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I don't normally get this salty, but this tennogen round


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I don't get the hate with the Octavia skin... half of these &#! wipes are like "omg energy twintails?omg hatsune miku? Dweeeeebz reeeeeeeee" like omg I swear it was based off of her but just because it has twin tails doesn't make it some anime thing. I mean have you seen nezha? Now people who like him are "dweebs"? Some are saying this skin ruined Octavia for them. How stupid are these people...

Edited by (PS4)i7081277
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Honestly, i am not one to be fond of those cultures (well, any pop culture except the super popular ones tbh), but i gotta admit that the octavia diva skin does look good. it's completely objective, maybe DE didn't see the limbo skin prior to announcing this round? Maybe they didn't feel like doing limbo? Or that it felt too similar to our latest halloween skins *coughvalkyrmesacough*

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So since the rule that we cannot make them based on characters of a different franchise or popular pop culture is being ditched by DE..

Can someone make a Michael Jackson, Naruto,  meme, and a Justin Beiber tennogen? Oooh I have some good ideas for their weapon skins as well.

Jokes aside, attacking an artists work as justification for your fav not being accepted or as a way to defend accepted ones is never a good idea.

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2 hours ago, goatwin said:

So since the rule that we cannot make them based on characters of a different franchise or popular pop culture is being ditched by DE..

Can someone make a Michael Jackson, Naruto,  meme, and a Justin Beiber tennogen? Oooh I have some good ideas for their weapon skins as well.

Jokes aside, attacking an artists work as justification for your fav not being accepted or as a way to defend accepted ones is never a good idea.

I agree. On a side note, I am a bit concerned about what might happen to DE if one of these other game studios got mad at them for "copying" their design, even in a "Tennofied" way...I do hope that DE doesn't let this happen. 

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"Twintail / Music-themed / Flashy-coloured - Anime Pop Star - I hate this"

"Dope Limbo That I Really Like -  won't get accepted, I'm very sad"

"I hate this syandana, why this get accepted ? I love this syandana, why this won't get accepted ?"

Can't design for crap, but complaining. Why don't you create the best skin that'll get accepted by majority Tennos in second ? Maybe that'll teach those whose in charge of accepting Tennogen skins whose the best skin creator in Warframe ? 

I swear by Regor's crowbar feet, if people like you works for DE designs, devs won't ever, ever initiate Tennogen for creative skin creator. Every skin that you don't like will get scrapped even thought it's won by fair vote.



Edited by .LeiA._
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1 hour ago, UF-1215 said:

I agree. On a side note, I am a bit concerned about what might happen to DE if one of these other game studios got mad at them for "copying" their design, even in a "Tennofied" way...I do hope that DE doesn't let this happen. 

Yes, and and little by little DE is more accepting of these types of skins until a NINTENDO based character skin gets through...

Messing with NINTENDO's copyrighted stuff don't usually end well no matter what the excuse is.

Edited by goatwin
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Look I am not fan of some of the cosmetics put into the game from Tennogen and some of the cosmetics have looked great on concept page but their execution is less than ideal. Seriously what happened to Arcatus Syndana, on the concept it looks neat and fitting well but in reality it is a huge junk like you are carrying another Warframe entirely, and not in a good way. Not to harp on the creators, it isn't their design or fault it was made like that. With all that being said though, so what? I am quite sure there are plenty of people who will like what is being offered and it will fit their tastes better. I am also sure further opportunities may come further down the line and you can hope some of your and communities most wanted items will be selected in the group eventually.

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That's just, like, your opinion, man.

This round of Tennogen is awesome! The Mirage Mithra skin (Mithra sword skin, too) is so good that I can't decide if I like it or Mirage Prime better. The Octavia Diva skin is amazing and a godsend (seriously can't stand the base skin). The Hydroid skin and that matching polearm skin are sick! The Grax Tonfa skin and that grineer-looking syandana thingy aren't my cup of tea, but they look like they belong in the game.

That Limbo Ion skin is okay I guess (I prefer the base skin), but this thread has already covered why it hasn't been accepted yet.

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Hey as a console-ite I'm just jealous you all get these choices so much earlier and in so much more quantity and get plat discounts that must help with the acquisition of said items.  Frankly I avoid looking at this too much as I'll just see what I likely can't get, and then when if so, at quite a premium (no discounted platinum option, no coupon use).

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