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Arca Plasmor headshot Nerf


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If you aim for headshots and hit heads, you should be rewarded. This dumbs down a really basic mechanic because you can hit lots of heads at once. That's not really a good reason. If you insist on nerfing, nerf the plasmor's available headshot hibox to something smaller don't just turn off it's headshots. That's not cool, that's lazy and really damaging to players who put in the effort to do basic aiming. Dropping the skill ceiling to nothing is not good for longevity of the game.

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Ok, DE has nerfed the headshot plasmor, but why don't increase status chance or damage? Tigris with punch through does the same at plasmor but have a lot of Slash damage lol (and unlimited range).

Edited by peterkas
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yeah, i don't get it, if they want to make it slightly more difficult to get the headshots then whatever, but don't completely remove it from the weapons ability to do so, i get that it may be a bug or something, but it was a welcome one.


and no, plasmor is nothing like the tigris prime, in fact more than just the tigris prime outclass it, especially now.

Edited by Reaver_X
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I can't help but feel people are making a bigger deal about this than it actually is. I've yet to get a riven for or even forma mine, and it still holds up fairly well in level 3 sortie missions. I mean yeah, it definitely struggles against armored heavies now, but I think that's a fair tradeoff considering it still excels at vaporizing entire crowds of smaller mobs in one to two shots.

I guess if you really need a gun that can one-shot level 150+ heavies while barely aiming at them then you're out of luck, but for the majority of the game I'd say it's a lot more balanced and is still reliably powerful in it's niche.

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20 hours ago, Reaver_X said:

so, i just got wind of this, and my question is why......what'd the weapon do to warrant this? i'd really like to know. Why can't we have nice things :(

Because Harrow got an augment that's related to headshots.  Someone forgot to tell DE that headshots aren't hard to hit with most weapons anyway.

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2 minutes ago, PatternistSlave said:

Because Harrow got an augment that's related to headshots.  Someone forgot to tell DE that headshots aren't hard to hit with most weapons anyway.


poor reasoning to nerf the plasmor, and yeah like you said, its not hard to hit headshots with most weapons anyways. I can fire thru multiple heads with a single arrow from the dread....De gonna nerf that too?

Edited by Reaver_X
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I can´t understand why this weapon gets a nerf, i mean, arca plasmor isn´t the best weapon (tigris prime), you can´t one shot things after 20mt (high level) and has a max range of 30, and it´s damage in sorties is only good. If they had a problem with plasmor because of harrows augument, then that augument is the problem, not the weapon, plasmor was before the augument and there was no problem, it´s like what happend with hunter munitions "oh this mod makes slash too god, so we have to nerf slash" I hate when old things get nerfed because new things can´t work

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Il y a 9 heures, PatternistSlave a dit :

Because Harrow got an augment that's related to headshots.  Someone forgot to tell DE that headshots aren't hard to hit with most weapons anyway.

Anyone can land infinite headshots with harrow´s chains, all the videos shows how you can go easy to 2 min. duration with any automatic weapon, so they should nerf all weapons xd.

Edited by Valgaarv
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34 minutes ago, Kayll said:

People are still saying this Harrow nonsense?
His augment still works with the plasmor, it literally has nothing to do with the change.

They said why the change was implemented, go and read the patch notes.

Yeah.  Pure coincidence a weapon that's easy to hit headshots with is suddenly nerfed just as a Harrow augment involving headshots is released.

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23 hours ago, Reaver_X said:

so, i just got wind of this, and my question is why......what'd the weapon do to warrant this? i'd really like to know. Why can't we have nice things :(

I agree. The weapon is a lot of fun but already had problems after lvl, specially against armor. With limited range and long reload it already had its limitations. 

Im happy Astilla exists till its also nerfed.


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You do realize it's still incredibly good, right?  Oh no, it starts to struggle against heavy enemies in just about the hardest missions that are intended to be played when they also have a modifier that makes the weapon less effective.  It's absolutely more than viable for most Sortie 3's.

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1 hour ago, PatternistSlave said:

Yeah.  Pure coincidence a weapon that's easy to hit headshots with is suddenly nerfed just as a Harrow augment involving headshots is released.

Actually, yes it is pure coincidence..
Seeing how the augment functions completely the same on the plasmor as any other weapon.

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2 hours ago, Kayll said:


As you can see below the augment still increases the second half of Covenant on headshots with the Arca Plasmor.

So can you please stop spreading misinformation now?

So?  It would have been strong with the Harrow augment (or at least someone thought it would be) and was consequently nerfed.  It's not the first time a weapon has been nerfed because of an ability where they just whole cloth nerfed the weapon rather than mess with the interaction.

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9 hours ago, Kayll said:


As you can see below the augment still increases the second half of Covenant on headshots with the Arca Plasmor.

So can you please stop spreading misinformation now?

Claiming that the fact headshots still work with the augment is proof of no connected intent is very poor logic.  Recall, the Arca Plasmor was doing 0 damage on headshots right after the nerf and still (apparently) loses all punch through when a head is struck.

These facts point to bugs on the patch DE attached to the gun, rather than an intended consequence of their actions.

The timing for the patch is very, very suspicious, and you need to keep very close watch as this progresses.  DE may well slip in unannounced "adjustments" (as per past conduct), further gimping a second-line weapon when there are other RADICALLY more powerful options already in game.

Really, you'd think the weapon was fine to begin with, given it's max range, damage falloff, Radiation-only damage base, projectile flight time, horrible RoF, terrible reload time, crap ammo economy, and (relative) lack of supplemental stats.

Now all I'm hearing is a few people saying "hooray, they killed the thing, but that's fine since I thought it was too easy" while many others are morning the loss of a powerful and unique choice other than Vaykor Hek or the Tigris Prime. 

Seriously, this gun has too many drawbacks to put up with the inability to headshot.  I'm not even talking about ease here, just that with all other factors included the Arca Plasmor is now trash.

EDIT:  By the way, arguments of the "I can run Sorties with it" logic also apply to things like the Buzlok, the Paracyst, the Mutalist Cernos, the Braton Prime, and others of their ilk can ALL run Sorties successfully.  That doesn't mean that they're optimal, good, or even solid choices.  They WORK, but so too can many other things, some of which work considerably better.

Hell, you CAN run a Braton, a Lato, and a Skana.  Does this mean they are in need of nerfs due to some top-tier status?  Of course not.  It is PERFECTLY reasonable to question this nerf, and trying to paint things otherwise is just silly.

Edited by Cytobel
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"Claiming that the fact headshots still work with the augment is proof of no connected intent is very poor logic."
No connected intent? That's half the reason people post saying the reason it was nerfed, and yet when I tested it the augment, it still worked.
And then at the same time you turn around and say its "suspicious" that the augment and this nerf came out at the same time.

Testing and Proof = Poor Logic
Assumptions and Ignorance = Good logic apparently.

"Recall, the Arca Plasmor was doing 0 damage on headshots right after the nerf and still (apparently) loses all punch through when a head is struck."
The weapons punch through works perfectly fine no matter where you hit the target, I just tested it..it took 2 minutes.

This is why I hope DE would never listen to you people, you come to the forums and whine about something without even testing it.
Hell, all the Warframe balance topics are already crying about the supposed changes not being good enough, and they aren't even in the game yet.

P.S. There is nothing to be suspicious about the change, its clear as day why they did it because they said the reason already.
There's no reason for them to lie to you guys to try and save their own hide seeing as its their game and they can do whatever they want with it.

I just joined a Kuva Flood and saw this, laughed my &#! off. What mastery fodder..


Edited by Kayll
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