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What is your relationship with the Lotus? (As Tenno)


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Thought this would be a fun in universe thread. 


Some of the Tenno think of me as either "rebellious" or a "problem child" but what do I say? None of these, sure I am not known to not disobey the Lotus frequently but as I often say to the Lotus, "You're not my mom",  "I'm not your child", "Leaave me aloone" or "I just want to do as I please". 

Sometimes you could say I make the Lotus mad or frustrated, I often get lectured by the Lotus, I do get grounded sometimes (locked in my ship or put under quarantine) and Lotus threatens to cut off my allowance :sadcry:. Sometimes, Lotus gives me the Uncle Ben treatment

Image result for with great power comes great responsibility comic

Or Lotus gives me a empathetic speech that makes me feel like this is emotionally blackmail (People are suffering in the universe, we need to restore order or balance, stuff like that)

I'm also incredibly listless (it takes me ages to increase my mastery fodder - I mean Mastery ranks amonsgt Tenno) so Lotus extra motivates me to join missions with rewards though sometimes obeying her is decided on a game like tossing a coin or rock, paper scissors. 

Although secretly I do care (don't tell space mom I said that) and Lotus knows I mean well, I do speak to her politely unlike some of the Tenno. 

(this thread was sort inspired by Conspiracy Loki) 

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I roleplay my Tenno as myself. (Creative, I know.) Momma's boy until I have sufficient reason to doubt her. All of her actions so far (even the mistakes) can be attributed to the motherly instinct she clearly has. She maintains the balance through the Tenno. Also, I'm not one to alienate the only loving person I have in a difficult time. 

Crap, I play video games to escape my troubles, not experience them cranked up to 11


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Hmmm. My relation ship with the lotus is mostly based on the first interaction.


The second dream, duh :P

Since then I have seen her as part mother figure, part leader but mostly as someone who gives us OPTIONS to have a purpose. At first we fought Grineer (WAAAY BACK in the vor times) for defense... remember that?

Then we fought the corpus to better arm our selves (Darvo) and it kept going from there. WHY? I don't have a clue but the lotus seems to be convinced that we are doing whats right, or at least wants us to think that way.

So much is confusing but we know we are in a time where we don't belong, woken up to authorities (syndicates), instructors (Teshin) and a high commander (Lotus). Since then we've known nothing BUT the lotus' will. Is she a good person? Maybe. Is she a FAIR person? Maybe is she HELPING stop evil? helping humans? Maybe. But one thing was made VERY clear recently.



Without mother lotus, her knowledge, her plans, her people, her power, we have NOTHING.


Not Ordis, not our Warframes, and certainly not a purpose...


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She's like that friendly lady that picked me off of the street, but turned out to be a little too clingy and has some skeletons buried in her basement.

Listen, lady. I'm grateful that you put me under a roof, gave me food, clothes and some chores, but that doesn't mean I have to say and do everything you want me to.

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From the perspective of my little Tenno character; she can't be trusted, but she's all the Tenno have.

The Lotus has lied to us, hidden us, and abandoned us. She keeps revelatory secrets round every corner, and despite treating us as her personal army, she seems to have no intention of ever fully enlightening us. Conversely, her desire to shelter us appears genuine, and maternal. She's on our side (or we're on hers), and in a system where there are too many enemies to count, that loyalty's a valuable thing. Without the Lotus, whose side would we be on? Would the Tenno fracture apart? We'd have no direction, no purpose, and far fewer paths of self discovery.

The Lotus is our mother, our general, and our master. At some point though, children grow up and if the relationship is to survive, it needs to evolve. But will she ever see the Tenno as equals?

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I never really saw her as nothing more than a supervisor who cares for their employees. I do think she will be useful and important to defeating the sentients, even if she is one herself. And if it comes to the point where we need to take her out to rid of all sentients then so be it.

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