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What about the people that already paid full price just for unvaulted cosmetics DE?


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19 minutes ago, nickelshark said:

This happens all the time with stores and such. You buy something nice for yourself and then a little later it goes on sale or clearance. 

Yes it goes on clearance because they have a surplus of supply. In this particular case, the supply is infinite. I can almost guarantee all you people screaming at the people paying the original price will be back on these forums a year from now complaining that you got the accessories for 30 dollars and now its being sold for 10.

Also, if you hurt consumer confidence, you hurt your future Prime accessories pack sales. Now that people know they will eventually come out cheaper, there will almost certainly be a decline in Prime accessory packs at full (60$? 50$?) price. DE has to ask themselves, are they willing to make the people who are too cheap to buy the packs at full price happy, or are they going to continue to make the people that supported them when the prices were at full price. What would you do?

Honestly, once you've milked the people who are willing to pay full price, it makes sense financially to release it at a lower price, after all, DE loses nothing by selling more digital goods. The only thing i'd take into account is alienating some of the players that did play full price, regardless of whatever on the people on the forums have to say.

Edited by Skaleek
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I dont want them to give refunds, but you people here are pretty aggressive. We got what we payed for. Yeh, We had less choices, then others will have from now and few days are not about patience. I saw the packs, I thought much about It and I said okay, who cares, lets buy It, I have enough money and Its not from my mother, but from my job and I dont want a refund, but Its still unfair and Its quite rude to say, You got what you payed for. No, I personally just payed for the accesories, It just happened, that I needed to throw some extra money out, for some items, I dont want, because We didnt have an other choice. That was the problem, Thats why people wanted an accesorices pack and I should not be punished and shamed for having the money and paying more and not being " patient ". I had no idea They would do an accesorices pack in the middle of the vault. It doesnt make sense, but the people are whining, so DE's best choice is the make the accesorices pack, which is good, but should have been implemented from the start, because It can be unfair with people who bought the packs before. I dont want this to seem like whining and I dont expect refund, Its okay for me, but You cant just say, oh You got what you payed for. We had less choices and staying patient isnt rly a choice, because implementing these in the middle does not make sense in my eyes. It was made like this, It stays like this and maybe the next vault They will probably do accesorices pack, Thats what I thought. Why many people will be able to be buy the accesorices pack is not, because They were smarter or anything, but They either had less money or different mindset about value etc... ( Sometimes rich people cant "afford" things and poor can, just for example I can not "afford" some things for myself that some of my friends can who have much less money, warframe is something I decided to be able to "afford", but some people who have more money then me, may say, They cannot afford to pay money for stupid packs in a game ) So most people will have acces to the better accesorices pack deals, because of luck or having a different personality and being more "careful" with money and being afraid to spend money on some things. 

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1 minute ago, HUNDarkTemplar said:

I dont want them to give refunds, but you people here are pretty aggressive. We got what we payed for. Yeh, We had less choices, then others will have from now and few days are not about patience. I saw the packs, I thought much about It and I said okay, who cares, lets buy It, I have enough money and Its not from my mother, but from my job and I dont want a refund, but Its still unfair and Its quite rude to say, You got what you payed for. No, I personally just payed for the accesories, It just happened, that I needed to throw some extra money out, for some items, I dont want, because We didnt have an other choice. That was the problem, Thats why people wanted an accesorices pack and I should not be punished and shamed for having the money and paying more and not being " patient ". I had no idea They would do an accesorices pack in the middle of the vault. It doesnt make sense, but the people are whining, so DE's best choice is the make the accesorices pack, which is good, but should have been implemented from the start, because It can be unfair with people who bought the packs before. I dont want this to seem like whining and I dont expect refund, Its okay for me, but You cant just say, oh You got what you payed for. We had less choices and staying patient isnt rly a choice, because implementing these in the middle does not make sense in my eyes. It was made like this, It stays like this and maybe the next vault They will probably do accesorices pack, Thats what I thought. Why many people will be able to be buy the accesorices pack is not, because They were smarter or anything, but They either had less money or different mindset about value etc... ( Sometimes rich people cant "afford" things and poor can, just for example I can not "afford" some things for myself that some of my friends can who have much less money, warframe is something I decided to be able to "afford", but some people who have more money then me, may say, They cannot afford to pay money for stupid packs in a game ) So most people will have acces to the better accesorices pack deals, because of luck or having a different personality and being more "careful" with money and being afraid to spend money on some things. 

Yes, and imagine all the people that dont follow stream or forums. They gonna buy the packs now and in a few days there is an accessory pack. Things like these should be implemented from he start.

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This specific unvaulting does kinda get a bit messy because if you bough say an Ember pack for the accessories, it's going to sting if they make those accessories available outside of that pack this round.

As much as I personally want to see a separate accessories pack (because I really want Titan Extractor Prime) I just can't see them doing it this round because of how complicated it gets and it gets more complicated every second. 

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22 minutes ago, nickelshark said:

This happens all the time with stores and such. You buy something nice for yourself and then a little later it goes on sale or clearance. 

Sales and alike are totally different. In this case, We payed and We got what the pack said, ofc, We decided to pay, but, If They make accesorices pack after all this whining, It means that DE themselves agree that they made a "mistake", so the people who bought those packs participated in a faulty market. For me, It was worth It, I am not cheap, I decided to buy It and I dont want refund, but Its still unfair. People who will buy the accesorices packs can laugh on people who bought the older packs and Its not, because those people made a mistake. I did not make a mistake, I saw the pack, thought theres no chance for accesorices pack and I decided to pay for the pack. I would do It again, but Its still unfair. And Its totally not the same as sales or lets say limited things, like Excalibur Prime. I cant buy Excalibur Prime anymore, but thats different and sales are also different. The vault is few days old and many people bought the packs for the cosmetics more expensive then how people will buy from now. The fault here is not on the people who bought the packs, nor really on DE and the community who wanted accesorices pack. Its just a S#&$ situation and both DE and the players who bought the packs are victims of the community who didnt want more then just fair vault packs. 

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2 minutes ago, Oreades said:

This specific unvaulting does kinda get a bit messy because if you bough say an Ember pack for the accessories, it's going to sting if they make those accessories available outside of that pack this round.

As much as I personally want to see a separate accessories pack (because I really want Titan Extractor Prime) I just can't see them doing it this round because of how complicated it gets and it gets more complicated every second. 

Yes, I wanted there to be accesorices pack and I would be happy, If others could buy accesorices packs for cheaper, but It would still be a rip off for the older customers, even If we got what we payed for, Its not an excuse. There will be many people angry, If They make accesorices pack, but There will be many, If They dont. Everybody agrees They should have been implemented from the start and all the community asks for It, so, If They dont make them, Thats going to get them really bad rep, so DE is forced to cross the people who already got the packs. 

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21 minutes ago, Skaleek said:

Also, if you hurt consumer confidence, you hurt your future Prime accessories pack sales. Now that people know they will eventually come out cheaper, there will almost certainly be a decline in Prime accessory packs at full (60$? 50$?) price. DE has to ask themselves, are they willing to make the people who are too cheap to buy the packs at full price happy, or are they going to continue to make the people that supported them when the prices were at full price. What would you do?


Right now, more people will be able to "afford" the prime accessories, but in the future when new prime accesses get released, I'm pretty sure DE will see a hit on their sales now that the players know that these will eventually get unvaulted and offered at a much affordable price point.

I could never afford to shell out the cash to purchase the prime accessories on full price, and I know that well. The prime accessories, I think, are supposed to be expensive. Whenever I see someone wearing these shiny things, I just think to myself that the guy wearing the shiny accessories supported DE with his money, and through his support, I'm able enjoy FREE updates.

Thing is, I think DE sorta backed the wrong group of players on this one. All because of Warframe slipping towards the mainstream and hitting one particular video game sensationalist's radar.

Edited by Green_Alien
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8 minutes ago, HUNDarkTemplar said:

Yes, I wanted there to be accesorices pack and I would be happy, If others could buy accesorices packs for cheaper, but It would still be a rip off for the older customers, even If we got what we payed for, Its not an excuse. There will be many people angry, If They make accesorices pack, but There will be many, If They dont. Everybody agrees They should have been implemented from the start and all the community asks for It, so, If They dont make them, Thats going to get them really bad rep, so DE is forced to cross the people who already got the packs. 

I'm not sure if we have the same definition of older customers tho maybe I'm reading this wrong. 

What i mean is it would be unfair for the people who bought the Ember Prime pack like yesterday, specifically for the accessories. When it comes to people who bought the prime pack years ago.... they got what they paid for and a fair bit of exclusivity before it was brought back on a discount. 

My concern is more for the immediate sales they have made. If they can figure a way to work that out and get a primed accessories pack in this round of unvaulting in a way that is fair to the people who bought stuff over the last two(?) days for the accessories then that's fine but it's kinda really messy. Because you don't know what people have already done with what they just recently bought. 

So it would probably be easier to start the unvaulting accessories packs on the next round of unvaultings 

Edited by Oreades
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6 minutes ago, Green_Alien said:

I could never afford to shell out the cash to purchase the prime accessories on full price, and I know that well. The prime accessories, I think, are supposed to be expensive. Whenever I see someone wearing these shiny things, I just think to myself that the guy wearing the shiny accessories supported DE with his money, and through his support, I'm able enjoy FREE updates.

It's very nice to see someone on the forums who acknowledges that.



Thing is, I think DE sorta backed the wrong group of players on this one. All because of Warframe slipping towards the mainstream and hitting one particular video game sensationalist's radar.

Yeah, we'll see. Clearly these people weren't the ones buying stuff from PA anyway, or they would have it already. I think it's sort of like the argument with piracy--most of the pirates weren't every going to pay you for the game to begin with, so you didn't really lose any money. If some of them do later, then you actually got money you would have missed before.

Also, remember that if they choose not to buy the accessories during PA, they are going to get them cheaper--2 years later.

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I don't expect a refund but I also don't appreciate people saying that we should have been "patient." Yes, we got what we paid for so I'm not upset. But it doesn't change the fact that it does suck a little bit for those of us that purchased it already. Nothing much we can do about it, just want people to understand that it's okay for people to feel a little annoyed about it too. It's a good change for the game regardless. 

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Last week supermarket sells 15KG BBQ pack of meat + sausages for $20.

This week they're selling 10KG of BBQ meat for $15.

Should the buyers from last week deserve a refund cause they didn't use the sausages?

You get what you paid for :)

They could change it from normal to buy one get one without notice and they don't have to refund you :)

Edited by NZ_CodeBlue
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29 minutes ago, Oreades said:

I'm not sure if we have the same definition of older customers tho maybe I'm reading this wrong. 

What i mean is it would be unfair for the people who bought the Ember Prime pack like yesterday, specifically for the accessories. When it comes to people who bought the prime pack years ago.... they got what they paid for and a fair bit of exclusivity before it was brought back on a discount. 

My concern is more for the immediate sales they have made. If they can figure a way to work that out and get a primed accessories pack in this round of unvaulting in a way that is fair to the people who bought stuff over the last two(?) days for the accessories then that's fine but it's kinda really messy. Because you don't know what people have already done with what they just recently bought. 

So it would probably be easier to start the unvaulting accessories packs on the next round of unvaultings 

We are talking about few days now, years dont count. Its not unfair buying something cheaper years later, Thats different. But few days in a game like warframe. Here Its like, They are spitting in your eyes. Its so S#&$ situation that It is insulting. If I buy something now for 100 euros, I dont care, If 2 years later somebody buys It for 10, but now Its different. I wanted accesorices pack, but instead of whining and waiting, I accepted that We have no accesorices pack, bought the pack and I get punished for not making a mistake. Maybe Tomorrow my friend or anybody could make a much better deal and this is bullS#&$. On the other hand, I dont regret buying the pack, I already decided that money is gone and I wanted to have accesorices pack and I dont want bad for others. I am happy, If my friend can buy an accesorices pack, I am not the jealous type, but That doesnt mean this is not fair and the people who want the accesorices pack and didnt buy the vault packs can now downtalk and laugh on the people who got It for more money. Its totally rude. 

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18 minutes ago, NZ_CodeBlue said:

Supermarket sells 15KG BBQ pack of meat + sausages for $20.

This week they're selling 10KG of BBQ meat for $15.

Should the buyers from last week deserve a refund cause they didn't use the sausages?

You get what you paid for :)

They could change it from normal to buy one get one without notice and they don't have to refund you :)

Those are a different story. 

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We're discussing Vault Accessory packs for future unvaultings. These packs require far too much planning to create one so quickly (without some serious wizardry). So players who purchase the bundles now will get these items well in advance of anyone who decides to wait for a future unvaulting and possible Vault Accessories pack. 

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4 minutes ago, PsychoSunshine said:

In what way?

This needs no explaining, if You dont get It by standard, then I dont wanna bother explaining. For this comment you could call me ignorant, maybe I am. We probably have a totally different belief and value system, I wont try to force and explain my, but I dont agree and care about yours either. This is a subjective matter and I'll stop this argument here. 

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1 minute ago, LupisV0lk said:

And this why what DE shouldn't have caved to the Crybullies. Now another crop has appeared and is in a indigent rage.


First World Problems 101.

Say what you want but this is something that can work only positively for them.People have been asking for unvaulted accessories packs for a long time since they don't want to purchase the whole set as they may already own some of the content.If anything they will have more sales with this.

Yes people may have bought stuff before the announcement(myself included), if anything they could have given a warning about it first but no reason to rage about.If anything I won't have to worry about it onwards.

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37 minutes ago, HUNDarkTemplar said:

Those are a different story. 


22 minutes ago, HUNDarkTemplar said:

This needs no explaining, if You dont get It by standard, then I dont wanna bother explaining. For this comment you could call me ignorant, maybe I am. We probably have a totally different belief and value system, I wont try to force and explain my, but I dont agree and care about yours either. This is a subjective matter and I'll stop this argument here. 

Where ever you want to look at it. It's the same story, different product :)

If you didn't want a response, you should have just let it go to begin with.

DE does not need to refund you or anyone, and I don't care about you not getting a refund either :)

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1 minute ago, NZ_CodeBlue said:


Where ever you want to look at it. It's the same story, different product :)

If you didn't want a response, you should have just let it go to begin with.

DE does not need to refund you or anyone, and I don't care about you not getting a refund either :)

That just tells me what kind of a person you are. I dont want a refund, but that doesnt mean that you are not rude. Also, Its not the same story at all. Maybe you forgot how to read and people wont get accesorices pack this time, so yeh. Maybe, if people wouldnt be so rude, selfish and would be more empatic they would have gotten one. 

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