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Do we really need new content ingame?


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So today i was looking throught the old posts where i posted in, in search of a reaction image i used when i found a comment on one threads where OP asked when we will get the channelling finished.

One of the answer was never because getting new content drives in new players but is this really true?

Can a new player tell that they are playing something brand new or just the upgrade of an existing system?

Our game has an ever growing pile of content what either became obsolote due to new content or was never ever even worth using.

For example we have the archwing system what is so detached from the base gameplay its entirely useless in 90% content. Then there is the channel system what is soo badly executed a sane person wouldnt bother using it on, well anything. The darksectors are pretty much forgotten contentwise, they are there and thats all.

Cant we sit back for a month and try to remake the old forgotten into something what could catch the eyes of everybody? Piling more and more bricks on an unstable table wont gonna hold out for too long, at one point that table gonna start making creacking noises then crash under the weight of unfinished systems.

I know it takes effort and time but someone who just seen a warframe trailer wouldnt be able the tell the difference between a channel rework vs The Channeller Update. To them this is new content but to the existing playerbase this could mean fixing up the grand problems of the game.

So, who wants to take some break from improving the PoE "experience" and make DE focus on the long forgotten systems they introduced?

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Something related to PoE would be to work on Archwing weaponry.

Personally, I'd love to have the Grattler and use that outside of Archwing, so whatever it takes to balance it out I'm for. Such as have it fire a burst of rounds per trigger pull so that each projectile does a share of damage and reduce the explosive damage on the rounds if that's part of the issue. And I can accept that a new animation set is another obstacle for having them.

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Well, half the problem IS keeping DE paid, so whatever they do, they have to incentivize plat-purchases and expenditures.

Fixing and finishing old content would be a dream come true, because there have been too many times they've released something interesting that could really improve the game -if they actually finished it.  Warframe feels like a game constructed from thousands of tiny pieces of better games, and they just keep adding more pieces.
But they'd need a way to keep the lights on while they're doing all this.  You could argue it'd bring back a lot of the veterans if you fixed or revitalized old systems, but unless there was something inspiring them to spend money, it'll get put on the backburner for when they have free time.

Because yeah, if they went and fixed Damage and Healing, basic combat would be more interesting and feel less of a chore, less like something artificially holding you back from getting the loot that makes the entire reason you're fighting.  You'd probably have less people wanting to cheese stuff if the process of acquiring loot was more engaging and satisfying.

And from damage they could fix weapon balancing issues, mod system issues and enemy scaling issues, where weapons could stop relying on 7 forma and/or a Riven to even make viable, modding might feel more like customization rather than the same old dance to get bigger numbers, and enemies might not be cheese-infested bullet sponges that encourage people to twist the system for instant-kills and invincibility.

But the amount of effort required compared to the returns is probably a bit too much on the unfavorable side.
I think we'd first need a system that is structured such that players want to give money to DE, so they can work on this stuff.

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He problem is DE don’t play their game, which is obvious by changes such as to volts “tweaks” we just received, or the laughable reworks of late.


things actually got better for a while when Steve was doing a play though on stream, he had to start a new account and was playing the game (without god mod like DE usually does) and had to actually do things like craft his weapons and fight normally.


when this happened we did actually get good QOL tweaks, but then Steve stopped for POE and so did the improvements.


as many many streamers/you tubers have pointed out though, the new player experience is @(*()$ dreadful, and Steve really needs to pick this up again, as it’s potentially losing them huge amounts of players/sales.

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3 hours ago, zornyan said:

He problem is DE don’t play their game, which is obvious by changes such as to volts “tweaks” we just received, or the laughable reworks of late.


things actually got better for a while when Steve was doing a play though on stream, he had to start a new account and was playing the game (without god mod like DE usually does) and had to actually do things like craft his weapons and fight normally.


when this happened we did actually get good QOL tweaks, but then Steve stopped for POE and so did the improvements.


as many many streamers/you tubers have pointed out though, the new player experience is @(*()$ dreadful, and Steve really needs to pick this up again, as it’s potentially losing them huge amounts of players/sales.

This is like literally the only game with devs playing on twitch regularly and monthly devstreams. Overwatch? Nope that game beyond being trash also has 0 communication with the players. Might rethink your post.

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3 hours ago, blazinvire said:

Well, half the problem IS keeping DE paid, so whatever they do, they have to incentivize plat-purchases and expenditures.


But the amount of effort required compared to the returns is probably a bit too much on the unfavorable side.
I think we'd first need a system that is structured such that players want to give money to DE, so they can work on this stuff.

Generally agree with what you've said, though, it is often underestimated...the amount of people that enjoy something that want to give money or pay for something they appreciate. They aren't just rich people with cash to throw around either.

But as far as OP goes, yeah, I wish every 3rd patch or something, or once every 3 months or something like that, they'd do nothing but a system revamp/fix/update old systems patch update.  This is kind of a dream though that very, very few developers out there has had interest in fulfilling, for whatever reason.  DE has shown that they're willing to revisit core functionality to improve the quality of the overall game experience (2.0 systems minus starchart I'd say), but then they do things like leave certain frames (zephyr for example) in horrible, outpaced states for several years, or introduce band aids (rivens) which kind of address the problem but also further RNG and in game investment.


The thing is, WF has enough incentives built in to spend money and get reasonable value out of it, I feel, as someone who isn't financially well off or even close but who isn't often in terrible straits either.  There is value to spending money in WF, and it does, for me, feel like its fueling development and changes rather than lining some lazy &#! useless exec/shareholders pockets and not contributing to development.  I generally buy plat, usually with discounts but not always, feelling like, hey, this is a worthwhile purchase considering how much time I get out of WF compared to what Other things could cost me in life.  Ultimately though, I'd rather they update old frames and weapons, fix channeling (which seems to have gotten silent nerfs since I left 16 months ago and came back recently...channel blocking energy economy is entirely different and less effective now, despite having immortal warframes like inaros/nidus come to power)...etc.


So who knows.  I'd love for them to take periodic breaks from introducing new content of same categories (weapons/frames/abilities/maps) and pump out fixes and updates to old content rather than neglecting.  Will DE ever find it worth it or have the resources/prioritization to do so? Remains to be seen.

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I mean I joined update 10 but had no idea a new update had just dropped with loads of new content. That being said, I think that a game going back and trying to fix old problems would be pretty attractive in itself. It shows that the devs actually care about their game and not just stacking more and more new content for the sake of having new content. I don't think the problem would be trying to attract new players though, but keeping vets and longtime players happy. If DE were to just focus on fixing old stuff, there would be for sure plenty of people who would be appreciative of such, but there would more than likely be those who would complain because they have "nothing to do".

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7 hours ago, SirWranwrap said:

This is like literally the only game with devs playing on twitch regularly and monthly devstreams. Overwatch? Nope that game beyond being trash also has 0 communication with the players. Might rethink your post.

And? The Devs still don’t play their game.


the stuff on devstreams is them testing a dev build of the game, which means they have infinite resources and god mode, hence why I said when Steve actually had to stream playing the normal version of the game he realised how many issues there were and starts to fix some. Which then stopped due to POE. 


Communication with players is good and all, but it matters little when the Devs just flat out ignore most stuff, like volt just recently for example

Edited by zornyan
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8 hours ago, SirWranwrap said:

This is like literally the only game with devs playing on twitch regularly and monthly devstreams. Overwatch? Nope that game beyond being trash also has 0 communication with the players. Might rethink your post.

Oh yeah it help the game greatly when you are playing an exclusive godmode development build.

How about them going to steam and actually play the game?

When was the last time you have seen the devs play the actual game version or when they actually answered all twitch question and not just those what they fancy?

We have tons of bugs, half-finished systems, joke reworks, balance problems, core problems and various QoL type of problems. For every patch what adresses just 1 of these we get atleast 10 others introducing needless changes and additions or some new weapons/skins.

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17 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

So today i was looking throught the old posts where i posted in, in search of a reaction image i used when i found a comment on one threads where OP asked when we will get the channelling finished.

One of the answer was never because getting new content drives in new players but is this really true?

Can a new player tell that they are playing something brand new or just the upgrade of an existing system?

Our game has an ever growing pile of content what either became obsolote due to new content or was never ever even worth using.

For example we have the archwing system what is so detached from the base gameplay its entirely useless in 90% content. Then there is the channel system what is soo badly executed a sane person wouldnt bother using it on, well anything. The darksectors are pretty much forgotten contentwise, they are there and thats all.

Cant we sit back for a month and try to remake the old forgotten into something what could catch the eyes of everybody? Piling more and more bricks on an unstable table wont gonna hold out for too long, at one point that table gonna start making creacking noises then crash under the weight of unfinished systems.

I know it takes effort and time but someone who just seen a warframe trailer wouldnt be able the tell the difference between a channel rework vs The Channeller Update. To them this is new content but to the existing playerbase this could mean fixing up the grand problems of the game.

So, who wants to take some break from improving the PoE "experience" and make DE focus on the long forgotten systems they introduced?

 Warframe is in desperate need for a reconfiguration of the existing elements. Not new content, but to figure out what to do with the existing gear and mechanics. 

 Effort-reward (carrot-on-a-stick) progression in the game is completely broken since Void 2.0 disaster. DE catered to people who didn't like the old void because "it took too much time" to farm stuff. Now the prices and worth of the in-game prime gear plummeted, because you can literally leech all of the existing sets without any gear; any form of difficulty is gone, missions barely last 5 minutes; and trade chat turned into a riven chat. 

 But to fix that you gotta play the game yourself and understand how it functions, so more new content it will be instead!

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4 hours ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

 Warframe is in desperate need for a reconfiguration of the existing elements. Not new content, but to figure out what to do with the existing gear and mechanics. 

 Effort-reward (carrot-on-a-stick) progression in the game is completely broken since Void 2.0 disaster. DE catered to people who didn't like the old void because "it took too much time" to farm stuff. Now the prices and worth of the in-game prime gear plummeted, because you can literally leech all of the existing sets without any gear; any form of difficulty is gone, missions barely last 5 minutes; and trade chat turned into a riven chat. 

 But to fix that you gotta play the game yourself and understand how it functions, so more new content it will be instead!

The sad thing is i cant come and say you are wrong here.

Its easier to pile up more quests, weapons, frames and fashion than go and fix the problems.

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Specters of the Rail was the proof that whenever the community says "just rework what we have, we don't need content", they are speaking out of their butts.

Despite being one of the most important updates in my opinion as it made some great changes to the base of the game, it was much more poorly received than even its lackluster sister-update, The Silver Grove, because that at least had a quest and new Warframe.


And even if you discuss about "well, that is because not everyone liked the changes". That is another point there, everyone likes new content, but if you change anything you are bound to have people whine about it. Then you bring up something like Archwing. I love Archwing, but you spend enough time on the Forums to know there is a large sentiment of "Just delete Archwing from the game, its not worth it and never will be". People are not interested in having something they don't like reworked, and if the Volt Deluxe skin has taught me anything it is that people's first impressions are the basis for their reaction more than anything. DE just can't win.


The community made their stance on content-less updates loud and clear with SotR, so now every update has to have some sort of significant content tacked on.

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14 minutes ago, DrBorris said:

Specters of the Rail was the proof that whenever the community says "just rework what we have, we don't need content", they are speaking out of their butts.

Despite being one of the most important updates in my opinion as it made some great changes to the base of the game, it was much more poorly received than even its lackluster sister-update, The Silver Grove, because that at least had a quest and new Warframe.


And even if you discuss about "well, that is because not everyone liked the changes". That is another point there, everyone likes new content, but if you change anything you are bound to have people whine about it. Then you bring up something like Archwing. I love Archwing, but you spend enough time on the Forums to know there is a large sentiment of "Just delete Archwing from the game, its not worth it and never will be". People are not interested in having something they don't like reworked, and if the Volt Deluxe skin has taught me anything it is that people's first impressions are the basis for their reaction more than anything. DE just can't win.


The community made their stance on content-less updates loud and clear with SotR, so now every update has to have some sort of significant content tacked on.

Don’t forget the wait within, people up and leaving left right and centre just because they hadn’t had new content for a while.


end of the day DE is a business in it to make money, if new constant content is what makes that money then that’s what they will do.


if they saw profit in going back over old content then trust me they would.


its the same issue rainbow six siege had, for 6 months they did operation health, with over 1k bug fixes, optimisations, loads of pass overs and balance changes, yet it was the first decline in playerbase in over a year because of the lack of new content.

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F2P games lives off new content. New stuff is going to take precedence over reworks for old content. Back when we're waiting for TWW that's practically what they did - they just fix stuff each hotfix while making TWW and look what happened.


That said, it'll make the whole thing much easier if they get their reworks right the first time. They started off strong with Excal rework but it kinda went downhill from there. Oberon and Hydroid is actually good now (personal playstyle preference aside, of course. I still dislike playing as a puddle), Mag and Volt is... usable. But not quite on a good spot just yet. Ash got some neat QoL changes but Bladestorm's main problem remains untouched.

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2 hours ago, DrBorris said:

Specters of the Rail was the proof that whenever the community says "just rework what we have, we don't need content", they are speaking out of their butts.

Despite being one of the most important updates in my opinion as it made some great changes to the base of the game, it was much more poorly received than even its lackluster sister-update, The Silver Grove, because that at least had a quest and new Warframe.


And even if you discuss about "well, that is because not everyone liked the changes". That is another point there, everyone likes new content, but if you change anything you are bound to have people whine about it. Then you bring up something like Archwing. I love Archwing, but you spend enough time on the Forums to know there is a large sentiment of "Just delete Archwing from the game, its not worth it and never will be". People are not interested in having something they don't like reworked, and if the Volt Deluxe skin has taught me anything it is that people's first impressions are the basis for their reaction more than anything. DE just can't win.


The community made their stance on content-less updates loud and clear with SotR, so now every update has to have some sort of significant content tacked on.

I brought up archwing because i could have been great if it would be attached to general gameplay.

It has a lot of terrible problems but the main one is that its unusable in 90% of the game area, even the PoE update only gave us watered down archwing system what managed to be worse than the original.

I remember the specters update, it redesigned the map and it was great. We also got some new archwing weapons and the kavats with it. The only problem that it havent fixed the main issue the fact that archwing is detached.

At this point im not sure if DE will ever going to fix the archwing system in a way that it actually feels like its part of the main game and not some minigame what we are forced to use here and there than we can forget it forever.


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2 hours ago, zornyan said:

its the same issue rainbow six siege had, for 6 months they did operation health, with over 1k bug fixes, optimisations, loads of pass overs and balance changes, yet it was the first decline in playerbase in over a year because of the lack of new content.

1 hour ago, TotallyLagging said:

F2P games lives off new content. New stuff is going to take precedence over reworks for old content. Back when we're waiting for TWW that's practically what they did - they just fix stuff each hotfix while making TWW and look what happened.

I know that but getting a weapon here and there with a new frame and the obvious primes is good but it would be good if they would take some time to develop something between these and not mindlessly starting the next big project while the rest is here collecting dust.

For example really how much work would take to make the channel attacks consume energy per swing and not per hit? Universal vacuum is one of the most heated periodic topics the most preferred way is 12m toggleable vacuum in the options would take some time to create but i dont think it would be too hard. The same goes for uselessness of many old weapons, if they wont be getting new effects and such how about going back and increasing their stats a bit?

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9 minutes ago, Fallen_Echo said:

I know that but getting a weapon here and there with a new frame and the obvious primes is good but it would be good if they would take some time to develop something between these and not mindlessly starting the next big project while the rest is here collecting dust.

For example really how much work would take to make the channel attacks consume energy per swing and not per hit? Universal vacuum is one of the most heated periodic topics the most preferred way is 12m toggleable vacuum in the options would take some time to create but i dont think it would be too hard. The same goes for uselessness of many old weapons, if they wont be getting new effects and such how about going back and increasing their stats a bit?

Rivens was DEs solution to weapon issues, like it or hate it, it’s what we got, and to be fair 99% of weapons are sortie viable with a good riven, even a mk1 braton starter gun.


they added a 3m universal vacuum, more is a possibility but DE are very very slow when it comes to changes, so expect a small change (maybe 5m) but don’t expect it in less than a year.


thats all you can expect though, small number tweaks, DE have said big gameplay changes aren’t on the cards anymore, warframes will no longer get reworks, just number tweaks for example.


i mean I love zephyr for example, but it’s already known her utterly useless 1 and 2 are staying the exact same as they won’t do new abilities for old frames anymore.

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10 minutes ago, zornyan said:

thats all you can expect though, small number tweaks, DE have said big gameplay changes aren’t on the cards anymore, warframes will no longer get reworks, just number tweaks for example.


i mean I love zephyr for example, but it’s already known her utterly useless 1 and 2 are staying the exact same as they won’t do new abilities for old frames anymore.


Now to be serious hearing S#&$ like that is usuallly the last sign before the game goes downfall. Warframe is not in a perfect form where it would be justifyable to say we wont have any big gameplay changes or reworks on old gears.

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There's a lot to be desired. .follow the money and it tells the full story surrounding DE. So much has been left hanging within Warframe. They don't care. People need to stop fooling themselves about this. I mean, players frustrated with what hasn't changed come to the forum. Eventually they realize speaking in forums does little to change the juggernaut soldiering on within the "game". They literally don't go back on much of anything. .if they do, they'll never go back on it again to admit a fault in a direction they may have taken while contradicting their message (Mag, Tonkor, Focus. .Kubrows?). .There are small examples of change, but overall beyond the "expanding" of Warframe I feel like the game is in a worse state. .there's so many holes. .I mean. .why not improve what's in the sandbox instead of constantly making it bigger? ? It's because it's harder to do. .and more costly. .but some of the decisions to cut out how the game played already are beyond puzzling. .it's almost as if they don't play the game. .focus for example, I mean what is good about this change? ? The mag rework, the tonkor rework. .changing the AI. .BAH. .I'll stop. .I'm a broken record and already deleted the game which was very saddening to me but just don't see anything in it. .it was a good four year run. .too bad someone can't run a legacy server. .

Edited by komoriblues
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vor 16 Minuten schrieb zornyan:

i mean I love zephy for example, but it’s already known her utterly useless 1 and 2 are staying the exact same as they won’t do new abilities for old frames anymore.

Well, they did give Excalibur a new 4th since his 3rd jump ability was useless with parkour 2.0 and moved his 4th to his 3rd, Vauban got new traps and change ot his powers, Volt got his abilitys changed, Mirage, yes newer but sitll got her 2 changed, they do change things but have to simply consider to what they change things without changing the whole frame away from its thematic or just copy paste other powers, lookign at you Nidus, not liking him.I also love Zephyr but simply rarly use her since other frames are easier to use, her time hopefully comes with her Prime release.

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20 hours ago, zornyan said:

He problem is DE don’t play their game, which is obvious by changes such as to volts “tweaks” we just received, or the laughable reworks of late.


things actually got better for a while when Steve was doing a play though on stream, he had to start a new account and was playing the game (without god mod like DE usually does) and had to actually do things like craft his weapons and fight normally.


when this happened we did actually get good QOL tweaks, but then Steve stopped for POE and so did the improvements.


as many many streamers/you tubers have pointed out though, the new player experience is @(*()$ dreadful, and Steve really needs to pick this up again, as it’s potentially losing them huge amounts of players/sales.

You seem new here. 

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2 minutes ago, Marine027 said:

Well, they did give Excalibur a new 4th since his 3rd jump ability was useless with parkour 2.0 and moved his 4th to his 3rd, Vauban got new traps and change ot his powers, Volt got his abilitys changed, Mirage, yes newer but sitll got her 2 changed, they do change things but have to simply consider to what they change things without changing the whole frame away from its thematic or just copy paste other powers, lookign at you Nidus, not liking him.I also love Zephyr but simply rarly use her since other frames are easier to use, her time hopefully comes with her Prime release.

The rest were before they said this, this was a statement in the summer of this year, after all the reworks you mentioned, basically they said after the limbo issue, and feedback they’ve had, along with the fact that reworks don’t provide enough income for time spent they won’t be doing big ability changes anymore, just small buffs/number tweaks, but no new skills/animations etc


Hence why hydroid still has to spend all the time sat in the stupid puddle form, and why oberon is just a weaker trinity.

the mirage change isn’t really a rework, small visual change and a number change to an existing skill.

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9 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

Oh yeah it help the game greatly when you are playing an exclusive godmode development build.

How about them going to steam and actually play the game?

When was the last time you have seen the devs play the actual game version or when they actually answered all twitch question and not just those what they fancy?

We have tons of bugs, half-finished systems, joke reworks, balance problems, core problems and various QoL type of problems. For every patch what adresses just 1 of these we get atleast 10 others introducing needless changes and additions or some new weapons/skins.

Answer all twitch questions? I don't think theres a godmode for that.

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1 hour ago, SirWranwrap said:

Answer all twitch questions? I don't think theres a godmode for that.

I didnt mean it literally, but it would be really nice if theres a flood of for example people making questions of when the fang prime gets buffed, they would go and answer it not just ignore and only answer to very specific questions or try to go around it by shifting to new topics.

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On 03.12.2017 at 6:18 PM, DrBorris said:

Specters of the Rail was the proof that whenever the community says "just rework what we have, we don't need content", they are speaking out of their butts.

Despite being one of the most important updates in my opinion as it made some great changes to the base of the game, it was much more poorly received than even its lackluster sister-update, The Silver Grove, because that at least had a quest and new Warframe.

To rework an existing system within the context of the game you have to be familiar with the way the game functions, you have to understand how builds and core systems work. You have to understand what is faulty and what is working fine. You have to play the game extensively YOURSELF to get it right. That doesn't mean that reworking old systems is a bad idea. It means that scrapping old systems entirely without understanding how they worked and what you can keep is a bad idea. The way I see it right now (and I wish I was proven wrong) neither of the core DE devs ever play Warframe the way regular players do. They don't have their personal accounts they would have played constantly since year one. They don't have all the mods, they don't have an understanding of how builds work, they don't have the habits and understanding of combat and movement in the game. They don't play it. You can't make a decent rework of ANYTHING this way.

Silver grove? Photohunt for plants? Seriously?

On 03.12.2017 at 6:18 PM, DrBorris said:

And even if you discuss about "well, that is because not everyone liked the changes". That is another point there, everyone likes new content, but if you change anything you are bound to have people whine about it. Then you bring up something like Archwing. I love Archwing, but you spend enough time on the Forums to know there is a large sentiment of "Just delete Archwing from the game, its not worth it and never will be". People are not interested in having something they don't like reworked, and if the Volt Deluxe skin has taught me anything it is that people's first impressions are the basis for their reaction more than anything. DE just can't win.


The community made their stance on content-less updates loud and clear with SotR, so now every update has to have some sort of significant content tacked on.

"Everybody likes new content"? Who said that? We have 35? warframes in the game. Who exactly are all these warframes for? It would take a novice player at least a year to plow through these warframes alone. And for veterans it's just another warframe - where you gonna take it? What are you gonna do with it? Play sorties for 15 minutes once a day or go to kuva missions, where invincible enemies kill it in seconds? Or the starchart, where literally nothing can even scratch you? Or raids?...oh wait, those don't take frames outside the meta, sorry.

When a game has no motivated core gameplay, any new content is stillborn.

 Endless missions used to be the only continuous gameplay we had in the game, but when DE took scaling rewards away with the void 2.0, they effectively murdered the only use for any maxed out gear and mods. Meaning, maxing out your stuff, spending time in the game and playing right now would only be motivated by "fun" not "satisfaction". And "fun" is subjective and as unreliable as people's tastes.

 Any online game I know, except Warframe, has a gameplay mode that you could log in anytime you want and play as much as you want while getting something out of it - be that an ingame currency, upgrades, xp, any form of reward that is unanimously valued by the community as something worth the time. Only Warframe locks gameplay and rewards behind timer locks prohibiting people from playing whatever they want to the fullest. This is nuts! 

 And you're telling me, in a situation like this we need more quests, guns and warframes, and FISHING in the game? No!

 No, we need DE to play their own game and fix it. Fix the broken effort-reward system, fix the obsolete mechanics, fix the mandatory bandaid mods, fix the sorties, fix the endless missions, fix the mission rewards, fix the Void, fix the f@cking Kuva missions. Maybe even fix the operator gameplay, if that is still salvageble somehow.

Edited by AperoBeltaTwo
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