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Less-Popular Mods you would legitimately like to see Primed.


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I don't ordinarily make posts as generic as this, but this is a conversation that can become actually rather interesting. Rules are, NO DAMAGE MODS. It's gotta be just some quality of life sort of mod. Not like Serration or Barrel Diffusion.
I'd like to start off with a mod I'd like to see, "Primed Rush."

For the most part, I don't really see people use it, and while I'm not a 'rusher' I still really like having the mod on my Loki. It's just a generally fun mod to use.


EDIT: To the people unironically naming Primed Maiming Strike. Not only are you ignoring the parameters set by the topic, but also... DEAR HOLY GOD WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? Is not the spin-to-win epidemic plaguing this game not bad enough already?

Edited by Vypor
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il y a 22 minutes, Wind_Blade a dit :

Primed Vacum :crylaugh: and Primed Master Thief

Just a big *NO*.

Vaccum should be an innate passive on warframe or companion, because it's a big QoL and nobody want to collect the loot by hand in a fast paced space shooter.

Not counting that sentinels builds are close, not versatile with the amount of mods and the need of survivability because even with all the survivability mods they are still weak.

I still can't use a sentinel weapon (for cc abilities for example) because i don't have one slot left on all my sentinels for that.

By introducing a primed vacuum you condemn the versatility of sentinels.

Edited by Alpha56
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Nah. Unpopular mods are boring.

Roll out a Primed Maiming Strike at day 800 (or better still, day 1000!). 

The spectacle of cubic kilometers of salt flooding the forums will be priceless. ^_^

Edited by Reifnir
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Primed Master Thief. It's way more useful than kubrows as is, so, why not just make them obsolete (in the box opening context, at least).

Other than that, I'll take a Primed Rush or Primed Maglev (or both). Hek, Primed Natural Talent would be neat as well. Or Primed Sure Footed. That would sure free a few slots on my Nekros...

Edited by Gabbynaru
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vor 30 Minuten schrieb Wind_Blade:

Primed Vacum :crylaugh: and Primed Master Thief

Gerade eben schrieb Gabbynaru:

Primed Master Thief. It's way more useful than kubrows as is, so, why not just make them obsolete (in the box opening context, at least).

Other than that, I'll take a Primed Rush or Primed Maglev (or both). Hek, Primed Natural Talent would be neat as well. Or Primed Sure Footed. That would sure free a few slots on my Nekros...


Edited by Marine027
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30 minutes ago, Reifnir said:

Nah. Unpopular mods are boring.

Roll out a Primed Maiming Strike at day 800 (or better still, day 1000!). 

The spectacle of cubic kilometers of salt flooding the forums will be priceless. ^_^

Login Reward 800 appears to be a syandana version of the Sigma & Octantis, breaking what would've normally been a primed mod.

I can't say I blame DE for not having another primed mod, but given Baro Ki'Teer is becoming ever more reluctant on the primed mods and the 50 day login milestone cosmetics have been getting increasingly more meh I have to say it upsets me. I'd rather we just got syandanas or other cosmetics as 50 day milestones.

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2 minutes ago, Zahnny said:

Login Reward 800 appears to be a syandana version of the Sigma & Octantis, breaking what would've normally been a primed mod.

I can't say I blame DE for not having another primed mod, but given Baro Ki'Teer is becoming ever more reluctant on the primed mods and the 50 day login milestone cosmetics have been getting increasingly more meh I have to say it upsets me. I'd rather we just got syandanas or other cosmetics as 50 day milestones.

Might be a bow. And the syandana is just the quiver (similar in shape to Lenz).

On topic: Primed Ghost - 30m

Edited by Void-Gunslinger
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55 minutes ago, Sablesword said:

Primed Mobilize.

This one.

Primed Stretch.
Primed Argon Plating.
Primed Terminal Velocity/ Lethal Momentum.
Primed Sinister Reach/ Ruinous Extension.
Primed Medi-Ray.
Primed Whirlwind.
Primed Streamline.

Or Primed Soon.

8 minutes ago, .-_-. said:

Primed Ammo Drum ?

Ammo Drum is extremely popular... as fodder.

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