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Dev Workshop: Warframes Revisited


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Feel free to skip around the video (my computer is junk and didn't record most of the visual part of the video so it's more a podcast) but this is my take on how each change affects all the frames mentioned. 


For those who don't want to watch it (I certainly don't want to watch 30 minutes of rambling XD ).


Ash Bladstorm- The change to his bladestorm massively increases DPS and versatility by allowing him to do what's he wants while clones are killing people. I'd like the mark system to be removed and just have a single mark.


Atlas Rubble- A great way to increase armour/health regen the way you get it is kinda meh.

Atlas Landslide- When Killing enemies that are petrified you get rubble and the aoe at the end of the punch is increased to 2 meters instead of 1.5 meters. This helps with the cc of enemies the biggest downside is needing to kill petrfified enemies with it who are immune to status making armoured enemies harder to kill due to not being able to proc status to reduce the armour value (It's like killing enemies inside mag's bubble with pull for the extra chance to spawn energy. Not worth the cost.)

Tectonics remains unchanged (except for the synergy with petrify) which means the only use is to block off doorways/block sortie defense targets from killing themselves. Just half the height and make it longer for a much better mobile cover.

Atlas Petrify- You can now use all your abilities while using it.While this is kinda nice to use abilites why not just let it be an aoe around us or let us fire a secondary while channeling? This ability is pure cc and doesn't let you deal enough damage to make use of that cc which is a huge problem as cc is there to make killing easier/safer.

If you petrify a rumbler/tectonics they'll heal. A very asked for feature thank you!

If you want to petrify enemies use the augment on his 1 not this ability.

Rumblers drop rubble when they expire- Potentially adds extra ehp for blowing rumblers up manually.

Petrifies enemies who are close when you cast this- Why is this a thing yet you keep petrify as it is?!! It seems wore efficient to cast this to petrify enemies then using petrify!

Add in an AOE taunt on these please! They provide little cc and next to no damage. It seems their main use right now will be to petrify enemies and get easy rubble.


Spectral scream is still the most useless ability in the game even though it scales with fury buff.

Vex armor aoe is not useful since there are few that build range chroma and a range chroma can't get a decent range for his abilites.

Chroma is getting a further look at a later date.


Ember WOF now scales 100% more damage and halves the range after 15 seconds of being up... oh and energy cost is doubled... yeah- Which makes her useless at all levels. She's useful at low levels to speedrun the levels with high damage mid range at high levels she thrives off high range aoe cc.

By removing the range she now lacks the aoe impact of her main cc. She's not doing any more damage either since armour is mitigating it all anyways.

It's mentioned she's a high damage dealer low survivability frame well now she not only lacks damage she needs to get close to cc getting her killed...or constantly toggle her WOF on and off.


Gara's Mass Vitrify now has scaling based on the enemy health she glasses over- This is a nice change that adds a unique and fun scaling mechanic to her.


Mag now has more damage based on power strength when making use of armour shards.... nothing has changed- Make polarize scale based off a % of armour. So she has 50% stripping at max rank and can increase that to 100% at 200 power strength. Currently she lacks the capability to strip enough armour to make it worth it on armoured enemies at sortie levels.

Mags ult now heals shields- An awesome change that further pushes polarise to the dumpster as it takes away more utility (you know since its augment is more efficient at stripping armour than polarise can anyways...).


Volt's Ultimate has no damage cap but loses damage/ stun duration over distance- Good against corpus doesn't change much about him though...

Still need lower energy/meter upon picking up his shield as the drain is ridiculous when using speed...


Feel free to watch the part about Zephyr in my video but I didn't get to watch the stream earlier showing her off so I'm going to dedicate this section to that when I get the chance.

Oh and the banshee augment change adds massive survivability when you want to use the rest of her kit!

Edited by (PS4)Chris_Robet
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Just now, Teshin_Dax said:

no, but it makes her overall viable.


It sounded like she would be trash no matter what

she is pretty well dead, if they wanna make her range that small they need to bring back overheat so we have some survivability

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vor 1 Minute schrieb KaeseSchnitte:

Just as Turbulence turns Zephyr into an "endless survival" frame? Is Ember good now because one augment for one ability is not terrible?

It about the general statement of the quote. You wouldnt hurt an eidolon with These kind of abilities anyway

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45 minutes ago, Sajochi said:

 Can we get a tl;dw? Some of us can't just sit and watch a video. Which frames didn't get enough?

Yeah I'm writing that right now! I figured I put that up before I wrote it.

And it's added!

Edited by (PS4)Chris_Robet
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Just now, Teshin_Dax said:

It about the general statement of the quote. You wouldnt hurt an eidolon with These kind of abilities anyway

Never saw Ember hunting a Teralyst. She is too fragile and her abilities are useless for this case.
WoF never meant to be a killing machine for the end game, but just CC. 

Can you see Ember now, fighting close up with a level 50 Grineer ? Lol, not funny at all.

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7 minutes ago, ADDgamer45 said:

If you plan to make a change to a frame you need to think of not does this fix the problem. You have to make the frame WANTED. Is ember more WANTED in parties now? Do you want to play ember more now that she has been changed? Both of those answers are no for me.

Honest question does anyone that didn't like ember before want her in your party now? Does this change the desire to have an ember in your party?

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As an "air bender - bird" Zephyr could have more synergy in her first 3 abilities with her pasive, and be different on ground than in the air. Here is my idea:

(Abilities in air)

First one:

Tails wind as how it is, but with an Sonic "boom" when cast it, so enemies get throw away.

Second one:

Dive bomb as how it is, but when hitting the ground it should have a bigger area of impact that sends away the enemies.

Third one:

When cast it in the air it should let you stay more time in the air (like the work that you show today with the first ability)

(Abilities on the ground)

First one:

A 3 combo attacks that release wind weaves like the exalted sword of Excalibur, but this 3 attacks do not go trough the walls and have a short distance (this ability could have sinergy with the fourth ability making bigger the tornados when throw the wind weaves at them, and it could move them into the aiming directon).

Second one:

A wind weave that send aways the enemies in a radius of 180º or 360º around you, like the Dive bomb, but, with out the "Dive".

This is my idea for Zephyr; she is a very cool Warframe, and i think that a rework like this could make her very interesting to play.


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48 minutes ago, The_Mustachio said:

I like this idea. Ember gets stronger and (hopefully) people will complain less about her. 

People will just switch to Equinox. Until DE addresses the base problem which is matchmaking, efficient players will keep playing efficiently, and slow players or players who get mad someone gets more kills than them will keep complaining.

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Off the cuff Mag suggestion: Can we get Crush to add damage from nearby Polarize shards the way Magnetize does? Crush feels like it could use the extra oomph, and it feels strange that an ability that produces a bunch of metallic shards has no interaction with an ability that "magnetizes the bones of nearby enemies."

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Please try to buff the weak or useless abilities in a kit if you're gonna nerf the abilities that basically hold it together. Like a nerf as radical to ember as WoF should deserve a buff to the rest of the kit, since the only other redeeming quality after WoF is the flash accelerant mod and that's only an augment.

But as an Atlas main, landslide would still seem like the go-to ability for him. Having it do extra damage to petrified enemies is great but how did it fly past anyone that rumblers and tectonics could also benefit from that? Why not make it so petrified enemies take extra damage like glassed enemies since they're somehow harder to kill than unpetrified enemies?

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vor 2 Minuten schrieb mkoo33:

Never saw Ember hunting a Teralyst. She is too fragile and her abilities are useless for this case.
WoF never meant to be a killing machine for the end game, but just CC. 

Can you see Ember now, fighting close up with a level 50 Grineer ? Lol, not funny at all.

i do that sometimes against lvl 100 grineer if i want another way to focus farm. 

I use her Augment, a Glaive Prime with a Riven and Life Strike + Vitality and Quick Thinking (+Rage) + high power strength.


I get high dmg numbers and dont die while being a melee fighter and having negative efficiency, but i still dont run out of energy.. instead i regenerate a ton 

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I've mained Ember for a while now and have enjoyed trying different builds and optimising my favourite ability WoF.

So this does feel to me like a big fat nerf and several years of work down the drain. I understand why they have done this, don't know if I agree yet, though time will tell.

Hope it works out for the best, some people just want to watch the world burn...

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1 minute ago, ADDgamer45 said:

This is like tying to fix repeated power outages by changing your lightbulbs. You are looking at the wrong problem. Why are embers farming the early game to begin with?

cause if you place her on Sedna she would still be useless against anything over lvl 30 duh

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While a lot of these are nice, Mag needs FAR MORE than just those two small changes.


The shields from Crush will be helpful up until every other enemy not picked up by it starts blasting you to pieces in higher end content. It should DEFINITELY have increased range at the very least since it deals one of the worst elements in the game, Magnetic. Its damage also scales for S#&$ in that content, so it'll be a momentary panic button at best to let teammates clean up enemies who, while momentarily dazes, will still have at least 90% of their health. And even then, you have to wait for them to get out of their daze before you can recast it again for the same effect. Either increase the amount of damage it can do or give it something else that can help crowd control the enemy. Like keeping the enemy suspended for a few seconds, similar to Nezha.


Shards are almost completely useless at this point so i'd like to see what they do here, but i'm definitely not optimistic about what is described. The damage and armor stripped are STILL capped at 400 with the use of Polarize, which is nice for any content below 40, I suppose. But that will still leave it being almost useless in content above that level. So unless Mag can deal HUGE damage with the shards combined with Crush, it's little more than bandaid.

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3 hours ago, [DE]Drew said:

She scales better now for high level play. You can watch for more details here:


I'm pleased both that you recognize the two heads of the problematic coin for her relatively flat damage ("anything under 30" specialization isn't fun for anyone, and scaling concerns), but I think play-testing would show the opposite in this case.

Her scaling on high missions doesn't have so much to do with pure elemental damage to extremely armored enemies as it does with keeping a constant knockdown on anything in sight so that she can use her buffed weapons effectively.  Toggling this ability is an option (making a playstyle more akin to Vauban's 3 spam), but that's strictly an increase of micromanagement for the same result, not a scaling improvement.

Very happy overall with the changes being considered and even more with the stated reasons for them.  I hope our feedback on this change can help steer toward one that more closely matches your goals.  As always, thank you very much for an awesome game!

P.S., Atlas is supposed to be a brawler, we know, and the new uses for 3 are pretty good, but it's still got the same problem you just fixed on Chroma's 1.

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What makes Warframe standout against most other MMO shooters? The answer: the fast-paced, thrilling nature of the game. The proposed change to Ember continues DE's recent tradition of slowing down the game.

It's been clear through recent nerfs to weapons and frames that DE is continuing its onslaught on the fast-paced nature of Warframe. Warframe is thrilling because players can rush through hallways and large rooms at the speed of light and devastate entire squads of enemies. DE has unfortunately acquiesced to those calling for the nerf - the ones who would rather force everyone else to shoot enemies one at a time with a pistol and spend 20 minutes on a low level extermination mission than allow speedy folks, the majority of which make up the player population, to run it their way.

With regard to the specific nerf, I ask, "What is the point of increasing WoF damage over time if the player has no energy and it has no range to damage enemies by the time the damage has been doubled?" I presume the answer to be: "There is actually no point because we, at DE, want to slow down the action. We want to kill the fast-paced nature of the game."

I would agree with some sort of nerf if Ember could devastate high level enemies as quickly as it could low level ones, but that is not the case. Want to make gameplay match the pace of a snail? Want to continue your onslaught on higher level players who prefer to clear out missions faster because they've done it 500 times before? You have succeeded.

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I'm not sure what to think about the Banshee change, Mobile spamming of her 4th and the augment does knockdown ? Her 1 does that + strips armor.

I think I was hoping for a completely new 4th for her that would be idk more interactive with her kit and fun for the banshee players and teams....but these changes are still in testing right ?

Embers change might be ok but idk about the shrinking range on it.

Zephyr looks interesting am looking forward to that :)

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