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Apostasy Prologue, what happens and what it could mean lore wise.


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The Apostasy Prologue is a quest you get after building the personal quarters in your orbiter. In this post I'll be typing EXACTLY what happens. (DON'T READ IF YOU ARE NEW TO WARFRAME OR DON'T WANT SPOILERS)

To start the quest you have to touch the glowing sphere in the personal quarters. After toughing it you will be taken to what looks like a Orokin building on Lua, or the moon. Once you enter the building you are faced with a blueish-purple light similar too the trail you follow in Octavia's Anthem. When you run into it you hear a voice and the energy starts turning into a trail wich you have to follow. (from this point it will just be the dialogue from the quest and some descriptions for what happens)

After running into the energy the first time.

Margulis: Do something, get me out of here.

Touching it the second time.

Ballas: You know I can't.

Margulis: Can't or won't.


Ballas: I told you not to speak out. If you recant, maybe-

Margulis: You lied to me, Ballas. You're no different then the rest of them.


Ballas: Margulis...please...forgive me.

After this the trail leads you down into a pit with water and a Orokin tree above it. After falling in the pit you are in operator mode and you walk down a long path. Once getting to the end of the path you are greeted with this cut scene.

*pod made of different floating parts rises*

*the pod opens*

*Lotus appears and stands up saying*

Lotus: How long have we waited for this moment?

*a unknown figure appears behind you*

???: Forgive me.

Lotus: For what? I am not who you think I am.

???: -But of course you are. Imprisoned, just as she was.

*the man hold up his hand sending some kind of energy that disconnects the cords from the back of Lotus' helmet*

*you get what appears to be a quick sharp pain in your head once all the cords are gone while the screen glitches*

Lotus: Ballas?

*the figure now known as Ballas, walks closer to Lotus*

Ballas: I will not abandon you again, Margulis.

*Ballas holds out his hand and Lotus takes off her helmet and drops it*

*Ballas grabs Lotus' hand and they walk into a portal of white energy*

*you try to run towards them but they go through and the portal collapses and sends a wave of energy, knocking you back*

 *you run up where the portal was and pick up Lotus's helmet* 

*you hug it tightly towards your chest while looking where the portal was*

From this point you are taken back to your orbiter and Ordis starts talking. Already did the quest and don't remember and found no videos of what he actually said so this is what I think he said.

Ordis: By the stars the Lotus! Is she..... is she gone?

Ordis: I will attempt to simulate her mission directives. Until then you try to look for her.

This is the last thing said that relates to the quest. After completing it ALL transmission from Lotus are purple holograms that sometimes glitch out and start to stutter before fixing them selves. If you have anything to say about what this means for Lotus, you, Ordis, and the newly introduced Ballas lore wise please reply to this post. Hope you enjoyed this.

Edited by fishymandt
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I'm pretty sure that the "Lotus" was a plan made by Ballas and Margulis all along. It was a plan to both "get rid of Margulis", as per the order of the 7 executors, but to keep Margulis and the Tenno safe/alive at the same time. Ballas couldn't simply let his loved one be killed like that, and Margulis couldn't leave the Tenno like that either.

They've erased Margulis' memory to a certain extent, much like they did with Ordis, and have used her to control, or rather pose as Natah, in order to bring down the sentient threat and control the Tenno at the same time. Why else would the Lotus suddenly decide to go with Ballas, after being disconnected from that obviously not-orokin-made pod? I think the pod contains Natah, or rather is Natah.

It was odd, though. Ballas, the one seemingly despising us the most, didn't even bother looking at us, while he was going towards the Lotus. The Lotus didn't seem to notice us either. As if we weren't really there.

Well, that's as far as my theory goes. Now my mind factory is on fire, regarding what "The Sacrifice" will be all about lol

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3 hours ago, zzzNitro said:

I don't know what to think... Did Ballas not see us or didn't bother with us? the F is up with his arm? Did he release the Lotus? Is Margulis alive or did he transfer Margulis's Oro into a new vessel?

I think the Void taints the Immortality/Yuvan process or it is an imperfect process that shows degeneration/defects over multiple hosts and it would make perfect sense that the REAL reason the children were subjected to the void was to provide Orokin Elite with non-aging bodies that were immune to the Void's corruptive influence.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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I think it has a relation to The Sacrifice...as in the lotus or margulis' sacrifice or 'choice'. you can only have 1: either ballas or the tenno 

but that wouldn't give us a lot of choice, since it'll center around an NPC and I don't think we'll play as the lotus tbh >.> 

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2 minutes ago, GinKenshin said:

I think it has a relation to The Sacrifice...as in the lotus or margulis' sacrifice or 'choice'. you can only have 1: either ballas or the tenno 

but that wouldn't give us a lot of choice, since it'll center around an NPC and I don't think we'll play as the lotus tbh >.> 

choosing between spacmom and creepy blue guy with a 6 foot long, necrotic arm.


not that tough of a choice.

in addition I would stab Ballas in his face saying "knife to meet you"

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9 minutes ago, TzXtetriC said:

If Rebecca is leaving, this means the fall of Warframe is near.

Was good while it lasted, nice meeting you all.

well, minky already left, so...


but honestly i dont think Rebecca is leaving the company, i could understand if she no longer wants to do the lotus voice though

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4 minutes ago, Toppien said:

well, minky already left, so...

Who is Minky? All free games I've known of went down in several years, they can't eat much with what they get from a few prime access and a few buying plat. I mean, there is a lot to pay in a company, and developing stuff also costs a lot.

I hope it doesn't fall soon but the end wil be near.

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1 minute ago, TzXtetriC said:

Who is Minky? All free games I've known of went down in several years, they can't eat much with what they get from a few prime access and a few buying plat. I mean, there is a lot to pay in a company, and developing stuff also costs a lot.

I hope it doesn't fall soon but the end wil be near.

Dude. Warframe made an absolute sack of money in the last year. They’re doing fine.


As regards whether or not it’s professional stuff behind this (i.e. Rebecca changing her role), that’s fine too! I just want the quest to be well written, and in truth I’m not too broken up about the idea of mission control no longer being Space Mom. Hell, if the quest allows for something vaguely approximating a happy ending for Margulis and Ballas, I’d be fine with that! Turns out Ballas didn’t kill Margulis, but maybe found a way to hide her from the Council of Executors. Neat.

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9 minutes ago, TzXtetriC said:

they can't eat much with what they get from a few prime access and a few buying plat.

since DE's parent company publishes financial reports we can see DE's profit.

fiscal year 2016

revenue: $147 million CAD

gross profit: $95.8 million CAD

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I think the reason they didn't care about us is : we were not really in this scene. 


We saw it for whatever reason, astral projection or whatever space magic. It's a vision. 

I think these quests are some kind of rite to adulthood we Tenno have to pass. Did you ever think about players who started the game after you ? They will not lose Lotus before months ! They first have to live the Second Dream and the War Within, face their paternal figure (Teshin) before they are made orphan after a "oh cool i have my private quarters no-NOOOOOOOOOO"

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8 minutes ago, DeadScream said:

I think the reason they didn't care about us is : we were not really in this scene. 


We saw it for whatever reason, astral projection or whatever space magic. It's a vision. 

Then how did we get the helmet if we were not physically there?

Its so damn confusing...

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