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Larger Squad Size


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6 like on killing floor or 10 for max. It is possible but the connectivity here is a big thing and unsless DE buy new servers and use other tha peer to peer then we won't see any major changes in this. Personally I would like a larger squad but currently the peer to peer cannot handle more.

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Detiny has 3. Count yourself lucky.


Actually, alot of games used to have 4 a side, as it was the limity of split screne tech. With the internet, it rose to 5 or 6 due to the nature of server hoasting (5 a side means 10 total, ect). For a PvP game, 4 is fairly standard.

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3 hours ago, Jimmer63 said:

I searched the forum but don't see and recent updates on this.  Most games have a 5 person squad, may we request this?  

My question is why?

Outside of the trials (which allow up to 8 players with a minimum of 4) what mission would call for the extra power of additional people?
I mean we already roflstomp pretty much everything in the game with 4 players (and a well equipped/modded frame can solo roflstomp any sortie 3), so why would more people be needed/wanted?

I think that 4 per squad works out fine for what it is in a game like warframe with how powerful each frame is on its own.

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5 minutes ago, Tsukinoki said:

My question is why?

Outside of the trials (which allow up to 8 players with a minimum of 4) what mission would call for the extra power of additional people?
I mean we already roflstomp pretty much everything in the game with 4 players (and a well equipped/modded frame can solo roflstomp any sortie 3), so why would more people be needed/wanted?

I think that 4 per squad works out fine for what it is in a game like warframe with how powerful each frame is on its own.

Some people have more than three friends.

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3 minutes ago, Tsukinoki said:

My question is why?

Probably the usual. More players = more enemies = faster farm. Would require re-balancing everything, and players in less populated regions/playing during less populated times would suffer from that. I'm against.

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4 players is already very powerful as it is. I understand that you might want to have all your friends in one group but that's just how it is. It's kinda like going to the amusement park with your friends and being the odd one out who has to sit in a row on the roller coaster by themselves or with strangers.

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1 hour ago, Tsukinoki said:

Outside of the trials (which allow up to 8 players with a minimum of 4) what mission would call for the extra power of additional people?

I agree with you.I would only like to add that even raids are far better and effective when done in squad of 4 than 8.

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The more people you have on a squad, the more you will fall into the 
"rush to wait, wait to rush" situation where you need coordination.

It is kind of like going shopping, the more people you have tagging along, you will have to make do for 
time where people go to toilet... etc

You can focus on whatever you want solo,
2 person already need slight coordination but the waiting is reasonable, 
3 person is hitting the limit of a group without splitting.
4 person you basically can split into a team of 2 x 2 to watch out for each other.

Now if you have more people, there is bound to be slackers and leeching on and piggyback, 
it might be fine for private squads, but most people play this game not to let others leech on.

Which the more people you have on your team, the less efficient the squad functions as a uni

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20 hours ago, RistN said:

I agree with you.I would only like to add that even raids are far better and effective when done in squad of 4 than 8.

That’s because of the mechanics in LOR, such as the second stage needing everyone to stand on platforms, goes much much quicker with less people.

My clan often does 8 man runs for fun, JV is near enough 8 players mandatory to go smoothly.

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6 hours ago, MagPrime said:


I'd love to have more people in my squad, mainly because of the social aspect.  And we know that we can do 8 people in one go, look at the Raid/Trial.

8 man setups also introduce a ton of a bugs, look at how bad LoR and JV are, some of them are most likely due to using 8 people as the larger the group the more bugs you can get .


would also unbalance the game further, sorties would turn into an even bigger joke than they are now, for example

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2 hours ago, zornyan said:

8 man setups also introduce a ton of a bugs, look at how bad LoR and JV are, some of them are most likely due to using 8 people as the larger the group the more bugs you can get .


would also unbalance the game further, sorties would turn into an even bigger joke than they are now, for example

Do you ever post something positive or do you just make it your personal mission to shoot down any form of feedback or discussion that you don't like?


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8 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

Do you ever post something positive or do you just make it your personal mission to shoot down any form of feedback or discussion that you don't like?


Sure, but I’m a realist, and don’t believe in pandering to unrealistic fantasies.

or would you rather the optimistic answer?


”yeah sure we’ll have infinite group sizes in the next update, along with buffs for every frame and weapon, also I’m sure DE Said the next prime access if free for everyone too!”

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7 minutes ago, zornyan said:

Sure, but I’m a realist, and don’t believe in pandering to unrealistic fantasies.

or would you rather the optimistic answer?


”yeah sure we’ll have infinite group sizes in the next update, along with buffs for every frame and weapon, also I’m sure DE Said the next prime access if free for everyone too!”

Larger group sizes isn't unrealistic in the least.

Like I already pointed out, they exist in game already.  Bugs can and are fixed, balances are made.

Yes, right now it's not feasible, it will take time and work before it is.  This thread is simply letting DE know there is an interest.

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Just now, MagPrime said:

Larger group sizes isn't unrealistic in the least.

Like I already pointed out, they exist in game already.  Bugs can and are fixed, balances are made.

Yes, right now it's not feasible, it will take time and work before it is.  This thread is simply letting DE know there is an interest.

But we both know it was realistically never happen.


bugs can be fixed, but do they get fixed? No

look at how long LoR has been out and how bug ridden it still is (and gets more buggy with every update) 


Besides the main issue, adding 8 man teams wouldn’t bring in income, which is why it wouldn’t happen unless they could monetise it


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2 minutes ago, zornyan said:

But we both know it was realistically never happen.


bugs can be fixed, but do they get fixed? No

look at how long LoR has been out and how bug ridden it still is (and gets more buggy with every update) 


Besides the main issue, adding 8 man teams wouldn’t bring in income, which is why it wouldn’t happen unless they could monetise it



Bugs get fixed constantly, go read patch and not fix notes, LoR has had multiple bugs fixed and they don't need to monetize 8 person teams.  

If you can have bigger teams, you have more people playing because they can have more friends in the group.  That means more fun being had, so more playing, and people will play longer.

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6 minutes ago, MagPrime said:


Bugs get fixed constantly, go read patch and not fix notes, LoR has had multiple bugs fixed and they don't need to monetize 8 person teams.  

If you can have bigger teams, you have more people playing because they can have more friends in the group.  That means more fun being had, so more playing, and people will play longer.

They’ve already said we’re not even going to get reworks for frames anymore because it costs too much and doesn’t return on the investment (hence why oberon and hydroid are just number tweaks post limbo this was announced ) if it’s not enough return to even change one skill on a frame which could incentivise more sales of that frame/skin. You really think they’re going to go through the hassle of making 8 mans, the scaling and everything along with it for free?


LoR and JV are the buggiest they’ve ever been, since POE we’ve had to abort a ridiculous amount of times because of various bugs (or play in less than ideal scenarios, like our bless trin not being able to use skills at all for example) 


not including the mountian of bugs bugs a feature like this would introduce. Warframe is a game that survives on new content, not fixing old content, which is why many things get introduced into the game then quickly abandoned, because new constant content is what keeps players playing and money coming in.


also patch notes mean jack, they “fixed” lephantis for over a year numerous times, with 0 success, only just recently getting it working. That’s an entire year of a major part of the games progression being fundamentally broken...



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38 minutes ago, zornyan said:

They’ve already said we’re not even going to get reworks for frames anymore because it costs too much and doesn’t return on the investment (hence why oberon and hydroid are just number tweaks post limbo this was announced ) if it’s not enough return to even change one skill on a frame which could incentivise more sales of that frame/skin. You really think they’re going to go through the hassle of making 8 mans, the scaling and everything along with it for free?


LoR and JV are the buggiest they’ve ever been, since POE we’ve had to abort a ridiculous amount of times because of various bugs (or play in less than ideal scenarios, like our bless trin not being able to use skills at all for example) 


not including the mountian of bugs bugs a feature like this would introduce. Warframe is a game that survives on new content, not fixing old content, which is why many things get introduced into the game then quickly abandoned, because new constant content is what keeps players playing and money coming in.


also patch notes mean jack, they “fixed” lephantis for over a year numerous times, with 0 success, only just recently getting it working. That’s an entire year of a major part of the games progression being fundamentally broken...



Now you're just exaggerating in an attempt to make a point.  GG, we're done.

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