear, amps, sectors [...] you enjoy. Neither why are you justifying yourself saying "i'm in no hurry to burn through all the plains stuff" 

It's your own right to choose what to play, use, and what to like to do in general.

And, no, i still can't understand how having a leaderboard could harm your gameplay, or everyone else experience.

I'm not asking to remove something you like to play in this game, and i'd be really unpleased if they removed something that you or anyone else might like, without a specific reason.

 While you seem quite satisfied about removing a content enjoyed by many, even without any return or consequence for yourself.

This is what i'd really call a "toxic attitude"

and yeah, that was a lie, not me being toxic, your stats are the proove of it, although this is unimportant

I think everyone is getting off base , you can have a leaderboard just not being able to close off the reward, case and point ,PRIMED POINT BLANK,  I was not even in the community when this event came out only went to top 100 or something like that. try to get one it is now selling for $3,000.00 usd for a mod. as well as up to 5or 6 thousand. so no this is why they should not be only to the top players. argue all you want you should get a ""look at me attachment"" for fashion frame that no one else can have or something but nothing game play specific that improves its play.  case and point if there is a  10 person clan that only has 2 players active and a 10 person clan that has 8 players active the one with the 2 will never win regardless of how much they try. same as other clans no matter what tier they may be. now if you want to compare it with  this clan has 1 active and this clan has 1 active and this clan wins in this category then fine and even though this is a 1000 tier clan but they only have 100 active and this clan has 100 active and their clan is a 100 tier clan and they win with their 100 players then fine. but this is too complicated to track and I do not think DE has the time.

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20 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:
  Hide contents

INFESTED CATALYST: Summon Hemocyte for rewards & a higher score! Defeating Hemocyte houses 6 new Mods!
HUNTER SET MODS: Drop from the summoning of HEMOCYTES. Infested Catalyst are required for these!
Hunter Adrenaline
Hunter Command
Hunter Munitions
Hunter Recovery
Hunter Synergy
Hunter Track

There are no Leaderboards for this event, instead there are Terracotta, Bronze, Silver, and Gold Trophies to be built and earned as your Clan ascends through and builds new items! The 'Hemocyte Cystolith' is required for building. Slay the Hemocyte to gather these!



Full RNG instead of just being purchasable like with the Ambulas event :sleep:

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Il y a 2 heures, sh00chu a dit :

Warframe has no end game.

There is a difference between a casual-friendly game and a casual-only game.

For some people, all the stuff that you said you don't enjoy doing IS the endgame of warframe. Raids, competitive events, endurance or speed runs are the only reason a huge chunk of hardcore players are still playing warframe daily, and put a massive amount of work and time into building and keeping active clans and alliances.

Killing this aspect of the game (raid development was killed and buried a long time ago), when it's not hurting anyone nor locking away any content for non-competitive players, is a mistake imo.

Edited by Bastovic
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I think the problem isn't leaderboard it self, but rewards for it. If the reward for 'who sit longer in front of PC' would be ONLY Clan Trophy, i'm sure we wouldn't have this discussion now. I think it's a great solution to make both sides happy. Make trophies the only reward for leaderboard so hardcores could compete for the leaderboards and be proud of the trophy, but event exclusive items would be available for everyone, because i think being here at the event time and participate in it should be enough to earn the rewards.

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12 hours ago, Church002 said:

You know they plan on giving clans more things to do. They speak about the kingpin system and the custom built obstacle course every single time one of us naggingly asks them about it. and for the long term, Dark Sectors is carded to be reworked.

But as players we ask so much of the developers and we want so many things all at once. They're only human, and can only do as much as humanly possible in terms of content creation.

Plus they are the developers. What they decide to focus on, in terms of game development, is their decision. The game's has survived for 4 years now, I'd say the majority of their decision making has gone right.

Agreed. I'm certainly hopeful they will add more things to clans. I know they will, but when? Who knows. 

I'm especially looking forward to the custom clan missions. It's one of the things we need to make ourselves some really cool contests. 

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1 hour ago, --RV--Ne_NobodyDS said:

again, the majority of the ones asking for a leaderboard, isn't considering at all, neither wishing, more exclusive locked items behind events

Well, let's be honest, have you seen many of the newcomers being forum active? You can't say for sure about the majority just for a one simple reason - people don't like to visit forums much. Most of the times people being asked/get pointed by the leader into the thing someone argued and even don't even know the reasons they voted for. Like, hell it was fun watching people get kicked from a clans for the #bringthecompetitiveghostclans. It's not even fun to get along with majority's opinion. Each opinion is individual, you know? (let's not count the sheep's opinions in general, who'd being forced to think in some ways(again, don't get me wrong)).

13 hours ago, sh00chu said:

If DE said they would never include a leaderboard in an event ever again I would be ecstatic.Every time there has been an event with a leaderboard, it has ended up flooding the forums with accusations of cheating, exploiting, and toxic e-peenery. When a person says that they are in a 'competitive clan' and then says that their clan is 'getting bored', my response is 'poor clan leadership'. If your people are so bored, maybe you should do something about it and make up a competition of your own. Get in touch with the leaders of other competitive clans. Make up wacky challenges for each other. If you can't sort out a proper way to keep yourself and your clan busy, the problem lies with you. If you want leaderboards, fine, create your own, but mark my words, if you DO actually try to make your own, don't be surprised to see the inevitable toxicity such things bring. Then maybe you'll understand why people like me don't like them in what is almost entirely a PVE game, but I doubt it. 


Couldn't agree more on this. 

And, overall, i can't spend so much time in getting some stuff/maintain the active clan for the same purposes. Hope this thing with removed leaderboards will be not one time thing.

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13 minutes ago, Stoner74 said:

The leaderboards can be easily avoided for casual players like you. You don't need need, they don't need you. But still you seem to enjoy they are gone. Selfish much?

While said, closing the rewards for majority ( 10% on top) isn't much of avoidable to me, don't you think so? And calling him toxic & selfish not too much of a polite, while he was answering and backing up the words by some facts and not raging all the way down on each and every message.

Edited by SsvenN
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