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Dev Workshop: The Features of Focus 2.5


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18 hours ago, xXHobbitXx said:

its super easy to hit daily cap of focus at 250k during normal gameplay even faster if you specifically farm focus, not sure what your on about but i suggest you look up how easy it is for others

um... no it's not. 

The only way you can get 250k 'easily' in a day is meta farming focus. 


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vor 15 Stunden schrieb LSG501:

The only way you can get 250k 'easily' in a day is meta farming focus. 

I managed to cap out a few times when doing T4 and T5 bounties for lenses and Eidolon farts, but that was with a double affinity booster. And I did pretty much nothing else than playing Warframe those days.

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1 hour ago, Bibliothekar said:

I managed to cap out a few times when doing T4 and T5 bounties for lenses and Eidolon farts, but that was with a double affinity booster. And I did pretty much nothing else than playing Warframe those days.

so you actually made about 125k standing.... If you need to use a booster to hit 250k then it can't be used as a true reference because not everyone will be using boosters.  You also don't mention how long you spent doing that per day, not all of us have the 'luxury' of playing warframe non stop, some of us work for example

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1 hour ago, Bibliothekar said:

I managed to cap out a few times when doing T4 and T5 bounties for lenses and Eidolon farts, but that was with a double affinity booster. And I did pretty much nothing else than playing Warframe those days.

so you actually made about 125k standing.... If you need to use a booster to hit 250k then it can't be used as a true reference because not everyone will be using boosters.  You also don't mention how long you spent doing that per day, not all of us have the 'luxury' of playing warframe non stop, some of us work for example

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vor 28 Minuten schrieb LSG501:

You also don't mention how long you spent doing that per day, not all of us have the 'luxury' of playing warframe non stop, some of us work for example

I did mention that I didn't do much else beside playing Warframe. I guess I capped out after 4 to 5 hours, doing bounty after bounty.

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15 minutes ago, Bibliothekar said:

I did mention that I didn't do much else beside playing Warframe. I guess I capped out after 4 to 5 hours, doing bounty after bounty.

a lot of us can't do 4 to 5 hours that easily which seeing as you used booster is actually 8-10 hours of 'normal' play.  So while yes it's possible to reach the amount in a day, it's not exactly 'easy'.   

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when it comes down to it the current focus mechanic requires one to not just play the game but rather stop playing the game and change to a separate warframe and weapon with the right lenses and then going to farm such focus by hydron x 1000. I capped my focus for a week after 2.0 came out and after that week i pretty much decided that DE can fix focus gain or it really is not relevant then. To begin with focus changes the gameplay mechanics there is no reason it has to change mechanics + controls + warframe + weapon + mind set + map options. I love operator and i feel like it would be just amazing to walk around 24/7 as him however under the current system i then would only be playing the focus game everyday for almost a year. After that i guess i'd do sorties and invasions again maybe even bounties and rep.

The issue lies soley on the way we acquire focus it has been said 100 times and there is ZERO reason not to listen to us the community on this.

Scrap the following:



Make two simple changes:

Make Orb 4x affinity constant

Make all Focus schools one pool of points you can spend as you will

Oh look I fixed focus!

Now listen to the community and do what we want with the game - yes i understand focus may be your baby and your project, however under the current system it is clunky and breaks gameplay - little own game progression. It then forces the user to do something different and almost exploit, equinox sleep runs, in order to cap their focus daily.

The only other alternative to is to simply dismiss the focus cap as just a number and play the game as usual and if you get focus u get it if not whatever. Under that reasoning though unlocking all nodes would take several years.

Zenurik - WHATS THE POINT!? Can we address this!?
Tell me why we went from PASSIVE energy gain to MANUAL energy gain that makes me hit the touch pad then crouch then dash then touch the touch pad again - just to gain 5e/s for 25s like really!? the whole change made to that ability seems pointless to me i get it was the passive gain that made things an issue for some frames being a tad overpowered but really!? so instead they are just as overpowerwed yet go operator or bring energy pizzas. so in the end all you did was make me have to go operator and dash for energy like a monkey That being said it is a nice feature cause it restores it to the group however that could be done as a passive aoe buff. 

Now how about the issues with crossover energy zones? I just buffed and some kid with 3e/s is like oh cool me too. Now my buff is 3e/s but thats not right it should be my 5e/s. why? cause its a bigger buff! the little one shouldn't override it.

And lastly please stop taking so long just make the changes, I understand it takes time and yes it does however it has been out since August and the PC didnt even get the changes yet so lets get moving! you know some people actually stopped playing cause of focus changes not being foxed or mentioned of fixed? I refuse to spend money on DE myself until they have fixed PoE which they released with such a massive gameplay mechanic issue that is quite easily fixed but they refuse to for some odd reason, I assume pride.

So in summary scrap orbs scrap lenses make it all constant and then DE can have my money again until then focus is a cool mini-game inside my game not Warframe, nor needed aside from zenurik.

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I don't necessarily think they need to scrap lenses or do a unified focus point system. Sure I'd like it, but they aren't going to get rid of things people have bought/farmed, and they aren't going to refund with plat and wouldn't do legendary cores for these things.  Its still an xp system you put effort into and buy into. 

That said, I do feel they need to scrab orbs and just build it into regular gain.  I can't play the rest of the game if I spend time grinding focus unless I get some good sleepquinox/rhino/ivara runs in, and, I really don't like doing all that.  I don't have 4-8 hours a day to be playing and have to spend a few of that just grinding focus with a booster instead of doing different/random things I'd like to do.

They could have done more with Zen though. Should have just make it return energy from various sources instead of being the passive orb/bubble it is now.  It would have been more gratifying, integrated with gameplay, and moved further away from passive energy regen that they don't want and we don't need.

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7 hours ago, Terrornaut said:

I don't necessarily think they need to scrap lenses or do a unified focus point system. Sure I'd like it, but they aren't going to get rid of things people have bought/farmed, and they aren't going to refund with plat and wouldn't do legendary cores for these things.  Its still an xp system you put effort into and buy into. 

That said, I do feel they need to scrab orbs and just build it into regular gain.  I can't play the rest of the game if I spend time grinding focus unless I get some good sleepquinox/rhino/ivara runs in, and, I really don't like doing all that.  I don't have 4-8 hours a day to be playing and have to spend a few of that just grinding focus with a booster instead of doing different/random things I'd like to do.

They could have done more with Zen though. Should have just make it return energy from various sources instead of being the passive orb/bubble it is now.  It would have been more gratifying, integrated with gameplay, and moved further away from passive energy regen that they don't want and we don't need.

wtf? takes 2-3 runs of adaro with 2 eidolon lens to get 250k on a bad day, takes like 15m? hrs to get focus? your doing it wrong

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Le 31/12/2017 à 03:25, xXHobbitXx a dit :

wtf? takes 2-3 runs of adaro with 2 eidolon lens to get 250k on a bad day, takes like 15m? hrs to get focus? your doing it wrong

Yeah with 2 eidolon lenses and probably an affinity booster...

Not like obtaining these lenses is a huge pain.

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Whelp. It seems I have ran out of reasons to farm focus. I just maxed-out all 4 Madurai passive abilities, but don't feel like investing on the actives since I don't use them. I wish I could unbind Naramon's Power Spike since I'm a melee player, but sacrificing both of Madurai's damage passives is a though sell since they help with guns for those moments I can't melee =/ 

Please DE, let us mix the passives. Make them all way-bound, or at least allow the usage of passives from 1 other secondary school.  

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il y a 12 minutes, Bibliothekar a dit :

Explanation for anyone who hasn't played it?

Well, in short :

- A unique pool for all "schools", currently all characters : Big barbarian, squishy sorcerer etc share exactly the same pool, they just start in different places of the pool.


So all that matters is the path you will take, but it's not...compartmented, if my english is correct.

- No orbs that are anti-teamplay. You just pex your points passively, in a classic way. (In Warframe that just could be when all your stuff is maxed, as many have already said it.)

- No need for lens, but that is too much asking i guess.

But a unique pool to make your specific skill tree trough different schools and trash those focus orbs could be a wonderful step. Imo.

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Il y a 5 heures, Stonehenge a dit :

Well, in short :

- A unique pool for all "schools", currently all characters : Big barbarian, squishy sorcerer etc share exactly the same pool, they just start in different places of the pool.


So all that matters is the path you will take, but it's not...compartmented, if my english is correct.

- No orbs that are anti-teamplay. You just pex your points passively, in a classic way. (In Warframe that just could be when all your stuff is maxed, as many have already said it.)

- No need for lens, but that is too much asking i guess.

But a unique pool to make your specific skill tree trough different schools and trash those focus orbs could be a wonderful step. Imo.

Honestly that would be awesome.

My main complain about focus is how it forces you to play THESE gears because you put a lens on them, if you don't play with these, well you're wasting some potential focus gain. It's even worse when the weapons you want to use has the wrong lens and you're wasting part of your daily focus cap (which should've been removed btw)


Sadly this kind of feature would greatly reduce the amount of grind, and we all know what happen to suggestions that are less grindy than the actual feature...

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On 12/31/2017 at 1:25 PM, xXHobbitXx said:

wtf? takes 2-3 runs of adaro with 2 eidolon lens to get 250k on a bad day, takes like 15m? hrs to get focus? your doing it wrong

That isn't 'normal' game-play that is clearly dedicated farming (i.e. going to adaro for the specific goal to get focus) and generally requires the stealth multipliers and a specific gear set-up (typically a sleepquniox and a booster).

Normal game-play is just playing a mix of missions doing whatever you want to do and gaining focus passively.

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Basilisk gaze , the unairu waybound passive , does not work for host. 

When i am not host range for void blast is insane have no problems hitting kuva clouds with "E" , but if i host range is pathetic.

Running zenurik eveything maxed, all waybound nodes unlocked and activated.


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On December 5, 2017 at 3:42 PM, [DE]Connor said:

Hail Tenno!

My name’s [DE]Connor, and I’m here to help cover the upcoming changes to our Focus system.

First order of business: If you have yet to complete The Second Dream, turn back now!



Are they gone yet? Ok cool, let’s do this.

With the release of Plains of Eidolon, players saw an overhaul of operator gameplay known as Focus 2.0. Through our transition to “combat operators”, we entered a new realm of player progression - amps, unbounds and Eidolons, oh my! 

Now, having been out in the wild for over a month, we’ve watched you guys dive head first into the exciting new possibilities offered in the various Focus trees, and listened to your thoughts and suggestions for what could be improved. Hopefully you’re having as much fun with it as we are - but we’re not done yet.

In an update coming soon, we will be launching Focus 2.5. This will include another refund of Focus points for players to redistribute as they please. Lenses will not be refunded this time around.

The biggest systemic change with Focus will address pool capacity costs. Focus points are still collected into five separate trees, but all will now have a shared pool capacity - this means you can upgrade your pool size using the points from any school you wish, which increases the maximum capacity for every school all at once! This effectively slashes overall pool costs to 20% of what they used to be, encouraging players to spend more time upgrading their Focus nodes, making tangible progress through the various trees. This will also enable players to spend points from less prioritized schools in a manner that benefits your school(s) of choice, outside of focusing on waybounds.

A new option to increase pool capacity from your active tree. Upgrading the capacity inside the tree itself will work similarly.

However, we didn’t stop there - to hasten Focus progression even further, we reduced the costs of unlocking nodes across all trees. The table below compares what a 5 rank passive node (like Zenurik’s Energy Pulse) costs before and after these changes:


On average, node costs have been reduced by almost 30%. When combined with the millions of Focus saved on pool capacity, the cost of Focus as a whole will be roughly half of what it is currently.

Focus 2.5 also serves as an opportunity to slightly tweak the powers themselves, with the goal of improving usability while bringing the overall power levels of the five schools closer together. That said, here are the changes we currently have implemented:

-Void Singularity (doubled pull speed)
-Lightning Dash (costs 10 energy per cast)

-Guardian Blast (grants 160 shields at max, up from 100)
-Protective Dash (grants 5s of immunity at max, up from 2s)

-Void Spines (reflects 100% damage at max, up from 25%)
-Stone Skin (adds flat armor, 60 for both warframe and operator at max)

-Void Strike (continues accumulating damage boosts over multiple uses of void mode, each rank adds additional attacks up to a max of 8)
-Blazing Dash (now stuns enemies instead of ragdolling)

Finally, I’d like to give updates on the development status of other anticipated Focus changes. Discussions about Convergence are still ongoing; for the time being, we have an interest in maintaining the mechanic for the change of pacing it can offer, and we will think on it even more once higher priority issues are resolved.

On the topic of Focus acquisition, some of you may also remember the daily cap removal mentioned in a recent devstream - we are still working out how best to implement this change, so it will not be included in this update. We appreciate your patience in this matter.

We will continue to monitor player experiences after these improvements and tweaks - thanks for sticking with us as Warframe continues to evolve!


EDIT: Going to try clarifying some of the more common questions and misunderstandings:
-Brilliant Eidolon Shards will be part of the refund. Shards invested in waybounds will be returned as items, while shards that have been turned into Focus points will be refunded as points.
-When I said "no lens refund", I was referring to what we did with Focus 2.0, where lenses were pulled out of your weapons to redistribute as you please. With Focus 2.5, players will still keep their lenses, they will just remain installed on your weapons.
-Waybound nodes are not subject to the cost reduction.
-New unified pool capacity will not be an increase in any way. If you spend enough points to get your pool size up to 20 points, you will be able to use 20 points worth of abilities in Zenurik, 20 in Naramon, etc etc.

I like the improvements

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I need to read all of the added requests but I also want to add outside of the requested soft cap & only having the convergence orb for Focus farm that exceed the daily cap:

Kills as operator should grant a significant amount of focus for them & the amp... As it would make sense as the Focus system is based around the operator...


Currently operator kills are not only very low, but the operator itself wastes affinity completely... Not adding to anything whatsoever...  


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14 hours ago, (Xbox One)B0NGR1P54JESUS said:

So this is awesome! Thank god. It would've taken the better half of a year to complete all trees. Ridiculous. 

2nd, I'd like to ask what's the deal with the stratps emblem? Is that still a thing we can work towards with events or has that been discontinued?

lol... it will likely still take over half a year unless you specifically farm it...


I have to say after spending some time specifically going after eidolons to speed up the focus grind I'm finding the cost of increasing the capacity pool to be excessive, I didn't see a reason for it to stick around in the first place but when you need to 'add 7' for a new waybound and you look at the cost and it's almost as much as unlocking waybound you have to think is it 'balanced' and I'd say no. 

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